The female name Zlata - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Zlata: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Zlata - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Zlata: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The meaning of the name Zlata: the meaning of the letters of the name, origin, character and features, compatibility with male names.

In recent years, it has become popular to call the daughters of the original Slavic names and the female name Zlata - one of them. Due to its consonance with gold, it is on this name that a huge amount of steam stops. In this article we will talk about the origin of the name, as well as about other aspects related to the female name Zlata.

The female name Zlata - which means: description of the name, origin

The female name Zlata is considered Slavic, as it was very common in Russia. But this theory is false, since all the paths of origin of the name lead to other ethnic layers.

According to one of the theories, the name Zlata, modernized in the Middle Ages by Jews, the name Gold, from the word Gold, gold. The Jews who conducted business with Slavic cultures learned that in the translation into Russian adverbs Gold is gold, and this word seemed more lively, bright and sonorous to them.

One day, when a daughter was born to a noble Jew, his wife wanted to name her Gold, so that the girl was accompanied by luck and wealth, and her husband did not like the name, and he offered an alternative gold. Not only Jews liked the new name and quickly gained popularity in Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Bessarabia, Russia and Romania.

Zlata Ognevich - the famous representative of the name
Zlata Ognevich - the famous representative of the name

There is also a theory about the Christian parcel, after which the name Zlata appeared. In the Middle Ages, the Bible translation into different languages \u200b\u200bbegan and this translation was very free, as preserved sources show. Thus, even the names were translated, and in particular the name of Chrysia (the meaning of which is gold, gold, gold) in the translated Bibles of the early Middle Ages, goes like gold.

Another of the theories says that at the turn of the 500s of the era, the Slavs actively complemented the list of their names, and often drew inspiration from the Greeks. And their name of Chrys (translated meaning covered with gold, strewn with gold), found a response in the Slavic lands adjusted to the local dialect - gold.

The most controversial theory of the origin of the name Zlata is Slavic, since it does not have any evidence of authenticity. In the Middle Ages, the Slavs called blond daughters golden -haired, since the Slavic blond has the ability to cast red, and the shade was very reminiscent of red gold. Subsequently, the name was reduced to laconic gold.

Feminine name Zlata: the meaning of letters

There are 5 letters in the female name of Zlata, which means that the girl will be prone to the humanities, as well as sociable, friendly and devoted to the proper attention of men. Zlats know how to present themselves, and also if necessary to show the perfect facade of life, even if there is emptiness and devastation behind it. This quality will help to rise Zlata even from the very bottom to the top of life life.


The value of each letter in the female name of Zlata:

  • H - sensitive intuition, explosive fantasy, understanding of its integrity and perfection. On the one hand, these are qualities that attract to themselves, on the other hand, golden people are so integral that they do not see the need to communicate with outsiders and close in themselves. Also the letter H means fidelity in friendship and marriage;
  • L - This letter gives the girl creative potential and the ability to see and feel beautiful. At the same time, this sound gives the owner of the name a desire to realize his fantasies and passions without restrictions, so Zlats are not afraid to be open, liberated and often replace men;
  • BUT - This letter gives purposefulness and a clear vision of goals. People with the letter A in the middle of the name have leadership qualities and are able to achieve the impossible in the shortest possible time;
  • T - A symbol of non -standard thinking, the opportunity to see a solution, it would seem, in unnecessary issues. At the same time, owners of such a gift can completely immerse themselves in their tasks, without devoting time to health, which is fraught with diseases.

Name of the girl Zlata: The Secret of the Name, Character

The female name of Zlata sounds interesting and mentally pushes into the image of a coquetle, but this is not about goldsmiths. Girls named after this name grow serious and straightforward. In virgins, they have many difficulties already in kindergarten, since gold simply do not want to learn to lie, lug and make compliments where they are undeserved. In the female kingdom, which practices praising girlfriends to each other, Zlata lives hard until she meets a like -minded person.

In the study of Zlata, it shows good abilities, is very diligent even in those sectors where knowledge is given to it hard. She can write for hours to achieve beautiful handwriting, and is also ready to devote a year to perfectly master the profession.

Pillows named Zlata
Pillows named Zlata

By adolescence, Zlata socialize and find their own company. He loves to be in nature, play sports, is fond of drawing and photography. But often has paranoid disgust, which sometimes reaches extremes. For example, gold can become so squeamish that it will not be able to eat outside the walls of the house.

In foreign companies, Zlata is kept away, but with self -esteem. At youth parties, she does not abuse alcohol, and certainly does not fall into a situation that will be ashamed of after.

Thanks to their manner, hold on, as well as thorough education, golds enjoy the attention of the opposite sex. But because of its peculiarities, communication does not allow men for a long time. It usually gets married late, and often according to the calculation, since the man in whom she falls in love often leaves her without waiting for reciprocity. But in the marriage of Zlata is usually happy, and the first will never fuse for divorce, even in the case of a heated situation. She is for the preservation of the family hearth, and she will always reach out the hand of reconciliation.

Zlata’s friends are as hard as with men. For a long time, she does not allow people to be close enough that, of course, reflects that hundreds of friends, friends zero. He is heavily experienced by betrayal, and because of this it can be closed in itself.

Feminine name Zlata: meaning in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, the name of Zlat is identical to the name of Chrys, Chrisia. In the Saints, the name of Chrisi is revered on the dates on October 26 and 31 in honor of the Great Martyr of Chrisia Moglenskaya.

According to legend, young Chrysia was very devout, but had a misfortune to be born in a poor family. She often had to work, leaving her native courtyard. Probably, because of this, the arrogant Turk was presented with the opportunity to recognize Chrysia, fall in love with her beauty and, despite her refusal, to abduct her.

After the Turk brought her to his village, he wanted to marry her, but the local authorities refused to marry them before she accepts the faith of the groom. Chrisia replied that she was ready to serve her husband once the will of God, but there is no need to force her to renounce, because she was a truly believer.

The icon of the Great Martyr Chrisia Moglenskaya
The icon of the Great Martyr Chrisia Moglenskaya

The Turks were rich, and was not used to accepting failures, believing that Batyg and Ice water best subordinate the will of the woman. But local women hated the beauty and persuaded the Turk, give her to them for re -education. They beat croes, cut out pieces from their skin, disgraced the body and beat again, but the girl refused to renounce the Lord. The Turks could not stand it and, having beaten it, hung it on a pear and thereby transferred it into the hands of God for an eternal rest.

Believers Christians removed her from the pear and buried it, over time, conveying the history of the life of Chrisia to her native village. And in 1912, a century later, she was recognized as a great martyr and brought to the holy.

Feminine name Zlata: compatibility with male names

The female name of Zlata is more or less compatible with all male names, but we have compiled a list with especially successful male names that will bring to the life of the fair sex, real female happiness:

  • Dmitry;
  • Vadim;
  • Ilya;
  • Artem;
  • Makar;
  • George;
  • Maksim;
  • Victor;
  • Sergey;
  • Novel;
  • Gleb;
  • Nikolai;
  • Ruslan;
  • Alexei;
  • Gregory;
  • Igor;
  • Nikita;
  • Denis;
  • Evgeniy;
  • Semyon;
  • Matvey;
  • Stepan;
  • David;
  • Vladislav;
  • Peter.

Great women named Zlata

The best example of the name is celebrities wearing him. We offer to get acquainted with the best and world famous representatives of the female name Zlata.

  • Zlata of Razdolin - an incomparable and talented composer, and the performer of delightful works according to the verses of Akhmatova and other significant Russian poets.

  • Zlata Byzova - Leningrad artist and inimitable painter. Behind a modest way, a huge soul was hidden, which spilled on thousands of canvases, and at present its works are exhibited around the world, both in museums and in private collections.

  • Zlata Filipovich - A talented writer and a delightfully hardworking translator. She survived the war, and rose from the very lowlands with her beloved homeland.

  • Zlata Dzardanov - Beauty and gifted vocalist. Her art strives for the people, but she does not seek universal recognition, because Dzardanova knows that her work is unique and significant and will never exchange for pop music.

  • Zlata Lilina - politician, journalist. The need for universal education, freedom of female spirit and independence from men carried to the masses.

Choose a name for your daughter? If you want your daughter to grow smart, self -sufficient, confident and honest - the name of Zlata is perfect!

Video: The meaning of the name Zlata is the secret of the name

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