The color value in the drawings of preschool children: Psychology. The child selects red, orange, purple, blue, yellow, green, black for the picture: meaning in psychology

The color value in the drawings of preschool children: Psychology. The child selects red, orange, purple, blue, yellow, green, black for the picture: meaning in psychology

Do I need to be afraid if the baby chooses one color for drawings? Let's try to give an answer to this question.

Yellow color in the drawings of the child of a preschooler: meaning in psychology

The yellow color in the patterns of babies symbolizes the color of the sun. It is no accident that the sun in the pictures of children usually smiles. Mom and the sun are equally important for children. Such pictures can indicate that children's love and care are very important for children.

Children's drawing about mom and sun
Children's drawing about mom and sun

Attentive parents can determine the emotional state of the child from the patterns of the baby. Not knowing how to express his thoughts and feelings in words, the child is able to express them with drawings. The more bright colors will be in them, the more your baby has positive emotions.

Drawings of children experiencing positive emotions
Drawings of children experiencing positive emotions

Drawing this picture, the baby used all the colors of the rainbow except black. A multi -colored caterpillar smiles, the sun shines, and flowers bloom. So a healthy baby can think, in whose life there is no reason to be upset.

Red color in the drawings of a child of a preschooler: meaning in psychology

Red color is a frequent guest of children's drawings, it screaming, bright and instantly attracts attention.

Red car in children's drawing
Red car in children's drawing

Are children and adults the same is the same? For adults, this color is associated with aggression and pathos. Perhaps this is the influence of Christian morality, calling for meekness and non -cortical clothes or fatigue from bright information advertising, which falls on us from the screens of TVs and advertising shields. Red color warns of danger from road signs.

How adults perceive red color
How adults perceive red color

However, for the pure consciousness of the child, the value of red color is slightly different. Red is the color of power, enthusiasm and struggle aimed at moving forward. Primitive peoples believed that red can carry both a positive and negative message, but it always symbolizes power.

Red dragon in children's drawing
Red dragon in children's drawing

Orange color in the drawings of a child of a preschooler: meaning in psychology

Children rarely choose one color for their drawings. Almost every children's drawing is painted with multi -colored pencils, and if you notice that your child chooses only one pencil for drawing, maybe you should not panic and re -read the mountains of materials on psychology, finding out what this means?

Maybe the unrest is in vain?
Maybe the unrest is in vain?

Take a closer look at the pencils that your baby draws. Perhaps one of the pencils is sharpened better than the rest and it is easier for them to draw? And it also happens that in one box there are soft and hard pencils, which are more difficult to draw. A solid pencil should be pressed more strongly, which means that the child will choose soft.

Is it convenient for your baby to draw?
Is it convenient for your baby to draw?

Orange color is not inferior to red. This is the color of the rising sun. He is striking if it is painted with flowers or toys. Choosing this color for his drawings, the baby strives for leadership. This is manifested in drawing. If your child’s drawing is more vivid than the drawings of other children, then your baby has the abilities and desire to be better than his comrades.

Flying animals in children's drawing
Flying animals in children's drawing

Violet color in the drawings of the child of a preschooler: meaning in psychology

Psychologists believe that violet color is able to inspire sadness and sadness. It is rarely chosen for decoration of interior, clothing and furniture. Is it worth it to be upset if you notice that the baby constantly draws a violet pencil? Violet has many shades and some of its shades are as bright as red or yellow.

All shades of purple
All shades of purple

Violet color can not do if you need to draw an autumn sky or a stormy sea. Some flowers have purple petals, and if your child uses purple pencils for such drawings, nothing is wrong with him.

Spring landscape. The forest is painted with purple paints
Spring landscape. The forest is painted with purple paints

Blue color in the drawings of a child of a preschooler: meaning in psychology

Blue color is the color of winter and snow in children's drawings. This is also the color of the sea and the sky. If the baby draws a winter picture or sky in a blue pencil, there is nothing strange or terrible about it.

Children draw winter with blue colors
Children draw winter with blue colors

It happens that, in blue, kids paint animals and fairy -tale characters. Such drawings can indicate that the baby has a very developed fantasy thinking. Such children see in ordinary objects and animals wonderful heroes of their dreams and fantasy.

Blue Cat is painted with watercolor paints
Blue Cat is painted with watercolor paints

Green color in the drawings of a child of a preschooler: meaning in psychology

Green is the color of grass and trees. Children love to draw flowers, leaves and grass. But, if you notice that the baby often draws such pictures, then perhaps he feels a lack of love on your part. Going into the fairy -tale world of plants, it replenishes the vacuum of heat and parental care.

Children's drawing about summer
Children's drawing about summer

Children drawing plants are sensitive to injustice in relation to them. They, as a barometer, react to an unfavorable microclimate in the family. They are vulnerable and shy.

What does green mean in children's drawings
What does green mean in children's drawings

Black color in the drawings of the child of a preschooler: meaning in psychology (give a link to the article)

Black color is the saddest of all possible colors. Do I need to panic if the drawings of your children are black and white? Sometimes children choose this style of drawing only because it is easier and easier to convey the shape of drawn objects, animals and people. Only those drawings should be alert in which there is a pronounced aggression or resentment against the world around him. Psychologists believe that this color can be chosen by a child in an suppressed emotional state.

Sad children's drawing
Sad children's drawing

In such cases, parents need to try to understand the reasons for the depressed mood of children. Sometimes, with their drawings, children themselves give clues to their parents.

Drawing with a call for help
Drawing with a call for help

If children draw terrible, from the point of view of parents, pictures of black pencil, parents have the question: is everything okay with the health of the baby? Before you turn to psychotherapists for help, determine if your child sees your fright and confusion when you are considering these pictures? The fact is that children know how to read your internal experiences in the expression on your face. And if the baby liked your fright, he can deliberately continue to draw such pictures in order to scare his parents.

Black and white children's drawings
Black and white children's drawings

Usually, parents turn to the help of psychotherapists when they themselves feel helplessness in solving problems with raising a baby. Thus, they transfer their work on raising children to the shoulders of other people.

Video: Psychologist's work in kindergarten

How to determine the emotional mood of the child at home?

Ask the baby to draw an elephant. If the baby draws him with a black and gray pencil, then today his mood is sad.

Gray elephant
Gray elephant

If the elephant turns out to be multi -colored, the baby is cheerful and can make gray everyday life in his imagination festive.

Multi -colored elephant
Multi -colored elephant

But, even in preschool age, some children are able to think logically and build logical chains. And they can be like that:

  1. Elephant in the picture and in the zoo gray.
  2. If you draw an elephant in a different color - this will no longer be an elephant.
  3. So the elephant needs to be drawn with black and gray pencil.

As a result, the elephant in the picture will be gray regardless of the mood of the child. Pictures drawn by the baby reflect his inner world. If your baby loves to draw bright, interesting landscapes, still lifes or portraits - this indicates his rich inner world. And it doesn’t matter what paints or pencils he chose for this purpose. More pro the value of black in the patterns of babies You can read in this article.

Video: Cartoon for children about rainbow colors

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