A blood test in children - norms and decryption of general, biochemical, clinical, hematological analysis: table. Blood test - tuberculosis rate, allergens, worms, giardia, sugar, lead, whooping cough, staphylococcus, chlamydia

A blood test in children - norms and decryption of general, biochemical, clinical, hematological analysis: table. Blood test - tuberculosis rate, allergens, worms, giardia, sugar, lead, whooping cough, staphylococcus, chlamydia

Blood analysis, decryption, reasons for the increase and decrease of indicators in the table.

The child’s blood is a good indicator of his health. Therefore, any, even a planned examination of a small person usually ends with blood test.

It is these results that give the pediatrician the most accurate information about what is happening inside the patient's body.

General blood test (UAC) in children - norm and decoding results: table

Deciphering relay UAC

To understand how to correctly decipher the general blood test, you need to know what indicators help to do this. But remember that the data presented below, we provide exclusively for introductory purposes, because only a qualified specialist can make the correct diagnosis on these results.


  • Red blood cells. Show how many blood cells are present in the child's blood
  • Reticulocytes. Are responsible for the correct operation of the bone marrow
  • Hemoglobin. Protein that binds oxygen and fills it with absolutely all body cells
  • Hematocrit. Shows the exact ratio of red blood cells to the blood
  • Color. Shows how intensely the blood cells are painted
  • Leukocytes. These indicator are responsible for immunity
  • Platelets. Display the coagulation force of blood cells

Biochemical blood test in children - decryption and norm in the table

Deciphering biochemical research indicators

A biochemical blood test, unlike the UAC, is prescribed to diagnose a certain disease. Most often, with its help, diseases are revealed, which at the first stage proceed with minimal symptoms.

Deciphering indicators:

  • Protein. Is responsible for transporting biologically active substances
  • Albumins. Maintains in normal condition the pressure of a small person
  • Globulins. Help to work correctly the immune system
  • Bilirubin is common. A substance that appears as a result of the decay of hemoglobin
  • Bilirubin is free. This indicator is used to diagnose jaundice
  • Glucose. Is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism in the body
  • Urea. Appears due to protein decay and is an indicator of kidney problems
  • Creatine. Stimulates high -quality energy metabolism in muscle tissue

Clinical blood test in children - decryption and norm in the table

Deciphering clinical analysis

Clinical blood test is a special diagnostic method, which makes it possible to notice the development of a particular disease in the early stages. With its help, you can see in what state the baby’s immune system is, and also understand where and why processes of an inflammatory nature occur.

In addition, clinical analysis allows specialists to understand what stage the disease is in and what measures will help to quickly eliminate it.

Blood test for tuberculosis for a child instead of a mantu

  • Although the Mantoux test is a completely safe procedure, some parents are very afraid of it and categorically refuse to make it to their child. But under our legislation, children without this study cannot attend kindergartens and schools
  • Therefore, such parents have to use other, safer ones, as they think methods. One of them is a blood test for tuberculosis. In this case, your child will take blood in a standard way and add it to a test tube with a substance that will separate the cell plasma from the liquid
  • Then the plasma will be considered under the microscope and if at least the products of the collapse of the Koch stick are found in it, the child will be prescribed adequate treatment

Blood test for allergens in children

Detect allergens in the blood
  • The immune system of small children is very unstable, so their body perceives a lot of substances with antibodies and, accordingly, begins to fight with them. As a result, children have nasal congestion, tearfulness and itchy rash almost throughout the body
  • And if the body of an adult can quickly cope with all these symptoms, then the body of a small person tolerates allergies quite difficult. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine in time to determine what provokes an allergic reaction in the baby and try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Typically, for this, small children take blood on allergens
  • This method is considered more optimal for them in such a way as, unlike the skin test, is less painful and has no contraindications. The most pleasant thing is that one blood fence helps to identify the cut all the causative agents of allergies

Blood test for worms in children

  • Times have long passed when it was possible to identify the presence of worms in the child’s orgasm only by analysis of feces. Now more and more parents are preferred by an immunosorfect blood test. This diagnostic method gives a more accurate result, and also helps the doctor understand what harm has already managed to cause the body worms
  • Another advantage of this blood test is that during treatment, pediatricians can track whether the parasites are stopped multiplying and how many of them are still inside the body. But in order for the analysis to give the correct result, it is necessary to prepare correctly for it
  • The day before passing fat and sweet foods from the baby’s diet, and if possible, nothing to feed him in front of the blood fence

Blood test for leukemia in children

We diagnose leukemia
  • Leukemia or, as it is also called cancers of blood, most often manifests itself as the appearance of malignant carts in the bone marrow of the child. Getting there, they begin to replace healthy cells very intensively, thereby violating the normal functioning of the child’s internal organs. Children 3-4 years old are most affected by this pathology
  • Even a general blood test can identify the disease. As a rule, if the child develops leukemia, then the level of hemoglobin drops sharply in his blood. Against this background, the ability of hematopoiesis is reduced and the volumes of red blood cells are reduced
  • In addition, eosinophils and basophiles that are responsible for the creation of leukocytes completely disappear from the composition of the blood. Outwardly, all this can be manifested by general weakness, pain in the joints, spine and causeless appearance of bruises

Blood test for lamblia in children

  • Lambias are parasites that usually settle in large and small intestines, liver and spleen. These small creatures greatly spoil the life of a small child. As a rule, children infected with these parasites suffer from diarrhea, constipation, nausea and rather painful flatulence
  • A special blood test made by ELISA will help you to identify the giardia. I immediately want to say that this method of diagnosis does not directly detect parasites, with its help blood is examined for the presence of lamblia life. Therefore, to find out exactly in which organ they settled it, it will definitely not help you
  • Usually, pediatricians are prescribed additional examinations for this. Evidence that your baby is infected with lamblia will be the appearance of IGG antibodies in his body

Blood test for sugar in children

We identify an increase in blood glucose
  • Since glucose is a rather important consumable, then its decrease or increase immediately affect the general work of the whole organism. If we talk about children, then glucose indicators in their blood can change several times a day
  • Therefore, if you want to get the most reliable result, then do this examination in the morning and always on an empty stomach. Ideally, the child, in general, should not eat 12 hours before blood sampling. As a rule, a biochemical analysis is done to measure the level of glucose in the blood
  • Literally the next day you can get the results and immediately show them to the doctor. If the indicators exceed 6.1 mmol/liter or lower below 2.5 mmol/liter, then your child will definitely be sent for a consultation with an endocrinologist and it will decide what caused such a pathology

Blood test for Epstein-barra virus for mononucleosis in children

  • The Epstein-Barra virus provokes such a serious illness as mononucleosis. At the initial stage, this disease manifests itself as a banal sore throat, which is very quickly exacerbated and there is a damage to the lymphatic system, liver and spleen
  • Therefore, if in addition to standard symptoms of tonsillitis, you still have pain in the lymph nodes and spleen, then immediately pass the biochemical test of blood. He will definitely help you find out if there is an Epstein-barra virus in your body or not
  • Usually, if a person develops mononucleosis, then the lobes of single -core leukocytes and monocytes are quite strongly increased in his blood. As soon as it becomes clear how much the shares of blood cells are high, the doctor will be able to explain you are a carrier of the disease, whether you are harmless to others and whether mononucleosis has moved to the chronic stage

Analysis for lead in the blood in children

Blood to detect lead in the blood of a child
  • Swin in children's blood should not exceed 8–9 μg per deciliter. If they at least a little rise in the child will begin intoxication of the body. The most unpleasant thing is that for the time being, you may not even know that your baby was poisoned
  • But the more harmful metal the crumbs will settle in the blood, the more severe and bright symptoms will become. You can identify such a problem even without any difficult studies. You can pass a clinical blood test and, by its results, understands you have a reason to worry
  • If he shows that the level of iron is critically reduced in the blood, you will have to additionally make an atomic and adsorption spectrometry. In this case, venous blood will already be needed for the study

Blood test for hidden infections in children

  • Bacteria provoking childhood diseases can live calmly in the child’s body for some time and not make themselves felt. But as soon as the baby’s immunity is critically decreasing, they will begin to multiply intensively and cause inflammatory processes within the body
  • This attentive parents can signal hidden symptoms. Such children can get tired very quickly, fall asleep almost on the go or simply be capricious. If your baby has hidden infections, then he can begin to feel bad 10-14 days before the main symptoms of the disease appear
  • If the child has similar problems in the child will immediately increase the level of white carts in the blood. Neutrophils will also increase a little and the rate of erythrocyte settings will increase

How to take an analysis for whooping cough?

Diagnose whooping cough in the child's blood
  • A cough is a rather insidious disease that is poorly given diagnosis. At the initial stage, it can be similar to bronchitis or asthma. Therefore, at first, pediatricians can be limited to a general blood test and therapy, which will stimulate the discharge of sputum
  • But if the child’s cough is very intensified and becomes paroxysmal, then an immunosorbent examination of blood may be prescribed to him. During this diagnosis, the presence of a specific protein in the blood is determined, which appears in the body due to the vital activity of the causative agent of whooping cough
  • If pathogenic bacteria struck the bronchi and lungs of the baby, then a laboratory examination will show the presence of leukocytosis and lymphocytosis

Staphylococcus a test in children

  • A blood test for staphylococcus gives almost a 100% correct result, so if you have a suspicion that the pathogens of this disease live in the body of your child, then ask the pediatrician in addition to studying sputum and examining mucous membranes to prescribe a biochemical blood test to your child.
  • In this case, experts will use the reaction of direct hemagglutination and ELISA. But keep in mind if you want to get the most reliable result, then 10 days before blood sampling, stop giving your child antibacterial drugs
  • A large concentration of these substances in the child’s blood can quite greatly reduce the reliability of the study. Because of this, the doctor will not be able to understand exactly at what stage the disease is, which means that treatment may not be prescribed not quite correct

Blood test for scarlet fever in children

Identification of the causative agent of scarlet fever in the child's blood

Although scarlet fever has almost always has pronounced symptoms, doctors sometimes reinsure and prescribe a general blood test to a small patient. So they try to exclude the likelihood of diseases such as rubella, measles and pseudotuberculosis, and are trying to understand what kind of damage the pathology has already managed to inflict the baby.

With scarlet fever, acute leukocytosis usually develops (the level of leukocytes increases) and blood begins to curtail very quickly. As a rule, this leads to the fact that crumbs increases the risk of blood clots. In addition, a rather noticeable shift in the leukoformul to the left is observed. Such indicators suggest that the disease is in the acute phase and it must be treated using antibiotics.

Blood test for chickenpox in children

  • Chickenpox refers to diseases that almost always proceed very acutely. For this reason, the pathogen of this disease literally a couple of hours after infection begins to have a very strong effect on the baby's blood
  • If a general blood test is done to the child, he will show that he has a very great reduced leukocyte level and the level of lymphocytes has increased. Soy level may also slightly increase. If the disease is leaking with the equipment, the child will definitely need to do a biochemical blood test
  • Only with its help you can find out whether the kidney suffered from chickenpox and how correct they perform their cleansing function. If the chickenpox virus also struck them, then in the analysis this will reflect a decrease in platelets and an increase in some enzymes

Blood test for appendicitis in children

Blood test for appendicitis

In principle, if a small patient has pronounced all the symptoms of appendicitis, then no tests may be needed. But unfortunately, most often it is in small children that they are quite tilted or, in general, atypical. For this reason, doctors are always reinsured and prescribed to patients additional diagnosis. Most often, the UAC is used for this.

The main indicator that the child has inflamed appendix is \u200b\u200ban increased level of blood leukocytes. In addition, special attention is paid to the leukocyte formula. If its indicators are also changed (there is a predominance of free leukocytes), then this indicates that a rather serious inflammatory process is underway in the child’s body.

Analysis for mycoplasma in children

  • Mycoplasmosis is considered a rather insidious disease as it can at first be asymptomatic and only when the disease goes to the acute stage, the first signs of infection will begin to appear. In order to find out your baby or not, it is enough for you to make him an immunosorbent blood test
  • They will help determine whether the body of the child develops specific antibodies that fight the causative agent of mycoplasmosis. If the presence of the disease is confirmed, you will need to conduct an additional blood test. This time the diagnosis will be carried out by the PCR method
  • It will give a more accurate picture of the development of mycoplasmosis as it will be able to distinguish the DNA of the pathogen and tell at what stage, the disease is located

Blood test in chlamydia in children

  • You can diagnose the presence of chlamydia in the body of the child with the same immunoformal examination of blood. With its help, an experienced laboratory assistant should determine which antibodies at the moment is being produced by the immune system of a small patient (IGA, IGM, IgG), and to the basis of this data concluded how much chlamydia managed to harm the child
  • Approximately in the middle of therapeutic therapy, you will need to re -make an ELISA. This will make it possible for your attending physician to understand whether to reduce the amount of antibodies in the blood and whether drug treatment has the correct effect
  • And remember, you will not be able to get rid of chlamydia very quickly, so set yourself and your baby that you will have to tightly engage in his health and periodically check the blood for the presence of genetic material, excite chlamydia

Blood test for rickets in children

  • Rickets are able to develop very quickly, sometimes from the first symptoms to the most acute phase passes only a few weeks. And since these diseases most often affect children under two years old, the only exact diagnostic method is a biochemical blood examination
  • Take it on an empty stomach and preferably in the morning. Since in the morning all metabolic processes in the child’s body are much faster than in the second, this will allow you to get a more complete picture. This diagnosis should show at what level the phosphorus, potassium, calcium and alkaline phosphotase indicators are located
  • If at least one substance does not show the norm, this will be evidence that the baby develops rickets

Analy analysis in children

Analy analysis

Most often, diagnosis using ALOS is carried out to identify rheumatism in the body. But in the case of children, the study can be carried out to determine the stage of the disease caused by hemolytic streptococci. This can be, for example, angina or glomerulonephritis. Especially if they proceed with complications. To conduct Azlo, venous blood taken on an empty stomach is needed.

If acute pathological changes occur in the child’s body, Azlo will show an increase in ESR and C-reactive protein. If we talk about C-reactive protein, then, depending on the disease, its indicators can move into one or another strip. Typically, with bacterial diseases, the level of SRB is much higher than with viral.

Mchc blood test decryption norm in children

MSNS is an erythrocyte index, which shows us in what condition the blood cells are and how much they contain hemoglobin. These indicators are measured in grams per liter. Depending on the age of the child, they can fluctuate from 280 to 380 g/l. Usually in newborn children these indicators do not rise the highest 330 g/l.

But the older the child becomes, the greater the red blood cell becomes. In a one -year -old child, he can increase 350 g/l, and after six to 380 g/l. I immediately want to say that MSNS boys are usually slightly higher than that of girls. If the level of blood red blood cells falls, then this is evidence of the development of anemia.

Analysis for growth hormone in children

  • Hormones are substances that participate in almost all the vital processes of our body. Therefore, if the indicators fall or increase this immediately affects our well -being. The hormone somatotropin is responsible for the growth and development of the child's body
  • If this substance is not developed in the right quantities, then the child ceases to grow normally. In the case of a surge of somatotropin, a baby can grow much faster than his peers is observed in the body. If you see that your child has any deviations in growth, then be sure to show it to the endocrinologist
  • In children, growth hormone indicators can fluctuate from 5-14 mcg/. All that will fall below this mark or will rise above pathologies. It is likely that with a deviation from normal indicators, the specialist will offer your child therapeutic therapy, which will normalize the amount of somatotropin in the body

Video: How to determine a viral or bacterial infection in a child by blood test analysis?

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