The female name Stefania - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Stefania: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Stefania - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Stefania: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Stefania, its meaning and origin.

Stephanie - Smart, charismatic, dodgy fox, which is above all the appreciation personal comfort. As a rule, the owners of this name literally from the smallest age show others their independent character, determination and ability to work. They know how to insist on their own, but do it so nice that people perceive it more like a request, not a wish.

What does the name of Stefania mean in the church calendar?

Stefania according to the church calendar

It is proved that the royal name of Stefania has Greek roots and knit its beginning from the male name Stefanos. In Russian, it is pronounced a little differently and sounds like Stepan. Perhaps that is why in delicate and beautiful Stefani, such male character traits as perseverance, courage and strong spirit are often manifested.

But still, despite the fact that the name carries such a strong energy in itself, it is deciphered very nicely. It is believed that Stefania means Crown, diadem or crown. At baptism, the little owners of this name are given a church name Stefanida or Stepanida.

Social patron named after Stefania

Social patron named after Stefania

If you look at church books, you will find that the owners of this name have only one patroness and this is the martyr Stefania Damaskaya. This woman lived surrounded by people who worshiped their idols and categorically rejected the assertion that the Almighty exists.

And although she sacredly believed in God, for some time she did not even tell her relatives that she was closer to Christianity. But when she got married, her husband moved her to Damascus, where she met Saint Victor. This man further strengthened her faith in God, and she began, without hiding to preach Christianity. And when St. Victor was taken into custody and began to be given to torture in the square, she went there to support him.

She began in the middle of a huge crowd and began to glorify the martyr. The emperor heard her speech and ordered her to take into custody and execute. She was tied to two previously bent palm trees and simply torn, cutting the ropes that restrained them. After the execution of the remains of Stefania and Victor were devoted to the Earth, and after some time they both ranked as the saints.

The mystery of the name Stefania

The mystery of the name Stefania

Little Stefania is always a cheerful girl who just rejoices in life. People who first saw the owner of this name most often compare it with a small angel who exudes light and warmth around. And, perhaps, none of the adults even suspect that a fairly solid and purposeful nature is hidden behind such an angelic appearance (this is especially true for winter Stephanie). Even at a small age, she begins to show her character and tries to achieve better benefits for herself in all ways available to her.

At school, girls with this name feel special, so they acutely perceive any criticism in their address. For this reason, sometimes they have conflicts with teachers and peers. But since Stefania can properly have people to herself, there is always a whole retinue near her, which is ready to punish the person who has offended her. Having matured, she becomes even more stubborn, ambitious and independent and all the time seeks to be better than the rest.

What nationality is the name of Stefania?

Nationality named after Stefania

For the first time, this name appeared in ancient Greece and was a changed form of the male name Stefanos. Since his translation sounded like a crown, it was originally considered royal and they called only those girls who had blood ties with the ruling elite. A little later, they began to decipher it like a wreath, which allowed them to call them girls from ordinary families.

Stefania name: meaning and popularity

Although this name is very beautiful, it does not use particular popularity among parents. As practice shows, approximately 5 % of newborn girls call them.

Meaning of the name:

  • FROM - gives a person with moodiness and intolerance
  • T - develops a sense of justice and truthfulness in man
  • E - enhances insight and charisma
  • F - is responsible for friendliness and openness
  • BUT - Helps a person to build his life correctly
  • N - strengthens internal forces and pushes to more correct actions
  • And - is responsible for romance and softness
  • I - Helps to achieve respect for others

Stefania - decoding a name from Greek

Stefania - decoding a name from Greek

We have already told how the translation of this beautiful name could be. But as they say, how many people, so many opinions. Therefore, some old sources claim that this name is translated from Greek into Russian, as Crowned or crowned.

The name Stefania in English, in different languages

  • English - Stefani, Stef, Stevie
  • Deutsch - Stefani, Steffi, Fanny
  • French - Stefani, Fanels, Nini
  • Spanish - esthepania, aestophanitis, Tefani
  • Portuguese - Estephania, Faninin
  • Italian - Stefanuccia, Tenia, Tanina
  • Romanian - Pan, Stefanel
  • Belorussian - Stafka, Staph
  • Polish - Sepha, wall

How is the name Stefania written in the passport?

Correct spelling of the name foreign passport

Most people who go abroad for the first time believe that their name should be inscribed in a passport in English. But in fact, in such official documents it is correct to use an ordinary latin, though taking into account the transliteration approved in our country. That is why the name Stefania in the passport should be written as Stefaniia.

Stefania: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive affectionate?

Abbreviated forms of the name:

  • Stefa
  • Stepa
  • Pan
  • Stenia

Affectionate forms of the name:

  • Stesha
  • Steshenka
  • Fanya
  • Fanita
  • Stefochka

Stefania: The meaning of the name is character and fate

Stefania: The meaning of the name is character and fate

As you already understood, the name Stefania is charged with a rather contradictory energy and, probably, therefore, having matured, it has a rather complex character. The owner of this name may change several times a day. In the morning it can be kind and cheerful, and by the evening to fall into despondency and be offended by everyone.

Unfortunately, not all people can withstand this behavior and, for this reason, adult Stesh is very difficult to make friends. Initially, people are good with her to contact her, but when they understand how insistent it can be, they simply refuse further communication. But still, as practice shows, this is precisely what her inconstancy attracts the right people to it.

As a rule, the owner of this name converges with very calm and balanced people who are diplomatic. They always give her time to calm down, and then gently point out her mistakes. But still, despite such a complex character, the fate of these women is quite good. More often in adulthood, the negative features of their character appear very little and this gives them the opportunity to build their lives the way they want it.

Stefania name: sexuality, marriage

Stefania name: sexuality, marriage

Outwardly, it may seem that Stefania is a very cold and impregnable woman who is waiting for the prince on a white horse. In principle, in dreams she sees her chosen one beautiful, rich, courageous and, of course, loving. But since she still really looks at things, she understands that such a copy in life is quite difficult to meet.

Therefore, most often she builds relationships with self -confident men who try not to notice the small disadvantages of her character. Having fallen in love, she seeks to change for the better. As a result, the owner of this name becomes an ideal wife who does everything right. And this applies not only to the household sphere. If Stefania is in love, then even intimate relationships with a man become brighter and more romantic.

She tries to surprise him in sexual terms and easily agrees to all the experiments that he offers. As practice shows, it is in marriage that the sexuality of these women is fully revealed. They become softer and playful and, as a result, begin to attract even strangers.

Stefania name: Health and psyche

Stefania name: Health and psyche

If you carefully read our article, you probably realized that Stefania is periodically nervous and upset. And since this very negatively affects its nervous system, in adulthood, it begins to fall into a depressive state quite often.

That is why the owners of this name need to try less nervous and try to switch from bad thoughts to good as soon as possible. As for the general physical state of health, it can be said with confidence that women with this name rarely seek help from doctors.

What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Stefania?

Patronymic to the name of Stefania

Stefaniy, like all very contradictory personalities, is best to have a middle name with strong energy. It will help to make the owner of this name more concentrated, balanced and calm.


  • Alexandrovna. STESSH will help to be stable emotionally and, as a result, its character will become softer. Also, this patronymic will help to develop such a character trait as constancy.
  • Vladimirovna. In this case, Stefania will begin to appear more with diplomacy and balance. This will help the girl more calmly respond to stressful situations and correctly deal with her offenders.
  • Igorevna. This patronymic will make the owner of the name wise and peaceful. She will be more respectful to those people who are near her and do everything so that there are no scandals around her.
  • Mikhailovna. This patronymic will help Stefania correctly adapt in his surroundings, make it a more flexible person ready to make concessions to those whom she loves and respects.
  • Sergeevna. A woman with this patronymic will never promote the members of her family and will do everything so that they are always happy and cheerful.

Stefania: compatibility with male names

Stefania: compatibility with male names

As for what name the chosen one should be worn by Stefania, then in this case it should be a person with strong energy. If she tries to build relationships with a phlegmatic man who does not know how to defend his opinion, then such a union will collapse at the very initial stage.


  • Victor. He will protect and protect her chosen one doing everything so that she has the best.
  • Kirill. Will help Stefania be distracted by bad thoughts and will help that she was wasted on quarrels with other people
  • Valentine. It will be idle all her life to her chosen one, which will always feel her superiority over other representatives of the fair sex.

When is the name day, the Angel's Day is at Stephanie on the Orthodox calendar?

If you do not know, then we want to remind you that the day of the angel of any person is celebrated on the day of veneration of his patron saint. And so, without exception, the stunted (winter, spring, summer, and autumn) is patronized by Stefania Damaskaya, then the owners of this name should be congratulated on November 24.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel for Stefania: short in verses and prose

Happy Angel Day for Stefania
  • Stephanie! On this special day for you, I would like to wish you vivid emotions, joyful and warm meetings and the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Happy Angel Day!
  • Dear Stefania! I sincerely congratulate you on your name day and wish you happiness and luck to become your earthly companions. Let only loving people surround you who can give you a lot of positive emotions. Happy holiday to you!

Song named Stefania

Tattoo named Stefania: photo

Tattoo named Stefania

Stefania name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Stefania name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Stefania by nature is very gifted personalities, so any science is given to them very easily. And since they have a very good memory, they remember a huge amount of information without any problems. Thanks to all this, the owners of this name are doing well with the intelligence. They always know everything better than others and, if possible, demonstrate their erudition and superiority.

The truth is due to the fact that their intuition is well developed, they do this only if they understand that the opponent cannot answer them the same. Although, with all this, they cannot be called immoral people. If they understand that something can harm their image, they will keep themselves within the framework, even if they will very much want to go to halter.

Name of Stefania: hobbies, activities, business

Name of Stefania: hobbies, activities, business

The owners of this name are very diverse personalities. They can engage in completely different hobbies with great interest. For example, they can quite calmly engage in any kind of struggle and at the same time learn to play piano. In addition, such ladies are very well knitted, embroidered and sometimes even write poetry. In view of all this, the professions of Stefania choose completely different.

The owner of this name can be found among doctors, teachers, trade agents, office managers and even stewardesses. As a rule, these representatives of the fair sex do not engage in business. As practice shows, they simply do not have enough patience for this. In view of this, when the slightest obstacle arises, they turn their job, and allow their chosen one to earn money.

What zodiac sign is the name of Stefania?

Zodiac sign suitable for Stefania

The name of Stefania is best combined with the zodiac sign of the scales. They energetically charge the owner of this name for calm, balance and friendliness. Stefania, born under this constellation, will be easy to captivate, convince and attract. And the most pleasant thing, in its character, its excessive assertiveness, irritability and anger will practically not manifest itself.

Talisman stone to the name of Stefaniy

The energy defender and amulet Stepheni is a pebble of volcanic origin Labrador or as it is also called labradorite. This fiery stone will carefully keep the calmness of the owner of this name and do everything so that human envy does not have a negative impact on it. In addition, labradorite helps that Stefania reacts less emotionally and sharply to external stimuli.

Flower, plant, wood-dalisman for the name of Stefania

Talisman flower - orchid

The flower talisman of the owners of this name is the alpine rose and orchid. Both of these plants are symbols of love, calm and comfort. Therefore, if Stesha will have at least one of them in his house, then well -being in the family will be provided to her.

Another powerful defender of these fair sex is the Barberis tree. Even one of his twigs is capable of giving Stephanie the peace and make her thoughts and actions be directed in the right direction.

Totem animal named after Stefania

If Stefania wants to have a living defender in his house, then she should have a black cat's cat. She will simultaneously import negative energy, protect against damage and evil eye and dumb to calm the woman itself.

Numerology named after Stefania

Numerology named after Stefania

The number of Stefaniy is the nine. She is a symbol of calm, goodness and peace. All these positive properties have a positive effect on the owner of the name, so it becomes more stable in emotional terms.

Pseudonym to the name of Stefania

  • Tenderness
  • Blue -eyed
  • Strawberry girl
  • Baby
  • Your sun
  • Miss spontaneity
  • Flame environment

Famous people, celebrities named Stefania: photo

Stefania Malikov
Stefania-Marian Gurskaya
Stefani McMan

Video: The meaning of the name Stefania

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