The honeysuckle is edible: varieties, planting in spring and autumn in open ground, growing, breeding, pruning and care, pests and diseases, treatment and treatment. Assignment Honeysuckle: The Secrets of Growing and Experienced Councils

The honeysuckle is edible: varieties, planting in spring and autumn in open ground, growing, breeding, pruning and care, pests and diseases, treatment and treatment. Assignment Honeysuckle: The Secrets of Growing and Experienced Councils

The article will tell you in detail about the intricacies of growing edible honeysuckle varieties, its pests and diseases.

Honeysuckle edible: varieties

Edible honeysuckle is a culture with large sour-sour and sweet (sometimes with a small bitterness) berries of dark blue. Honeysuckle blooms beautifully and with proper care always fruit abundantly. First of all, it is necessary to choose the right land and choose “healthy” seedlings for planting.

Early varieties:

Name View Fruit Features of the variety



Blue bird




(up to 1 m)



Berries (up to 2 cm)

An unpretentious plant, tolerates cold winter well, crumbles little. Self -intense (requires cross -pollination).


Leningrad giant



(up to 1.5 m)


Large berries

(more than 2 cm)

It tolerates cold and resistant to diseases, as well as pests. Requires cross pollination.





(1-1.5 m)


Large berries

(up to 3 cm)

Winter-hardy, fruit well, has delicious sweet and sour berries. Self -pollinates.
Honeysuckle fruits
Honeysuckle fruits

"Medium" varieties in ripe:

Name View Fruit Features of the variety



Bakcharsky giant




(up to 2 m)



Large berries (up to 4-5 cm)

Soft and tasty fruits ripen at the end of June. The shrub is fruit fruit 2 years after planting (less often 3). In order to bear fruit well, the Bakcharsky Giant should be planted next to him of self -pollinating honeysuckle varieties.







(up to 1-2 m)



Large berries

(more than 2 cm) juggle -like shape

The fruits have a thick skin, resemble lingonberries to taste. The variety is self -effective, but productive (if you plant self -pollinating varieties nearby).


The highlight



(up to 1-1.5 m)


Large elongated berries

(up to 2.5-3 cm)

Sweet berries do not fall when ripening. The shrub tolerates the winter well.






(up to 1.5 meters)



(about 2 cm)

The berries ripen without crumbling. Loves sunny. It can bloom with repeatedly warm autumn because of which it will not be fruitful next year.
A shrub of edible honeysuckle
A shrub of edible honeysuckle

Late varieties:

Name View Fruit Features of the variety





(up to 1.5 m)


Large berries (up to 2-3 cm)

The berries are covered with plaque, do not show off when ripening. Self -intensive variety

What kind of soil does the honeysuckle like edible?

Honeysuckle soil:

  • Culture does not like the "acid" soil.
  • Do not take root "heavy", dry soils and swampy areas.
  • Ideal soil is loamy, with organic fertilizers.
  • Too wet soil will make the roots rot.
  • Try to avoid areas with passing groundwater.
  • In hot weather, the soil should be moistened (not to allow drying out).
Honeysuckle soil

How to properly plant a edible honeysuckle - the obligatory neighborhood of two bushes, in the spring and autumn: step -by -step instructions

Important: you need to know that honeysuckle is a culture experienced cross. Therefore, several varieties should be planted on one section at once. This will allow culture not only to bloom abundantly, but also to bear fruit.

Selecting seedlings:

  • Before buying seedlings, exactly ask the seller about a variety of culture, its fruits and productivity.
  • The best "age" for the seedling is no more than 2-3 years (such a seedling will be fruitful after 2 or 3 years).
  • Inspect the condition of the seedling (sheets, roots, stem: everything should be without damage).
  • The sprigs of the seedling must be flexible
  • The bush should have large kidneys and a well -developed root system.
  • You can not buy too short and long seedlings (short have a weak root system, and long can take root poorly).

Important: at the same time, acquire several varieties of this culture, since some types are self -seated and require cross -pollination from other crops.


  • To put in the ground, you should cross the lump of seedlings into the soil
  • The transplant should be done when the kidneys have not yet blossomed.
  • You need to plant a shrub on the area where there is an abundance of sunlight throughout the day.
  • The best spring planting time is April (end of the month).
  • The best autumn time for planting is September (mid -month).

Preparation for landing:

  • Prepare the site
  • The distance between the seedlings should be about 1.5 meters.
  • Make a hole for planting
  • The hole should be about 40 cm deep
  • Add compost to the hole (2 buckets per fossa)
  • It should also be added by 3 tbsp. superphosphate in every hole.
  • Pour in 1 liter ash
  • Lower the seedling and fill up with loose soil
  • After planting, moisturize the hole well and evenly
  • Put mulch on the soil of the seedling (peat or humus)

Important: when landing, try to alternate the varieties of honeysuckle (those that are pollinated independently and are not pollinated on their own at all).

Planting honeysuckle seedlings
Planting honeysuckle seedlings

When an edible honeysuckle begins to bear fruit, for what year, when is it in a hurry?

Honeysuckle is a shrub with a plentiful harvest. To do this, take care of the culture, observing all the rules of planting, watering, choosing soil and covering the honeysuckle of mulch for the winter. The young seedling will begin to bear fruit after 2, 3 after planting in the ground.

Important: the honeysuckle harvest is harvested quite early. The first ripe berries can be seen already in the second part of June. Fruiting lasts for 3-4 weeks.

How to care for the honeysuckle edible after collecting berries?

If you are faced with a situation such as a small honeysuckle harvest. To avoid this, you should take care of shrubs not only during flowering, but also after collecting fruits. The main manipulations with culture should be carried out in the fall (when the honeysuckle is “at rest”).

Watering and pruning honeysuckle:

  • Moisten the soil regularly
  • Cut the shrub
  • Pruning will help the shrub give a good harvest
  • Remove dry branches

Important: pruning is performed only after the foliage is completely protruding in the fall.

Top dressing:

  • Bring organics every 3 years
  • After watering and top dressing, everyone loosen the soil
  • Thoroughly remove weeds around
  • Mulch in the fall
Secrets of proper honeysuckle care
Care for culture

Feeding honeysuckle edible in spring, during flowering and fruiting and in the fall in the winter with mineral fertilizers and folk remedies: Scheme

Foreing honeysuckle in the spring:

  • The shrub should be fed only since he will be 3 years old.
  • Feed the honeysuckle in the spring
  • Pour 1 bucket of organic fertilizers for each bush.
  • Feed the honeysuckle in early spring
  • At the end of the summer, put a 10 -liter jar of ash under the bush

Important: you can also do nitrogen top dressing, it is carried out in early spring, when the snow only descends (i.e. at the beginning of the growing season). Make a fertilizer simple: Dilute 1 tbsp. Urea in a bucket of water. Nitrogen fertilizer will allow the plant abundantly fruit (up to 5-6 kg of berries from one bush).

You can feed honeysuckle during flowering, fruiting, after harvesting:

  • It is good to feed the plant with “dung slings” (ratio of 1: 6).
  • You can also dilute 7 grams of potassium sulfate and nitrofosk (14-15 g) onto a bucket of water.
  • Be careful, only 3 liters of water (adults from 10 to 12 l) are enough for a young shrub.
Fertening honeysuckle
Fertening honeysuckle

How to dig the honeysuckle branches edible and root with cuttings?

For planting, the cuttings should be prepared when they have already begun the possession. Be careful, the tops of the twigs should be grassy and the berries are about to ripen. This feature will allow the cuttings to take root well.

Important: it is best to take a petiole from the top of the branch, the color buds must be removed. The cuttings are enough 2-3 kidneys and 1-3 internodes (make a slice obliquely higher than the node by 1 cm).

Before you start breeding with cuttings, you should know that not all cuttings are rooted. It is possible to accelerate root formation on the cuttings by previously a little scratched and treated with a special “stimulating” solution.

Honeysuckle cuttings should be carried out in a greenhouse or seedling for greater efficiency. The soil with planted cuttings should be sprinkled with a mixture of peat and sand. The recess should be made by no more than 2 cm. Cuttings are covered with polyethylene on supports (greenhouse). Water the cuttings abundantly, avoiding drying out. After the greenhouse, the cuttings should be seated in the ground. To do this, prepare a place on the site in advance. Protect seedlings from wind and draft.

Honeysuckle cuttings
Honeysuckle cuttings

A honeysuckle edible - trimming in the fall: how to cut it correctly?

Pruning will provide the shrub for stable growth and a beautiful crown, in addition, the yield of regularly cut bushes is always high.

In pruning the plant, try to adhere to clear recommendations:

  • Pruning should be carried out after harvesting and falling the foliage in the fall.
  • During trimming, you should remove all dry and damaged twigs.
  • The high -quality pruning of the "adult" shrub should be carried out once every 3 years.
  • Propiating the young shrub out as necessary (if it has a lot of dry and broken branches).
  • Branches are cut slightly above the base
  • At edible honeysuckle, the tops cannot be cut (kidneys and fruits form on them). Only dry skeletal branches can be removed.
  • When cutting, do not touch the young branches
  • Remove the dry branches of the shrub that lie on the basis
  • Thin out the inside of the crown

Video: "Honeysuckle pruning"

Do I need to cover the honeysuckle edible for the winter?

Honeysuckle is a culture resistant to frost (even up to -50 degrees), but still some varieties are whimsical and do not have such endurance. If you have cold winters (-40, -50 degrees), you can insulate shrubs to save their frosty weather.

Important: sheltering a larger measure is required for decorative varieties of honeysuckle, and not for edible ones.

How to make shelter:

  • Remove the supports from the branches
  • Bend the branches to the ground, attach them with wire or stapler (special garden device).
  • Well put branches on peat
  • Cover the branches with a spruce

IMPORTANT: Honeysuckle bark can become attractive food in the winter for rodents and birds. Therefore, if there is such a necessity, cover the shrub with special garden nets or synthetic bags.

Honeysuckle in winter
Honeysuckle in winter

Edible honeysuckle - pests and diseases: processing and treatment

The plant can suffer from:

  • Insects
  • Viruses
  • Fungi

Honeysuckle diseases:

The name of the disease The cause of the disease How to recognize Processing and treatment
Ramulariosis Ramularia fungus Drying of the plant, brown and brown spots on the sheets Removing the affected parts of the bush (burning). Treating the shrub with copper sulfate, burgundy liquid  
Currently CERCOSPORA LIBICOLA fungus Drying the plant, the appearance of dark green and brown spots on the foliage with a dark border along the edge Removing foliage and affected parts of the bush (burning), thinning mineral “top dressing”, processing by Bordeaux liquid (you can also use dice and fungicide), but only after the crop season
Tuberculariosis Mushrooms - causative agents of tuberculariosis Darkening, wilting and drying of foliage, red-brown tubercles on shoots Removing and burning of all damaged parts of the bush, processing by Bordeaux liquid in early spring
Powder Mushrooms Provoke the appearance of white plaque on the leaves and shoots, darkening and falling foliage Removal of damaged parts of honeysuckle and treatment with sulfur -containing drugs
Blacation of foliage Mushrooms The darkening of the foliage and the drying of the shoots, the appearance of black plaque on the foliage and even berries. Removal of damaged parts and spraying with an Aga-pick or a burgundy mixture
Crapping of leaves Improper care, nutrient failure The appearance of whitish spots and strips on the leaves Removing damaged leaves, planting a plant
Rhuga mosaic virus Virus Uncontrolled growth of shoots, the foliage does not develop and haws, the plant dies The destruction of the affected shrub
Rosenic leaflet Pest: pubescent brown butterfly Caterpillars eat foliage, the plant can be covered with spider lumps Making chemical preparations-interacticides
Haped finger Pest: caterpillars of brown butterfly Eat foliage and seeds of berries, reduce the yield of the shrub Making chemical preparations-interacticides
Crusty spine Pest: caterpillars of a motley large butterfly Eating foliage, the plant weakens, fruiting fades. Making chemical preparations-interacticides
Honeysuckle diseases
Honeysuckle diseases

How to get rid of aphids edible: what to spray?

Aphid is a frequent pest of honeysuckle. It often happens that in the season a shrub, affected by aphids, is sick several times. The insect, in turn, massively affects the plant with its several generations. Because of the aphid, the shrub weakens, because Aphids eats and sucks all juice from young shoots of honeysuckle and leaves.

Important: the most effective remedy against aphids, in addition to special chemical spraying, designed for an insect, is infusion of tobacco dust.It is necessary to add a solution of laundry soap to it (a piece of 100 by a 10 liter bucket). With this tool, it is necessary to cover the plant completely and from all sides (it is important to do spraying in dry weather).

Assignment Honeysuckle: The Secrets of Growing and the Tips of "Experienced"

Important and useful 10 secrets for successful growing honeysuckle:

  1. Choose the right variety (focus on the features of the variety and your land).
  2. Rotter the honeysuckle(plant several varieties at once so that there is a crop).
  3. Attract insects "pollinators"(For example, bees and bumblebees - they will significantly increase the fertility of shrubs).
  4. Combine varieties(for the fertility of shrubs)
  5. Organize the place of honeysplane planting correctly(Follow all soil requirements).
  6. Do not allow the honeysuckle crown to be very thick(reduces the fertility of the plant).
  7. Correct the holes and plant the plant correctly(with the whole complex of fertilizers).
  8. Water the plant abundantly during fruiting
  9. Mulch the soil after the crop season(for the winter)
  10. Feed the plant well(organic and nitrogen fertilizers).

Video: “Honeysuckle. Subtleties of growing "

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