Valery's female name - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Valery: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Valery's female name - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Valery: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The meaning of the name of Valery.

Valeria (Lera) - A bright and charismatic person who has always internal energy beats with a key. As a rule, the owners of this name are very sociable, energetic, smart and beautiful.

They always know what they want and try to achieve what they want in any way. As practice shows, Valeria’s vitality is enough to make it better not only their life, but all those who surround it.

What does the name of Valery mean in the church calendar?

Valery's name for church calendar

Valery's name originated from the Latin word Valeothat translates into Russian as strength or strong. And, probably, this is why most Valery have such a assertive character, which helps them to achieve their goals as quickly as possible.

But still, this translation is more suitable for the male variation of this name. If you look at later sources, then there you can find female decryption, which is most often found in modern church calendars. In them, Valeria is deciphered as Strong, strong or healthy.

The patron saint of the named after Valery

The patronesses of Ler in heaven are two holy women at once - queen Valeria and martyr Valery Caesarea. The fate of these two women was very difficult, but they still did not break and continued to believe in God. Queen Valery was the wife of the emperor, who fiercely hated all Christians. And since she sympathized with them, he decided to get rid of her, just sending him to exile.

When he died, his place was taken by an even more angry and terrible person. At first he pardoned Queen Valery, and when she returned to her hometown, he took her into custody and executed. Valeria Caesarea also sympathized with Christians, being a pagan from birth. Moreover, having matured, she accepted baptism and began to pray to God every day.

For this, all relatives refused her, and the Caesarean ruler ordered her to put her in prison and to torture every day. But as he did not try, the courageous woman did not give up and prayed even more. She spent the rest of her life in a dungeon, never once reached. For such a self -sacrifice for the sake of the Almighty, people ranked it to the face of saints.

The secret of the named after Valery

The secret of the named after Valery

Valeria, like fireworks, is just as bright, beautiful, elevated, mysterious and fast. You will say that in one person so many different qualities cannot be combined. But believe me, in the case of this girl they are even a few. Valerias are so changeable that sometimes they themselves do not even understand why their mood changed.

They can sit, be sad, and literally after a minute some thought will come into their heads, and they will already think through their future plans with might and main. In childhood, Lera is a very mobile child who has a lot of friends. She loves to invite them to visit and surprise them with something. Little Valery can be called a real hostess, because literally from 4-5 years she tries to help her mother wash, wash and remove.

Unfortunately, when the owner of this name grows, it becomes too romantic and scattered, which leads to the fact that she dreams more than she does something. Adult Lera becomes a beautiful, purposeful and ambitious woman who does not tolerate lies and betrayal.

What nationality is the name of Valery?

Nationality of the name of Valery

As already mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the name of Valery is the form of the Latin word Valeo. That is why a large number of available historical sources attribute it to ancient tribal Roman names. In those days, people did not divide the names into male and female and, as a rule, called their children (regardless of gender) by the name of the father or older brother.

Therefore, initially the girls who bear this name were called valers and only in the XVIII century did it transform into a more familiar to Valery. It was considered royal as our ancestors translated him as Powerful or influential. That is why most often it was worn by the daughters of wealthy parents or persons of royal blood.

Name of Valeria (Lera): meaning and popularity

For a long time this name was unpopular. Most people considered him too similar to male, so they tried to call their daughters more feminine names.

But this does not scare modern parents at all, moreover, they try to choose the most unique name to their child. For this reason, recently, more and more people have been called their daughters Lera.

Meaning of the name:

  • AT - is responsible for sociability and contributes to harmonious communication with people
  • BUT - Helps a person to cope with difficulties
  • L - develops intellectual abilities
  • E - Teaches to express it correctly
  • R - is responsible for determination and performance
  • And - acts on a person pacifying
  • I - makes a person more ambitious

Valery's name in English, Latin, different languages

Valery's name in different languages

I immediately want to say that the name of Valery belongs to the type of words that sound almost unchanged in all languages. An exception is only abbreviated forms of this word.


  • Latin - Valeo
  • English - Valerie, Val
  • Polish - Valeria
  • Russian - Valeria, Lera
  • Spanish - Valeria, Valerita
  • Portuguese - Lerinya, Leria
  • Romanian - Valerika, Vali
  • Hungarian - Valeria, Valerka

How is the name of Valery written in the passport?

The passport refers to the type of documents that should be executed without errors. That is why a person planning a trip abroad should take seriously to writing his name.

Since Latin transcription and the usual Cyrillic alphabet have some differences, it will be better if you are still recalling at home whether everything is written correctly. Valery's name in the passport should be written as Valeriia.

Valeria: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive affectionate?

Valeria: abbreviated short name

Do not think that a girl or a girl applying this name can be called exclusively Valeria. This name, like all others, has its own affectionate and abbreviated forms.

Abbreviated forms:

  • Valeo
  • Valera
  • Lera
  • Leka

Affectionate forms:

  • Valeryushka
  • Lerochka
  • Lerunya
  • Lerunchik
  • Lerusya
  • Leronka

Valeria: The meaning of the name is character and fate

All Valeria, without exception, are very emotional. They react violently to all situations, for this reason, in most cases, surrounding people are always visible their real emotions. The most unpleasant thing is that sometimes such behavior is not very appropriate and this leads to the fact that people around them begin to perceive them not entirely correctly.

But as practice shows, even such situations do not knock Ler out of the rut. They almost never pay attention to the opinion of strangers. If they understand that a person who is nearing them is aggressive to them, then they simply distance him from him and try not to communicate at all. The only people who value Valeria are their parents. Owners of this name all their lives are equally loved by both mom and dad.

Therefore, if parents quarrel, then Lera is trying with all their might to reconcile them. A positive feature of girls bearing this name is their kindness and openness. They always easily start acquaintances and easily fit into any team. Such a life position helps Leram well to arrange in life and, as a rule, growing, they get a good highly paid job.

Valery's name: sexuality, marriage

Valery's name: sexuality, marriage

As already mentioned a little higher, Valeria is very romantic natures, so in his youth they often fall in love and, most unpleasant, always idealize their chosen one. Due to the fact that they do not see any flaws in their soulmate, almost always in relations they obey the partner.

But this happens only until Lera meets her real man. Most often, the owners of this name marry after 20 years and, as a rule, for older and consisting men. For Valeria, in general, it is very important that her chosen one has solid soil under her feet and can provide everything that she may need. For marriage, she chooses beautiful, thin men who like to play sports.

As for the sexuality of girls with this name, it can definitely be said that they can fascinate and attract the opposite sex. But still, they enter into intimate contact with guys only if they really fall in love with them. And when these ladies get married, they try, in general, not to flirt and store fidelity to their husband.

Name Angelina: Health and psyche

In preschool age, Valeria is a very painful child who requires maximum attention. Parents have to protect their child from everything that can cause the development of the disease. But when the owner of this name grows up, her body copes with all problems and she begins to lead the same way of life as all other children. Studying at school, Lerochka practically does not get sick.

Its only problem at this age is the stomach. Having matured even more, Valeria, in general, forgets that such a disease is enjoying life with might and main. Separately, I want to say about the psyche of girls bearing this name. For the most part, they are very vulnerable, but because of their character they try to keep everything inside themselves.

Due to their behavior, the nervous system suffers very much and, as a result, periodically they fall into depression. In view of this, relatives should very carefully monitor Ler’s emotional state and, if possible, do everything so that they become cheerful faster.

What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Valery?

Patronymic to the name of Valery

Valery’s energy is not very calm in itself. Therefore, if she wears a middle name with similar energy, then it can definitely be said that in her character all explosive features will appear as much as possible.

In view of this, if Lera has a middle name, for example, Vasilievna, then it will more intensively push her to rudeness, impulsiveness and irritability. As a rule, girls wearing this middle name are very demanding of others, but they believe that they themselves can allow some weaknesses.

In the event that Valery will wear Arsenovna middle name, then good -naturedness, compassion, truthfulness and determination will reveal to its character as well as possible. Most often, the owners of this patronymic grow up a real support for their relatives.

Patronymics suitable for Valeria:

  • Maksimovna
  • Timurovna
  • Eduardovna
  • Alekseevna
  • Valentinovna
  • Vitalievna

When is the name day, Valeria's Angel Day for the Orthodox calendar?

At the beginning of our article, we have already mentioned that Valery has two saints at once - Queen Valery and Valery Caesarea. Therefore, the day of the angel of the owners of this name is celebrated precisely in the days of veneration of these two women. Read these saints on May 6 and June 20.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel for Valeria: short in verses and prose

Congratulations No. 1
Congratulations No. 2
  • My beloved Lerochka! I will congratulate you on the day of the angel and wish your life to be always happy, calm and comfortable. Let only good people meet you on your life path, and fate sends you extremely pleasant moments.
  • Valeria, on your name day I want to wish you only one. Huge happiness, good health and great and, most importantly, mutual love. Let your eyes always shine with happiness, and a smile does not leave your face. My dear person loves you very much!

Songs with the name of Valery

Tattoo named Valeria: photo

Tattoo named Valery

Suspension named Valeria from gold: photo

Suspension No. 1
Suspension No. 2
Suspension No. 3

Valery's name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Since Valeria is very able -bodied, its intellectual abilities are at a very high level. Owners of this name know how to think logically and very well analyzes the information received.

At school and the Institute of Little Lera, you do not need to sit for hours for books to learn some important lesson. As practice shows, such girls just just listen to what the teacher says, and all the information will immediately remain in their head. In more adulthood, such intellectual capabilities help these women do the most difficult work and receive a good fee for this.

As for behavior in society, it can definitely be said that Lera knows all the subtleties of etiquette, simply because of her character, sometimes she cannot restrain herself and does rash acts.

Valery's name: hobbies, activities, business

Valeria: hobbies, activities, business

Most often, owners of this name become financiers or ordinary bank employees. They like to work with money and make major transactions. Valerias also very often choose professions associated with communicating with people.

It can be trade, food or any other service area. But this does not mean that Lera will work with simple workers. As a rule, having gotten a job, they begin to show the initiative as much as possible and do everything so that they are promoted as soon as possible along the career ladder.

Angelina: compatibility with male names

Valeria is an extraordinary personality, so he loves the same guys. If she builds a relationship with a very calm man, then after some time she will necessarily be disappointed in him. For this reason, the same extraordinary personalities suit her as herself. Such a union will give her the necessary emotions, and she will try to keep her chosen one with all the forces.

Valerias are suitable:

  • Rodion
  • Tikhon
  • Stepan
  • Vladimir
  • Dmitry

What zodiac sign is Valery's name?

Zodiac signs for Valeria

The most optimal zodiac sign for Valery is the Capricorn constellation. If the owner of this name is born in this period, then her life will take shape very easily.

As practice shows, Lera-Caperians always have what they dream about and easily implement the most difficult ideas. Another suitable sign for women bearing this name is the constellation Virgin. It will make them more calm, supple and kind.

Talisman stone to the name of Valery

A very beautiful grenade is considered a talisman with a talisman. This stone is multifaceted, like Valeria itself. If it has a green color, it will attract good luck and money to the girl. If you carry red grenades with you, then the fair sex will be loved and adored. The yellow grenades will take on the negative and help to get rid of diseases.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Valery


The flower of the talisman Valery is geranium. In view of this, if the owner of this name wants all the troubles to bypass her, then she must have 2 or 3 of these plants in her house. Talisman Valery is a tree with a tree. She is able to clean the energy of a person well and help him get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

Totem animal named after Valery

The Totemic animals of the owners of this name are the bug-scarab. Since it symbolizes the revival, this positive energy gives Leram forces to fight for his future.

Numerology named after Valery

Numerology named after Valery

The most important number for women and girls bearing this name is the three. She helps them always stay at the top, thereby making them even more confident.

Pseudonym to the name of Valery

  • Beautiful zlyuka
  • Puppet
  • Butterfly
  • Red fox
  • Cute kitten

Famous people, celebrities named Valery: Photo

Russian singer Valeria
Lera Kudryavtseva
Valeria Lanskaya

Video: Valery's meaning

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