Ascendant - what does it mean: how does it affect the image, everyday life, how to calculate correctly, what does it mean by signs?

Ascendant - what does it mean: how does it affect the image, everyday life, how to calculate correctly, what does it mean by signs?

What does an ascendant mean and how is it calculated? If you are interested, read the article.

We often think about what will happen next year, six months and so on. But in addition to the general situation of events for each zodiac sign, there are also ascending signs that can leave their mark.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "Compatibility by the natal map". You will learn about compatibility between a man and a woman by date of birth.

From an astrological point of view, this term is a sign that rose in the east at the time of the birth of a certain person. The layout of the natal chart must be done, based on such knowledge. Ascendant They count, knowing the date of birth of a person. Read more more.

Calculate the Ascendant: What does this mean?


There are some nuances when calculating: if Ascendant It falls at the beginning of the sign, then certain individual features will be especially pronounced. It also happens with the sun: if it is presented in a weak position in the birth diagram, then a person was born at night. The influence will be weak if the birth was at the end Ascendant Or he was born at the time of the next sign.

It is worth knowing: The ascendant determines our environment and conditions that somehow affect the personality from her birth. Even the way surrounding people perceive us is also the influence of a sign.

It is associated with the following categories:

  • Fire
  • Air
  • Water
  • Earth

Read more:

  • Signs of Fire - Sagittarius, Leo, Aries
  • Water signs include cancer, scorpion, fish
  • Air is scales, Aquarius, twins
  • Signs of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Below we will help to learn how to calculate the ascendant. Read further.

How to calculate the ascendant correctly?

The exact and correct calculation of the Ascendant is possible if, in addition to the date and place of birth, a person knows the exact time of childbirth (minutes also matter). The correct calculation is carried out according to the formula:

The formula for calculating the Ascendant
The formula for calculating the Ascendant

However, it is difficult to correctly complete the calculation, as the basics of mathematics and other school subjects are needed. Now there are many services and programs that automatically make a calculation. But even in this case there is no guarantee that it will be performed correctly, since in addition to the time of birth, you need to know the longitude and breadth of the area on which a person was born. Although many programs determine these coordinates in automatic mode. Therefore, it is better to contact a specialist - an astrologer who will make a correct count.

So that you do not waste time and do not look for professionals and for difficult calculations, we roughly calculated your "ASC"and placed the data in the tables. All you need to know is the decade in which you were born and the exact time. Compare the columns and get the result - your ascendant.

Ascendant table for Aries
Ascendant table for Aries
Ascendant table for Taurus
Ascendant table for Taurus
Ascendant table for twins
Ascendant table for twins
Ascendant table for cancer
Ascendant table for cancer
Ascendant table for Leo
Ascendant table for Leo
Ascendant table for Virgo
Ascendant table for Virgo
Ascendant table for Libra
Ascendant table for Libra
Ascendant table for Scorpio
Ascendant table for Scorpio
Ascendant table for Sagittarius
Ascendant table for Sagittarius
Ascendant table for Capricorn
Ascendant table for Capricorn
Ascendant table for Aquarius
Ascendant table for Aquarius
Ascendant table for fish
Ascendant table for fish

Video: How to calculate an ascendant by date of birth online for free

How does an ascendant affect the image, everyday life?

Each horoscope is an individual reference point, it is it that affects our "I". This is the temperament and type of reaction to everything, manner and style of behavior in life and a specific situation. In the end, this is our appearance.

Moreover, the appearance is not only from an emotional point of view, not a psychological aspect, but all physiological data and parameters. Even the style of clothing, appearance, culture of behavior at the table - this is all determined by our Ascendant.

It would seem that everything is clear. But no. In astrology, as in all areas, there is no strict specificity. For example, the planets that are next to AscendantThey can have a stronger effect.

The following factors can also affect the appearance:

  1. Stelliums in signs
  2. Provisions to the rulers of the sign on the Ascendant
  3. The sign where the sun was located
  4. Planets in the first house and in other signs
  5. Descent's planets
  6. The position of the ruler on the Ascendant
  7. Positions for the planets of the first house
  8. Planets 12 at home in compounds with the Ascendant

For women, of course, the position of Venus will matter. If this planet is strong, then a person will develop taste and measure in everything.

Based on such nuances, we can say that there is nothing unambiguous in this matter. Therefore, it is always necessary to take into account several factors to establish something accurate. But everyone will have their own. Also, a significant imprint on our character and behavior impose racial and ethnic features. They are reflected in appearance.

Next, we consider the influence of the sign on the appearance. Read further.

Signs of fire on the Ascendant

These ascending fire signs in the offendant always have a good physical physique, developed muscle mass, a large body. They are always open: the smile is wide, and the look is kind. Facial features are pronounced, and the face is fleshy. They prefer bright clothes, with screaming colors. They are always able to stand out from the crowd with their behavior and certain features.

Air signs for the Ascendant

These are typical asthenics with a thin physique. They have narrow bone, narrow shoulders, always long limbs. Mobile facial expressions, rich emotions, a slight gait and a memorable voice. Facial features have some angularity and severity. Classic is their favorite clothing style. The ability to arrange for yourself, elegant manners, harmony - these are their main features.

Water signs in the Ascendant

As a rule, these signs have rounded and soft facial features, and their eyes are large and expressive. Their opinion, thoughts, behavior are always reflected in emotions. The weaker sex always has large breasts, wide hips. There is a certain tendency to fullness.

Earth signs for the Ascendant

In their face and figure, some kind of “square” is often traced, often they are stocks. Healthy skin and thick hair are distinguished by such signs. They have a rare beauty. In clothes, they love convenience and comfort, preferring light colors. They are always reliable, they are confident, calm.

Next, we analyze all the signs individually.

Ascendant in Aries: What does it mean?

Ascendant in Aries - This is always passion, determination, energy and strength. What else means:

  • People of this sign are sports and fit.
  • In the facial expressions there may be a little rude, but most likely this is a kind of concentration.
  • Bright eyebrows, clear facial shapes, sometimes expressed with a hump by a nose, the hair is bright, often curly.

Of all the famous people, you can give an example Penelopes Cruz - This is a predator with a piercing look, she has bright and well -defined facial features.

Ascendant in Taurus: What does it mean?

Ascendant in Taurus
Ascendant in Taurus

Ascendant in Taurus - This is sensuality, sanity, reliability. This is what else means:

  • These are fundamental people with short limbs, a pretty face and a pleasant appearance, often they have a certain share of charm and charm. Facial features are slightly smoothed. And all because they are controlled mainly by Venus. They are stubborn and calm, everyone always strives to like.

A typical example is a football player DavidBeckham. This is a languid and alluring look, a charming smile, expressive eyes and thick hair. This beauty is earthly, not aggressive, good -naturedness, self -confidence, hope is present.

Ascendant in Gemini: What does it mean?

Ascendant in Gemini - This is intelligence, susceptibility, elusiveness. This is what else means:

  • They always have narrow bones, thin limbs, mocking eyes, small facial features. They often look younger than their age, move easily and swiftly.
  • During communication, in addition to the spoken phrases, they like to speak with gestures. They imitate facial expressions, emotions to their interlocutor.

Typical twin - Matthew McConahi. Elubicated face and head, running eyes and high forehead. The physique is thin, the facial expressions, loves to gesticulate. He has an tenacious look and hasty gait.

Assender in Cancer: What does it mean?

Assender in cancer - This is sensitivity, emotionality, shyness. Here's another meaning:

  • They can have people, often shy, clumsy.
  • They have a round face with expressive features.
  • They are caring families.

Let us give an example - actress Julia Roberts. A very responsive and timid person. It has a penetrating look, clumsiness and shyness.

Ascendant in Leo: meaning

Ascendant in Leo - This is charming, openness and vanity. Another meaning:

  • These signs have a harmonious posture and an aristocratic figure. They are always bright and noticeable.
  • A distinctive feature can be considered thick blond hair and living eyes. And their smile is charming.
  • Such people are the soul of the company: they have a loud voice, they always live lively any stories, know how to lure friends. Positive emotions and warmth always come from them.
  • Lions always dress brightly and peculiarly, have catchy makeup.

Typical representative - Marilyn Monroe.

Ascendant in Virgo: meaning

Ascendant in Virgo - This is accuracy, intelligence, correctness. Another meaning:

  • Such people have thin facial features with the right shapes.
  • They are never tall, have a thin bone.
  • It is noteworthy that these people are always courteous, intelligent, neat. A stinginess on emotions, pickup for trifles is Virgo.
  • They are balanced, sociable, modest, have good logic and attentiveness.

Have you recognized the image? it Woody Allen. In one person, modesty, mind and mean emotions are perfectly combined. This is the image of a right man.

Ascendant in Libra: What does it mean?

Ascendant in Libra
Ascendant in Libra

Grace, youthfulness, sophistication, correct facial features and a pleasant appearance - all this Ascendant in Libra. This is what else means:

  • They always have a pleasant calm look, there is a mood for peace -loving communication, they always strive to please the interlocutor.
  • Beauty is their horse. They love aesthetics in everything: walking, conversation, clothes, people - everything should be beautiful.
  • Men have some features of femininity.

Bright representative of the Ascendant - Alain Delon. Millions of fans have long conquered his charm and artistry. The bright man combines sophistication, restraint and impeccable taste.

Ascendant in Scorpio: Value

Crazy, hypnotism, skepticism, some notes of gloomy are the main features Ascendant in Scorpio. Here's another meaning:

  • Long nose bridge and a large nose, rude facial features. Often women are masculine and large facial features.
  • They often conflict, have a complex, but multifaceted character, sometimes cruel.
  • They have magnetism and influence on people.
  • They are always confident in themselves, their thoughts and views. This is clearly visible by a confident gait. From the side, people treat them as powerful persons.

This description is suitable Nicole Kidman. It is magnetic, charming, attractive. This is the very embodiment of beauty, sexuality and mystery, self -confidence.

Ascendant in Sagittarius: Value

Optimism, friendliness, cheerfulness - all this Ascendant in Sagittarius. Here's another meaning:

  • In appearance, they are complete, with a wide bone, large features.
  • These are pretty funny, friendly and sincere people.
  • They often defend their point of view, it seems to them that they are right. They like to give advice.
  • The changes are positive. They are avid travelers.

Princess Diana It may be suitable as an example. She is friendly, she has a kind smile. Activity, education, optimism - these are the main features of its character.

Ascendant in Capricorn: Value

Discipline, practicality, determination, patience, frugality - this is how you can characterize Ascendant in Capricorn. Here's another meaning:

  • They have a serious appearance, with notes of sadness and despondency. They are thoughtful and always serious.
  • Often these signs have rough facial features, there is a certain sloppiness, ugly appearance.
  • They often look older than their years, they are not used to talking a lot. They cannot raise their voice.

Patricia Kaas She could always give herself. Classic in appearance and clothing has a special timbre voice. Only determination and perseverance led her to success.

Ascendant in Aquarius: Value

Ascendant in Aquarius
Ascendant in Aquarius

Main features Ascendant in Aquarius - Independence, originality, unpredictability, eccentricity, dreaminess and slightly oddity. Here's another meaning:

  • These are high stately people, although some angularity is felt in the movement.
  • The signs are quite companional, but in their behavior some detachment is felt.
  • Sometimes they expose themselves with jester or clowns.
  • Always aware of all sorts of fashionable new products.

David Bowie - The embodiment of unpredictability, freedom and lightness. Interest in his personality still does not fade away, and his antics will always be discussed for a long time and violently.

Ascendant in Pisces: what does it mean?

Softness and suppleness of character, avoiding sharp angles in communication - this Ascendant in fish. That's what it means:

  • They have inconspicuous facial features, there is a tendency to fullness, some friability.
  • These people are always, as if scattered, drunken, all the time they look for something.
  • Their personality is always mysterious and shy, they are laconic and impressionable.
  • Rarely their personality can be remembered at least somehow.

Mina Suviri With its bottomless eyes, it looks like a mermaid. She is always in dreams, with a smile on her face. She creates the impression of a spiritual, romantic and soft person.

We described in detail everyone Ascendant In the sign. Of course, these are general descriptions. But for each person, all characteristics are individual.

Video: What is an ascendant and why is it so important?

Video: Ascent in signs - what do others think of you?

Video: Ascendant

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