10 products that are more harmful than sugar: rating

10 products that are more harmful than sugar: rating

List of products, more harmful than sugar.

Many believe that sugar is a very harmful product that is practically the most undesirable for consumption. In fact, this is not so. In this article we will talk about products that are even more harmful than sugar.

See the list:

Artificial sweeteners: Harm

These products are 1 place in harmfulness after sugar.

Oddly enough, but all sugar substitutes, that is, aspartam, is not leading to weight loss, but to its set. This is due to the fact that a saturation signal does not fall into the brain, that is, that you ate sugar. Therefore, this amount of sugar can be replaced with excess calories. Accordingly, a person begins to lean even more on another food, thus replacing sugar, which had previously been in the diet. In addition, aspartam disrupts the processing of fat in the body, and also inhibits the production of the hormone, which is responsible for satiety. A person constantly feels hunger.

Revised meat - sausages, sausages, smoked meats: Harm

It is in 2nd place in harmfulness after sugar.

It includes absolutely all sausages, sausages, bacon, smoked meats. All these products are very harmful, because they contain a glutamate of sodium, which enhances the taste, as well as the aroma. Inxing such products in your diet, you risk earn diabetes and obesity. Because there are a lot of fat and harmful substances.

Hydrogenized oil, trans fats - margarine: harm

In 3rd place in harmfulness after sugar.

Hydrogenized oil - This is nothing but oil, turned into solid fat. Such products include soy, rapeseed, corn oil. They are completely harmless in liquid form. But hydrogenated, which have become a solid state, are very harmful, and rather high -calorie. They contain a huge amount of trans fats. Therefore, after taking such substances in the body, the amount of poor cholesterol grows and the level of good decreases. Therefore, you run the risk of earn cardiovascular diseases, get weakened immunity, diabetes and obesity. Therefore, we recommend connecting a healthy lifestyle to society.

Transfinery. They are obtained after the addition of hydrogen to liquid oils, as a result of which they become solid. Their transportation is simplified, respectively, and all products in the form of fast food, sweets, cookies, it becomes cheaper. If you consume such products, you will become a diabetic that can lead to stroke and various heart diseases.

Shipy drinks: Harm

In 4th place in harmfulness after sugar.

Soda. The fact is that such drinks contain a huge amount of soda, which provokes an increase in appetite. This, in turn, leads to diabetes, problems with the breakdown of fats in the liver may arise.

Corn syrup: harm

In 5th place in harmfulness after sugar.

The fact is that such a substance is often introduced into a variety of bread, treated meat and soda. It can cause intestinal ailments, liver disease.

Food dyes: harms

In 6th place in harmfulness after sugar.

It is worth noting that one of the harmful itself is such food dyes as Yellow 5 and Yellow 6. This is due to the fact that such dyes reduce attention and concentration in children. Accordingly, babies can study and perceive information worse. Some states have already banned the use of these dyes. But in many countries, their use is still allowed, including in Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to read the label if you see the inscription “that they can have a negative impact on activity and attention in children”, we advise you not to purchase this drink or delicacy.

Popcorn for microwaves: Harm

In 7th place in harmfulness after sugar.

The product itself is essentially harmless, safe and not harmful. Of all the confectionery that exist, popcorn is the safest. But the fact is that the packaging for preparation in the microwave is covered with a special substance, with the breakdown of which perforated acid is obtained. Studies were conducted, and it was revealed that this acid provokes the development of cancer in animals. In public, such studies were not carried out, but we can draw an analogy, imagine what can happen if there are regular products regularly.

Energy: harm

In 8th place in harmfulness after sugar.

The composition of one jar with a volume of 0.33 liters contains about 30 g of sugar. In addition, a variety of stimulants, such as caffeine, taurin, as well as L-carnitine. Indeed, with the initial reception of a small amount of energy, a person feels rather peppy. He has a sail of strength, as well as mood. But after a while, vigor disappears because certain signals fall into the brain, which then lead to relaxation, which provokes fatigue, loss of appetite and mood. In addition, abusing such products, you can earn heart ailments, as well as diabetes.

Soy sauce: harm

In 9th place in harmfulness after sugar.

Contains sodium salts that provoke the occurrence of kidney stones.

Chewing gum: harm

In 10th place in harmfulness after sugar.

In addition to the sweeteners who are the first in our ranking, chewing gum helps to release gastric juice during chewing. If you chew it on an empty stomach (and this is most often happens), gastric juice in an empty stomach causes its irritation, gastritis.

As you can see, in addition to sugar, there are many products that should be excluded from the daily diet. This will help maintain youth, as well as avoid many problems in old age.

Video: products, more harmful than sugar

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  1. I heard about it for a long time ... And the doctor said. I limit. And I also support sugar by taking Olijim's tablets. In Jimnem and Inulin, they are the leaders in usefulness for diabetics. There is generally a good line there, you can recommend a lot. I myself usually order in an online store, conveniently.

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