30 differences in poor and rich people. Features of thinking of the poor and rich people

30 differences in poor and rich people. Features of thinking of the poor and rich people

What distinguishes rich people from the poor. On the features of thinking and attitude to the money of poor and rich people.

Features of the thinking of rich and poor people

It is believed that happiness is not in money. But the fact that money can make life easier and more pleasant. One person knows how to increase capital and get rich. The other does not know where to get money to pay for utilities. Being in the same conditions, one can get rich, the other can lose everything.

Important: give a thousand rich, he will make it a million. Give the poor a million, he will waste everything to a penny.

So what is the secret of wealth and the ability to make money? In this article we will not tell how to earn a million. After all, there are no instructions. In this article, we will talk about the features of the thinking of poor and rich people, about the attitude to the wealth of these two classes.

What path will you choose?

Millionaire Steve Sibold conducted an interesting study. For 30 years, he interviewed the millionaires. Sibold came to the conclusion that the thinking of poor and rich people is radically different. This is a big difference.

The thinking of rich and poor people

Rich Poor
All earned money invests He spends everything earned
Enjoys every day Eternally dissatisfied with everyone
Considers himself the master of his life Believes that nothing depends on him
Considers opportunities Thinking about obstacles
Learns and grows all the time Thinks that he knows enough
Considers poverty a source of evil I am sure that money is the root of evil
Thinking is aimed at actions Hopes for a chance
Thinking about the future Lives with thoughts about the past
Engaged in what loves Often forced to earn money at an unloved job
Awaits remuneration for the results of his work Waiting for wages for the worked hours

Often in poor families, children from an early age inspire that wealth is a vice. In such families, it is traditionally believed that rich people earned their money dishonestly, that they are scammers and crooks.

Self -confidence and selfishness are equated with the worst qualities. Since childhood, the child is taught that making money is great physical and moral efforts. It is not rare because of this a person chooses a job that he later hates.

The rich know that wealth is their right, not a privilege. Since childhood, such people are sure that selfishness is a virtue. The desire of the rich is to become happy. They do not hide this fact and do not pretend that they are trying to save the world. Since childhood, children in wealthy families have been accustomed to the fact that people are divided into poor and rich. But this does not mean that they teach people to look down on people. They just perceive the world as it is.

The poor will not risk his money to open his own business. The rich always knows that your own business is the best way to make a fortune. The truth is that the rich knows that his own business gives the opportunity to look for additional sources of funds, to constantly increase their income.

Important: we can conclude that the ability to earn a lot of money lies in any mechanisms, but in thinking, mentality and attitude to money. This was proved by Steve Sibold.

Who is the big money floating to?

30 differences between the poor and rich

There are 30 differences between poor and rich people who can put on thoughts:

  1. The rich counts only on his own strength. The poor is sure that everyone should always.
  2. The rich has no habit of buying cheap things. The poor spends twice, as he pays stingy twice.
  3. A wealthy person does not have extra money, the poor distinguishes that he always has it.
  4. The rich receives only the necessary specialized education, constantly strives for self -development. The poor considers higher education the limit of perfection, he does not want to study throughout his life.
  5. The rich are only engaged in the fact that they bring them pleasure and money. The poor all their lives can work at an unprecedented low -paid work.
  6. The rich always controls his expenses, the poor does not understand where he spent all the money.
  7. A rich person invests in what will provide income. The poor invests money in what provides expense.
  8. For rich money, this is possibilities, for the poor - the purpose of life.
  9. A rich man is not inclined to sudden purchases. The poor one in one fell swoop can waste everything to a penny.
  10. The rich is restrained in gifting people, the poor is ready to distribute tips to the left and right.
  11. The rich prefers to be silent about money, the poor always talks about them and thinks.
  12. A rich person is distinguished by an enterprising character, the poor hopes for case and maybe.
  13. The rich does not spare finance for high -quality medical care. The poor does not care about his health hoping in case.
  14. A rich man considers money to be his friend, for the poor money - the enemy.
  15. The rich is looking for an opportunity to earn on everything, the poor is content with the earnings that he shoulder.
  16. The rich surrounds himself with like -minded people and reaches for people, richer than himself. The poor consider wealthy snobs and shy away from communication with people, richer than themselves.
  17. The rich manages his own, the poor manages the money.
  18. The rich are ready and know when to take risks. The poor are always careful.
  19. The rich, unlike poor entertainment, prefer education. In their house you can always find books on self -development, financial literacy. The poor prefer to watch shows and TV shows.
  20. The rich even negative experience is considered a lesson. The poor are afraid and hard to endure disappointments.
  21. The rich know that money gives them freedom and opportunities. For poor finances are a source of all problems.
  22. The poor, having received money, will show the world his weaknesses. The rich can lose wealth, while his character will not change.
  23. The rich knows how to combine business and family. The poor in failures accuses the family, the costs of children.
  24. Rich people invest earned money. The poor prefer to believe in savings.
  25. If the wealthy is the choice of “one or the other”, he takes “both.” The poor will choose one of two.
  26. His money is working on the rich. The poor works for the sake of money.
  27. The rich act without fear, are not afraid of the challenges of fate. The poor is led by fear and fear.
  28. The rich know how to enjoy and favorably accept gifts of fate. Poor people do not know how to do this.
  29. The rich admire wealthy and successful people. The poor are indignant and do not like rich and successful.
  30. Rich people think about achieving more. The poor have low expectations to protect themselves from disappointments.
30 differences of the rich from the poor

There are no recommendations on how to get rich. But you should start small, if you want to become rich, change your thinking. Do not complain forever, whine and rely on a bad life. Instead, send requests for well -being, success, money to the universe.

Do not forget about the boomerang law that works. Write whether you agree that the thinking of rich and poor people is different. But in pursuit of wealth, one should not forget that not every rich is truly rich. And that the outcome is always alone.

Video: Differences between the poor and rich

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  1. From the book »Paternal book. Admission 2. Part 2. Word and deed. ":
    “These poor creations are mutilated by their own greed and power, though they consider themselves exorbitantly rich because of the large number of material wealth they have accumulated, they always rush somewhere as stupid, wet from sweat, with fear of fear, or something not of fear or something not Easy with their eyes, moreover, they either do not see, or simply lose the very ability to see the beauty of their life, feel its charm and feel the light, almost weightless touch of emerald happiness granted by it. They are trying to fill their spiritual emptiness, this huge gaping abyss all with new and new portions of paper candy wrappers. Their life consists of constantly itchy pain from the leeches attached to their heads. When other people hear about them, they immediately represent in their imagination the vile, flabby, obese and swollen representatives of the human race, and even if the image differs in the physical plane, then its inner filling remains the same. People make a huge effort on themselves and call on their restraint to help, so as not to give out all the disgust and contempt that they experience in conversations with such creatures. If the latter also begin to boast of their alleged wealth, then sympathetic surprise before such a depth of human madness is already mixed with contempt. After all, they are only miserable, small and unhappy people, enslaved by their own stupidity, constrained by thousands of chains and obligations, troubles guard them literally at every corner, their nerves are always at the limit, their eyes are cast in their eyes full of hostility or hidden mockery, They are considered only as a feeder, their head is constantly clogged with questions, how not to lose everything that is acquired by overwork, losses, losses, losses ... but they simply do not know how to live, suffering-their destiny. In a word, miserable creatures with a yoke on the neck. "

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