Ambroxol: action, indications for use and dosage, interaction with other drugs, contraindications, side effects

Ambroxol: action, indications for use and dosage, interaction with other drugs, contraindications, side effects

When a cough is overcome with a viral disease, Ambroxol comes to the rescue. How to use it from the following information.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide variety of cough preparations. Their action is aimed at thinning sputum and stimulating the expectorant effect. The drugs differ in their composition and pricing policy. Of course, I would like to acquire an inexpensive drug that is able to effectively cure, while having a gentle effect. One of these drugs is Ambroxol.

Ambroxol: action, indications for use and dosage

The main active substance of the drug is Ambroxol Hydrochloride. Food flavors in syrup improve the taste of the drug, which contributes to comfortable use among the children's category.

The main effect of Ambroxol aimed at quickly getting rid of cough symptoms. The medicine is effective in the appearance of the first symptoms leading to discomfort in the respiratory tract.

  • At the dry cough stage, Ambroxol has a softening effect, eliminates soreness and hoarseness.
  • With a deep cough, the drug helps to accelerate expectorant, thereby improving the recovery process. The active substance of the drug reduces the viscosity of mucus, which contributes to its more easy excretion.
  • The mucolytic agent establishes the proportionality of the serous and mucosa of the component of sputum.
  • The drug is prescribed for therapy of bronchopulmonary diseases. The drug has a stimulating effect on the secretion of the bronchi, increasing the release of sputum with further excretion from the body. Ambroxol is effective for diseases such as tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

The mucolytic effect of active components begins 30 minutes after use and persists for 10 hours. The drug is quickly absorbed into the body and concentrates mainly in the lungs. In the liver there is a split into water -soluble metabolites.


In addition to expectorants, the drug helps to strengthen immunity, reduces inflammation of the respiratory tract. Active medicinal components suspend the production of a substance that provokes the inflammatory process.

The drug is used in the postoperative period on the respiratory tract, as well as to facilitate the course of tracheostoma. Ambroxol acts as auxiliary material for bronchoscopy.

In acute respiratory syndromes, the drug is prescribed for newborns both in intra -room and in the first months of life. The active substance has the ability to quickly penetrate through the placental and hematoencephalic barrier.

Ambroxol is available in a tablet and capsule form, in the form of a solution for injection and inhalation, syrup and pastilles. For childhood, the most used medicine in the form of syrup. Recommended age for use from 1 year.

Need syrup
Need syrup

The dosage of syrup for children is calculated by weight indicators - 1.5 mg per kg during the day:

  • At the age of 1 to 2 years Syrup is prescribed twice a day half a measured spoon.
  • Children aged 2 to 6 years It is necessary to take the drug three times a day for 2.5 ml.
  • School children They drink syrup in the amount of 1 measured spoon three times a day. Ambroxol tablets are prescribed for children who have difficulties with the use of syrup or inhalation solution.
  • School children Take the drug three times a day, half a tablet.
  • For children over 12 years old and adult category It is recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day.
Age dosage
Age dosage

The drug is taken during meals. The tablets must be swallowed entirely and drink with liquid. The course of treatment is no more than two weeks. If after this period there is no recovery, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

The solution for inhalation is recommended for treatment from 5 years of age. During the day, 1-2 procedures are carried out. For one inhalation, 3 ml is used. solution. For younger age, 2 ml is enough. on one procedure. The dosage for intramuscular and intravenous use of the drug is prescribed by a doctor.

Ambroxol interaction with other drugs, contraindications

Coughing accompanies diseases such as flu, acute respiratory infections or colds.

  • In the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract, as a rule, comprehensive treatment is prescribed.
  • With bacterial infections, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic. Ambroxol interacts perfectly with this group of drugs. The drug improves the effect of the antibiotic, concentrates it in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation and accelerates the therapeutic effect.
  • The simultaneous use of Ambroxol with similar effects is exacerbated by the coughing effect, which contributes to the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is advisable to combine drugs only under the supervision of a doctor.
Can be used with other drugs
Can be used with other drugs

The drug is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance to galactose and glucose, which occurs as a result of excessive sensitivity or congenital characteristics.
  • Lactate deficiency, leading to inferior, lactose splitting in the small intestine.
  • The weakened motor skills of the bronchi, accompanied by a difficult to cough.
  • With acute liver and renal failure, leading to chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum.
  • During pregnancy, especially in 1 trimester.
  • During the period of breastfeeding, since the active substances through milk get to the baby.
  • Children up to 1 year old.
  • When driving a vehicle.
Children from one year old
Children from one year old

Side effect of Ambroxol

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients. In some cases, an irritable effect on the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, is possible.

The Ambroxol 15 syrup is missing sugar, so the drug is allowed for treatment for diabetes.

  • With the weakened operation of the immune system in rare cases, surface and subcutaneous rashes are manifested.
  • The rash can have an allergic character, manifest itself in the form of urticaria.
  • In difficult cases, swelling of the subcutaneous tissues and anaphylactic shock occur.
  • In exceptional cases, Stevens-Johnson syndrome may occur, accompanied by severe damage to the skin.
  • The abuse of the dosage of the drug does not lead to severe poisoning. A short -term concern in the stomach and diarrhea is possible.
An overdose is possible
An overdose is possible

Thus, Ambroxol is a highly effective and safe drug in the treatment of respiratory tract diseases in both children and adults. The drug improves the effect of the antibiotic and accelerates the achievement of the desired effect. The safe effect of the drug is confirmed by research.

Video: How to use Ambroxol?

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