Feminine name Adele: origin, detailed characteristics and meaning of the name

Feminine name Adele: origin, detailed characteristics and meaning of the name

More and more parents want to call their child an interesting and unusual name. One of these original names is the female name Adele. Having called your princess the name Adele, you certainly highlight her among all peers.

The beautiful and sonorous name Adele is attributed to the Catholic names of German origin. Unlike many other female names, this name has only one meaning - “noble”.

Female name Adele: Russian or not, the meaning of the name, its origin, brief forms

  • It is worth saying that there is no unambiguous opinion about the origin of this female name. There is a version that the name Adele is nothing more than one of the variants of the name Ala. However, there is another opinion, his adherents believe that Adele is not an independent name, but only a brief form of all names that begin with “adal”. For example, you can call the following names: Adeline, Adelia, Adelfina.
  • You also need to pay attention that there is another the independent name of Adil, which is very consonant with the name we have analyzed. Most experts believe that these are two different names, however, in some countries they are still considered synonyms.

As for the brief and diminutive forms of this name, there are a lot of them:

  • Adele, Adelechka, Adude, Adul, Adushka, Adusha
  • Dividing, Dilya, hell, Adka, Alya, Adya

We also draw your attention to the synonyms of the name Adele:

  • Edel, Adel, Adela, Edelia
Feminine name Adele: origin
Feminine name Adele: origin

Adele: Characteristic

  • The name is Adele Very tender, bright and soft. It is precisely these qualities that gives this name his carrier in childhood.
  • Most often, Adele is a very calm and balanced child. In the house with her, screams and swearing are rarely heard, because she is such an obedient child that there is simply nothing to scold her.
  • A distinctive feature of the character of such a girl is modesty. From early childhood, Adele is very shy and secretive, it is difficult for her to ask someone a gift, come to other children, and offer to play together, beg a new toy or thing from parents.
  • Due to such modesty of a little princess, many people around him consider her unsociable and silent, and the children are in no hurry to start friendly relations with her. In fact, Adele is quite active and friendly childwho just like other children love fun, laughter and outdoor games, just much more difficult for her to make contact with strangers than other children.
  • It is worth noting that Adele really knows how to play alone And at the same time, she experiences neither sadness, nor loneliness, nor resentment. She just knows how to have fun on her own. Moreover, such a girl likes to spend time with books, coloring, puzzles.
  • Since the early childhood adele has a well -developed sense of responsibility, therefore, if parents ask her about something, she will definitely do this. She loves to nurse younger children and care for them.
  • The owners of this name are distinguished by their curiosity and craving for knowledge, so in their studies they almost always develop in the best way. Adele begins to speak, read and write early, she is easily given the study of languages, so we recommend that parents pay special attention to this fact.
  • Adele is a creative child. Often, girls, named after this name, draw well, have a great sense of taste, sing well and even write poetry.
  • This is what the little Adele does not like is the invasion of her personal space and teachings of parents. Despite its soft character and vulnerable soul, hell is a rather wayward and stubborn child, so it is extremely difficult to force her to do what she does not like. In such situations, experts recommend that parents not just insist on their own, but find a compromise, since Adele always treats the decision that will suit both parties.

In adulthood, the character of the girl changes somewhat, it becomes more rude, however, there is still a lot of positive qualities in it.

  • Adult adel is the same good -natured and vulnerable nature. That is why it is quite difficult for her to achieve any heights without outside help.
  • In my life Ada He prefers not to refuse help, if there is such an opportunity, since in this case she feels more confident and begins to believe in her strength.
  • In adulthood Adele It still remains a stubborn nature, which is difficult to convince in something, so sometimes useful tips and tips from the lips of strangers fly past her ears.
  • It is also worth noting that in the character of an adult hell there is one not very positive quality - pride. However, it is not always manifested. If Adele is in a comfortable atmosphere, she has people who love and appreciate it, then most likely there will be no place for such a destructive quality as pride in her life.
  • Adult Adele is very reasonable, leisurely and objective. She makes all her decisions carefully, slowly, having thought about it. She is not "easy-going" And he prefers not to risk a stable position and the usual way of life.
  • In the adult life of a woman, named by the name Adele, there are many friends, however, there are many friends and acquaintances who love her and appreciate the ability to support, listen, help in difficult times, keep silent, when it is necessary and vice versa, express your objective opinion if the situation requires this.

Feminine name Adele: Health Name

Adele is growing a quite active and healthy child. Of course, like all people, she has health problems, but in general, in childhood, a girl named after that name is not painful. At a more mature age, Adele has problems with internal organs.

  • In childhood, hell is most often sick simple coldswho, in principle, do not carry any threat to her health and life. The only thing you should pay attention to the parents of a little Adele, the prevention of diseases is the key to the good health of the child. Pay attention to the signals of your daughter’s body, do not forget about healing, active pastime and vitamin complexes.
  • In adulthood Adele particular attention should be paid to your respiratory system. It is important to treat colds, acute respiratory infections, etc., since they can grow into more serious and hard -to -healing ailments, for example, into lung inflammation.
  • It is also important to monitor your nutrition. Women named Adele are not recommended to drink alcohol, since their liver is another weak place. Experts recommend Adam to adhere to proper nutrition.
  • Another organ that requires constant control in adulthood is the heart. The cardiovascular system Adele is very weak, so you need to strengthen it with the correct physical exertion and vitamin complexes.

Feminine name Adele: Love and Sexuality

Adele has a non -standard and very attractive appearance, so she does not suffer from a lack of gentlemen, at the same time, the girl’s personal life is not always simple.

  • Men always pay attention to this light and sunny girl, give her signs of attention, hoping for mutual sympathy. However, Adele is in no hurry to start a relationship with someone, she looks at the guys/husbands for a very long time and does not give men false hopes.
  • Often, it is precisely because of such a long expectation that men simply cease to be interested in Adele, and she considers their disappearance from her life a betrayal and insincerity.

Ada expects a man who claims to be her boyfriend, knightly behavior, recognition of love and, of course, flowers with gifts. Not receiving all this, she begins to doubt the sincerity of the feelings of a man and the purity of intentions.

  • It is precisely because of such a disposition that Adele, as a rule, is quite late for creating a family, and even about children under 25-30 and is afraid to think.
  • Concerning sexuality She certainly has this woman, she certainly has her. However, she is in no hurry to show her to a man. Hell does not belong to those women who can enter into sexual relations just for the sake of pleasure. For her, sex is primarily a manifestation of feelings as a word of love, etc. Therefore, Adele will only enter into an intimate connection if she has sympathy and if he has the same sympathy for her.
  • In bed, hell does not dominateAlthough he loves to give pleasure to his partner. To open up in sex, Adele needs a lot of time, since initially she should get used to the partner and learn to trust him.
  • It is important to note that hell gives preference for sensual and delicate sex, does not accept when the partner presses on her and incesses to do what she does not want or cannot do.

Feminine name Adele: Family and Marriage

As mentioned earlier, Adele has been looking at her husbands for a very long time and, therefore, she, as a rule, does not have early marriages. Most often, it is decided to create a family closer to 25 years.

  • I must say that a thorough choice of a partner is not just a whim or a difficult character of hell, this is a necessity, because she believes that the family is the highest value and you need to create it with understanding of the whole responsibility.
  • Adele dreams of one satellite for life, she does not imagine how you can change partners and in principle does not consider a variant of several marriages in your life.
  • The man who will be her husband should be balanced, strong and fundamental, how is she. Most often, such a girl draws attention to male representatives much older than herself. Why? Because, as a rule, such men have already known all the charms of a bachelor free life and now want long and warm relations.
  • ADA man should be confident in himself, his abilities and tomorrow, weakly characteristic Guys do not attract such a woman in principle.
  • In family relationships Adele responsible, calm and caring. She is not burdened by life and monotony, however, she greatly appreciates the comfort and help of her man.
  • Children a woman named after Adele, loves, but gives birth to. Even being in an official marriage, she looks closely at her husband, evaluates his qualities and abilities that will come in handy in the upbringing of their common children. Give birth to Adele solves only when he sees readiness for children of their man.
  • Most often, such girls have several children in the family, however, it largely depends on the circumstances, relations between her and her husband and their financial situation.

Feminine name Adele: Name Talents

  • As already mentioned earlier, Adele is a creative person, Therefore, she has a lot of talents.
  • From early childhood, the parents of the little princess will notice that she has the tendency to drawing, singing and dancing.If you develop these talents of the girl, a talented artist, a famous artist and no less famous dancer can be made of it.

It is very important for the parents of such a child to understand that it is impossible to force the girl to do what she does not like. In such a case and with such an approach, she will not achieve anything, will not reach any heights and only parents will blame this.

  • Give your child freedom of choice, And he will pleasantly surprise you. Both in childhood and in adulthood, Adele has stubbornness, hard work and determination. It is these qualities that help her achieve high results in all matters and undertakingswhich she likes.
  • Another talent of such a girl is languages. From childhood, hell captures everything on the fly, quickly teaches new words, remembers the rules well. With proper attention to such talent, a girl before graduation can master several foreign languages.
  • In addition to the above classes, Adele can be carried away by others, for example, sports. She gives preference to more passive sports, for example, chess, checkers, shooting, etc.

Women's name Adele: Career and Business Name

  • Often timidity and uncertainty Adele prevents Adele from reaching the heights at work, however, for the sake of justice it is worth saying that the desire to achieve such heights in girls with this name is far from always.
  • Adele does not belong to the category Women Caryirists. She never sets herself a goal to become a boss, occupy a leading position and earn all the money of the world. That is why almost always such women work for someone. At the same time, in the Adele team they respect and appreciate.
  • Hell is very executive, responsible, conscientious worker. She performs all her work at the highest level, never leaves the case not finished. This is what the authorities appreciate in it, often encouraging bonuses and awards

Adele does not know how to lead the team, but at the right time it can take responsibility and make an important decision. By the way, she makes all decisions carefully and objectively.

  • As for the business, of course, Adele can have it, but only if there is a person next to her who can help her, direct her, who will give her self -confidence and strength. Very often such a person can become her husband or close relative. The option is also possible joint business.
  • In this case, Adele will enjoy investing her money in the case, which she considers Interesting and profitable. But again, someone else will lead the business.
  • Often, hell does not seek to become businesswoman, she is quite satisfied with the high -paid position of the performer.
  • Despite all of the above, it is worth noting that Adele knows the price as an employee and therefore will never endure at work consumer attitude, disrespect for her work, as well as low wages. She knows what she wants, what she deserves and does not hesitate to demand this from the authorities.

Feminine name Adele: strengths and weaknesses of the name

Like any other name, the name Adele gives her carrier certain character qualities. Since a person cannot be perfect, there are strengths and weaknesses in character.

The strengths and qualities of the name Adele include the following:

  • The ability to objectively assess the situation, critically evaluate your behavior. Adele is very fairTherefore, in all situations, she tries to look for the truth and knows how to evaluate what happened objectively, even if it is not in hand. Also, Adele is moderately self -critical, knows how to recognize his mistakes, weaknesses, etc.
  • He knows his price, maybe defend your interests. Adele is not too combat in character, but she will never give her her own. If necessary, she will easily defend her opinion.
  • Hard work. Hell is very diligent and hardworking, these qualities help her achieve their goals.
  • The family is in the first place. Adele is not a careerist, she will always give preference to her family life, so she makes a good and faithful wife, as well as a caring and loving mother.

The following are highlighted from the weaknesses and qualities:

  • Trust. It’s good when a person is trusted in moderation, but women named Adele, there are clear problems with this
  • Lack of self-esteem. Uncertainty is accompanied by Adele throughout her life. She constantly needs evidence that she is beautiful, smart, loved, etc.
  • The tendency to despair. Sometimes hell is depressed out of the blue, a splendor, because he decides to himself that everything goes wrong as it should, as she wants, etc.
  • Selectivity. Such quality prevents girls with this name in many areas of their lives, for example, in personal

Women's name Adele: Compatibility with men's names

  • It's no secret that female and male names can be compatible or incompatible. The name Adele is no exception.
  • With men who are called Alexander, Mikhail, Kirill, Rostislav, Anton, Victor, George, Artem, Danil and DaniilAdele may have long, and most importantly happy family relationships. People with such names look equally at many things in life, have the same priorities - this is what allows them to build harmonious and warm relationships.
  • With men named names Igor, Egor, Vsevolod, Svyatoslav, Konstantin, Sergey, Relations can develop, but only under certain circumstances. Most often, such men begin relations with Adele at a more mature age, after 30 years, since until that time their views and desires are radically different from those that Hell has.
  • But With Ilya, Vladimir, Vladislav, Ruslan, Nikita, Timofei, Trofim, David and Gordia, Relations should not be built. Men, named by such names, will not be able to appreciate Adele, the qualities of her character, will not be able to give her what she expects to get from family life.

Feminine name Adele: famous people named after this name

The name Adele has always been popular and today it also remains very popular. In this regard, many famous people who have or bear this name can be called:

  • Adele Lori Blu Edkins. Perhaps this famous singer is known and loved all over the world. Adele is also known as a poet and author-performer.
  • Adela Noriga - Famous Mexican actress.
  • Adele Dixon - Another popular singer and actress, who is known for her work in musicals and music films.
  • Adele Marcus - The famous American pianist and music teacher.
  • Adele Hugo - The daughter of the famous Viktor Hugo and Adeli. At one time she was a very talented pianist.
  • Adele Savoy, Adele Champagne - Queen of France.
  • Adele Mara - A professional American actress and dancer, as well as the singer.
  • Adele Aster - American dancer.
  • Muriel Adel Evans - American film actress.
  • Adele Kern - Famous opera singer.
  • Adele Simpson - Talented American fashion designer.

Feminine name Adele: Horoscope named after

Now let's talk about how exactly The character of the zodiac sign affects the character of Adele, under which she was born, it is known that the zodiac sign has no less influence on a person than the name that he is named.

  • Aries. Despite the fact that, in principle, the carrier of the name Adele is distinguished by uncertainty and indecision, Adel-Evan will have such qualities to a lesser extent. This zodiac sign gives hell decisiveness, self -confidence and self -sufficiency. Such a woman has a more sharp character, but she knows how to restrain her emotions.
  • Taurus. From childhood, Adele-Taurus will be a pet, and having matured, it will be an excellent family man, for whom family and children will always be in the first place, and not career and achievements. Of these women, excellent mothers are obtained, they will always be on the side of the child. Ada-Tales can cook deliciously, loves life and all household chores, it does not burden that she spends all her time on her family and improve relations between households.
  • Twin. A woman named Adele and born under the sign of the zodiac twins is similar to Adelez. She also loves her family and loved ones, however, not so homebirth. Such a girl likes to be in the spotlight, often spends time with friends, very curious and active. A measured and calm life is not for her.
  • Crayfish. Adele Crack is very dreamy and romantic. Sometimes life in “pink glasses” seems attractive and real to her, but facing the reality of hell is upset and falls into depression. Despite this, such a girl is very sensual and tender, nothing human is alien to her. She is responsive and good, so if necessary, she will always come to the rescue, not expecting anything in return.
  • a lion. Adele Lev is an unusual Adele, she, unlike other representatives of this name, courage, self-confidence, is more than enough. The character of such a girl is not easy, but quite tolerant, if you really love her, value and not nervous. Hell, born under the sign of the zodiac lion, is a passionate nature who loves active pastime and surrounds himself with people who are similar to her.
  • Virgo. Adele, born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin, is very calm, balanced, thoughtful personality. Excessive emotionality is alien to her, her actions are always deliberate and logical. She appreciates her family, but does not give her preference to work. Personal development and career growth for Adel-girls are also important and necessary, as well as warm family relationships.
  • Scales. Such Adele is very sociable, friendly and charismatic. She knows how to arrange people to herself, can captivate them with her nature. It is thanks to these qualities of hell in any company that becomes a leader and soul. She is loved at home, at work, from her they never expect some catch, deception. Despite such sociability, Adele loves to be alone. At such moments, it rests from the hustle and bustle, is filled with strength, energy, is engaged in self -development and work with the subconscious.
  • Scorpion. At first glance, Adele, born under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio, seems cold and impregnable, but in fact this is completely wrong. Such girls are very vulnerable and sensual, so they try to once again not open their souls to anyone. If the faithful, loving and sincere people are next to such a hell, it will blossom and open to them.
  • Sagittarius. Adele-shooter is a purposeful, hardworking girl. Here is someone who, and she can just become an entrepreneur, occupy leading positions and lead people. This zodiac sign endows it with all the qualities necessary for such activities. As for the family, she is needed by Adele, a shooter, but she will only be a priority for her if a woman meets a worthy, experienced and importantly, wealthy man on her life path.
  • Capricorn. Adele, born under this zodiac sign, is impulsive and emotionality. She does not know how to hide her emotions, always does what she wants and says what she thinks. Sometimes such her behavior significantly complicates her life, however, at least something does not want to change in herself. In general, this is an open and kind person who knows how to solve any issue qualitatively and responsibly.
  • Aquarius. Adele Aquarius is mystery GirlShe is a little in herself. It sometimes seems to others that such a girl lives in her fictional world and completely refuses to accept real life. There is a share of truth in this principle, but to a greater extent such a hell is explained by its unwillingness to contact those people who, for some reason, are unpleasant for her. Adele Aquarius has a well-developed intuition, so it always takes into account this fact when making important decisions for it.
Mystery Girl
Mystery Girl
  • Fish. Adele-fish the most striking representative of the uncertain ones. Such a girl constantly doubts her abilities, decisions, etc., often relies for luck and circumstances. It is important for her to have an imperious and authoritative patron, in which case it becomes more confident. In general, such girls are very open, dreamy and vulnerable.

Feminine name Adele: Namedays

In the Orthodox shrines there is no such name as Adele, therefore, during the baptism of the baby’s parents in the Orthodox Church, the priest will invite another name for her. The name can be absolutely any and not necessarily similar, consonant with the name Adele, as an option, you can choose the name of the saint whose memory the child was born.

  • But the Catholics have a saint Adela Trier. Her day of memory is the day of the name day Adele, and celebrate it on December 24
  • Saint Adela Trirskaya became because after the death of her husband she founded the monastery and was the abbess in it until the end of her life.
  • Another patroness of the name Adele is holy Adela Norman. She was the daughter of Wilhelm the conqueror and the wife of Etienne the Second. It became known thanks to wisdom and education.

Feminine name Adele: Deciphering the name

Each letter of the name Adele gives his owner certain character qualities and skills. Let's figure out what exactly:

  • A - active, thoughtful, moderately emotional, selfish nature.
  • D - complex, inability to listen, sharpness in behavior with those who are unpleasant, kindness, responsiveness, combined with stubbornness, perseverance.
  • E - sociability, the ability to be friends, the ability to attract attention.
  • L is a creative person, the ability to create, well -developed intuition.
  • B - self -doubt, unreasonableness to take responsibility for your life, sometimes a manifestation of softness, the ability to solve conflict situations, find a way out of a difficult situation, and discharge the situation.

Feminine name Adele: Seasons

The time of the year in which a person was born also makes his own adjustments to his character:

  • AdeleBorn in winter, has more male character. She is more determined, powerful. In communication, he prefers men, as they seem to her much more reliable, honest and kinder. Despite the solid character, a very good and faithful friend is obtained from the winter Adele, who will come to the rescue in any difficult situation, and will never extract some benefit for himself.
  • Adelethat was born in the spring, very a modest and restrained girl. She does not know how to show her emotions and feelings. She is tender and vulnerable, so she always seeks to find an authoritative person who would help her realize herself. Due to such qualities, Ada most often prioritize the creation of a family, and not career growth. It turns out to be a faithful and loving wife, as well as a no less loving mother.
  • If a Ada It is born in the summer, the following qualities prevail in its character: enrace, impulsiveness, emotionality, Inability to perceive criticism, recognize their mistakes. Despite these qualities, summer hell can boast of good successes, both in personal life and in a career.
  • Well and autumn Adele He can boast of hard work, the ability to focus on one business, to bring the work begun to the end. As a rule, it is the autumn ads that become entrepreneurs and can boast of large achievements in a career.

Adele is a very tender and beautiful female name, which gives her carrier many positive qualities of character. Having called your princess so, you will highlight it among other children, because, despite the beauty of the name, it is quite rare for us.

Video: Value of the name Adele

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