The female name Svetlana - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Svetlana: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Svetlana - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Svetlana: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Svetlana: The meaning of the name, character and fate.

Svetlana (Sveta) - A friendly, kind and bright person who is trying to build his life as correctly as possible. And although she does not always manage to do everything perfectly, she tries not to notice her mistakes and goes through life with her head proudly raised. You can find more detailed information about the energy energy in our article.

What does the name Svetlana mean by the church calendar?

The meaning of the name according to the church calendar

If you look at the church calendar, you will find in it several decoding named after Svetlana. Initially, it was believed that it means Bright or Crystal. In ancient times, they called them girls if they wanted, having matured, they dedicate themselves to serving God.

But already in the XVIII century, the name Svetlana began to decipher a little differently. He was divided into two separate words Light and Lan and began to translate it as Transparent and Earth. But nevertheless, no matter how it it is unambiguously translated, it can be said that it carries a lot of positive energy, which helps the owners of this name leave behind a good mark.

Svetlana patron saint

Svetlana patron saint

Svetlana Palestinian is considered the patroness of all living on earth. The fate of this woman was very difficult. Together with her relatives, she decided to make a trip to the new lands, and already almost reaching the point of appointment, she fell into a very strong storm, as a result of which all her relatives died.

She was also thrown to the shore of the island, on which Blessed Martinian lived as a hermit. He told her that he lives on this piece of land in complete solitude and only three times a year a man who brings his provisions sails to him. Svetlana decided that it was God's sign and persuaded Martinian to let her stay.

After thinking a little, he gave his consent and blessed the woman to serve God. Svetlana lived a hermit on the island for about six years, praying to the Almighty all the time. After her death, the man who brought her food, transferred her remains to Caesarea where she was buried, and then elevated to the rank of holy people.

The secret named after Svetlana

The secret named after Svetlana

Since childhood, Svetlana has been independent. The owners of this name are trying to get rid of adult care and sometimes go to small tricks for this. At school, science is of little interest in school. They go there rather for communication and fun pastime. The most interesting thing is that such an attitude to study does not prevent them from studying quite tolerably. Even at school age, they make friends with whom they are friends until old age.

Growing up, Svetlana does not lose her good disposition and openness, which allows her to easily join her new environment. As practice shows, wherever it is, she will always find with whom to communicate and make friends. The disadvantage of the character of the owners of this name is that they cannot bring the end that has begun to the logical end.

And they do not do it because of laziness, but because they simply ends enthusiasm and patience. But still, if at such a moment there is a person near her who will push her to further actions, she will do everything to make the result of her actions as perfect as possible.

What nationality is the name Svetlana?

Nationality named after Svetlana

Svetlana is considered an ancient Slavic name, which in those days was translated as Clean. Initially, it was exclusively masculine and sounded like Svetlan. Usually he was worn by monks (living in male monasteries), who devoted their whole life to the service of the Almighty.

Some sources claim that this beautiful and kind name has Iranian roots. In this country, they called them people, with a good soul, who all their time devoted help to poor and sick people. Translated from Iranian, Svetlana sounds like Light face.

Name Svetlana: meaning, popularity

It is impossible to say that the name Svetlana is now popular. Yes, they are occasionally called children, but still most often parents prefer more modern variations such as Veta. But if you look at the decoding of this name by the first, you can understand that it is difficult for them to call them girls, but necessary.


  • FROM - the desire for solid financial position
  • AT - tries to make all plans be implemented
  • E - will make a person with diplomacy
  • T - strengthens the leadership qualities of a person
  • BUT - helps to develop intuition and enhances intellectual abilities

Svetlana - decoding a name from Greek

Although the name of light is considered truly Slavic, in Greek there is its word form that sounds like Fotini. This word is translated into Russian as Light.

The name Svetlana (Light) in French, in different languages

The name Svetlana (Light) in different languages

The person’s name is unique and can sound completely different in foreign languages. So that you can understand how differently the word nations on our planet pronounce the same thing, we offer you information about the pronunciation of the name Svetlana in different languages.


  • American - Lana
  • French - Lucia
  • Belorussian - Svyutlan, Svylanka, Sveta
  • Czech - Svetla, firefly
  • Bulgarian - Svetlinushka, Svetlina
  • Serbian - Svetlanka, Tseza

How is the name Svetlana written in the passport?

Probably, it is not even worth saying that the passport is an important document in which each book should be written correctly. If an error is made in at least one word, then you may have problems right on arrival in a foreign country.

That is why you must call you to call whether you have inscribed the name correctly (it should be written by the Latin). Svetlana's name in the passport should be written as Svetlana.

Svetlana: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive affectionate?

Svetlana: abbreviated short name

Although the name is Svetlana and sounds rather cute and beautiful, it is still more suitable for an adult woman. If you call them a young girl or little girl, it will be better if you try to use the abbreviated and affectionate forms of this word for this.


  • Svetik
  • Svetula
  • Svetlyushka
  • Svetunchik
  • Lana
  • Veta
  • Sveta

Svetlana: The meaning of the name is character and fate

It may seem to people who saw Svetlana for the first time that she is a very careless and easy person. Yes, these features are also present in her character, but they hide command and leadership qualities that simply doze until a certain time. Moreover, if the light is offended with something, then it can be tough, insidious and vengeful.

Moreover, she will take revenge on her offender only after she considers well how to do it so that the people around her do not think badly about her. But still, the owners of this name appear more positive qualities. As a rule, Svetlana is very responsive, kind and open. They know how to find a common language with all people and do it with great joy. But fate is not very favorable to Svetlans.

All the time she comes up with some obstacles for them that prevent them from simply enjoying life. But to great happiness, this state of affairs only brings up girls with that name, and they try to rise as quickly as possible to the level from which they fell. Due to the fact that these women have to fight for a place under the sun all the time, closer to the age of forty, they become too ambitious and try to independently control everything that happens around them.

Name Svetlana: Sexuality, Marriage

Svetlana: sexuality, marriage

As a rule, Svetlana prefer the society of men to the society of women. That is why they easily start a new relationship and very often fall in love. This behavior really does not like the other representatives of the fair sex, so they try to do everything so that Sveta feels in their company is not very comfortable.

The sex of the lady bearing this name relate to something ordinary, so they quite calmly agree to the intimate immediately at the first meeting. But do not think that such girls are too easily accessible. They take this step only if they understand that their sympathy is mutual. But as practice shows, these ladies associate their lives with men with whom they have a very strong spiritual connection.

They believe that mutual understanding and respect are extremely important for marriage, and only in this case they pay attention to sexual relations in this matter. Most often, Svetlana marries the guys who perceive them as they are and do not try to remake them for themselves. If she comes across a patient and faithful man, she will live with him all her life.

Name Svetlana: Health and psyche

Name Svetlana: Health and psyche

The main problem of all Svetlan is their moral and psychological health. Due to the fact that they are a lot of nervous and are in constant tension, they very often have a headache. If a woman bearing this name finds the strength and immediately consults a doctor, then this problem disappears very quickly.

If she pulls with a trip to a specialist, then her condition exacerbates and depression is also connected to headaches. For this reason, the lights must strictly monitor the regime of your day and, if possible, give your body to rest and, at least sometimes distracting something pleasant.

It can be a calm evening with relatives, a trip to a movie or a concert, or just a walk in the park. In addition, these girls should be very attentive to their female health. Problems in this area begin to arise at a young age, and if they are not treated, then they can cause infertility.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Svetlana:

Middle name suitable for Svetlana

The father’s name has a strong influence on the fate of Sveta. The middle name Nikolaevna suits her at least. Its energy is so negative that sometimes owners of this name at a subconscious level want to distance themselves from his father. Most often, such representatives of the fair sex have a very difficult fate.

As a rule, they live their lives in poverty and die lonely. The middle name Vsevolodovna has a more positive effect on Svetlana. It gives the girl strength to combat problems and pushes her to the right choice in difficult life situations.

Patronymics suitable for Svetlana:

  • Alexandrovna
  • Gavrilovna
  • Davidovna
  • Stepanovna
  • Igorevna
  • Leonidovna

Svetlana: compatibility with male names

Svetlana: compatibility with male names

If you carefully read our article, you probably remembered that Svetlana very easily converge with representatives of the stronger sex. Unfortunately, most men perceive their openness for accessibility and consider them a serious relationship cannot be built with them. That is why the owners of this name are extremely calm and understanding of their thin nature of a man.

Ideally a couple for Sveta will be:

  • Anton. It has a mild character, so it will support his chosen one in all her endeavors.
  • Vadim. Guys bearing this name are very well -read and smart, so the alliance with him will help Svetlana to improve their intellectual abilities a little.
  • Gleb. It will help a woman to love herself and will help her get rid of her negative features.
  • a lion. More than others, Svetlana suits how exactly he can protect her from outsiders attacks. As practice shows, an alliance with this man is always very strong.
  • Sergey. Although men with this name are very hot -tempered, they know how to support their chosen one. In such a union, light will feel happy, beloved and desirable.

When is the name day, the day of the Angel of Svetlana according to the Orthodox calendar?

If you open the church shrines, you will find that the usual name Svetlana is not there. But still, the owners of this name can celebrate the Angel Day 3 times a year. In the Christmas time, Svetlana is written as a photo or photo. In view of this, the day of the angel of all the light is celebrated in the days of veneration of the Monk Photoshiy.

In 2017, these will be the following days:

  • February 26
  • April 2
  • November 16

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel for Svetlana: short, in verses and prose

Congratulations No. 1
Congratulations No. 2
  • Svetlana, we congratulate you on the day of the Angel! We wish your heavenly defender to help you quickly rise after your fate substitutes you a bandwagon. Be happy dear!
  • Let it shine brightly on this fine day! We wish your guardian angel to tell you an easy and bright road to your happy future.

Songs with the name Svetlana

Tattoo named Svetlana: photo

Tattoo named Svetlana

Svetlana Svetlana: photo

Suspension No. 1
Suspension No. 2

Name Svetlana: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Most intuition is very poorly developed. Since they often live in feelings, sometimes they commit acts that harmonize them greatly. As for the intelligence, the owners have no problems with this. Despite their light nature, they love accurate sciences and know how to think logically.

Moreover, if they feel the support of relatives, they are even capable of scientific discoveries. With the morality of these women, too, everything is in perfect order. Although, at first glance, they seem slightly eager for, they know how to behave in society and try to perceive them correctly.

Name Svetlana: hobbies, activities, business

Name Svetlana: hobbies, activities, business

Svetlana belong to the type of women who are able to do monotonous work for hours. That is why most often they are fond of embroidery, embroidery or knitting. If you go to the house to the owner of this name, you will surely find in it a lot of things done.

Some Sveta make their enthusiasm for business and sell products to friends or just familiar people. As for the choice of the profession, in this case they cannot be called brushing. These women can work quite calmly at any work, the main thing is that it brings them a stable income and gives moral pleasure.

What zodiac sign is the name Svetlana?

Zodiac signs for Svetlana

The most suitable zodiac sign for light is the Virgin. In this case, the stars will have the most favorable influence on the fate of the girl and as a result, in adulthood, she will practically not have negative features that are inherent in the rest of this name.

Svetlana-Virgo is a comprehensively developed personality that can self-realize, and always very quickly achieves good results in all its endeavors. The constellation of Aquarius will have the same positive effect on the ladies bearing this name. In this case, the woman is smart, beautiful and charming. All these character traits will help her make good acquaintances and move very quickly along the career ladder.

Talisman stone to the name Svetlana

The owners of this name have two talisman stones at once. This is the purest rhinestone And bright black Opal. As practice shows, Svetlans best carry both pebbles with them at the same time. Mount crystal will attract a soul mate to her and give her spiritual calm. Black Opal will play the role of a defender who will do so that the negativity surrounding the girl does not have any influence on her.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Svetlana

Lilia East

The totem flower Svetlan is lily. It is believed that she is able to give a person forces to struggle for his future, and also helps to acquire faith in all the best and most beautiful.

The totem tree of these women is considered birch. In view of this, if Svetlana has problems in life, then it is best for her to periodically come to this tree and give her negative to him.

Totem animal named after Svetlana

The totem animals of these girls are hare. And although it is believed that he achieves his way of cunning and deception, in the case of lights, this helps them to cope with frequent problems faster.

Numerology named after Svetlana

Numerology named after Svetlana

Svetlan controls the number 6. It helps them not to be confused in serious situations and directs it in the right direction, when it seems that, there is no longer a way out. If the owner of this name will not be lazy, then it will quickly be at the top and for a long period will be able to forget about the problems.

Pseudonym to the name Svetlana

  • Bright little man
  • Sun
  • Graceful girl
  • Mandarin
  • Snowflake
  • Love and loved
  • Dicheon girl

Famous people, celebrities named Svetlana: photo

Svetlana Hodchenkova
Svetlana Khorkina
Svetlana Svetikova

Video: Value of the name Svetlana

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