Animals and cars: a selection of photos and video prints

Animals and cars: a selection of photos and video prints

A selection of cool photos with animals and cars.

Animals and cars: cool photos

Our smaller brothers are very funny. Funning on the roads cannot do without animals. We have already written an article on the topic jokes on the roads. But separately, animals and cars decided to make a selection separately. Seeing the cool situation on the road associated with animals is always interesting. Although sometimes animals create inconvenience on the road, they cannot but have fun, not to touch and not delight people.

With the advent of DVRs, we can see more jokes on the roads, including animals related to. Below is a selection of photos on cars and animals.

Sometimes you can see not only a person while driving a car, but also ... a dog. You just look at the smart expression of the muzzle of this animal. It seems that the dog understands everything and even knows how to drive a machine.

The dog is driving

And this "driver" looks peaceful and friendly. It can be seen that the dog’s mood is in order today.

Cheerful dog behind the wheel

You just look at this dog. Well, isn't it funny? The very case when the car emphasizes your status, and you know it very well. Such a "driver" will feel confident on the road.

Serious dog driving

However, not only dogs drive into the frame of the lens. Cats also want to drive a car. The next photo shows how serious and focused on driving can be a cat.

The cat is in the car

And this kitten resembles a tributor driver.

Kitten and steering wheel

Not only dogs and cats fall behind the wheel, but also sloths. I wonder what a driver could come out of this ever -relaxed animal?

Lazice in a car

Even raccoons sometimes get behind the wheel of a car. Let the old and broken.

Raccoons in an old car

In the next photo you will see how glamorous girls decided to ride a red car. Funny, not true?

Glamorous poodles driving

Often dogs become passengers, and there are also a bunch of jokes. For example, see how the owner is worried about the safety of his pet. He put the pet in the car seat just in case.

The dog is in Autocres

The next character travels exclusively in the front seat and protects his eyes from the sun. However, the good taste of the dog emphasizes its impeccable styling and stylish accessories.

Cool dog in a car

And this baby is probably tired of a long trip. I decided to relax a bit.

The dog is sleeping in the car

Our next hero receives real pleasure from fast driving. It looks funny.

The dog with glasses

If your pet is small, it can be transported in this way. The main thing is that the kitten apparently like this place very much.

Kitten in the car

Well, if instead of one small pet you have a whole team of four -legged ones, they can be transported only in the trunk. See how fun and amicably they run out of there.

A lot of labradors in the trunk

You will not see anyone with dogs and cats in a car. But you can alpaca. An unusual road user could not but photograph. And the stern look of Alpaki causes a separate tenderness. The animal as if asking: “Where are you going to red? Reduce speed! "

Alpaca in the car

In the next photo, the ostrich shouts out the car window. Probably, in his bird's language, he swears, they say, this place is not for cars, but for birds and animals. And say after that that animals are unreasonable creatures.

Ostrich and car - joke

Animals are very curious creatures. They are interested in what a car is. Sometimes curiosity is stronger than fear. For example, this cute couple in the car. The photo can be called like this: "Hey man, you can’t tell you, Africa is in which side?"

Fun about animals

A curious and funny moose raised his mood to the driver. It is amazing how the animal could fearlessly approach a person.

Funny moose

The traffic police in the form of two giraffes carefully checks the documents from drivers. No one will pass without checking.

Giraffes on the road

Bears are also interested in what a car is and how it works. The bear seems to say: "Come out, there is a matter, we need to talk!" It is hoped that such a meeting ended safely.

Bear and car

And our next hero - the bear, does not look as self -confident as his relative. It stands with folded paws and as if asking "Well, at least give honey!"

Bear on the road

Not every day on the road you can meet the king of animals. See how gracefully and confidently the lion goes, as if he is not worried about what is around a bunch of cars.

Leo on the road

However, the lioness, crossing the road with the baby, is also calm, confident and graceful. All cars stopped to skip such an important person. Since childhood, the lioness shows her lion cub, who is the master in the house.

Lioness transfers cubs across the road

Hedgehog observes the rules of safety on the road. If you need to cross the road, this animal goes along the zebra.

Hedgehog crossing the road according to the rules

What can not be said about the cows. If you saw this in India, do not be surprised. Here you can do everything, even create a cork on the road.

Cows on the road

But the duck with ducklings teaches us, people, to cross the road correctly. Think about people.

Duck with ducklings at a pedestrian crossing

Pigs cross the road in the wrong place. Disorder. But at least, they run around the road quickly, as if they did not plan to delay drivers.

Pigs cross the road not according to the rules

A crowd of giraffes crosses the road. Funny picture.

Giraffes on the road

The feeling when cats captured the world. See how many of them. Just some kind of invasion of black cats.

Many black cats on the road

The pig feeds piglets simply in the middle of the road. The road is expensive, and lunch on schedule. It’s good that the driver came across an understanding one. Well, how can you not stop here and will not admire such a sight? It's impossible.

Funny case on the road

Sheep is resting where you want. And if they wanted to lie on the road, this does not mean that they will not do this. They probably thought: "Do not tram, eat up!"

Sheep relax on the road

But the drivers of the following cars will not envy. In the literal sense of the word. You just look at how ruthlessly the rhino drowns a car. We hope that a person was not there at that moment.

The rhino is drowning a car

It is better not to meet the elephant in your way. Will come and not notice. Poor drivers.

Elephant and car

And the impudence of the monkeys in this photo simply rolls over. They just attacked a car and a woman driving. It seems that the monkeys will just take the salon now and leave, leaving the hostess on the road.

Monkeys attack on the car

Animals on the road, this is not always cute. Do not forget that sometimes the reaction of animals on the road can be unpredictable. Therefore, you always need to be on the alert. If you met an elephant on the road, for example, it’s better to leave. And quickly remove a couple of funny shots. Have you had funny stories related to animals and cars?

Video: jokes with animals and cars

Video: Machines and animals

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