8 signs that you are a smart woman

8 signs that you are a smart woman

Signs of a smart woman.

There are many signs of a wise woman. We think that everyone considers himself such, but this is not always the case. In this article we will talk about the signs of a smart woman.

8 signs that you are a smart woman

Please note that this is not a specific set of qualities that each representative of the fair sex should correspond to. This is a very generalized concept, because every woman develops according to her own scheme. There are no exactly the same women who must correspond to each other.

Signs of a smart woman:

  1. It is fundamental. This does not mean that there will be quarrels for any reason. Indeed, life requires compromises, as well as compliance. But a wise woman cannot be imposed on, she has her own personal opinion for every reason. And she does not always express it. After all, it makes no sense to be one hundred percent of the right. She already knows what she thinks correctly, so it makes no sense to spend extra nerves on empty disputes and ridiculous conversations with opponents.
  2. Another sign of a smart woman is style and originality. Indeed, many women are chasing fashion, but the wise woman had long realized that she was going, what clothes to her face, what style and color. Therefore, he tries to adhere to these trends. Following fashion, one can look very ridiculous and put on things that are absolutely not suitable.
  3. Clever woman It does not depend on men, she does not consider this the only way to be realized as a woman. She does not have a goal to find a man of her dreams and realize herself as a woman in this regard. She is interested not only in men, but also by friends, work, she wants to take place in every sense of the word. Therefore, most often wise women do not devote themselves exclusively to the family, they are comprehensively developed, try to keep up with it everywhere.
  4. Smart woman emotional, But at the same time, she is in no hurry to express her opinion, to show a bad mood to absolutely everyone. Yes, indeed, emotions can overwhelm her, she will never hide her bad mood, but he will not spoil it to anyone.
  5. Clever woman does not lie to himself or others. She understands that if a man does not call her, then he does not want to. And all these excuses about sudden meetings, business trips or departures, in fact, nothing more than a way of deceit and unwillingness to meet with this woman.
  6. A smart woman will never allow deceiving herself. Therefore, she always tries to break off relationships that she does not need if they are not particularly comfortable in them. She will not endure a man only because she needs the appearance of a man next to her. Smart women never get married only because they need a stamp in the passport, and be like everyone else. She really wants to find a worthy man, respectively, she will not exchange for trifles.
  7. Smart woman always introductive, she sees that something is happening in the relationship, or someone from close people with something dejected, and feels bad. Accordingly, she is always ready to offer her help, share joy and almost never envies. That is why she most often has a lot of friends, good friends, as well as ideal relationships in the family.
  8. Clever woman able to forgiveBut this does not mean that she can get out on her head. But if a person stumbled, he will receive forgiveness. Because she understands that people are not perfect, may be wrong. In addition, a woman lives real. That is, she never thinks about the past and a hundred times does not scroll in her head some situation and options for the development of events that could be. She understands that life is only in the present and future. Accordingly, there is nothing to think about the past. Yes, maybe these are pleasant memories, but it never lives the past, but only to future and the present. This is her main plus.
  9. She is very harmoniousTherefore, it is difficult to get out of itself. Despite emotionality and openness, this woman understands how to behave in society, and what to do to like others. In addition, she appreciates her free time, and will not allow herself to rest in the club until late, if she knows that tomorrow morning she gets up early and go to work. She understands that she will be exhausted, and this working day will be hard to be given to her. Yes, indeed, it is sometimes necessary to break away, but not to the detriment of your own health and mood.

She always remains a woman, despite all these qualities. She loves trifles and little things that all women adore. These are flowers, cinema, courtship, pleasant evenings and gatherings with friends. Despite all the rigidity inside, it is quite soft and emotional. Accordingly, you can watch melodramas and sob together.

Video: Signs of a smart woman

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