Ammonia - ammonia: instructions for use

Ammonia - ammonia: instructions for use

We will discuss the well -known ammonia or ammonia. We will talk in this article about the methods of using this solution and in what cases it cannot be used categorically.

"Ammonia" instructions for use

Pharmacists synthesize ammonnel from the gaseous state of hydrogen and air nitrogen using certain catalysts, I form a water-spi solution of gases. The liquid has a pungent odor that is not possible to confuse with anything. Disagowing the fact that the solution has found a fairly wide application in the life of the hostesses and medical activities of doctors, ammonia is a dangerous substance for the human body.

The pairs of ammonia act on the nerve endings irritating. In the process of inhalation, the pairs excite the respiratory center, irritate the receptors that are on the nasopharynx mucosa.

Thanks to this effect of ammonia use To remove a person from a state of fainting, it is used as a substance that provokes the gag reflex; Apply to the skin for insect bites and as an antiseptic in the history of surgery.

"Ammonia" form of release

“Ammonia”, “Ammonia solution”, “ammonia” one and the same solution can be found under such names.

The solution is available in two types:
• in bottles of 100 ml, 40 ml or 10 ml
• in ampoules of 1 ml (in a package of 10 ampoules)

The ammonia solution includes 10% of the active substance. This is a colorless liquid that has the ability to evapon, with a very pungent odor and an alkaline reaction.

"Ammonia" indications for use

Initially, this tool was shown for use for medical purposes, we will talk about them:
• In surgery when processing the hands of medical personnel before surgery according to the method Spasokukotsky and Kochergina
• Supporting for provocation of vomiting reflex
• To remove the patient from a condition fainting by inhalation of ammonia vapor and stimulation of the respiratory center, by irritation of afferent receptors of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract
• in the form of lotions to the place of insect bites to remove the reaction

Regardless of the method of administration, the solution is quickly excreted by the body through the respiratory tract. The tool affects the tone of blood vessels and cardiac activity. Thanks to the reflex effect on the vessels, the vessels expand at the application, thereby blood supply improves and the process is stimulated Regeneration.

A similar action is taking place in the internal organs, due to which there is an improvement in their functions as a whole. Ammonia lowers tension in muscle tissues and relieves spasm from blood vessels.

With oral use, ammonia does not penetrate the vascular channel and blood.

"Ammonia" dosage

Due to the antiseptic characteristics of this solution, it is used in one of the stages of preparation and processing of the doctor’s hands according to the method of Spasokukotsky-Kochergin, namely, a solution is prepared in a proportion of 25 ml of ammonia solution per 5 liters of boiled warm water. In the prepared solution, hands are washed for a certain time in order to have an antibacterial effect.

With food poisoning, ammonia is used as a substance, to provoke vomiting reflex. A solution is prepared in a ratio of 5 to 10 drops of ammonia per 1 cup of water and taken inside. An important condition is use only in a divorced state.

For a long time, “ammonia” is prescribed as an irritating agent (stimulating the respiratory center), to remove the patient from a fainting or a half -fainting state. For this, a swab is moistened with a solution and brought to the nasal moves of a person to inhale the vapor of the product. The moistened swab is kept near the nasal holes for from 0.5 to 1 second.

As lotions, the solution is used to the places of insect bites to relieve unpleasant symptoms of “injury”.

Ammonia alcohol side effects

We have already noted that as a vomiting, ammonia should only be used in a divorced form. If the patient accepts ammonia with a 10% content of the active substance, without diluting in water, this can lead to burns of the esophagus, stomach and the initial parts of the intestine (depending on the amount of solution drunk).

When using the drug as an urgent drug to stimulate respiratory centers. In the event that a solution with a high concentration of the active substance is applied, its overdose (excessive irritating effect) can lead to stop Reflex breathing.

"Ammonia" contraindications

The proposed pharmaceutical agent is not recommended to be used for individual intolerance or in an unconscious state of the patient, if there is a history of reflex conduction from afferent receptors of the nasal sinuses to the brain. In this case, manipulations will not be effective. In this case, it can help only Introduction parenteral drugs.

It is strictly forbidden to use lotions with a solution of ammonia in the presence of weeping ulcers, eczema and dermatitis. This can provoke an even more extensive allergic reaction and burns of the skin.

Ammonia alcohol overdose

If the recommended doses are exceeded, ammonia can cause an increased manifestation of side effects.
When taking the solution inside in large doses as a gag may occur:
• diarrhea with false painful calls for defecation
• vomiting with a bright ammonia smell
• Reflex cough
• The state of overexcitation
• convulsive conditions
• COLLAPS condition

Reception of a substance in an amount of 10 to 15 grams can lead to death.

With ammonia poisoning through the respiratory tract, the following symptoms may occur:
• redness of the skin of the face
• lacrimation
Tahip (increased breathing)
• salivation
• acute pain behind the sternum
• convulsive condition
• excitement
• sneezing
• Swelling of the larynx with spasm of the vocal cords
• Fainting and loss of consciousness
• circulatory disorders
• muscle weakness
• Burns of the respiratory tract

In the presence of symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary to primarily ensure the influx of fresh air to the victim. Rinse the cavity of the mouth and larynx with clean water for 15 minutes, and drip into the eyes with a 0.5% solution Savage. The victim must urgently be transported to the department and hospitalized for therapy.


Medicines of ammonia include:
Ammonia-anissa drops
• ammonia liniment

Video: Elena Malysheva. First aid for fainting.

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