Hair dye allergies: symptoms, signs, treatment, first aid

Hair dye allergies: symptoms, signs, treatment, first aid

An allergy to hair dye is a serious pathology that may be accompanied by Quincke's edema and other unpleasant and dangerous reactions. Read more in the article.

An allergic reaction to chemical elements is a common phenomenon. It manifests itself in the case when the body is sensitive to individual substances that are part of a particular product. And hair dye is no exception.

Read on our website an article on how and how to remove the yellowness of hair after lightening at home. You will find tips, means, folk recipes, reviews.

The hypersensitivity reaction can have different symptoms, but in any case it is a health danger. Therefore, you need to be able to recognize the allergy to hair dye in time in order to take the necessary measures to eliminate the clinical picture. Read more below, in this article.

What provokes the reaction: why does hair dye allergies appear?

Hair dye allergies
Hair dye allergies

You can understand the causes of an undesirable reaction if you study in detail the components that form the hair dye formula. What provokes the reaction? Why does hair dye allergies appear? The most dangerous component is paraphenilandiamine. Read more:

  • On the package it can be indicated by the abbreviation PPD.
  • It is this element that is the most dangerous. And in this regard, in many countries, the sale of pigments that contain this component has banned, or limited its content until 6%.
  • The highest concentration PPD In dark colors of colors.
  • Therefore, the lowest is in light pigments.

In addition, allergens can be:

  • Hydroxynol
  • Ammonia
  • Izatin
  • P-metylaminophenol

Remember! An allergy to hair dye components will not occur if there is no predisposition to it. This is individual intolerance to the body of a particular substance or several of them.

In addition, the development of unpleasant symptoms is possible if you are prone to allergies as such. And if you dye your hair too often, get ready for unpleasant consequences. They are exhausted, plus to everything - the scalp suffers also. Together, all this leads to allergicization of the body and the occurrence of a hypersensitivity reaction when using hair pigments.

How the hair dye allergies manifests itself: symptoms, signs

Hair dye allergies
Hair dye allergies

An allergy to hair pigment provokes the occurrence of a whole symptom complex. The clinical picture of the abnormal reaction of the body to a cosmetic product can appear with different intensity. In addition, symptoms can replace each other, appear gradually or at the same time. What are the signs?

Allergy to hair dye is manifested:

Characteristic rash:

  • Rashes appear almost immediately after applying the pigment.
  • They cover not only the scalp, but also the skin on the face.
  • The rash itches greatly, causes discomfort. It can be pustular or papular.
  • With severe allergies, pimples cover the neck, chest, limbs and even the body.
  • Vesiculas can reach large sizes and merge with each other.


  • A mild allergy to the pigment is manifested by redness of the skin.
  • It can have different intensity, but there is no threat to health.

Hair loss:

  • Such a reaction does not appear immediately, but a few hours or a day after a change in hair color.
  • The most typical sign that a particular brand of paint is not suitable for you.


  • The pigment simply “fits” the scalp, which is why it begins to peel off.
  • Losks can be small or rather large. It all depends on the degree of damage to the epidermis on the head.

Itching and burning:

  • They arise locally, only in those areas of the skin that had contact with the paint.
  • And if you worked without gloves, then signs of irritation can occur on your hands.
  • They are also capable of impressing the forehead and other areas of the skin - it all depends on where the spray spray got.

Rhinitis and lacrimation also relate to symptoms of hair dye allergies.

What is a strong allergy to hair dye - Friday edema: Photo

An allergy to hair pigment is manifested in different ways. Someone transfers it easily, someone develops the above symptom complex. But there are women who have another abnormal reaction in the form of foot edema. This is one of the varieties of angioedema, which is better known as Quincke's edema. What does a strong allergy to hair dye look like? Here is a photo with edema of the forehead:

Hair dye allergies
Hair dye allergies

With this deviation, the deep dermal layers and subcutaneous tissues occurs. The reaction develops almost lightning speed, and it is caused by the hyperactivity of the mast cells. It is easy to recognize an angioedema, since its characteristic feature is a pronounced soreness in a affected area. In this case, in the forehead.

Treatment for quincke's edema It is carried out using antihistamines. With a mild course of the disease, an unpleasant symptom can be eliminated at home. But if the pathological process is difficult, a woman can be hospitalized in a hospital where she will be provided with the necessary assistance.

Allergy to hair dye Loreal, Palet, Capus, Garnier - black: what to do, first aid

When the first symptoms of allergies to the pigment are manifested, it is necessary to wash off the paint. As mentioned above, more often allergies occur to black paint, and it does not matter what manufacturer it is - Loreal, Palet, Capus, Garnier. What to do? First aid:

  • So, first you need to wash off the pigment.
  • This must be done immediately, without waiting for other ailments.
  • To do this, put your head under a stream of running water and wash your hair thoroughly.
  • You can use shampoo for this.

In addition, if you are not sure whether the staining process will be safe, prepare in front of it 2-3 liters decoctions of medicinal plants. The tool should have anti -inflammatory and soothing properties. In case of allergies, rinse off the remnants of the paint precisely this decoction.

It is also necessary to immediately take an antihistamine ( Suprastin, Loratadin or others). After all, if the components of the paint managed to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and blood flow, then washing off its remnants from the hair will not be enough.

Consequences if you allergic to hair dye after dyeing

Consequences if you allergic to hair dye after dyeing
Consequences if you allergic to hair dye after dyeing

The consequences in the absence of a timely reaction to allergies may be the most serious. If you allergic to hair dye after dyeing, then you need to be very careful and listen to your body. The most common complications are:

  • Anaphylaxis. More precisely, the symptoms that resemble it, but manifest with a different intensity - more quickly and acutely. A similar picture is manifested in the case of the penetration of the components of the paint through the skin into the bloodstream.
  • Inhalation allergies. Accompanied by shortness of breath, perhaps even obstruction. Such a reaction develops with inhalation of paint vapor for a long time, or the penetration of the components of the pigment through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
  • Quincke's edema. Perhaps the most dangerous complication after anaphylaxia. It is manifested by severe edema and deterioration of general well -being. Usually, when using paint, angioedemic edema affects the upper eyelids, but its occurrence is possible in the respiratory organs.

To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to stop the development of an allergic reaction in time. And ideally, the most correct option is to conduct allergen tests before using the pigment.

Treatment of allergies for hair dye: drugs, tablets

With the development of an allergic reaction to a hair pigment, it is necessary to immediately take an antihistamine. To more likely eliminate symptoms, it is recommended to carry out complex therapy. This implies the use of the oral drug in combination with the external use of ointment or gel. You can supplement the overall treatment regimen with folk remedies, they will not damage. Here's what is used to treat hair dye allergies:

Allergy tablets:

Antihistamines that can be consumed with the development of allergies to hair pigment:

  • Clarin
  • Cetrin
  • Levocetirizine
  • Eden
  • Suprastin
  • Ketotifen
  • Fenkarol
  • Nixar, etc.

The tablet must be taken immediately after the manifestation of the first symptoms of allergies.

Local effects:

Tablets and syrups from allergies can be combined with medicines that act locally. We are talking about creams, ointments and gels with anti -allergic, antipruritic, anti -inflammatory activity. They are recommended to lubricate the skin in the places where the paint allergies arose - on the hands, forehead, cheeks, etc. Alas, the hairy part of the head can not always be treated with such medicines.

The most popular drugs are:

  • Fenistil. It removes itching almost immediately after application. The gel effectively fights reddening and peeling. The active substance of phoenistil is dimetinden. The product is completely safe, it is allowed even to infants.
  • Hydrocortisone. Hormonal ointment used in severe allergies to hair pigment. It can only be used if there are no wounds or cracks on the surface of the epidermis.
  • Elidel. Also ointment from a number of hormonal agents of local influence. Eliminates signs of allergies, accompanied by itching, burning, peeling. Relieves swelling and prevents re -manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.
  • Bepanten. Panthenol is an active component of this drug. The drug is released in the form of ointment and cream. When allergies to paint, it is better to use ointment. It will remove redness, burning and itching, remove the edema, and also create a solid film that will protect the epidermis from the effects of allergens and other external stimuli.

Ointments, creams and gels with an allergic reaction must be used for several days. Usually enough 2-3 days To completely eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment of allergies from hair dye: folk remedies

Treatment of allergies from hair dye: folk remedies
Treatment of allergies from hair dye: folk remedies

Recipes of non -traditional medicine will also help eliminate unpleasant symptoms of hypersensitivity reaction. For treatment from allergy to hair dye, you can use different folk remedies - decoctions and infusions:

  • Chamomile pharmacy
  • Nunes of medicinal
  • Nettle nettle
  • Sage of medicinal
  • St. John's wort of perforated
  • Eucalyptus
  • A series of three -part
  • Oak bark

Healing liquid is prepared according to the same principle:

  • 10 tbsp. l. Brew raw materials 2 l boiling water and insist during 20 minutes.
  • Strain, cool to a comfortable temperature and use for rinsing hair.

It is also important to know how to remove dye from hair. Only in this way, the effect of treatment will be effective and the pigment will not be much absorbed into the structures of hair and skin. Read further.

How to get rid of hair on hair: how to remove?

It is not always possible to remove the dye from the hair that caused an allergy is a simple task. Well, if you felt unpleasant symptoms and immediately took measures. The pigment did not have time to soak into the hair and dye it into another shade. But it happens otherwise when the reaction of hypersensitivity showed itself after a few hours or a day. In this case, remember a few life hacks that will help you get rid of the pigment without harm to health. So, how to get rid of hair on your hair? How to remove?

Oil masks:

  • The easiest way to remove the remains of the pigment from the strands is to apply vegetable oil on them.
  • Experts recommend using burdock, castor, coconut or olive product.
  • Wrap your head with a cling film, on top with a towel and leave it like that 20 minutes.
  • Wash off the oil with shampoo and rinse the strands abundantly with running water. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.


  • A kefir mask allows you to remove paint made of henna or basma.
  • To obtain the maximum effect, the cosmetic procedure is best carried out immediately after staining.
  • Method of application: on dry hair, along the entire length of the strands, you need to apply kefir with the highest percentage of fat content. Leave the mask for half an hour, then rinse.

Useful advice: You can add to kefir 10 g dry yeast, 5 g sugar and 1 whipped egg yolk. Put the mixture in a warm place and wait for the formation of bubbles on its surface. Apply the finished mask to the strands, wrap your head with a film and wait 2 hours. Such a mixture will not only effectively remove paint, but also restore the curls damaged by it.

Honey mask:

  • Mask based on fresh honey will also help get rid of the pigment on the hair.
  • In addition to removing the color that you did not fit or did not like it, such a tool will additionally strengthen the strands, will give them shine and silkiness.

Mode of application:

  • Wash your hair using shampoo
  • Apply honey to wet strands
  • Leave for 3-4 hours

If the color of the pigment is close to your natural shade of hair, then the removal of the paint can be achieved in just 1 procedure. But with a clear contrast between natural and painted color, you may need a minimum 3 manipulationsto remove the remains of the pigment.

How to prevent hair dye allergies?

Prevent allergies to hair dye simply
Prevent allergies to hair dye simply

Any reaction of the hypersensitivity of the body is always unpleasant. How to prevent hair dye allergies? In order not to encounter a hypersensitivity reaction when using store hair colors, always follow the following recommendations:

  • Buy only high -quality paints from a well -known manufacturer with a good reputation. Many reliable companies care about their good name, so they try to minimize the risks of developing allergies to their products from customers. Therefore, they do not use high concentrations of potentially dangerous chemicals.
  • Take note of the experience of other customers. Do not be lazy before going to the store at least approximately decide on which brand pigment you want to buy. Better yet, select several options at once. After that, read about the paint reviews of customers and experts.
  • Study the composition before buying. And be sure to consider another information indicated on the packaging. The more you learn about the product, the easier it will be for you to understand whether it is worth buying it.
  • Do not dye your hair too often. As mentioned earlier, this is one of the reasons for the development of paint allergies.
  • Do not use paint with an expired shelf life. In this case, you risk encountering not just with allergies, but with serious intoxication of the whole body.
  • Refuse hair dyeing if wounds or scratches are present on the scalp. Also, do not carry out the procedure for inflammatory (infectious and non -infectious) dermatological diseases. At least until the problem is eliminated.

Also, do not forget to conduct an allergent test before using each new paint. This will help to avoid adverse consequences for health.

What to look for when reading the composition?

As stated earlier, the cause of the development of an allergic reaction to hair dye is the presence of certain chemical elements in its composition. What to look for when reading the composition?

When choosing a pigment, do not buy what you do not know, but carefully study the formula of a cosmetic product. The paint should not contain harmful substances. They are described in the table below.

The name of the element Description
1 Paraphenilandiamine It is used to ensure color resistance and prevent its rapid burnout and leaching. But this does not prevent him from being the most dangerous component of hair pigments. It is present in almost all colors designed for a short -term effect.
2 Hydroxyindol with ammonia Hydroxyindol on the package is indicated by Latin letters: Hydroxyindole. He, along with ammonia, which also has an unpleasant odor, is able to cause rubber in his eyes, lacrimation, rhinitis and a feeling of strangulation. However, in the new colors of these elements are much less than in the products of previous lines. Therefore, they are more safe for health, but the risk of developing hypersensitivity reaction is still present.
3 Izatin The dye that allows you to get the necessary shade and its necessary saturation. Most often, it is present in tonics.
4 P-metylaminophenol This chemical element is used in the manufacture of various kinds of cosmetics, including hair dyes. It is able to cause an allergic reaction, which is characterized by itching and burning of the skin in the zone, to which the effect of the chemical spread.

Remember: It is difficult to find a paint that did not contain at least one of the above substances. Therefore, when studying the composition of the product, pay attention to the concentration of these elements. The lower it is, the better and safer for you.

If you are seriously concerned about the presence of these components in the cosmetic product formula, use home food dyes to change hair color. There are many recipes of homemade colors, and you will certainly find the most optimal option for yourself.

How to make an allergy test to hair dye at home: how to check, identify allergies?

Hair dye allergy test at home
Hair dye allergy test at home

For safe hair dyeing, before using a new pigment, be sure to conduct an allergent test. How to make an allergy test to hair dye at home? How to check, identify allergies? You can easily perform it at home:

  • To do this, prepare a small amount of coloring mixture and treat it with the inside of the wrist or elbow.
  • The skin in these areas is thin and delicate, so the test results will be more noticeable and fast.
  • Observe the reaction during 1-2 days After applying paint to the epidermis.

The appearance of redness, burning, itching or edema suggests that your body reacts acutely to the components of a cosmetic product. Its use for hair dyeing is impossible, since it is fraught with the development of allergies. If the above symptoms are absent, you can use the pigment without fear.

Which dye is better for hair that does not cause allergies - than and how to dye hair: reviews of people and doctors

Hair dye that does not cause allergies
Hair dye that does not cause allergies

The choice of hair pigment is not easy, especially if it comes to the safety of a cosmetic product. In this case, why not contact the advice of experts and buyers to choose the right product? Which dye is better for hair that does not cause allergies? How and how to dye your hair? Here are the reviews of people and doctors:

Irina, stylist, hairdresser - 36 years old

In my practice, a dilemma when choosing hair dye is a common thing. Girls come not so much for staining services as for advice on choosing cosmetics. Of course, I advise you to use only premium professional pigments -Revlon Professional Revlonissimo Colorsmetique Permanent Hair Coloror, as an option,Selective Professional Evo.Yes, these colors are quite expensive, but they are high -quality. The color lasts up to 3-4 months, the pigment is persistent and is not washed out. In addition, products are safe for health. At least my clients have never complained about allergies or irritation after using these colors.

 Alice, 28 years old

Girls, if you are looking for the best paint for the brown -haired woman, I can safely recommend youLisap LK Oil. I have been using it for a long time and have never been disappointed in my choice. The main advantages are saturation and resistance of color. In addition, there are many options for shades, so the products of this line are suitable not only for the brown -haired woman. And also the paint has a very beautiful package that immediately attracts the eye. I don’t know how others have, but I didn’t cause an allergy pigment. My mother and girlfriend also have long used hair dyes from this manufacturer, and they also had no complaints about any unpleasant symptoms. I personally did not find any minuses of cosmetics of this line.

 Elizabeth, dermatologist-32 years old

I have always been indifferent to dyeing hair, and sometimes completely dismissive. However, I still wanted to experiment with me, like any girl. At the same time, I was looking for the most natural composition of cosmetics, which would not harm my hair and scalp. And I found him. My choice fell on a paint calledAnthocyanin.According to the manufacturer, it consists of a natural pigment of anthocyanin, which not only dyes hair, but also contains a lot of nutrients. I can say with confidence that this is a hypoallergenic cosmetic product, which, moreover, holds color well. Among all the colors, this one is in a special person. I say this both as an ordinary woman, and as a doctor.

 Angelina, 35 years old

I do not really like my hair completely, I prefer to do the lemon balm. I tried a lot of colors, but I best suited me “LisaCrystal BlondContrast highlighting. " The product is very well and carefully dying with hair, and it also does not cause allergies and has a tolerable smell (unlike many other pigments I have used earlier). The packaging has all the necessary tools for safe staining, the color remains bright and saturated for several weeks. Even the price of the paint is acceptable, I simply did not find the shortcomings.

Hair dyeing is a procedure requiring a responsible approach. This is especially true for the choice of pigment. An allergic reaction to the pigment is a frequent phenomenon, but it can be avoided. But if the pathological condition, nevertheless, arose, you need to prepare for it in advance. Antihistamines and anti -allergic ointments should always be at hand, which will quickly relieve symptoms and prevent the development of dangerous complications. Good luck!

Video: Allergies to paint. My history

Video: Allergies to staining. What to do if an allergy to paint? How to hide gray hair?

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