Which variety of coffee is better - in grains, ground, soluble: list, name, rating. How to choose good coffee in the store: Requirements for the quality of coffee

Which variety of coffee is better - in grains, ground, soluble: list, name, rating. How to choose good coffee in the store: Requirements for the quality of coffee

How to choose good coffee? Ratings of brands, customer reviews, tips - all to make the right choice.

Millions of people around the world begin the morning with a cup of fragrant coffee. And, probably, each person represents the perfect taste of this drink differently: a gentle girl will probably like soft coffee with chocolate notes, and a hurrying banking employee is a simple taste of an invigorating espresso. Therefore, in this article we will try not only to list the brands of coffee in popularity, but also to reveal the distinctive features of each of them.

Coffee varieties rating: which one to choose so that the morning is kind?
Coffee varieties rating: which one to choose so that the morning is kind?

The best coffee in grains in Russia and in the world: list, names, varieties, brands, rating

To begin with, we will try to make clarity and determine the criteria by which you can navigate by buying coffee in grains. So, first of all, this variety coffee beans and country, in which they were grown.

All varieties of coffee are divided into two large groups, this:

  • Arabica (60-70% of the world market). It is this type of coffee that is endowed with a complex taste and aroma. Depending on the features of the variety, cultivation, frying technologies and even storage conditions, taste quality can change and acquire certain shades. The main exporter of Arabica is Latin American countries, but it also grows in Asia and Africa
  • Robusta (30-40% of sales in the world). Strong coffee with rich bitter taste. It is offered to consumers, both in pure form and as part of coffee mixes, where there is both arabica and robust
So coffee is grown
So coffee is grown

Grain coffee rating

The Russian market presents grain coffee grown and packaged around the world, and such brands are most popular:

  1. Lavazza - The grain coffee of this brand has already taken root tightly on the domestic market. Consumers note a good ratio of price and quality. The line of the brand has completely different options from classic espresso from different varieties of arabica to mixes with honey and floral notes. This coffee is produced in Italy, raw materials are purchased around the world. The brand is also popular in Western countries
  2. Pauling - Coffee from Finland, which is also popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Widely represented in the retail network, there are options for both the average price segment and the premium class. According to consumers, this coffee has well -fried, fairly dark grains, it has a sourness and there is no excessive acid, it boasts a rich taste and aroma
  3. Jardin - This is arabica in all variations, the manufacturer offers both mixes of grains of different varieties of varying degrees of frying and coffee of monotrates. This trademark occupies the average price niche. The taste of this coffee has already created him an excellent reputation among Russian gourmets
  4. Kimbo - Mark, gaining more and more popularity. This Italian brand for more than 50 years has been containing a huge number of products - this is pure arabica of different varieties, and arabica with timid, and options with chocolate and citrus notes
  5. Carte Noire - Many call him the best. A mixture of several varieties of arabica grown in different countries
Best coffee in grains
Best coffee in grains

The most delicious coffee in grains, ground, soluble

Coffee gourmets when buying often also pay attention to the country in which coffee beans were grownbecause the taste of the same variety from different countries can vary radically. To grow coffee, the climate of the territories are no further than ten degrees to the south or north from the equator. The plant is exported by more than 50 countries in the world, but only a few main exporters of grain coffee.

Countries in which coffee are grown
Countries in which coffee are grown
  • Brazil (grows about 30% of coffee beans). Recognized world leader. The taste of Brazilian Arabica is a classic, such coffee is moderately strong, leaves a pleasant aftertaste and has chocolate notes. But it may seem to the connoisseurs of coffee that it is rustic
  • Vietnam (about 14% of world exports). In Vietnam, they mainly grow Robust, and many who tried coffee directly in this country noted its unique, unlike taste. Vietnamese coffee is one of the most balanced in the world: it is moderately strong, has a rich taste composition, boasts chocolate, caramel, almond and vanilla notes. However, in Russia, it is extremely difficult to find pure Vietnamese coffee in the retail network
Collection of coffee in Vietnam
Collection of coffee in Vietnam
  • Colombia (about 10% of all coffee in the world is grown). This is the only country that sells coffee under its own brand of the same name. High quality is guaranteed by government control at all stages of production, from growing and ending with packaging. The most famous variety is called the capital of the country - baguette, other varieties of Colombian Arabica are also popular: Columbia Exelso, Tabia Exelso, Narino and others
  • Indonesia (6% sales). Basically, coffee grown in Indonesia is a robust that is mixed with other types of coffee during frying. If on the packaging you saw that Indonesian coffee includes the composition, then you can expect that saturated tart notes will be present in the drink. Indonesian robusta grows on amazingly beautiful islands, in particular on Java and Sumatra, with their special nature and the composition of the soil, therefore, coffee beans grown here in their own unique
  • Ethiopia (4% of coffee exports). One of the poorest African countries and the fifth largest coffee exporter in the world. Arabica is grown in this country, which is appreciated in different parts of the Earth, however, in tribes and among the poor, people cannot afford to drink high -quality coffee from grains that they themselves grow, they are content with a drink from plant stalks and production waste. In the Ethiopia markets, you can see green coffee, which is sold in bags, but it is prohibited by law to export non -fried coffee from the country
Fragment of the transfer of Eagle and Tails: this is how coffee in the market in Ethiopia is sold
Fragment of the transfer "Eagle and Tails": this is how coffee in the market in Ethiopia is sold

And this is what standard bags with coffee are designed for export from Brazil. The weight of one such standard bag is 60 kg.

Cereal coffee from Brazil
Cereal coffee from Brazil

Despite the fact that the leaders in the production of coffee are the equal -mentioned equatorial countries, the USA and the countries of Western Europe, which, in fact, are dealers, are the palm of the finished product. Among the largest manufacturers of finished packaged coffee are also developed countries as Germany and Japan. Coffee mixes released under one or another well -known brand sometimes contain beans from different parts of the world. Nevertheless, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the packaging always indicates the variety and the area in which they were grown.

Coffee on the shelves of the Kaluga supermarket
Coffee on the shelves of the Kaluga supermarket
  • Nescafe -This is a European-American brand, under which the first time they began to massively produce rapidly preparing soluble coffee. During the Second World War, all the products of the plant located in the United States went to support the army. Subsequently, coffee, which was easy to cook, was so to their liking that at the moment about 65% of coffee is sold in soluble form
  • Kimbo, Lavazza, Danesi - All these brands come from Italy. Italy is one of the largest coffee producers in the world. And the quality of the drink produced in this country is highly appreciated by critics and gourmets
  • Carte Noire - French coffee. In the European market, France makes Italy worthy of competition
  • Davidoff, Grandos, Tchibo - German brands, German quality
  • Ambassador - trademark originally from Sweden
  • Egoiste - High -quality Swiss coffee
  • Cafemania, Cafe Esmeralda, Esmeralda - brands under which Columbian coffee is sold
  • JockeyMoscow coffee shop on shares, jardin, lebo - All these are brands of coffee produced in Russia, and this list is not full. So the domestic manufacturer also has something to offer customers
Coffee black map
Coffee "Black map"

The best coffee ground in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

It is worth opening the packaging of ground coffee - and in the kitchen begins to spread with nothing comparable, pleasant aroma. Fans of this drink are people with a delicate taste, appreciate its rich taste gamut, but experiencing a shortage of preparation. Ground coffee is a compromise between grain and fast -soluble option.

How to choose the best ground coffee
How to choose the best ground coffee

Ground coffee rating

If you want to try some new brand for yourself, then our rating will not be mistaken with your choice. Please note that the ratio of price and quality is taken into account, that is, the most purchased brands are located in the first positions. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe taste of the product, get acquainted with the information in brackets - this is an average assessment set in numerous reviews of customers.

1. EgoIste (4.5 points out of 5). At the moment, the most popular product from the manufacturer is the ground coffee Egoiste Noir. Coffee grains are grown for it on highlands and plains of Africa and dried in open air.

Ground coffee rating: No. 1 egoiste
Ground coffee rating: No. 1 egoiste

2. Lebo (4 points out of 5). Good options for this brand - Lebo Exclusive and LEBO Arabica, grains for the first are grown exclusively in Colombia, for the second - they are brought from different parts of the world. In contrast, only half of the buyers positively responds about the LEBO Gold product, although the idea itself deserves attention - this is ground coffee, which can be brewed directly in the cup at a democratic price.

Ground Coffee Rating: No. 2 LEBO
Ground Coffee Rating: No. 2 LEBO

3. Tchibo (4.4 points out of 5). Good invigorating coffee, which helps to wake up in the morning, is quite strong, without sourness and with a strong aroma. The Tchibo brand is interesting in that the Russian market has both products manufactured in Poland and products brought from Germany.

Coffee rating: No. 3 tchibo
Coffee rating: No. 3 tchibo

four. Grandos (4 points out of 5). Ground coffee, grown in Colombia and fried in Germany. Pure arabica with fruit notes and a small acidic.

Coffee rating: No. 4 Grandos
Coffee rating: No. 4 Grandos

5. Lavazza (4.8 points out of 5). Among the brand products, everyone can choose something to their liking. Lavazza Carmencita - coffee with chocolate taste, which is practically not bitter. Lavazza Espresso is an invigorating, bitter coffee of high quality. Lavazza ORO - sweet, and bitter, and slightly sour at the same time. In Lavazza Crema, Arabica is mixed with timid, in this coffee there are pleasant chocolate-cutting notes, and in the cup a foam that many love so much.

Ground coffee rating: No. 5 Lavazza
Ground coffee rating: No. 5 Lavazza

6. Davidoff (4.8 points out of 5). Exquisite coffee with a subtle aroma that is made in Germany. The composition includes not only raw materials from Latin America and Africa, but also grains grown in the Pacific Islands. This coffee is not very common, but appreciated by many who tried it.

Coffee rating: No. 6 davidoff
Coffee rating: No. 6 davidoff

7. Kimbo (4.9 points out of 5). Great ground coffee from Naples. It is proposed in two versions of Aroma Gold - with a weak roasting and soft taste and Espresso Napoletano - with a dark frying and bitterness.

Coffee rating: 7 ground coffee kimbo
Coffee rating: 7 ground coffee kimbo

The best coffee is natural soluble in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

one. EgoIste (4.7 points out of 5). High -quality soluble coffee made of Colombian coffee beans and produced in Switzerland. Sold in the form of crystals in which grain of ground coffee is hidden under a soluble shell. Thanks to this technology, the taste becomes more saturated, but the sediment remains at the bottom of the cup.

Soluble coffee rating: No. 1 egoiste
Soluble coffee rating: No. 1 egoiste

2. Bushido (5 points out of 5). Premium coffee. It is made from selected varieties of arabica. In the preparation of Bushido 24 Karat, food gold is used. Grains for Black Katana are fried on hot coals. And for Bushido Light Katana, coffee trees are grown on the slopes of Kilimanjaro. Coffee in all respects is elituren.

Soluble coffee rating: No. 2 Bushido
Soluble coffee rating: No. 2 Bushido

3. Jacobs (4.2 points out of 5). Jacobs was founded in Germany, but now this brand is made at a subsidiary in the Leningrad Region. Consumers choose Jacobs for good taste at an affordable price. In addition to the instant Jacobs Monarch coffee, the company offers the Jacobs Millicano product, which includes soluble and ground coffee.

Coffee rating: No. 3 Jacobs
Coffee rating: No. 3 Jacobs

four. LEBO (4.3 points out of 5). The soluble Lebo Exclusive comes from Colombia - this is quite strong coffee, despite the fact that only arabica, LEBO Extra is Brazilian coffee with chocolate note. The products of the brand belong to the average price segment and are sold in different packages: in vacuum, glass and portioned bags.

Coffee rating: No. 4 LEBO
Coffee rating: No. 4 LEBO

5. Gevalia (4.7 points out of 5). Coffee with a pleasant soft taste, without sourness and bitterness. It is produced in Finland.

Soluble coffee rating: No. 5 Gevalia
Soluble coffee rating: No. 5 Gevalia

6. Nescafe (3.5 points out of 5). The taste of Nescafe Classic is probably familiar to everyone. This is soft, not bitter coffee with chocolate notes. The second most popular brand product is Nescafe Gold Coffee lighter and lightweight.

Soluble coffee rating: 6 Nescafe
Soluble coffee rating: 6 Nescafe

7. Today (4 points out of 5). Coffee from the middle price category. Today Espresso contains spicy notes. The Today Green contains green, not fried coffee beans and tastes green tea. Today in-Fi has both soluble and ground coffee.

Soluble coffee rating: No. 7 Today
Soluble coffee rating: No. 7 Today

The best coffee without caffeine in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

If for any reason you can’t drink coffee, but I really want to, then coffee without caffeine will come to the rescue. But what drink is best preserved by taste after decodyinees?

  1. Carte Noire - This coffee is good with caffeine and without. The only drawback is that the price is higher than the average
  2. Lavazza - also good coffee, which is produced in options without caffeine
  3. Grandos Gold - delicious coffee without caffeine
Coffee coffee is also delicious
Coffee coffee is also delicious

The best espresso coffee in Russia and the world: varieties, brands

Espresso sometimes call any strong coffee with a characteristic taste. But a real espresso is not fast -soluble, it can be prepared from ground grains with a coffee machine. On such a fragrant espresso, a light reddish foam is obtained, and its taste is unique. What coffee sold in Russia is best suited for espresso? It should be a good coffee with a dark roasting grain and very small grinding, such as:

  1. Egoiste Espresso
  2. Carte Noire №7 Espresso
  3. Lavazza Espresso

The world is considered the best to consider espresso from coffee beans grown in Colombia. If desired, you can buy such coffee in Russia.

Fragrant espresso
Fragrant espresso

If we are talking about ways to make coffee, we list the most popular of them:

Coffee recipes
Coffee recipes

The best coffee for cappuccino

To cook good cappuccino, special coffee beans are not needed. It is enough to make a high -quality espresso, which was discussed in the previous paragraph. A third cup is filled with undiluted coffee, then whipped milk is added and a thick milk foam is laid out in the finale, which is laid out with a spoon. The cap can be decorated with grated chocolate or cinnamon.

Light foam cappuccino
Light foam cappuccino

The best coffee in coffee machines: varieties, brands

Coffee machines prepare coffee in different ways, so you will most likely get the best to choose the best through trial and errors. But our list will help to facilitate the search for perfect grains.

Of the expensive elite brands, you should try:

  1. Musetti
  2. Molinari
  3. ILLY

From grain coffee, which is sold everywhere:

  1. Lavazza
  2. Kimbo
  3. Paulig
Choosing the right coffee coffee
Choosing the right coffee coffee

Which coffee is better ground, soluble or in grains?

The most delicious coffee is obtained from just ground grains. The fact is that over time, coffee is inevitably exhausted, and the smaller its grinding, the more intense the process is going on. Thus, the maximum of oils with a pleasant taste and smell is contained in whole grain coffee, then ground coffee goes, and only then soluble coffee for quick brewing.

Which one to choose: in grains or soluble?
Which one to choose: in grains or soluble?

How to choose good coffee in the store: tips and requirements for the quality of coffee

When buying coffee in a store, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Fresh coffee is tastier. Even the product of the same brand can differ significantly to taste, depending on how coffee beans have long been foiled and fried. Therefore, pay attention to the expiration date
  2. A pack with a valve. If there is no valve on the packaging with grain coffee, then its taste is likely to disappoint you. The presence of the aroma-valve suggests that the grains were packed immediately after the roasting, which means that they did not lose their aromatic oils. This criterion applies only to grain coffee, for ground and soluble coffee valves are not needed
  3. It is believed that good grain coffee should be light brown, and if its color is almost black, it is overhand. But the color of different grains in one pack may differ, some manufacturers fry different varieties separately, so that in the end they create the desired composition
  4. The surface of the grains should be smooth and shiny, without crumbs and chips
  5. Good ground coffee can be recognized by price and packaging, glass and tin containers are preferable than soft packaging
  6. To evaluate the quality of the already ground coffee already bought, throw its pinch into the water, the water should remain transparent. If this is not the case, then there are impurities in coffee
  7. An indirect sign of good coffee is the lack of synthetic additives. Although there are very high -quality products with natural flavors
  8. Do not buy coffee for weight if it is put on a window in open boxes or banks. Coffee should be stored in hermetic packaging, and in good retail outlets they know about this

We hope that our article will help you open some new, unknown trademark for yourself and enjoy the taste of freshly brewed coffee.

The best coffee according to the program "Control procurement"

Video: Rating of ground and grain coffee

Video: a rating of soluble coffee


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Comments K. article

  1. It is important not only to grow coffee, but also to be able to store, fry and mix. Although many countries are grown, it does not have the necessary experience and knowledge in the field of coffee processing. For example, why are Italians famous for delicious coffee? Although they have never grown him in large volumes. All because the Italians were one of the first to learn how to appreciate and treat coffee. Many Italian brands are now leaders in the coffee market. The same Lavazza produces very tasty coffee, which has a large taste gamut. Manufacturers adapt to the market, offer various varieties along the fortress, in saturation. Now Lavazza generally made a series of capsule coffee for home coffee machines. And also offers a good selection of tastes. The Lavazza Blue capsule line contains more than 10 hours of options. I give the main preference Lavazza Blue Deca, Deca, Vivace and Soave.

    From this, it is concluded that it is important not only to be able to grow coffee, but also to create a really high -quality product from it.

  2. All the CIS Italian is just very common coffee. Lavazza is very tasty, not expensive, mostly parents prefer it, since there is little caffeine, a soft taste. For yourself and small, we take the capsule di Maestri. The machine was taken over, under the standard of a dolce densely, taken on sale for 3t. Cooks well, quickly and tasty coffee turns out. Husband and eldest son drink Intenso, Arabica or Cortado, well, and we are with my daughter Latte or Kapuchino. We buy at Dimastri.com, the prices are the lowest, and there are clearly no fakes.

    Regarding the right choice of coffee, it simply does not exist. For the sake of interest, we compared the same coffee bought in different places for interest, sometimes even in color is completely different. That is, what is not clear there, and even more so where and who did it.

  3. Interesting article. I think that coffee made of freshly -growed grains is the most aromatic and rich. After all, only freshly -growed coffee can be revealed by bright taste notes. I order coffee through the Internet in a trusted store, they fry the grains every week, and you are guaranteed to get an excellent product. Packaging in this case plays an important role and in Torrefacto about this, of course, I know and pack coffee in foil bags with a zip-zamkom and a valve. I used to buy coffee in stores, but there can be no question of freshness there, because it takes more than one week from the frying, to receiving a cherished pack, but it happens more than one month (((. I heard many times that coffee in Italy is amazing. I was in Italy in many cities, but apparently not in those where they serve delicious coffee, what I tried in my opinion this is a disgusting combination of bruised coffee beans with water, forgive me lovers of Italian frying.

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