10 myths about mammoplastics, breast implants, and their exposure

10 myths about mammoplastics, breast implants, and their exposure

This article describes the 10 most common myths about mammoplasty.

Many modern women at least once in their lives thought about changing the shape or size of the chest. But it is difficult to make a decision and turn to a plastic surgeon, since such a delicate topic is surrounded by different myths and rumors.

Let's analyze the 10 main myths about mammoplastics in this article. Here you will find answers to questions that are most often interested in women who think about plastic surgery in the chest area.

When you can breastfeed your baby after mammoplasty and can this be done?

Chest after mammoplasty
Chest after mammoplasty

The first myth: after mammoplasty, breastfeeding is prohibited. This is a wrong statement.

  • Modern technologies allow you to install implants under muscle tissue.
  • They will not contact the mammary gland and therefore breastfeeding will be safe for both mom and baby.
  • Mammoplasty is not made to pregnant women.

Most likely, this operation was carried out long before the birth of a child, so you can breastfeed the baby immediately after he was born.

Edema after mammoplasty: Does the chest lose sensitivity?

The second myth: with implants, the chest loses sensitivity.

  • Such a wrong statement is associated with vast edema of glandular tissue.
  • The swelling of the shell of the nerve "roots" can also affect sensitivity. But this can last within a week - no more.
  • In many women, such edema after plastic surgery can lead to hypersensitivity.

All this will pass after the end of the early postoperative period, and sensitivity will return to normal.

7-10 years after mammoplasty, breast implants need to be changed?

Chest after mammoplasty
Chest after mammoplasty

The third myth: after 7 or 10 years, implants are subject to replacement.

  • Such a rumor is associated with hormonal changes in a woman who occurs during menopause. They affect the shape and size of the chest.
  • Age and hormonal changes, the appearance of age -based adipose tissue - all this leads to the formation of a skin pocket.
  • To make the chest look aesthetically pleasing, a second surgical intervention is performed.
  • But the implants themselves do not need replacement, especially if they are of high quality.

The implants of some manufacturers have a life guarantee and do not need replacement.

Is it possible to do without mammoplasty and enlarge the chest without surgery?

Myth fourth: the chest can be increased without surgery, with injection, cosmetics, and so on.

  • Creams, ointments, injections - all this cannot stand on a par with mammoplasty.
  • Modern plastic surgeons can use lipofilling or Autotransplantation of fat. These are common methods for breast augmentation, when adipose tissue from other parts of the body is “transplanted” into the chest glands.
  • But often, women who do not have a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat come to the plastic surgeon with a request to increase their breasts. These women have an asthenic physique, and breast hypoplasia is associated with their insufficient development.
  • Lipophiling has no persistent results, and changes after surgery will be reflected on the shape of the milk breast.

In addition, this procedure allows you to increase the chest by only 1 size. Therefore, the most reliable way of breast augmentation is endoprosthetics by implants, which gives excellent long -term results.

Is it possible to make breasts of any size with mammoplasty?

Chest after mammoplasty
Chest after mammoplasty

Myth Fifth: Mammoplasty allows you to make a breast of absolutely any size.

  • The choice of implant depends on many women's data: growth, chest size and glandular tissue.
  • A plastic surgeon, before choosing a correct and suitable implant, makes many calculations.
  • If a woman with an asthenic physique and aplasia of the breast comes to an appointment with the surgeon, and asks her to make her 4th size of the mammary glands, then a good specialist will definitely answer that this is impossible, especially at one stage.
  • After all, it is important to get a natural result so that the chest looks physiologically beautiful.
  • The skin pocket can be stretched to a large size, but in several stages.

Therefore, trust your surgeon, and it will help you choose the correct shape and size of the implant.

Is the implant after mammoplasty easily determined by the touch?

Chest after mammoplasty
Chest after mammoplasty

The sixth myth: when probing, the implant is easily determined, and it is dense and cold.

  • The implant may be felt if it is not entirely selected.
  • This happens with a lack of fabric and a practical absence of a glandular component.
  • Even if the implant is installed under the muscle, it is thin and it will be visible through the skin.
  • There are places in the chest where the implant is not completely covered, for example, on the lateral edges, and it will really be felt.

To avoid such a result, you need to listen to the tips of the surgeon to select the most suitable in the physiological plan of the implant.

Implants after mammoplastics limit freedom of movement even a few years after surgery?

Chest after mammoplasty
Chest after mammoplasty

The seventh myth: implants limit freedom of movement.

  • In fact, there are no restrictions. There is only a postoperative period-1 month for ordinary women and 1.5-2 months for athletes.
  • During this period, it is worth limiting sharp movements: sports, any physical activity and so on.
  • You can return to ordinary physical activity at the end of the postoperative period.

Professional athletes should gradually return to sports, starting with light loads and increasing them to the usual norm.

After mammoplasty can breast cancer develop?

The eighth myth: After the operation to enlarge the breast, breast cancer may develop.

Perennial observations of American scientists say that the risk of developing breast oncology in women with implants is the same as in women who did not conduct mammoplasty.

Is the implant damage possible?

Implants for mammoplasty
Implants for mammoplasty

Myth ninth: the implant can break, and its contents will result in.

  • This is one of the most common myths. But these are only rumors that spread people who do not understand anything in medicine.
  • The implant shell is made of dense silicone. Inside it is a silicone gel that resembles a dense jelly in consistency.
  • Even during the experiments, the implant does not spread, and the dense shell is difficult to damage.

Modern medicine has stepped far ahead. Innovative materials are created that are completely safe for human use. This also applies to implants, which are made of high -quality silicone - durable, reliable and durable.

Are the seams after mammoplasty?

Seams after mammoplasty are inconspicuous
Seams after mammoplasty are inconspicuous

Tenth myth: Scars after mammoplasty will be noticeable.

  • After any surgical intervention, scars remain.
  • The task of plastic surgeons to make seams after mammoplasty are inconspicuous.
  • It is also important that the seams do not cause discomfort to the patient.

The female breast should be harmonious and it should fit perfectly into the proportion of a woman. For each patient, an individual size and shape of the chest is selected. Listen to the advice of your plastic surgeon, because the main thing is not the size, but the shape, harmony and proportionality of the chest with other parts of the body: waist, hips and so on.

Video: Silicone breasts. TOP-5 myths. Myths and reality

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  1. Whatever the advantages of the operation of this type, BV never laid down on the operating room without trying alternative methods. I liked the Bust Cream Spa cream, which, even after 3 pregnancies, put my chest in order: the skin pulled up, became more reproduction, the bust became more magnificent and pulled up.

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