Akathist Jesus "Glory to God for everything": thank you, online, video, listen, read online, download text

Akathist Jesus

In this article you will find a thanksgiving akathist "Thank God for everything." Read and thank God for giving us life and tolerates our sins.

Before you begin to read the akathist, you should find out the story of the person who wrote it. His life consisted of a great spiritual work done, suffering and important Orthodox achievements. Such a grateful akathist was supposed to write precisely this person, and why - read below.


A period after the Great Revolution, Metropolitan Trifon (in the world, Boris Petrovich Turkestanov) was written by a thanksgiving akathist "Thank God for everything".

  • Boris was born at the end of the 19th century in Moscow.
  • The boy’s dad was a real prince, and mom was a true princess with good manners, taste in clothes and in everything else.
  • As a child, their son was seriously ill, and even the doctors refused to treat the baby, the mother, having been healing healing from God, promised that after a miraculous recovery, the child would serve God all his life.

The baby became healthy, and the mother, along with the child, went to Optina deserts. There lived a world -famous Orthodox monk Ambrose. Seeing the beautiful wanderer with the baby in his arms, he exclaimed: “Go away to the sides, the priest is coming!” The people around were given travelers, but together the bishop saw a mother with a baby.

When Boris grew up, his mother and father gave him a blessing, and the guy went on foot in Optina Deserts, to the long -known elderly Ambrose. The elder gave the guy a blessing to be an Orthodox monk. Already in 1891, the young man had already entered the monastery walls rightfully true monastic believers and began to be called Tryphon. Mother fulfilled her promise, which was given during a terrible disease of her child.

Further, the journey around this world with the young man was spiritually saturated:

  • Trifon studied at the Moscow Theological Academy, he learned 5 foreign languages, and graduated from study with honors, after which he was awarded the title of candidate in theology.
  • Then Tryphon preached a lot of teachings of God, performed services. Muscovites fell in love with him.
  • The Orthodox for good deeds and an amazing gift to give life advice called the great bishop "Moscow Chrysostom."
  • In the future, already Bishop Trifon, he accepted crowds of people who went to him for advice, a kind word and life manual.
  • He even decided the fate of spiritual children, as he knew that life next to God is a real life that every Orthodox Christian should have.
  • Trifon was also a participant in all significant historical episodes associated with the future of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Patriarch of that time Tikhon was warmly treated with Trifon. The two of them served in the temples, and as they could, supported Orthodoxy in that difficult period after the events of 1917. When Tikhon went into another world, Tryphon became a metropolitan. He continued the work of his receiver, remaining the main spiritual leader of the Russian Orthodox people.

Shortly before leaving this light, Metropolitan Trifon gratitude akathist to God, having recorded the cherished speeches emanating from the heart, on a sheet of paper. In his Old Slavonic speech turns, the events of the spiritual path of all Orthodox leaders are collected. Let all the people who fought for faith and truth will gain eternal life in heaven - endless and joyful.

Metropolitan Tryphon rests in Moscow, at the Vvedensky cemetery. Crowds of people who honor their spiritual mentor, who are the subject of veneration for millions of Orthodox people of our country, still go to him.

Akathist Jesus "Glory to God for everything": thank you, online, video, listen, read online, download text

So, here are the lines of this amazing akathist. Read it slowly, taking every word in your heart:

Gratitude akathist
Gratitude akathist "Thank God for everything" - page 1
Gratitude akathist
Gratitude akathist "Thank God for everything" - page 2
Gratitude akathist
Gratitude akathist "Thank God for everything" - page 3
Gratitude akathist
Gratitude akathist "Thank God for everything" - page 4
Gratitude akathist
Gratitude akathist "Thank God for everything" - page 5
Gratitude akathist
Gratitude akathist "Thank God for everything" - page 6
Gratitude akathist
Gratitude akathist "Thank God for everything" - page 7

Listen to how this akathist reads the father in the church. Perhaps for someone some words will be incomprehensible. After all, the priest reads prayers in the ancient Slavic language. But you can repeat in your own words in the text that is written above.

Akathist "Thank God for everything" (prot. Vladimir Golovin)

In this video, a gratitude akathist reads a church choir. His singing is perceived very easily and you can even repeat the words, memorizing the text by heart.

Akathist thank God for everything

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