The meaning of tattoos for girls on the arms, legs on the body: inscriptions, foxes, pen, crown, dolphin, cats, owls, dragon, panthers, butterflies, peony, wolf, lion, Chinese hieroglyphs, phoenix

The meaning of tattoos for girls on the arms, legs on the body: inscriptions, foxes, pen, crown, dolphin, cats, owls, dragon, panthers, butterflies, peony, wolf, lion, Chinese hieroglyphs, phoenix

In this article I would like to tell you more about the significance of some tattoos on the female body. Almost every image contains several meanings.

Did you know that such a seemingly modern fashion trend, like a female tattoo, has been for many centuries? So, archaeologists in the Altai Territory discovered the mummy of Princess Ukok, who lived in the 5th century BC. The hands of this woman were covered with tattoos, which served not a simple decoration, but made sense. In the same way, in the modern world, images on the body can tell us about certain things.

Inscription tattoos and their significance for girls on the arms, legs, on the body

  • Graceful inscriptions look quite attractive on the body, even if they long. An example of this is a tattoo on the side of the Megan Fox model. Her inscription “There Once Was a Little Girl White Knew Love Until A Boy Broke Her Heart” is translated from Old English as “A little girl lived in the world, and until then she did not know love until the boy broke her heart.” As you can see, personal experience can be quite beautifully captured on the body
Tattoo and davigo at Megan Fox
Tattoo and davigo at Megan Fox
  • Another lover of decorating her body with tattoos is Angelina Jolie. On her back she flaunts khamer prayerwho is designed to protect from enemies, increase wealth and beauty, and hold a number of faithful people
Khimer-tattoo inscription on the back of Angelina Jolie
Khimer-tattoo inscription on the back of Angelina Jolie
  • The inscription should not necessarily be long - quite you can place a small saying on the body. For example, something in Latin like "Amor Vincit Omnia" ("Love will win everything")

Important: Tattoo on Latin is an ideal option for those who want to apply something fashionable on the body, but the mysterious. The inscriptions in this language are leading among this kind of jewelry, but at the same time, others will have to break their heads over the translation.

Tattoo-delinquency in Latin
Tattoo-delinquency in Latin
  • Inscriptions in Hebrew - Less popular than in Latin, but no less mysterious. It is believed that inscriptions in this language are able to activate the energy that is inside a person. We can observe an example of such an image with Victoria Beckham - a quote from “Songs of Songs”. The inscription is translated as “I belong to my lover, and my beloved belongs to me. He is the one who grazes his flock between lilies "
Tattoo on Hebrew by Victoria Beckham
Tattoo on Hebrew by Victoria Beckham
  • Inscriptions in English - Due to the prevalence of the language itself. You can apply some a short inscription like "Family", or you can i kiss. An example of the latter case is the tattoo of the actress Evan Rachel Wood, which represents the famous quote from Edgar Allan on "All that We See or Seem. IS But A Dream Within a Dream "." It literally translates as “everything that we see and what we look like is nothing but a dream in a dream”
Evan Rachel Wood in English
Evan Rachel Wood in English
  • In French and Italian Prefer to apply the inscriptions of nature sentimental and romantic. For example, French phrase is very popular "Ecoute Ton Coeur" ("Listen to your heart"). In the Italian language you can write "La vita e bella" ("Life is Beautiful")
Italian tattoo
Italian tattoo
  • Arabic tattoos Passionate and unpredictable natures choose. It is believed that such inscriptions serve as a talisman. For example, on the body of a model of Zoe Kravitz, an Arabic ligature flaunts, literally meaning "Let love rules"
Tattoo-Advisor of Zoe Kravitz in Arabic
Tattoo-Advisor of Zoe Kravitz in Arabic

Small tattoos for girls and their meaning

  • Heart - A symbol that is eternal and universal. He illustrates life force, love, unity. Images of heart with wings or inscriptions are popular

Important: Pay attention to the color of this symbol. Red is associated with love, gold - with God, black - with grief, white - with concern for those who are sick.

Small tattoo-heart
Small tattoo-heart
  • Notes - Move the world one of the biggest hobbies in the life of a given person. Others can judge his creative and extraordinary nature. The area near the ears is suitable for such an image perfectly
Small tattooing
Small tattooing
  • Diamond - This small drawing speaks of incurred, firmness of spirit, honesty. From the moment the diamonds found themselves in Europe, their name was translated literally as “invincible”. However, there are other meanings, namely the high status and wealth
Little Tattoo Brilliant
Little Tattoo Brilliant
  • Bow - This is an object that of the most familiar can create something unusual. He can thus characterize his owner, who knows how to turn the most everyday things into beauty. The bow also emphasizes the beauty, the tenderness of the lady
Little tattoo-bant
Little tattoo-bant

The value of the fox tattoo in the girl

This animal was found in many cultures of both the East and the West. The Chinese consider him amulet and guarantee of good luck, the Japanese - assistant in achieving financial stability, Koreans - symbol of femininity. Celts revered foxes how The embodiment of education and wisdom.

Important: in some cases, the fox embodied not the best qualities. The Romans were afraid of her as the inhabitant of hell, in Russian culture the fox was considered the personification of cunning, temptation. The Egyptians attributed hypocrisy and treachery to this lovely animal.

However, the negative coloring of this symbol when applying a tattoo is most often not attributed. Choose it Mostly confident women who know how to resort to cunning and extraordinary methods of solving problems.

Fox-Tatar on the women's leg
Fox-Tatar on the women's leg

Feather tattoo value in girls

This symbol appeared even among the Indians, and to wear it was considered a great honor. The pen was, according to beliefs, an intermediary between the world of people and the world of spirits, endowed a person with great power. It is also a strengthened with ease and airinessWhat is an ideal option for image on the girl’s body.

Can be portrayed on the body a feather of any bird -Peacock, eagle, crane or even firebreak. Wherein Peacock It was considered a sign of a high position, nobility, dignity. Part of the plumage firebirds tells others about the creative vein of the girl, phoenix - About rebirth.

Even color is of importance: So, Red speaks of passion, victory, yellow or orange - about the sharp mind.


The value of the tattoo crown in girls

Many cultures described the crown as a sign of belonging to the gods, to their mercy. Self -confident people can, using such a tattoo, demonstrate what they thirsty to gain power.

Important: you can draw to the crown and other items that will clarify your thought. So, the heart with the crown will demonstrate fidelity to the partner, but at the same time the crown over the heart will attract good luck. The head of the turtle in Korea, crowned with such an object, is considered a symbol of calm and longevity. The Celtic symbol from the crown, hands and heart symbolizes fidelity and mutual understanding of love.

Crown Tatus with the first letter of the name on the girl's shoulder blade
Crown Tatus with the first letter of the name on the girl's shoulder blade

Dolphin tattoo value in girls

Dolphins since ancient times have been respected by mind, grace and friendliness. However, the Greeks considered this mammals also a symbol of carnal love, and in Cretan mythology, dolphins even transported the gods.

Such a tattoo is great for personalities of mobile, determined. Fill especially well Near the dolphin anchor - This will indicate mobility.

Dolphin-tattoo as a symbol of energetic and mind
Dolphin-tattoo as a symbol of energetic and mind

The girl's tattoo in the girl

The cat has always been surrounded by myths and legends, the most controversial qualities were attributed to it. Basically, images with her were served a talisman for gaining beauty, wisdom, dexterity, longevity, independence, elegance.

Important: there are nuances in the image of this animal. The image of a black cat will show that you are completely not prone to prejudices. The Egyptian cat, which is characterized by an elongated body and bent tail, will serve as a talisman to attract wealth, power. The animal in the jump should be portrayed on itself by a resourceful girl who will always find a way out of any situation.

Cat-tattoo as a symbol of elegance
Cat-tattoo as a symbol of elegance

The value of the owl tattoos in the girl

Quite popular image due to the ambiguity of reading. Some interpret it as a symbol of wisdom, it scares others as a harbinger of difficult times or death. The latter can be explained by prejudices from the past. Although the Indians were considered an owl The embodiment of the mind, vital resistance and even acted as a talisman.

It is recommended to capture an owl on itself natural, mysterious, extraordinary, striving for study. However, you can go from the simple one by putting an owl and how The embodiment of a night lifestyle.

Owl-tata on a female leg
Owl-tata on a female leg

Dragon tattoo value for girls

In Japanese culture, he it was considered a symbol of power Above all the cardinal points and all the elements. The emperors of China and their wives were applied along the spine - this spoke of power. The Greeks and the Romans preferred to portray this mythological animal on armor as the embodiment of terror.

Now the interpretation largely depends on how exactly the dragon is depicted. If he straighten the wings and demonstrates the grinThis shows aggression and authority. Striving upward shows that the owner of the tattoo has quite good intentions. Calmly lying dragon Symbolizes spiritual calm.

Important: the image of the dragon with the gaze of red eyes conveys to others that they should be careful. This is a kind of warning for everyone.

Girl's dragon on the back of a girl
Girl's dragon on the back of a girl

The value of the panther tattoo in the girl

Panther is considered the oldest symbol and, moreover, ideal for a woman. It's no secret that this animal serves model of motherhood “She is always able to protect her cubs.” Indians were convinced that the panther was great strategist, and the inhabitants of Africa even revered it as a sacred animal.

Now some tend to see in this cat beauty, grace, the ability to serve yourself and protect loved ones, mystery. Others attribute such qualities as selfishness, ruthlessness, aggression and even cruelty. But, be that as it may, the girl who chose such an image probably has leadership qualities.

Important: it also matters how the panther is depicted. Cracking, as it were, says that life is fleeting and caution should be taken. The demonstrating grin shows impregnability, aggression. The jumping jump symbolizes the fragility of happiness.

Panther-tattoo on the body of a girl
Panther-tattoo on the body of a girl

The meaning of tattoos for girls butterfly

The butterfly has always attracted the attention of people as its beauty and grace, and an amazing opportunity to stop in something beautiful from a nondescript caterpillar. Perhaps thanks to this, the Greeks considered previously this insect a symbol of the immortal soul. The same views were among the Japanese and the Slavs. But the Romans saw in a butterfly a harbinger of hostilities.

In any culture, the butterfly was not considered the symbols of women of light behavior, so now you should not treat it with prejudice. Meanwhile, this symbol is very suitable for the girl as rebirth sign if she experiences a new important stage in her life - For example, the birth of a baby, a change in the type of activity.

It is worth remembering that this beautiful creature flutters where he wants, so it may well portray freedom and independence. But in this case the wings of the butterfly should be straightened.

A butterfly tattoo with spread wings as a symbol of independence
A butterfly tattoo with spread wings as a symbol of independence

Value of tattoo peony for girls

This flower has been considered since ancient times powerful amulet - Not without reason he got his name in honor of the doctor of Pean, who, according to ancient Greek legends, knew how to treat even the gods. Peony petals were tied to the bodies of babies, thereby protecting the kids from evil forces. As for the eastern countries, they considered this flower thanks to its magnificent bud symbol of well -being and joy.

Important: perhaps this is the type of tattoo that should be performed in color. The Chinese, who have known about the piona of more than one and a half thousand years, believe that the brighter he is, the more positive energy a person can get.

An interesting fact is that even samurai used the image of such a flower. His they perceived the combination with a predator as the ideal harmony of strength and beauty, a symbol of the correct principles. It was believed that such an amulet would allow in difficult life situations to find exactly the solution that will be perfect.

Pion-tattoo made in bright colors
Pion-tattoo made in bright colors

Wolf tattoo: meaning for girls

One of the most common ideas for tattoos. And this is understandable, because the wolves have always caused not only fear, but also admiration, respect. Cohesion, cunning, courage, independence, devotion, swiftness - Indeed, they have something to learn.

Some peoples even considered this animal sacred. For example, the Indians, for whom he was a mentor, teaching hunting and the art of reading traces. It was believed that only the leaders of the tribe, shamans or the best hunters can wear the image of the wolf.

As for today, it is not necessary to belong to the chosen caste in order to decorate your body in this way. But it is better to refrain from this weakly and uncertain people to refrain from this.

Important: it is worth paying attention to how exactly the wolf is depicted. A jumping jump tells us that a person is ready to overcome obstacles, running - that a person loves risk and is ready to travel, howling to the moon - a sign of proud loneliness and self -sufficiency showing a grin - a symbol of aggression.

Wolf-tattoo driving on the moon
Wolf-tattoo driving on the moon

The value of the lion tattoo in the girl

Previously, this is an animal it was associated with royal power, justice, nobility, courage. The Greeks and the Romans were very revered by the predator, connecting him with the deities. Buddhists believe that the image of a lion he brings good luck and happiness, serves as an amulet from evil forces.

The option of such a tattoo is mainly chosen by men, but some girls can also give him preference. Calmly sitting animal symbolizes the calmness of the owner and her self -confidence, and striker or growl - The ability to protect yourself and loved ones. Lioness It is considered the way of motherhood, independence and success.

Leo-Taty on a female foot
Leo-Taty on a female foot

Tattoos for girls Chinese hieroglyphs and their meaning

Hieroglyphs-tatata and their values
Hieroglyphs-tatata and their values
Hieroglyph tattoo
Tattoo in the form of popular hieroglyphs
Chinese hieroglyphs-tattoo
Chinese hieroglyphs-tattoo, which often choose

Phoenix tattoo value for girls

This mythological creature embodies many qualities - the will to life, rebirth, an inconsistent power of the spirit and the most powerful energy. It should be applied to those girls who they want to tear themselves away from everyday life, spiritually degenerate, gain freedom both externally and internally.

Phoenix it also symbolizes the opportunity to resist the temptations. The fact is that, according to Jewish legends, this bird was the only one in all the paradise to try the forbidden apple. And that is why she managed to preserve her gift to rebirth.

Important: Despite the fact that phoenix is \u200b\u200ba strong motivation, it is not worth to apply it to those people who are often influenced by negative thoughts. Or often commit unseemly acts. The tattoo in the end will only strengthen this.

Phoenix Tatto on Women's Back
Phoenix Tatto on Women's Back

Tattoos Value key in a girl

Since the key always serves as an addition to the castle, it it is associated with the process of opening something, knowledge of secrets. Often these two symbols are selected in love with in love as a sign that they were able to find mutual understanding.

There is another fairly interesting interpretation: the key acts as a reminder of something that brought a lesson. In this case, this tattoo, as it were, says that the knowledge extracted from such a lesson is the key to everything.

Key-Tatar on the female leg
Key-Tatar on the female leg

Tattoos for girls on the back of the wings of an angel meaning

Angel wings are a sign of chosenness. They seem to extol a person over the everyday world full of fuss. A girl who decided to such a decoration, it should be ready to say goodbye to prejudices and doubts.

Angel wings can be portrayed scorched or trimmed -This tells others that the girl experienced some fall. Most likely, it is associated with painful love experiences. Be that as it may, we can safely say that the owner of such wings cannot find meaning in life.

Angel wings on the back in a trimmed form as a symbol of fall
Angel wings on the back in a trimmed form as a symbol of fall

Lily tattoo value in a girl

White Lilia is not in vain compared with the diamond - it is pure, majestic, noble, innocent. The ancient Romans believed that a similar flower embodies hopes. The ancient Greeks were convinced that Lilia grew out of Her milk, which means that symbolizes virginity.

Important: in some cases, this flower is not quite positive. For example, due to the fact that lilies decorated the girls who died early, they began to be associated with an early death. Ladies of light behavior were also stigmatized in a similar way.

It is worth paying attention to additional nuances. So, depicted among weeds and spikes Lilia says that a person retains innocence even among the sinful world. BUT a few flowers on one stem depict immortality.

Lily-Tatu as a symbol of innocence
Lily-Tatu as a symbol of innocence

The value of the sakura tattoo for girls

Few people know, but Sakura - a fairly controversial symbol. We know that the Japanese incredibly revere this tree, considering it personification of grace and beauty. But not all foreigners heard that Sakura is considered and a symbol of sadness -And due to the fact that it fades quickly, and because of one sad legend about the owner and his slave.

However, if you do not delve into the Japanese epic, it is worth noting that the tattoo in the form of Sakura Perfect for the natures of vulnerable, poetic. They quickly flying around Sakura is often associated with past love.

Important: girls can also choose this image as an association with the beginning of the life path. In this case, the tree should not be drawn around.

Sakura-Tatu as a symbol of youth
Sakura-Tatu as a symbol of youth

Peak tattoo value in girls

Do not rush to think that peaks are an indispensable attributes of thieves' tattoos. Ordinary girls can also cause such an image if they are gambling. They are they must be prepared for risk, having a desire to fully trust fate and experience the need for vivid emotions.

Ace the peak in this case will not only tell others about the nature of its owner, but will also serve talisman to attract good luck. This is the eldest in the deck card, which means that it is able to arrange such a combination that will determine the successful outcome of the game.


Tattoral Tattoo Flowers for Girls

It is difficult in this case to talk about the meaning of the image of the flower in general - you should look at the interpretation of a particular object. So, one of the brightest colors for the tattoo - orchid. Moreover, it is bright both externally and in meaning, which is deciphered as swiftness, power, greatness. Often the orchid is associated with wealth.

Other flowers are no less interesting. Chrysanthemum It is a symbol of joy without worries, belonging to the elite. Tulip He will tell others about fidelity in love. Chamomile He speaks of lightness, immediacy, while at the same time a talisman for good luck.

Chamomile flower as a tattoo
Chamomile flower as a tattoo

Tattoos for girls dandelion meaning

Dandelion depicts perseverance, cyclicity, the ability to degenerate. The fact is that its seeds are able to give growth almost anywhere, which served as an association to the ability to break through.

Yellow dandelion It is suitable for those people who are characterized by vitality and positive. Romantic natureswho love to convince and speculate about the importance of every moment in life, such an image is also suitable.

Important: at the same time, do not forget about the first impression that this plant produces - lightness, airiness, fragility, tenderness. Cuttled girls will probably like such values.

Dandelion-tatter is a symbol of lightness and tenderness
Dandelion-tatter is a symbol of lightness and tenderness

The value of the tattoo of the deer of the girl

Deer - the animal is quite mystical. In ancient times, he was considered the messenger of the gods, and his horns symbolized the tree of life. In culture, the image of a deer was also used as an attempt to convey awe.

As for the qualities of the character that the owner of the tattoo can convey through it - then this kindness, justice, the ability to love and empathize with others. At the same time, do not forget that the deer is and symbol of wanderers, Therefore, such a tattoo will also tell about a hobby.

It is noteworthy that the Celts and the Japanese considered this animal talisman for longevity and prosperity.

A deer-Tatar on the female leg
A deer-Tatar on the female leg

Tattoos for girls poultry meaning

A bird or a flock of birds striving in the sky is associated with easy, weightlessness, dreams, the desire to break away from the usual everyday life.

If we turn to mythology, then we learn that among many peoples, birds helped heroes. They served their scouts and amulets. The Romans generally believed that some ancient knowledge was available to birds.

Birds seeking in the form of an elegant tattoo on the shoulder blade
Birds seeking in the form of an elegant tattoo on the shoulder blade

Tattoo face of a girl meaning

Most often, girls depict the image of some famous diva. And mainly this is Marilyn Monroe. The interpretation in this case is simple - the desire to tell everyone others about their interest in the personality of the actress, about their desire to be like her.

Tattoo in the form of Marilyn Monroe's face on Magan Fox
Tattoo in the form of Marilyn Monroe's face on Magan Fox

Tattoos for girls Dream Catter meaning

Dreams of dreams since ancient times are considered powerful amulet It is for the time when a person is most vulnerable - that is, at night. The legend of the Indian tribe of Lakot tells us about such a talisman. According to this legend, this amulet was presented to people with a spider god, who said that at night, evil spirits are confused in the networks of the cattle of dreams. These perfumes disappear with the first rays of the sun.

Important: sometimes the meaning of the catcher of dreams is interpreted too simply - they say, it will help to cope with insomnia or nightmares. The Lakota tribe assured that the amulet would help from larger misfortunes, which included diseases.

Dream-tower on the side of the girl as a powerful amulet
Dream-tower on the side of the girl as a powerful amulet

Lizard tattoo meaning for girls

The lizards were applied for a long time by the peoples of Australia, Indochina, Oceania and Latin America. They believed that this symbol would develop a person in qualities such as elusiveness, speed, cunning, agility. Of course, attention was also paid to the ability of reptiles to regeneration, which was interpreted as immortality.

But the most popular meaning is charm for the fence from troubles. The Slavs believed that the lizard could protect housing from danger. In the pre -Christian time, the lizard was believed to be completely guarded by entire tribes.

A lizard-tattoo on the shoulder blade
A lizard-tattoo on the shoulder blade

Tattoos for girls hummingbird meaning

The ability of hummingbirds to rinse on the spot always delighted people. Like her fragility, tenderness, lightness, but at the same time brightness. It is also characteristic of her speed \u200b\u200band dexterity.

Important: it is believed that such an image will help a person to cope with overwhelming tasks quickly and easily. It will also help to attract peace and cheerfulness into his life.

Hummingbird on the arm
Hummingbird on the arm

The value of the salamander tattoo in the girl

The ancient Romans considered Salamandra immortal. In addition, it symbolizes unshabitation, confidence, courage, desire for leadership.

Often the salamander is depicted in fire as a way to convey a motto "I am grief, but I do not burn."


Tattoos of the Altai Princess their meaning

At the beginning of this article, we already mentioned the Altai Princess Ukok, on whose body tattoos were discovered. In the hands of this one who had deceased many centuries ago, the so -called girl is depicted altai Griffin. In fact, it was a deer with flowering horns and a grepto beak - a fairly common image among the Scythians. Such a symbol combines the blessing of heaven and earthly power.

Altai Griffin depicted on the body of Princess Ukok
Altai Griffin depicted on the body of Princess Ukok

In addition, in the hands of the mummy managed to see panther with a long tail, which is located at the feet of the sheep.

Panther and griffin depicted on the hands of princesses like a tattoo
Panther and griffin depicted on the hands of princesses like a tattoo

Tattoos at that time told others about human status and about his age. It was believed that in the afterlife, members of one tribe will be able to find each other just according to such images.

As we see, tattoos are not just a picture that flaunts on the body. Almost always every such picture makes sense and its own long history. And this means that the choice of tattoos should be approached responsibly, having studied all the available information about the image that attracted.

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Comments K. article

  1. Good afternoon! Please tell me how can you find a sketch on a specific tattoo on your site?

  2. I wanted to make a bird tattoo, but I did not know what is the meaning for the girl, it carries in herself.

  3. Very good article. Thank you.

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