"Artro-Activ" Fitting of the joints: Instructions for use

The benefits of the drug will be discussed in the article. Is it so useful for the joints?

“Artro-Activ” is not a drug, but acts as a biologically active additive to food containing glucosamine sulfates and chondroitin. In order for an intra -articular fluid to be better produced, the collagen hydrolyzate, Boswellia (this plant is also called an incense tree) in the form of dry extract, which has an anti -inflammatory effect, is also included in the composition.

By the way, collagen is the main structural protein necessary for the ligaments and joints to be strong, elastic, mobile. Microcrystalline cellulose, reducing sugar and cholesterol in the blood, calcium salts and stearic acid, with the addition of a “cream” flavor, act as auxiliary components.

Modified components are not included. This composition is selected in the optimal proportions of all the components present in it, which is confirmed by clinical research.

The drug "Artro-Activ" Fitting of the joints: action

The update of the cartilage is constantly. But in the case of the lag of tissue regeneration from the process of its destruction, a disease develops, called osteoarthritis, in which the joint is inflamed. Inflammation can occur in acute and chronic forms. It is the regular uninterrupted operation of chondrocytes that ensures the normal functioning of the cartilage and its structural elements, to which the effect of dietary supplements is directed.


Tablets are prescribed for problems with articular cartilage to improve its supply to the necessary substances in order to optimize the production of fluid inside the joint and lubrication of the joints. They also contribute to the processes of cartilage regeneration, preventing the destruction of cartilage tissues, and the operation of the musculoskeletal system as a whole. In a slight extent, they have an anti -inflammatory effect.

Application and dosage of the drug "Artro-Active"

The dietary supplement is recommended as an addition to the main treatment in cases of osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis, as well as during injury or increased joint loads. In addition, it is shown as a remedy, in combination with drugs, preventing age and traumatic joint diseases. The tablets are designed for use in combination with drugs to relieve inflammation.


It is prescribed no earlier than 12 years old. It is used during food twice a day. The tablet must be washed down with water. The course of taking the drug is five weeks. It is important to ensure that inflammatory processes do not occur in the joint. Their symptoms are pain, swelling and swelling, fever, redness of the skin in the joint zone, arising problems with its mobility.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Artro-Akiv"

It is not recommended for people, with intolerance to individual components of the drug. During pregnancy and lactation, an individual consultation with a doctor is needed.

Shelf life is two years. It is stored at a plus temperature not exceeding +25 ° C. It is released without a recipe. The price of packaging of 40 tablets is 255 p.

In addition to tablets, the Artro-Activ complex also includes capsules for internal use, warming and feeding creams with the same name are externally used.

Video: How to apply Artro-Activa?

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