The value of the number 7 in numerology, magic, human life

The value of the number 7 in numerology, magic, human life

Each person throughout life is accompanied by a sign number that has a number of positive and negative qualities. Numerology allows you to skillfully apply the characteristics of each of the numbers, in this article we will talk about number 7.

Particular importance is attached spiritual number 7.In a religious sense, the seven controls time and space. Since ancient times, the number 7 has been endowed with strong magical properties. The mention of the number 7 is repeatedly traced in the Bible and in mythical narratives of various peoples.

The value of the number 7 in numerology

  • Numerology value of digits 7 It presents as a very favorable symbol for all areas of human activity. The influence of the number opens up many new opportunities.
  • A person born on the 7th is endowed with creative abilities, original ideas and creative thinking. Talented personalities conduct constant work on themselves with the desire to make significant changes to the world around them. To achieve the intended goals, they are ready to cross through any moral principles.
  • The number 7 in numerology can be laid in the name or date of birth. The owners of the seven have extraordinary intelligence. Thanks to his own sushfulness Skillfully embody their ideas in life.
  • However, they are not ready to perform routine the same type of work. They just need to satisfy their ambitions and increase the professional level.

The value of the number 7 in human life

  • In relations with the opposite sex The number 7 is not the best companion. Too selective approach to the opposite floor often does not bring the desired result in the future. Relations with the relatives of their second half are very difficult. Too active participation of relatives can lead to the desire to pull away.
  • The people of seven are trying avoid large noisy companies. It is important for them not to lose vigilance, and to maintain dignity. Therefore, their circle of communication is monotonous and familiar. Seven are always ready to listen and give practical advice.
In life
In life
  • For digit 7 spiritual development Much more important than material prosperity. Their vocation lies in constant creative search. Their inner world strives for art.
  • The creative skills of seven help to open in the area cooking, literature, jewelry skill. Restraint and secrecy will become into the hands of employees of security structures and detective agencies.
  • The ideal couple for the seven should completely share his interests. Mental and sexual development should be on the same level. The number 7 is considered an unfavorable symbol for love.
  • Women Seven are very smart and charming, proud and independent. They try not to show signs of attention first.
  • Men Seven are restrained and self -sufficient. In relations with others are arrogant and selfish.
  • A productive combination for digits 7 is the numbers 4, 5 and 6. You can strengthen the action 7 green, blue and white. It is advisable to avoid dark shades.
  • The symbolic value of the number 7 in human life is confirmation or approval of the selected path. The road to achieve the goal is open, the obstacles are eliminated.
  • Subsequence 777 It is the recognition or praise of the efforts. You are worthy of becoming the inspirer of others. Your works bring a qualitative result.
  • Combination 7777 signals positive events. Your desires are materialized in positive dynamics.
  • Number 7 is influenced Ketu. Its action enhances extrasensory abilities, develops wisdom and insight.

The magic value of the number 7

Under the value of the number 7, many significant events and phenomena are indicated:

  • In Christianity, the seventh day summarizes the creation of the world.
  • The resurrection of Jesus occurred on 7 day.
  • Mortal sins The person is also indicated by the number 7.
  • In Orthodoxy, they revere 7 Divine Sacraments.
  • Orthodox churches are built with 7 domes.
  • The Jewish people are considered sacred semi -ray minora.
  • In Judaism, 7 cities have sacred significance.
  • In Islam with the number 7, important rituals. For example, it is customary to bypass the Muslim shrine 7 times.
  • In ancient Greek mythology, the iconic number 7 acts apollo's birth date. In ancient Egypt, the seven is tied to the events of the afterlife. Rome has a sign geographical feature - the city is built on 7 hills.
Magic and mystery
Magic and mystery

The whole world is connected with the magic number 7:

  • The illustrious structures of the world make up 7 Wonders of the World.
  • The natural phenomenon of the rainbow consists of 7 colors.
  • The weekly countdown is measured 7 days.
  • The basis of musical art is laid down 7 notes.

The magic number 7 is mentioned in prayers, spells, folk recipes. The supernatural power of the seven is embedded in well -known sayings:

  • Measure 7 times - 1 cut
  • 7 spans in the forehead and up to 7 sweat.

The seven is considered the number of luck. The winnings in the casino are marked by 777. People consciously dilute their contact details with seven.

Positive values \u200b\u200bof digits 7

  • The number 7 develops leadership and managerial qualities.
  • Forms logical thinking, develops erudition.
  • He trains self -control, helping to control his own emotions.
  • Extrates the good over the negative, teaches wisdom and openness.
  • The number 7 helps to find inner harmony.
  • Helps solve problems in a non -standard and unique way.
  • Seven are excellent allies and strategists.

Negative values \u200b\u200bof digits 7

  • A constant desire for ideal causes frequent disappointments and depression.
  • Trust relationships with others often lead to negative consequences.
  • The idealistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around us often does not coincide with reality and leads to isolation.
  • Seven prefer to be an exception to the rules and are ready to violate the generally accepted rules. This prevents the recognition in society.
  • Under the influence of numbers 7, a sense of humor easily goes into cruel cynicism.

The number 7 is a closed and proud symbol. You can say about this figure "on your own mind." Its purpose to teach and teach, while it is not at all necessary to take into account the interests of others. An extraordinary worldview helps to achieve success in all areas of life.


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