15 ways to ruin beauty. What kills our appearance?

15 ways to ruin beauty. What kills our appearance?

How bad habits affect beauty and health. What will give a healthy lifestyle.

Natural beauty at the peak of popularity. It is not easy to preserve it, because every day our health and beauty are subjected to many negative factors. Consider which habits adversely affect our skin, hair, nails.


No wonder they say that many diseases develop from nerves. Nervous tension, experiences, stresses affect beauty. Stress can lead to:

  1. Weight loss or sharp increase in body weight
  2. Hair loss
  3. Change in complexion
  4. Skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, seborrhea)

Our life is so arranged that sooner or later we are faced with unpleasant situations at work, in communication with friends or acquaintances. Do not take troubles close to heart, remember that you can find a way out of any situation.


Excess weight is not only an external problem. Almost always obesityis a satellite of many diseases:

  1. Arthritis
  2. Hypertension
  3. Diabetes
  4. Cardiac ischemia
  5. Diseases of the female reproductive system
  6. Flat feet, deformation of the stop

Having crossed a certain mark on the scales, it can be difficult to return it back. Do not let the situation for a gear. If you see excess weight or a tendency to obesity, take care of your body today.


Diseases, especially long -term, do not pass without a trace. Satellites of prolonged diseases can be:

  1. Pale complexion
  2. Brittle nails and dull hair
  3. Circles under the eyes

During this period, it is important to take care of yourself. Go to the hairdresser, go in for sports (if possible), take vitamins, select the correct skin care scheme. Over time, the body will recover, and you will again become beautiful.

Important: the skin is a mirror of our body. If any organ is sick, acne, acne, spots may appear on the skin. An experienced doctor may assume the presence of dozens of diseases, looking at the condition of your skin.

Fatigue, overwork

Many are forced to work hard to provide themselves with a decent standard of living. Some even work for years without vacations and weekends. Of course, this affects our body. Not only appearance can suffer, but chronic fatigue will also appear. And this condition is extremely dangerous for your health, immunity immediately weakens.

Remember, even if your work brings you a lot of money and pleasure, you just need to relax. After rest, your disability will only increase.

Lack of sleep

Blue circles under the eyes give out your sleepless nights. It is not always possible to disguise them with concealers. Take for your habit of sleeping at least 8 hours. During this time, the body will recover and gain strength.

Low self-esteem

Even if you are dressed in the most expensive clothes and with the most beautiful hairstyle, this will not save you if you have low self -esteem. A confident person radiates strength, energy, attracts attention and has to himself.

Love yourself as it is. Think about how to beat your shortcomings so that they become your highlight. After you love yourself, the quality of your life will improve significantly.

Ecology, harmful substances

Chemical emissions of plants, exhaust gases, hard water can be a danger to beauty, primarily for the skin. Under the influence of these external factors, collagen is destroyed, metabolic processes are violated, free radicals are activated, which are responsible for premature skin aging.

The skin of women living in a metropolis is exposed to negative factors stronger than the skin of women living in less populated cities.


Red nose in the cold, of course, attracts few. But hypothermia is not so scary in that it adversely affects the skin and hair, as terribly inflammatory and colds. Hypothermia is fraught with such diseases:

  • SARS
  • Pyelonephritis, cystitis
  • Inflammation of the prostate in men

The habit of picking your face

Dermatologists and cosmetologists do not get tired of repeating that in no case do you need acne and pick your face. The opening of the abscess is an open wound in which microbes begin to multiply. As a result, acneit becomes even more. Sometimes an unsuccessful squeezed pimple can become fatal.

The cause of the death of the Württemberg Queen Ekaterina Pavlovna became an unsuccessful squeezed pimple.

The habit of stooping

The habit of stooping can be formed in childhood. Causes of stoop:

  • Incorrectly organized workplace
  • Sedomery
  • Long -term stay at the computer

In addition to external unattractiveness, stooping can affect health:

  • The development of scoliosis
  • Rachiocampsis
  • Deterioration in the work of internal organs

Try to keep even posture.


Laziness is becoming one of the main reasons for unattractiveness. Do not be lazy to take care of yourself, play sports, do gymnastics for the face and neck. Only a lazy woman can be ugly.

Poor -quality cosmetics

The use of poor -quality cosmetics not only does not improve our skin, but also spoils it. Give preference to natural cosmetics or proven professional means. From poor -quality cosmetics, pores can clog, allergic reactions appear, the skin can grow old and succumb to harmful chemicals.

Bad habits. Their influence on beauty and health

As a child, our parents taught us: “Do not bite your nails”, “Do not bitter”, “Do not stoop”, etc. Thus, they wanted to protect us from bad habits. At first glance, nothing will happen to the terrible if you eat a sandwich instead of a full breakfast. But the problem lies in the fact that we are not limited to once, and there is a habit of an incorrect lifestyle. Bad habits become an integral part of our lives and slowly destroy us from the inside.

List of bad habits is huge:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Harmful products
  • Lack of sleep
  • Incorrect skin care

And this is not the whole list.

Try to refuse bad habits. If you are not able to do this right away, get rid of gradually. The result will positively affect your health and appearance.


Smoking is one of the most addictions that destructively affects not only beauty, but also the body as a whole. The avid smoker:

  1. Hoarse voice
  2. Sticking cough
  3. Unpleasant odor
  4. Yellow teeth
  5. Earthly complexion

And the list does not end there:

  1. The immunity of smokers is weak
  2. Oxygen starvation is observed
  3. The vessels are thinning
  4. The work of the heart, kidneys, liver, brain worsens
  5. Sexual dysfunction, infertility develops
  6. The risk of developing lung cancer, coronary disease, chronic bronchitis

Important: there is no such body that would not amaze smoking. According to statistics, the cause of death of 25% of smokers is a pernicious habit. Many of these people could live 10-20 years longer.

Video: Harm Classification

Harmful products

The habit of eating bad food is the global problem of the 21st century. A huge number of fast-food restaurants, a frantic rhythm of life, stress-all this contributes to malnutrition. A child with a bottle of cola and a huge hot dog no longer surprises anyone. But from childhood we spoil our stomach with such products. Many young people suffer from ulcers, gastritis, obesity.

Refuse once and for all the following products:

  • Crisps
  • Burgers and hot dogs
  • Noodles and fast -cooking puree
  • Sausages and canned food
  • Sweet soda drinks
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup
  • Chocolate bars, candies and other sweets

Similar products do not benefit. Many of them include harmful substances, taste amplifiers, flavors that accumulate in the body and cause irreparable damage.


The consequences of addiction to alcohol are disappointing:

  1. Destruction of the liver
  2. Oncology
  3. Brain violation
  4. Life reduction by 10-15 years

There are people who like to drink a glass of wine during dinner. They believe that nothing terrible will happen from the glass of wine. In fact, studies show that a glass of a strong alcoholic drink kills about 2000 cells in the brain.

The influence of alcohol on beauty also knows:

  • Backs under the eyes
  • Swelling
  • Gray complexion

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is the path to beauty and longevity.

He includes:

  • Proper nutrition
  • Sports
  • Walks in the open air
  • Avoiding stress
  • Refusal of alcohol and cigarettes
  • Positive thinking
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day

Useful habits

It is believed that the habit is formed for 21 days. Make a list of your bad habits that you need to get rid of, and a list of useful habits that need to be formed. Hang the list for a prominent place. Try to follow this list, it will be easier to re -educate yourself. Remember, we create ourselves throughout our lives.

Often people underestimate a healthy lifestyle and the right habits. They mistakenly believe that these are continuous prohibitions and restrictions. In fact, a healthy lifestyle is a good health and acquired dozens of life. Make sure that yourself.

Video: Healthy lifestyle rules

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