Armenian names Men: List. Beautiful names for boys Armenian

Armenian names Men: List. Beautiful names for boys Armenian

All about men's Armenian names: a list, rare, beautiful, popular.

Choosing a beautiful male name? In this article we will talk about beautiful, rare, sonorous and modern male Armenian names.

Armenian male names: List

In this section, we give an extensive list of male Armenian names, as well as their meaning.

Abig - the one who sings to glory VAGN - Fire that will cover everyone, ubiquitous Markar - traveler, conductor of Ariyev, noble path
Avet - carrying holy knowledge Waan - shield from troubles, defender Mger - Sunny, going to the sun
Avetik - blessed on the knowledge of shrines Bagarsh - a saving sun Melkon is the one who meets the sun
Avetis - holiness, holy knowledge Vagarshak - ubiquitous, sunny Melkum is a clear dawn
Agashi - indestructible, unshakable Vagram - fast as a tiger Mesrop - Lunar Ray, arrow
Azat - bearing freedom, freedom -loving Vazgen - light from sacred knowledge Mesk - sunny eye, in honor of the clove flower
AIK - supporting unity Vanik - from a merchant, merchant Migran - in honor of the sunny face
Aykaz - communal, connecting, single Varazdat is a gift that is sent from above Minas - dexterous as a fish
Akop - helping God, the one who protects against troubles Vardan - God's reward Musheg - delightful, excellent
Amazasp - a defender caring victory Wardwan is a patriot who is faithful to his country Nerses - born
Amayak - ambitious, sincere, bearing knowledge of higher spirits Wardges - in honor of a bold lion who can become a leader Nubar - the one who praises
Ambartsum - shining in the sky, the light of heaven Varuzhan is the one who is born to become a defender of the clan and his land Ogan - bright fire
AMO - going to faith Vasak is a beloved son, the light of eyes Oganes - blazing fire
Ananias is the only one in the genus Vahak - sunlight, ubiquitous sun Ovanes - Fiery Love
Ara - aristocratic, higher, noble Vakhinak is a warrior sent by the sun itself Panos - delightful, amazing, wonderful
Arakel - Protection of God, into part of the Apostle Vachana - speaker, fiery speech Parkev - born after sacrifice, praise
Aram - the noblest, pure soul Vache - word, speech Partev - king, warrior, great
Argam is one who is worthy of the best Virab - hero, brave, defender Paruyr is the one who is filled with light, a strong spiral
Argishti - who appeared in the power of love, bearing love Permshapuh - an oath, a sacred promise Parunak - in honor of God, with a grain, a piece of God
Areg - bright sun, sacred light Gagik - heavenly power PAVANKAYA - Carrying honor with young, worthy
Aristakes - Defender with the Power of Heaven Galust - coming to the house of God Petros - reliable as a stone, father's house
Armen - Aryan Spirit Geregin - Fiery, Flame of Holy Knowledge Pogos - youth, boy
Armenak - the spirit of the Aryans Garnet - Fiery, Yagnets, sacrificial lamb Rachia - the creation of a genius, the highest creation
Arsen - the noblest of the warriors Gaspar is the one who goes to free SAAC - in honor of the power of the sun
Artavazd - a true monastery, a house for the elect Gegam - house, home comfort Sagatel - a sign of power
Artak is the one who strives for the sun Grant - Holy Scriptures Sako - Divine beginning
Artash - cognizing truth Gurgen - knowledge transmitted from the sacred teacher Sanasar - a sign of eternity
Artashes - one who strives for truth David is a loving and beloved Santur - Light of Blessings
Artem - leading to the truth people Derenik - the one who humbly worships God Sapakh - the one who reads God
Arthur - bright light of truth Jivan - a newly embodied soul Sargis - as a sign of veneration of the power of nature
Artush - striving for the knowledge of the Holy Light Egish is the one who craves power Saro - Strength, Power
Harutyun - the knowledge of the resurrected, born on Sunday Ervand - holy faith, faith in the best Tatevos - Clear, let the ancestors
Arushan - jubilant, born at the time of the sun face Giraire - aria, brisk strong, alive, dexterous Tatos - father's son
Arshavir - Hero sanctified by the sun Zaven - humble, blessed by God Tatul - Father's Otrada
Arshak - sunny, life -giving Zoriy - the cult of fire and sun Tyran - the face of the saint
Atom - marked by the Divine Spirit Zurab - fragrant, divine Trading - the one who goes to save
Ashot - giving hope Kamari - eternal love, holy feelings Toros - energy pressure
Babken is the one who will become a wise father Karapet - sunny lord, conqueror of the rays of the sun TRDAT - God's gift
Baghdasar - power of grace Karen - Elephant power Ulnan - sunny face, golden look
Bagish - rapture and glee from happiness Kerop - an arrow released by the sun Usik - born in the morning, dawn
Bagram - love and happiness for the genus Kikos - persistent, hard, powerful Harput - lotus in the rays of the sun, sunny
Bagrat - glee from strong love Kiracos - writer, writing, chronicler Khoren - bright, beautiful as the sun
Barzeg - one who will become influential noble Smuna - praising God, singing, sunny Khosrov - a priest throwing victims into sacrificial fire
Barkhudar - respecting strength Mamikon is beloved, my Shavarsh is mighty like the sun

Beautiful male Armenian names

In this section, we will talk about the most beautiful male Armenian names. These names are filled with deep meaning, as well as sonorous for both Armenians and other nationalities.

Choosing a name for a boy
Choosing a name for a boy
  1. Ara;
  2. Arsen;
  3. Ike;
  4. Armen;
  5. Aram;
  6. Ashot;
  7. Vagram;
  8. Vasak;
  9. Guram;
  10. Derenik;
  11. Kamari;
  12. Karen;
  13. Suren;
  14. Tattoo;
  15. Tendril.

This is just a small list of beautiful male Armenian names, since only those names that sound beautiful in their homeland in Armenia and in other countries are selected here.

Armenian names Men's modern

In this section, you can get acquainted with modern male Armenian names that Armenians prefer to call their sons in 2019-2020.

  1. Arman;
  2. Arsen;
  3. Alec;
  4. Ashot;
  5. Garik;
  6. David;
  7. Mark;
  8. Narec;
  9. Eric;
  10. Shmavon.

Popular male Armenian names

Want to choose a popular male Armenian name? Then you will be interested to get acquainted with our top 10 popular male Armenian names.

Popular male Armenian names
Popular male Armenian names
  1. Alex;
  2. Alain;
  3. Gagik;
  4. Henry;
  5. David;
  6. Daniel;
  7. Levon;
  8. Max;
  9. Rafel;
  10. Suren.

Rare Armenian male names

And for those who appreciate the beauty and a rarity of the male name more than popularity - our last section. Here we collected 10 rare Armenian male names.

  1. Mamicon;
  2. Panios;
  3. Sulfur;
  4. Kikos;
  5. Varuzhan;
  6. Arman;
  7. Hike;
  8. Mger;
  9. Vardan;
  10. Mountains.

Are you interested in male names? You will be interested in our articles:

Video: Top 10 Armenian male names

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