Stars-victims of plastic surgery: TOP-20

Stars-victims of plastic surgery: TOP-20

A selection of photos of stars that made unsuccessful plasticity.

Unsuccessful plastic stars: TOP-20

In pursuit of beauty and youth, some are ready to lie under a knife of a plastic surgeon. You will not surprise anyone with plastic operations in our time. Many women, not only stars and celebrities, resort to various procedures for rejuvenation of appearance.

Important: many plastic has benefited. However, among the stars there are a lot of those who became a victim of plastic surgeons. Below is a selection of photos that will make you think - whether such a beauty of such victims is worth it.

Valery Leontyev

A popular artist in his almost 70 years is active, cheerful and the same workaholic as in youth. Valery Leontyev achieved success thanks to his talent and enormous hard work.

The singer does not want to grow old, like most people, does not intend to put up with an aging face in the mirror. He repeatedly resorted to blepharoplasty, pricked Botox, did a tightening. Changes in the appearance of the singer are obvious.

Valery Leontyev monitors appearance

The last pictures of Valery Leontyev caused a storm of comments among fans and fans. Many noted that the singer has become like a woman. His cheekbones acquired relief and sharp honeness, his lips became much puffer, and the skin is more tightened. Probably, the singer removed the bisha lumps - fat deposits in the cheeks. This procedure is now very popular among celebrities.

Changes in the appearance of Valery Leontyev

The artist also does not forget to follow his teeth. When the artist smiles, you can see even veneers.

So Valery Leontyev looked in his youth. The only thing the singer does not want to part with is his luxurious hair. Thanks to which the singer can be recognized now.

Valery Leontyev in his youth

Vera Alentova

Important: the Soviet actress, who is known to many in the role in the film “Moscow does not believe in tears”, also suffered from the hands of a plastic surgeon.

Like most women, Vera Alentov, did not want to age. But in the distant 90s, she made her face lifting. The first manipulations with the appearance were quite successful. The actress looked fresh and young.

Vera Alentova in Youth

But the last operation literally distorted the appearance of the legendary actress.

The asymmetry of the face, distortion of facial expressions, scars - this is what the result of plastic surgery turned out to be. Vera Alentova was going to sue the clinic, but nothing was known about this case.

Unsuccessful plastic of faith Alentova
This is what Vera Alentova looks now

Masha Malinovskaya

The Russian TV presenter is known to many, as an amateur to experiment with his appearance. Unfortunately, some experiments cannot be called successful.

Important: Masha Malinovskaya looked pretty pretty and attractive to plastic. The pursuit of fashion, children's complexes or the desire to become even more beautiful, it is not known what the TV presenter pushed to such a step.

Malinovskaya: photo before and after

After cheloplasty, surgery to excise the skin above the upper lip, Malinovskaya’s lip acquired the appearance of the “hare of the Bay”. After some time, the star made another operation that corrected the error.

Unsuccessful plastic Masha Malinovskaya

It is also known that Masha Malinovskaya sued with a plastic surgeon who made her breasts of different sizes.

The girl’s nose did not remain either. The experiment with the nose was successful.

TV presenter Masha Malinovskaya


The former participant in the stars factory at the time of participation in the show looked rather innocent and cute. But the desire to follow fashion did not pass this girl. Alex has not performed on stage for a long time, but leads his microblog. With her subscribers, the girl shared the photo, noting that the result of the correction of the lips is sweet and natural.

Subscribers considered that such lips could not be called cute and natural. On the contrary, Alexa's appearance became repulsive.

Alex now

So Alex looked before lips.

Alex before

In pursuit of perfection, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Sergey Zverev

Important: Sergey Zverev is a shocking, bright personality. In addition, he has a good sense of humor. The star speaks openly about its positive attitude to plastic surgery. He himself did the operation repeatedly.

However, this can be seen with the naked look. To plastic, Sergey Zverev looked courageous and usually. Comparing the results before and after, you will never say that this is one and the same face.

Sergey Zverev before he became a star

Sergey Zverev did the first operation as a result of a car accident. Then he decided to perform a number of more operations to improve appearance.

It is easy to guess which plastic operations Sergey Zverev resorted to:

  • Haleoplasty
  • Correction of cheekbones
  • Rinoplasty
  • Changing the chin
Sergey Zverev

The appearance of Sergei Zverev made his image in show business unforgettable, brought him success and glory. Without an unusual appearance, it is difficult to imagine a star. However, do not deny that the stylist has become a victim of plastic surgery. Although he himself does not think so and advises everyone to change his appearance, if something does not suit.

So the appearance of Sergei Zverev changed

Love Assumption

Important: “Queen of Chanson” every year looks younger and younger.

So Love Uspenskaya looked in childhood and youth.

Lyubov Uspenskaya in childhood and youth

Age, of course, makes its adjustments to any appearance. For a while, the Assumption Lyubov looked like this.

Love Assumption

In her microblog, the singer published her photo, for which fans criticized her. Fans called the singer unnaturally young, "a woman without age." Some even find the appearance of the singer similar to the appearance of Michael Jackson.

Lyubov Uspenskaya does not respond to evil comments, but considers himself kind and sexy. The singer noted that evil people are aging early and advised to take an example from themselves.

Lyubov Uspenskaya looks 25 years old

Sasha Project

In the early 2000s, Sasha Project bathed in fame. The singer was popular and beautiful. However, then Sasha disappeared from the field of view.

Sasha Project before and after plastic

It turned out that the girl fell into a very unpleasant situation. For many years she fought for her own health and tried to restore her appearance disfigured by a plastic surgeon.

Important: Sasha spoke about unsuccessful plastic surgery. Later it took a lot of operations to correct errors. The singer sued a plastic surgeon and won it. The court made a decision in favor of Sasha Project, the surgeon was obliged to pay her 2 million rubles.

But money is not the main thing in this story. After all, Sasha’s life hung in a balance from the tragedy.

Sasha's terrible experiment Project

Initially, the singer turned to the clinic in order to fix the nasal partition. However, the girl was offered a number of manipulations that should have made a girl similar to Angelina Jolie.

The singer warns girls against such experiments with appearance.

Sasha Project regrets plastic

Olga Spirkina

Important: Actress Olga Dickina in pursuit of beauty and youth regretted her decision. The actress resorted to the Golden threads procedure. Thanks to this procedure, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes elastic and toned.

However, after the procedure, the actress’s face acquired a constantly smiling look. The cheekbones crawled up, and with them the corners of the mouth. It seemed that the actress either wanted to sneeze, or constantly smiles.

Spirkina before and after plastic

As a result, there was another operation that was supposed to remove the “gold threads”. But a bad result is more difficult to fix.

The actress sued and sued 150 thousand rubles. This amount is much smaller than the one that the star spent on restoration of appearance.

The actress is no longer decided on the plasticity of the face and does not advise others to do this.

Olga Spirkina

Julia Volkova

The famous duet "Tattoo" has long broken up. Many people remember the members of the group even the same as they were at the time of the popularity of the group.

However, time and plastic surgery change stars beyond recognition.

In the photo you can see how much Julia Volkova changed. A short haircut, sweet face, natural facial features were before this girl.

Julia Volkova before and after plastic

Now you can see that the singer’s lips acquired the appearance of a “duck”, the singer also increased her chest. The singer also changed the shape of the eyebrows, which many did not like.

Julia Volkova changed the shape of the eyebrows

Fans note that Julia's appearance has changed a lot for the worse. The singer did not do operations that would change the appearance radically. However, those procedures that were was enough to add a dozen years to the appearance of the singer.

Against the backdrop of his colleague, the second participant of the ex-group “Tattoo” looks fresh and young.

Julia Volkova: Ex-member of the Tattoo group

Julia Nachava

Important: the singer Julia Nachalova has a gorgeous appearance. But after the birth of a child, like most women, the singer’s chest has suffered for the worse. Then she decided on mammoplasty.

The singer enlarged her breasts to the fourth size. However, she realized that she did not like the result. She wanted her previous chest. The singer said she felt psychological problems.

But the next operation to remove implants was not so successful. Infection began in the body, an infection came. Doctors did everything possible to save the singer. And they did everything.

Julia Nachalova blames herself in what has happened and does not want to repeat such bitter experience.

Julia Nachava: photo to plastic and after

Jacqueline Stallone

The mother of the famous actor Sylvester Stallone is rightfully considered a long -lived. The woman’s age approaches the age of 100, but she is still active and cheerful.

Important: Stallone did not work out beautifully at Jacqueline. The fault of this is many plastic surgery that simply disfigured a woman. Perhaps without them the mother of the legendary actor would look much better.

The woman in his youth was quite beautiful, this can be seen in the photo below.

Jacqueline Stallone in his youth

But she did not want to grow old and covered with wrinkles. This led her to the table to a plastic surgeon. Like many women, Jackie Stallone did not stop at the same operation. Actually, the result of surgical intervention is evident.

The result of plastic surgery Jacqueline Stallone

Jacqueline Stallone is called a walking victim of plasticity. The woman understands that she received the wrong result she wanted. Once she said about herself that she looked like a chipmunk with an mouth full of nuts.

However, a woman is strong in spirit, plays sports and is not going to stop there.

Jacqueline Stallone: \u200b\u200bbefore and after

Natalia Andreichenko

Important: Soviet actress Natalya Andreichenko in her youth had a special charm. Her face was sweet, romantic, tender. The image of the nanny from the film "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!" Great for this actress.

Natalia Andreichenko in his youth

The actress considered it necessary to get rid of the first signs of aging. The contour plastic of the lips and nasolabial folds changed the tender face beyond recognition. This is not to say that the actress had a former charm after plastic.

On a puffy face, too voluminous lips attract attention. The actress’s face is tightened, but it cannot be said that it is very attractive.

Natalya Andreichenko: Photo before and Plastic Field

Natalya Andreichenko monitors food, leads a healthy lifestyle and seeks to look young. She does not condemn women who resort to plastic. The actress belongs to the desire of a woman to always remain beautiful philosophically.

Actress Natalya Andreichenko

Priscilla Presley

Important: Elvis Presley’s lover and only wife in his youth looked like a doll. The woman resorted to injections and various procedures when she realized that his youth was leaving.

Priscilla Presley in Youth

Until a certain time, the procedure on the face of the Prucilles Presley was not so clearly noticeable. Just a woman seemed well -groomed and beautiful. However, the moment came when the plastic was fatal. By the hands of the surgeon, who operated on the Prucill, many stars suffered. Even his name is known that the surgeon is prohibited from conducting activities in the United States.

The appearance of Presley's Priscilla is often discussed. Her face looks unnatural. It seems that a woman will not even be able to smile, so the skin is stretched. In an interview, the woman admitted that she had to make a lot of effort to correct the errors of unsuccessful plasticity.

However, the unsuccessful experience did not stop Prucill Presley. She regularly resorts to cosmetic services and injections.

Priscilla Presley after plastic

Elena Korikova

Important: “Poor Nastya” - it is in this way that actress Elena Korikova is associated. The role in this series forever strengthened the image of an innocent, sweet girl in the actress.

Elena Korikova always attributed various manipulations with her own body. However, the actress on this topic did not give comments. According to her, a healthy sleep helped her to preserve her youth.

It was rumored that Korikova increased her breasts, one of the first in the domestic show business resorted to liposuction, made plastic lips.

For a long time the actress is not acted in the cinema, she can rarely be seen on the screen. However, the pictures now and then fall into the network. In the latest photos of the actress, strong changes in appearance are visible.

Elena Korikova

The actress's face became more puffy, bags appeared under her eyes, the shape of the lips changed.

The cute face of the actress has become like many plastic faces.

Elena Korikova: before and after plastic

Oksana Pushkin

The famous Russian TV presenter also decided to rejuvenate. However, instead of getting rid of wrinkles, the face began to look much worse. The unscrupulous cosmetologist introduced the wrong drug under the skin of the TV presenter, as a result, her face was covered with tubercles.

Important: the TV presenter did not be silent and openly talked about how she suffered by the hands of an unscrupulous cosmetologist. Which was opened by a criminal case.

So the TV presenter looked like plastic.

Oksana Pushkin to plastic

And then she began to look like this.

Oksana Pushkin after plastic

Oksana Samoilova

Important: the wife of the famous rapper, business-war and mother of three children constantly fuel the interest of subscribers with her new photos. Many subscribers reproach Oksana Samoilova for too too much with procedures to preserve youth and beauty.

In this case, this is not even about preserving the outgoing youth, but that the girl completely changed her appearance. If you look at the photo of Oksana in youth and compare them with the current photos, it is clear that there is almost no common one left. In the photo is like 2 different people.

How the appearance of Oksana Samoilova changed

The rapper’s wife does not twist his soul and frankly tells his subscribers that he does not see anything wrong with creating himself as she likes. The girl not only changes her face, she is actively playing sports. After three births, she quickly came into shape and has a model appearance.

Oksana Samoilova

Mickey Rourke

The boxer Mickey Rourke in his youth was distinguished by an attractive appearance and was pretty. The boxer made his first operations to restore appearance due to the fact that as a result of boxing, his face lost its former attractiveness. In addition, the actor and boxer understood that it was forbidden to age in Hollywood.

Mickey Rourke before

If he knew what result would turn out in the end, who knows if these plastic surgery would do. With each new operation, the face of Mickey Rurk has acquired more and more ugly features. The boxer hoped to fix the previous errors and each time again lay down under the knife.

Unsuccessful plastic Mickey Rourke

However, plastic did not benefit the star, and he was in the list of victims of plastic surgery.

Mickey Rourke: before and after plastic

Melanie Griffith

At one time, Melanie Griffith was considered a sex symbol of Hollywood. But, unfortunately, recently, she got into the lists of victims of plastic. The fault of this is numerous unsuccessful experiments to preserve beauty.

Melanie Griffith in Youth

The actress’s lips look unnatural, however, there are many of them now. Correction of the nose, lips, faces of the face - how many procedures were on the face of Melanie Griffith, probably she herself will not say.

Her ex -spouse Antonio Banderas categorically spoke about the addiction to his wife to plastic. The couple could not save the marriage.

Important: Melanie Griffith does not stop there, she still does plastic surgery. But, unfortunately, it looks older than its age.

Melanie Griffith: before and after plastic

Donatella Versace

Important: Donatella Versace is a vivid example of how to become a victim of plastic surgery even if there is a lot of money.

Once Donatella Versace had a common appearance. Not to say that she was a beauty, but the appearance was not repulsive.

Donatella Versace to plastic

In 1997, after the death of her brother, Donatella headed the Versace fashion house. And then her experiments with her appearance began. Like many celebrities, the fashion designer could not dwell on one operation. The result was what happened.

This is how the appearance of the famous designer has changed

Donatella Versace realizes that she has become a victim of plastic surgery. In an interview, she admitted that only with age she realized that true beauty is inside, and not outside. The fashion designer said that first of all she is a woman and mother, not a Barbie doll.

Looking at the photo fashion designer in her youth, it is hard to believe that she could be so transformed.

Donatella Versace now

JoSelin Vildenstein

Important: “female cat”, “bride Frankenstein”-as soon as they do not call an American socialite.

Of course, Joiselin Vildenstein was not always like that. In the photo below you can see a woman before and after.

Jocelyn Vildenstein is a victim of plastic

By the way, the woman is satisfied with her appearance. In some interviews, she claimed that she did not resort to plastic surgery at all. According to another version, Jocelin Wildenstein decided to please the ex -husband, who loved Lviv. She decided to make a cat's eye, but something went wrong.

JoSelin Vildenstein

The woman was addicted to plastic surgery, like a drug. According to rumors, she lowered more than $ 4 million to this. However, her appearance is not a hindrance to personal happiness. Jocelyn has long been in a relationship with designer Lloyd Klein, who is 27 years younger than her.

Jocelyn Vildenstein with lover

Instead of a beautiful and young face, a slender body and delicious forms, you can get the opposite effect. Unfortunately, the errors of a plastic surgeon can not always be fixed, and the price of an error is too high.

Video: victims of plastic surgery

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