Snake - description, characteristic, structure. Where do they live, what they eat, how do snakes propagate in nature? Types and names of snakes with photos and description. Poisonous and non -navigable snakes: List

Snake - description, characteristic, structure. Where do they live, what they eat, how do snakes propagate in nature? Types and names of snakes with photos and description. Poisonous and non -navigable snakes: List

The snake is a unique and beautiful animal. The variety of these reptiles, the presence of unique features in almost all species deserve that scientists study these animals.

The snake is considered a kind of inhabitant of our planet. It is not particularly similar to other animals. A snake is the animal that people drive, regardless of whether it is poisonous or not.

Snake - description, characteristic, structure

The snake is a scaly reptile, which lives on every continent of our planet. Only in Antarctica are these animals are not found. Each snake is a predator, because it feeds on birds, small mammals, hunts and kills using its own poison.

  • The body of the snake is mobile and flexible. Thanks to this feature, the animal can move freely, without having, in general, limbs. The snake is flattened while moving, passing any cracks passes, suffocating its own victims, wrapping them around with the whole body.
  • The corset of the muscles of the snake is the main structure of her body, but she also has a skeleton.
  • Snakes differ from the rest of the reptiles in that they have an elongated body, there are no limbs, the eyelids are mobile above the eyes, the ears are equipped with drum reperts.
  • The body shape of the snake is like an ordinary worm. It differs only in that the surface of the skin is dry, covered with scales.
  • The length of the snake body of an adult is at least 10 cm and a maximum of 12 m. Snakes are found, the length of which is even more than 12 m.
Scales to the color of the environment
Scales to the color of the environment

Snake of snakes almost constantly has the same color as the environment. There are ground reptiles green, black, wood, brown. Snakes that live in the tropics have, as a rule, a bright color. It can be blue, yellow, green. Snakes living in the warm waters of the ocean have the same color.

  • Most of the snakes are found in the southern regions of America and Asia, Africa and Australia are also considered the birthplace of reptiles. Less commonly, you can meet snakes in those states in which there is a moderate and continental climate.
  • New Zealand and Ireland are those countries where there is no serpent at all. Hot weather for animals is considered the most favorable, since the snakes are cold -blooded. They tend to maintain their own body temperature and this happens thanks to the temperature surrounding them.

The longer the snake, the more it will catch the prey. It can eat various creatures - from the smallest insects to large mammals. In nature, there are snakes that feed exclusively with one food. So, for example, egg snakes eat eggs of birds, but other food is not available to them for digestion. Swallow their own prey of the reptile, then the victim is slowly digested inside the intestines.

The snake moves, as a rule, due to the reduction of muscles and a special mobile scales that are located on the belly. Some individuals can jump a short distance. They turn into a spring, then throw them forward in front of them.


There are 4 types of how the reptile moves. The use of one or another movement depends on which size of the snake, where exactly it lives:

  • Direct movement. So large snakes crawl, for example, python or boales. The snake, when moving, pushes the body forward, while the skin of the reptile is reduced, and the tail moves later.
  • Parallel movement. This method moves snakes that live in deserts, where mostly sandy soils. The reptiles are thrown to the side and on the head, then after the head they throw the back. On the basis, after such movement, a complex ornament may occur, which consists of parallel stripes and bent hooks at the end.
  • Movement "Concertine". This method is also called "accordion". It is used by snakes living on trees. The body of reptiles is collected in horizontal loops, the head part is thrown forward, then the body straightens. The tail is pulled at the very end. During this manipulation, the shape of the accordion is formed.
  • Movement in the form of a serpentine. This method is considered classic, it is familiar to almost everyone. The snake crawls in the form of a wave along the sand and water. S-shaped movement is formed due to the contraction of the muscles that are located on the sides.

Where do they live, what they eat, how do snakes propagate in nature?

For a long period of evolution, snakes were able to master almost every continent except the Antarctic.

In nature

Reptiles can live in a wide variety of conditions.

But they give preference:

  • Forests, forests
  • Savannah
  • Desert places, mountainous areas

Snakes penetrate into the gaps of rocks, swim, climb trees. Often they like to climb into the places where people live. They are found in areas of villages, summer cottages, city parks and squares.

Since snakes are cold -blooded animals, they always feel a change in the weather. When cold occurs, reptiles go hibernation. For the winter, they crawl into secluded, comfortable places for them.

In nature
In nature

It can be:

  • Rodent mink.
  • Hollow or emptiness among the roots of trees.
  • Home basement or shed.

When snakes sleep in winter, their processes important for life are slowed down, even the rhythm of the heart. Animals sleep an average of 3 months. It all depends on the type of reptile, climate of the region. When the weather changes, begins to warm, snakes wake up, leave their own shelters.


To contain a snake in captivity, it is necessary to carefully study the lifestyle of these animals, to provide them with the necessary conditions.

In the zoo, reptiles live in comfort, in those conditions that are as close as possible to natural ones. A snake house is called a terrarium. It has everything that is familiar to snakes.


  • Sand
  • Tree twigs
  • Stones
  • Moss
  • Various vines

The terrarium maintains a constantly desired temperature regime. There are also moisture and light necessary for the snake. Reptiles eat what they like to use in the wild. Often they are fed with small rodents.

Snakes in the zoo are wintering as in the wild. Many zoos are trying to support the form that disappears. Consequently, the employees of the institution make a lot of efforts in order to provide the animals with proper conditions, where they can multiply and increase the population.

The main goal of reserves and national parks is to preserve and restore rare types of reptiles. The lifestyle of these animals here is the same as in the territory of wildlife. Snakes can hunt, relax, fall into winter hibernation.

  • In the circus Snakes live in terrariums, but they are not always provided with the necessary conditions. Sometimes due to strong light, noise, violations of sanitary standards, deplorable consequences occur. In circuses that move, reptiles do not live for a long time. Many states decided to abandon such circuses.
  • Houses, To contain snakes, special conditions are needed. For the content of reptiles, an ideal terrarium, lighting, heating, suitable humidity are required. Many animals need to be sprayed periodically so that their skin does not dry out. It should be remembered that reptiles are considered carnivorous animals. Therefore, they need a correct diet, consisting, for example, of rodents.

“Wintering”, even at home, for snakes, is a fairly important stage. So that the animals do not go astray from the natural biological rhythm, they need to help hibernate. The temperature in the terrarium decreases over time, and daylight hours are also reduced.

In the nutrition of reptiles there are a variety of animals. The amount of production depends on the predator. But most of all these animals love to use rodents, lizards, their own relatives, even poisonous snakes. Some snakes prefer different types of insects. Due to the fact that reptiles can cross the branches of trees, they often ruin the nests, eat eggs or even small chicks.

Creeping reptiles do not eat daily. And, if they manage to get a victim, they starve for a long time. If snakes live near some reservoir, they generally do without food, that is, they are starving for several months.

Each snake tracks its own prey very patiently. The animal hides among the sheets or on the ground, near the paths that lead to water. The snake swallows its own prey, starting from the head, since the prey teeth are afraid. Snakes, which are considered non -amended, before swallow food, squeeze the victim with rings of their own body so that she could not move.

The food is digested in the stomach of the snake in different ways. It all depends on the health of the reptile, the temperature around. This process is extended at least 2 days and a maximum of 9 days. The digestion requires a high temperature than for other life processes. In order for digestion to accelerate, the animal lays a belly to the sun, and hides other parts of the body into a shadow.


Snakes can multiply with 2 methods:

  • Some species, for example, Gyurza, laying eggsIn which embryos have not yet developed. Further, the development of fruits occurs outside the mother's body.
  • Vipers and shields are considered egg -grown. Eggs, until the moment the embryos are fully formed, are in the body of the female.

Pregnant snakes sometimes starve. They become inactive and careful. The heavy animals are not able to instantly rush to the sacrifice, and therefore they are mainly in secluded places.

Vipers, for example, bring offspring at the end of summer or early autumn. The number of newborn cubs can reach up to 8 individuals. In some situations, up to 17 children and more are born. Small reptiles have the same behavior as adult snakes. They are able to move, hiss, bite during protection, highlighting a little poison during a bite. Small vipers eat only insects. They like locusts, grasshoppers, bugs and so on.

When snakes reach puberty (by about the 2nd year), they mate. The male is trying to find his soul mate by smell. When he finds, he wrapps his arms around his neck, rises high above the ground.

Sometimes non -adversible snakes in the wedding season become aggressive, since they are very excited and worried. Reptile mating is carried out in the tubal, but immediately after the process the animals creep and never see after that. Parents are not of interest to small cubs.

Snakes are aggressive
Snakes are aggressive

To lay eggs, the snake chooses the most comfortable place, for example, the roots of the bushes, the cracks between the stones, the old stumps. For a young “mother”, it is important that the corner is quiet and secluded. Eggs that delay the snake develop rapidly. It takes only a couple of months and small reptiles are born. The snakes that appear lead an independent lifestyle. On average, the snake can live up to 30 years.

How do snakes melt and hibernate?

When cold occurs, about the 2nd half of autumn, reptiles fall into hibernation. They climb into secluded places. Supreme in winter in snakes can unexpectedly interrupt, and therefore animals can be found on the surface. In tropical countries or subtropics, animals sometimes do not hibernate, or do not sleep for long.

  • When spring comes, reptiles leave their shelters. Their vital activity is completely dependent on the temperature regime, sun, humidity and other factors. Because of this, the activity of snakes may change at different times of the year.
  • In the spring, reptiles are constantly under the sun, in the summer they become active only in the morning, evenings and nights.
  • About 2 times a year, reptiles get rid of old skin. This process is commonly called "molting". Thanks to her, snakes can grow and develop normally in the future.
  • After molting, the skin completely changes, ectoparasites are eliminated. If the snake is normally fed, its skin can go in about 15 minutes, forming a kind of stocking. After such a process, reptile can remain in the shade for a long time, avoid the sun until its skin is completely stronger.
  • If the conditions are unfavorable, the molt is stretched for a long time. In this situation, the skin lies with torn pieces. Panting snakes very often dies after molting.

Types and names of snakes with photographs and description

Snakes are considered very diverse animals in terms of species. The names of reptiles are sometimes striking in their own number and a huge assortment. These animals are included in the group of reptiles, scaly detachment.

In one snake, there can be at least 8 families and a maximum of 20. A similar discrepancy directly applies to the fact that today scientists have discovered a huge number of new types of reptiles. Therefore, it is difficult for them to divide them into some groups.

The most common families are considered:

  • Already figurative
  • Blindness
  • Aspid
  • Viper

Many people know reptiles, since these animals were able to master most of the continents for a long time. Many snakes prefer a hot climate, therefore, they live exclusively near the equator or in tropical countries. The number of reptiles decreases significantly to the poles. And only the usual viper can live in cold regions. Reptiles can live in almost any places, even in oceans. Many are already figurative, viper digs pits, love to live in underground standards.


Reptilia live in deserts, steppes, mountains, near rivers and lakes. Snakes are interesting animals, as they have an original appearance and peculiarly, even unusually move. Reptilia have amazing features - this is a method of behavior and the ability to produce poison. Therefore, they do not cease to attract the attention of mankind.

With snakes, there are a huge number of myths that often cause a person a strong fear. At the moment, scientists were able to open approximately 3,000 varieties of snakes. Among them there are both poisonous and non -amended.

The reptiles are non -amended

  • Already ordinary. This species is more common in Eurasia. There is a distinctive mark on his head - this is 2 light specks. It lives already in those places where reservoirs are located. The snake loves to warm up under the sun, is also able to move around the trees. Also, reptiles are able to swim, dive, stay for a long time without air under water.
  • Mesh python. This reptile is considered the longest among its relatives. In nature, there was an individual, the length of which was approximately 12 m. Python lives in Asia. He can catch prey by moving around the trees, but at the same time loves to swim in water.
  • Anaconda. This representative of reptiles is considered the most difficult. The weight of the animal sometimes reaches 200 kg. Anaconda is quite a strong snake and most of its body is muscle tissue. The nostrils of the reptiles are closed by valves, so once in ancient times, her people called "water boal".

Reptiles are poisonous

  • Viper. This snake is more common in nature. It lives, as a rule, in the territory of the Russian Federation and in some European countries. The viper likes to live with a couple, occupying a territory, which is up to 4 hectares.
  • Sandy efa. This snake has the most valuable poison from which people make serums and drugs. The Efa has small sizes when she attacks the victim, begins to move in the form of rings and hiss.
  • King Cobra. It is considered one of the most poisonous reptiles. Cobra can also be called the largest among poisonous representatives. Reptilia loves to eat snakes of other varieties. It has so much poison that even a large elephant can die because of it.
The most poisonous
The most poisonous
  • Black Mamba. This individual is considered the fastest. The reptile is woody, and therefore it moves around the trees quite quickly. Attacks his own victims without warning.

Despite the fact that snakes can only cause fear and panic in people, many decide to start such an animal at home. Some species may disappear today, therefore, they need to be protected, not allowed for the manufacture of the skin.

Video: Ravering snakes in the world

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