Acyclovir - Instructions for use: tablets, ointment, candles, injections. Acyclovir during pregnancy, children

Acyclovir - Instructions for use: tablets, ointment, candles, injections. Acyclovir during pregnancy, children

The article will reveal all aspects of the use of the widely used Acyclovir antiviral agent. We will consider the indications in which this tool is used and in which its use is contraindicated.

« Acyclovir» instructions to application

  • it medicine belongs to group antiviral and is synthetic produced analogue nucleoside timidin. Given substance it has high selectivity impact on the herpetic virus
  • Under action basic acting component inside affected cells occur defined reactions and transformations. Trifhosphate acyclovir produces own action by the way embedding in chain viral DNA and blocking synthesis necessary proteins
  • Medication it has property accumulate exactly in cells, which amazed virus, this explained his selectivity actions this funds. « Acyclovir» most effective on attitude to virus gerpis first and second types, virus EpsteinBarr and in medium degree active on attitude to cytomegalovirus
  • At use in attitude herpes rash, « Acyclovir» prevents development new elements, reducing possible spread diseases, dries wound and reduces painful sensation in acute phase diseases at encircling form

« Acyclovir» the form release

"Acyclovir" form of release

Given medicinal means produced in the following species:
Ointment for eye with content substances 3%
Tablets with content substances 200 mg
Ointment, intended for external use with content substances 5%
AT form cream for external use with content substances 5%
Dry substance in bottle for preparations solution and introduction in injection

« Acyclovir» indications to application

"Acyclovir" indications for use

Indications for reception given medicinal funds serving the following the reasons:
AT quality prevention exacerbations infections recurrent character, which provoked virus first or second types, at this immune system patient located in norm
Presence viral defeat skin pokov or mucous membranes membranes, which provoked virus herpes first and second types (including genital form defeat)
Preventive therapy viral infections, provoked viruses  first or second types u of people with presence deficiency immunity
Treatment and preventive therapy diseases, provoked virus chickenpox and encircling herpes
AT composition combined treatment sick with bright deficiency immunity at availability HIV and patients, which survived transplant bone brain

"BUT cyclovir» dosage

"Acyclovir" dosage

Reception medication depends from reception food. Recommended accept « Acyclovir» in moment or directly after use food, at this medicine need wash down big quantity liquids.

For adults means assigned in the following doses:

Medium dosage on 200 mg funds before 5 once in day 5 days, through each 4 hours on the length day and with break on the night in 8 hours. At strong lesions doctor extend therapy before 10 days. At availability u patient with disadvantage immunity and at HIVinfections, so the same after transplants bone brain medication maybe sign up in higher doses on 400 mg 5 once in day.

At preventive therapy pathologies, called virus at normal immunity  dose corresponds 200 mg 4 times in day, or 400 mg 2 times in day, doses can to be and below indicated

U patients with not sufficient immunity for prevention herpes infections first and second types apply dose 200 mg 4 times in day. Duration preventive treatment assigned doctor

For therapy available infections chickenpox adults shown dose medication 800 mg before 5 once in day, on the length before 10 days. Treatment need start off at manifestation most the first symptoms diseases

« Acyclovir» children

Medium doses for children they make up 20 mg on the each kilogram masses bodies on 4 times in day on the length 5 days. At preventive therapy viral diseases:

Children from 3 before 6 years dose reception it is 400 mg on 4 times in day
Children older 6 years recommended dose 800 mg 4 times in day

At treatment chickenpox:
Children from 3 before 6 years assigned on 400 mg medicines
Children older 6 years dose it is 800 mg 4 times in day

Accurate dosage for child appoints treating doctor.

« Acyclovir» contraindications

Not recommended reception given drug at:
Feeding child thoracic milk
AT age child before 3x years (for certain medicinal forms)

« Acyclovir» side action

"Acyclovir" Side effect

To side manifestations medication relate:
Disorders digestion in form nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Pain in stomach
AT analyzes blood maybe to be observed increase urea and creatinin
Head pain and dizziness
Changes in analyzes blood
Hallucinations and convulsive condition
Tangled consciousness, overexcitation and tremor
Srump condition
Allergies and anaphylaxis
Increased fatigue
Pain in muscles
Feverish condition

« Acyclovir» at pregnancy

This medication possesses ability penetration through hematoplacental barrier and accumulate in thoracic milk mother.

Apply « Acyclovir» in period pregnancy probably only in volume case, when his expected therapeutic effect exceeds risk for baby.

At reception medication in period feeding child thoracic milk, feeding should stop.

« Acyclovir» peculiarities reception

"Acyclovir" Analogs

Given medicinal means used only on strict testimony and appointment the doctors.

At long treatment given remedy or frequent his use exists possibility occurrence new species virus, sustainable to action « Acyclovir»

Carefully « Acyclovir» used u patients with violation work kidneys. At his use should consume sufficient amount liquids and periodically hand over analyzes urine for control them adequate functions.

« Acyclovir» analogs

"Acyclovir" Analogs


Video: Acyclovir: the choice of form and tolerance of the drug, consequences, treatment of chickenpox in adults

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