Dikul balm for the spine and joints: types of drug, composition. When the balm is effective: contraindications, user reviews, improvement tips

Dikul balm for the spine and joints: types of drug, composition. When the balm is effective: contraindications, user reviews, improvement tips

Dikul balm has existed in the pharmacy market for almost ten years. Until now, its popularity is growing among patients. The article describes how to use it, about its contraindications and effects on the joints and spine.

If you choose a remedy that relieves pain and inflammation in the spinal column, joints, then Dikul balm takes a special position. Valentin Dikull himself with a glorified circus carrier, so with injuries, he was very well familiar. To cure them, he created a homeopathic medicine, which is still widely popular due to the effectiveness of the components of substances. The balm in a short period of time is able to put the patient on his feet.

Dikul balm for the spine and joints: types of drug, composition

INTERESTING: Being another boy, Dikul was engaged in various circus tricks. At the age of fifteen, he was injured in the fall from a height of fifteen meters. All doctors insisted that the boy was facing disability. But Valentin had great willpower and, despite the verdict, took up self -medication. Thanks to perseverance, craving for knowledge, experiments, a series of balms was released for the treatment of articular tissues, spine.

Massage balm patients with arthrosis and spinal diseases
Massage balm patients with arthrosis and spinal diseases

Types of balms

All components in the product are of natural origin. These substances act well on the joints, bone material. After all, plant, animal components rarely cause complications. Balms for treating the spine, joints can be several types. More precisely: classic, forte, Tibetan.

The composition of the balms

All natural means of this series are slightly different from each other by the components of components and action. For example, Tibetan - consists of natural herbs. Even in ancient times, Tibetan monks successfully used them to treat various pathologies. There is vitanol in a sports balm, the component is effective in cases where injuries occur. The massage cream has microcapsules, which quickly penetrates the affected areas.

These creams also have the same basic composition:

  • Aqueous solution with silver ionsthat disinfects and has anti -inflammatory properties.
  • Propolis, bee venom, wax - These components have anti -inflammatory effects and analgesic effect. Natural products can normalize metabolic processes, enhance blood flow.
  • Aromarinomas sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn, tea tree They have antiseptic, disinfecting effects improve the healing of damaged tissue. More substances allow Balzam to penetrate deep to the center of pain.
  • Mineral mummy favorably affects the immune system, enhances the body's protective reactions.
  • Extracts from medicinal herbs chamomile, celandine, aloe, rosehip. Thanks to them, the patient will feel an analgesic effect. Also, extracts quickly get rid of inflammatory processes, improves blood flow.
What are the types of balm?
What are the types of balm?

Dikul balm has no side effects, as it consists of natural products.

Dikul balm for the spine and joints: when the balm is effective

For therapy and prevention of the ailments of joints and spine, Dikul balm is used. Another tool is used for the following ailments and symptoms:

  • With pathologies of the spinal column, hernia, after injuries to restore cartilage fibers, joints, bone tissues.
  • With such pathologies as: radicolite, arthritis, osteoarthritis, myositis.
  • With lesions of the ligaments, joints of the joints, for tissue treatment after bruises, sprains, fractures.
  • In recovery processes in the postoperative period in bone tissues, joints, cartilage.
  • With pain in the musculoskeletal apparatus.
  • With physical exertion, fatigue of the legs, to eliminate pain after sports training.
  • With various changes in articular tissues in elderly patients.

Scheme of use The ointments are in a box with a tube. It says:

During the period of exacerbation of inflammation on the surface of the joints, balm should be rubbed with massage movements. The procedure is carried out within 5-6 minutes. It is enough to carry out such a massage three times a day. The entire period of therapy can last from two to five weeks.

Dikul balm - how to use?
Dikul balm - how to use?

The mass of a tube with a balm is 75 mg and 100 mg.

There is a big plus that Dikul's balms have a low price. One tube in different pharmacies can cost 250-300 rubles and it will not be difficult to purchase them, both in pharmacy networks and in Internet-apages.

Dikul Balm: Contraindications

The tool has several advantages over other ointments, balms. One of them is the presence of components of natural components. Despite this, the balm should not be used for such problems:

  • any lesions of the skin
  • allergenic reactions to the components of the ointment
  • you can not for women on guards, pregnant women
  • with any irritation on the epidermis

According to the standard scheme, as already mentioned, the balm is rubbed three times a day, it is necessary to use a certain period that your doctor will establish.

User reviews about Balm Dikul

This balm is used by many patients for the treatment of inflammatory processes, damage to joints, bone surfaces, etc. Real reviews of people can be read further.

Vasily Sergeevich, 62:

I always have this drug in the first -aid kit. Since arthrosis sometimes makes itself felt. For more than twelve years I have been suffering from them. Over the years, difficulties have appeared when moving. Sometimes I go through treatment in a day hospital. I always use balm, it removes pain, improves the operation of articular tissues, removes inflammation. The last two years of its application have not been applied to doctors. And this is thanks to Balzam.

Marina, 27 years old:

When I was pregnant with twins, I suffered from back pain. Whatever I tried, nothing helped. Discomfort in the lower back made itself felt. Due to constant pain, I could not even do simple homework. My doctor prescribed a balm created by Dikul. I used the remedy for a week, the pain went away and inflammation too.

Artem, 38 years old:

I can’t imagine my life without sports, I recently began to engage in yoga and eastern martial arts. Once injured his leg due to negligence. He was treated with a good specialist who, as an auxiliary agent, advised Dikul's balm. Thanks to complex treatment, a bruise quickly cured. An excellent remedy for this balm, recovery after injuries is much faster.

Adjustment tips from Valentin Dikul

To overcome bone diseases, articular tissues, it is necessary not only to use medications, but also to use cardinal measures. The patient will have to abandon smoking, drinking strong drinks and completely change his lifestyle.

Healthy joints in old age. Balm Dikul
Healthy joints in old age. Balm Dikul

If the patient has diseases of the spinal column, then you can not perform sharp turns, inclinations. It does not hurt to have some kind of support yet. To facilitate the condition, use radiculin balm. MARPLY MAKE A special exercise to strengthen muscle mass, stretch the spine.

It is recommended, as often as possible, to change the position of the body. It will not hurt to do self -massage at least once a day for massage is suitable for Tibetan balm.

A patient with arthrosis, pathologies of the spine must switch to proper nutrition in order to reduce weight. It is more useful to be in the air, engage in physical activity and harden. It is mandatory to protect yourself from hypothermia, use vitamins and avoid stress.

Video: Dikul balm for the spine and joints


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