Feminine name Polina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Polina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Feminine name Polina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Polina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The meaning of the name of Polina: characteristics, origin, totems and other characteristics of the name.

Polina is a beautiful name of French origin, which originally sounded like Pauline, which in turn came from the male name Paul (Paul), which was translated from Latin, a small, baby. It is worth paying attention that previously the name was given not from birth, but after the child grows up and proves.

What does the name of Polina according to the church calendar mean?

The name of Polina, as well as his synonyms of Pavlin and Paulin, are absent in the Orthodox shrines, and, accordingly, no importance is provided. They baptize Pauline either by choosing a name by Christmas time depending on the birthday of the child, or Apollinaria or Pelagia.

Patron saint of Polina

Girls and women with the name of Polina can ask for help, as well as the advice and wisdom of the patroness of their name of the Monk Virgin Apollinari.

Polina name: meaning, characteristic
Polina name: meaning, characteristic

The secret of the named after Polina

The secret of Polina is her essence. Girls with this name are too engaged in self -digging, and they are critical to themselves. Sometimes, with age and the addition of life experience, Polina rethink the situation and begin to treat themselves more loyal.

The task of parents from an early age to tell Polina that everyone is good in his own business, and do not criticize themselves in vain. Parents should also praise more and less criticize their daughters. Another task, both the father and the mother, is to teach the baby everything that they can do and help her get the skills that she will be interested in.

But even if Polina understands that the truth on her side and self -digging does not have a reason, then complacency is provided. Yes, there are only two options for the development of life-either Polina will not be happy in life, and all her life he will torment herself, or her self-permissive and excessive self-confidence will annoy the people around her.

By the way, if Polina decided that she was right, it is impossible to convince her in the opposite.

What is the nationality of Polina's name?

The origin of the name is primordially French, but at the moment it can be safely called international, because its popularity is present in almost every corner of the world and among all religions.

Polina name: origin and meaning, popularity

We spoke about the first theory of origin of the name at the very beginning of the article, but there is a second version of the origin of Polina. In ancient Greek myths, the god Apollo luxurious unusual beauty young man. It is not surprising that noble Greeks, dreaming of perpetuating the name of their daughters - called them beautiful Apollinaries.

Subsequently, the name was widespread in Europe, but due to the fact that Apollinaria was very long and complex in pronunciation, its name was reduced to Polina. In this case, the meaning of the name acquires a completely different color. If the name comes from Apallon, then its meaning is “sunny”, “beautiful”, “delightful”.

Polina name: origin and meaning, popularity
Polina name: origin and meaning, popularity

There is also a legend about this beautiful name. A delightful woman, a Roman, was a noble family and widowed early, her roots converged to Gregoris himself, but at the same time she did not lead a lifestyle accepted at the nobility and was always a modest and restrained woman. In marriage, she loved her husband, despite the fact that he was much older than her, and Vedovov, she never took off mourning.

The husband left his wife an inheritance that made her one of the richest women in the country, and she had the opportunity not to marry and defend her independence. Most of the funds she sacrificed the church, but at the same time, unlike others, she carefully checked where her funds were distributed in order to avoid the enrichment of priests and really develop the Church, to help the poor.

The fruit of their marriage was the beautiful daughter of Eustochia, with whom Polina went into a pilgrimage. In this distant, but fascinating journey, she showed her daughter the world, helped to see the whole of the expiration of the Christian faith, to find God inside and become a wise and kind woman.

By the sea, women reached Jerusalem, visited the grave of Jesus Christ, as well as the place of his birth. During the trip, women tirelessly helped the poor, made it possible to survive and improve their conditions. Their wealth left a train of well -being and happiness. Having reached Bethlehem Pauline, she saw the leading of the life of Jesus after which she found peace and remained to live her years in this sacred city.

But having passed away, she left a wonderful good daughter who continued her business. From then, to today, her family is drawn, in which a lot is started to work in order to be rich, but not for the sake of vanity, but for the sake of helping those in need.

The meaning of the name of Polina
The meaning of the name of Polina

The legend says that Polina was called a little girl because of her fragility and stuntedness, but her kind soul created a beautiful aura, and this name began to mean “sunny”, “noble”.

The name was distributed almost immediately for all continents. But in Russia the name was rare and not popular. With the advent of fashion for the entire French name Polina, because of the French dialect, became very popular, and every twentieth girl from the highest circles bore this name.

Polina - decoding a name from Greek

Polina's name has a reflection in Greek culture. From this ancient language, it means "meaningful." Unfortunately, the legend of the origin of this value has not been preserved.

Polina's name in English, Latin, different languages

Language Writing a name
English Pauline
Spanish Paulina
Italian Paolina
Chinese traditional 波莉纳 (reads as Bolina)
Deutsch Pauline
French Pauline
Ukrainian Polin
Japanese ポリナ (reads as Porina)
Greek Πολίνα

How is the name of Polina written in the passport?

According to international transliteration, updated in 2017 in a passport, the name of Polina is written as Polina.

Polina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Polina has many synonyms, as well as abbreviations. We will give only a small part.

  • Polinka
  • Paylan
  • Polyusha
  • Fields
  • Paulina
  • Paul
  • Pole
  • Pauline
  • Lina
  • Pasha
  • Peacock
  • Pulled
  • Pauline
  • I am a sink
  • Fields
  • Pusya
  • Apopoloria
  • Paula
  • Pelagia

Polina: The meaning of the name is character and fate

There are several factors at once, and in order to provide the most accurate characteristic of the name, attention should be paid to the time of the year in which Polina was born.

  • Winter. The Polina born at this time is strict both to herself and to the world around him. A calm and visually calm girl, a girl and a woman. She has to achieve everything herself, and even if life presents her gifts, she clearly deserved them. A strong, independent woman, she persistently goes to her goal, and most importantly - she always achieves! But the visible self -confidence has the opposite side. After all, deep down, Polina is very vulnerable and if there is no loving person near her, she is unhappy;
  • Spring. Born in the spring of Polina is famous for a cheerful and glorious character, resourceful and inventive, sociable and proud. She is one of those who will not appear in public without styling and makeup, who will not buy food for a week, but will shine in a brand new dress. However, she is not just a good mistress in the house - the best. After all, everything that surrounds her should be perfect! And she does not squeeze her superiority. This often scares people away and because of this the spring Polina is not rarely left without friends;
  • Summer. A joyful and very positive person. She radiates good, mind and a desire to help the whole world. If the widow of Polina was in the ancient Greek society, then she was probably born in the summer. After all, her lifestyle is an exact characteristic of the summer Polina. She is also very sociable, in life she often chooses socially significant professions and loves to participate in the charity life of society. In this case, she is the speaker, ready to negotiate and present money to collect money day. She not only says, but also loves to listen, subsequently help, and not always openly. Summer Polina is a real favorite of the public;
  • Autumn. Born in the fall, Polina is quite derive and economical. She never sits still, and strive to build a career. But it does not waste the funds received at work, but prefers to save, for subsequent investments, and quite a lot of people often pays attention to philanthropy. She does not give alms, but she likes to provide people with the opportunity to learn, to achieve new heights in life. Often it opens free schools in which you can get valuable living skills that are in other places in a lot of money. In addition, Polina is a very good mistress and her choice is a large family. He loves children very much, but holds in severity.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Polina: compatibility with male names

Polina is combined with many names, but it sounds especially good if the fathers: Alexander, Dmitry, Sergey, Andrey, Evgeny, Maxim, Vladimir, Anton, Artem and Ilya. In any case, we strongly recommend “trying” the surname and patronymic to the name of Polina before making the final decision.

When is the name day, Polina's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

In the Orthodox Christmas time, Polina is absent, so this name does not celebrate name. It is recommended to celebrate the name of the name that was baptized by the child.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Polina short in verses and prose

Polina - You are beautiful
Polina - You are kind
Let the bright holiday
All your dreams will come true
Let it shine every day
The sun in your eyes
And the heart, as before
Gives love!

Polina, we are in a hurry to congratulate you, our native girl, with the names! We wish to live life as kind, beautiful and smart as now. May there be a light road in life, and clouds never overshadow happiness!

Song named Polina

Thanks to her charm, Pauline often conquers male hearts and romances, songs and even humorous songs were repeatedly devoted to her. Watch the video.

Video: Alexander Shevchenko - Polina

Video: Song about Pauline

Video: Polina Gagarina - Polishka

Tattoo named Polina

Polina often refuses the gentlemen, thereby breaking many hearts. But the moment comes when the sighing of the gentleman will not be in vain and it will reciprocate. But she presents herself so that a man knows that he has a real treasure in his hands. In honor of her, a man and poems and poems compiles, and the tattoo of eternal love is ready to apply.

Tattoo named Polina
Tattoo named Polina

Suspension with the name of Polina from gold: photo

A great gift for Pauline for a birthday is a nominal suspension. Polina loves her name and will often wear such a unique and individual gift.

Suspension with the name of Polina from gold: photo
Suspension with the name of Polina from gold: photo

Polina name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Polina is very conservative, and accepts life as it is. She does not like to cunning and crawl, and because of this she considers intuition is useless and uses the mind. Although her intuition is very developed and if she addresses her, then luck favors her.

Polina believes her intellectual abilities. She is carefully studied and proud of the knowledge gained.

But in relation to morality, Polina has double standards. It all depends on the situation and the benefits of Polina. With friends, she is friendly and cheerful, often selfless and cheerful. Polina is strict and demanding with relatives, but at the same time loves her husband and children very much. But at work, especially in Polina’s leadership positions, it is often despotistical and does not accept any excuses. If a person is objectionable to her, she says everything that thinks and it affects not only what this person thinks about her, the whole society often turns away from her.

Polina name: hobbies, activities, business

Polina is fond of exclusively male or non -standard hobbies. This is hunting, and fishing, and technology, and collecting rare, unique things. Often Polina is fond of sports, but not training, but as a fan.

In addition, Polina loves to read, improve and go shopping.

Polina is hardworking and diligent, responsible and performing. Often they run along the career ladder and become leaders. Her preferences in choosing a profession - where they earn more, “not dusty work”, a flexible schedule in order to devote time to the family.

Polina decide to open his own business only when she will be sure that success awaits her, and only so. In addition, it should be the work of her life, or a direction that will help to move forward to humanity or society in which she lives.

Polina name: Health and psyche

Usually Polina cannot boast of good health, and the essence of the problem lies in the nervous system. Due to self-criticism, she herself “eats” herself from the inside. It is often tired and she needs a strong long dream.

Polina’s psyche is unstable, because of the experiences and some nervous events in life, her health may shake. Pauline needs constant support for loved ones, and giving her self -confidence.

Polina name: sexuality, marriage

Polina is a very sexy woman who wants to get everything that is possible in life. Often experimenting before marriage, so that no one knows about her personal life. She does not spread about her either before marriage or during him. But if a beloved man is bad in bed, no matter how strong feelings are - she will go to another man. However, this is all before Polina gets married, then she will hide, look for joys on the side, but will never leave the family.

Polina name: sexuality, marriage
Polina name: sexuality, marriage

In the marriage of Polina, a good mistress, an excellent mother who often chooses a large number of children. And also a loving wife, pamper and appreciates her husband. But if she convicts him in betrayal, the bee fate cannot be avoided. She will not leave her husband, but will make his life torture.

Which zodiac sign is the name of Polina?

The most profitable combination of the name of Polina with the zodiac sign Capricorn. Born during this period, they are most balanced, less prone to self -criticism, sociable and know how to achieve what they want.

Talisman stone to the name of Polina

The stones of Polin's talismans are selenite (lunar stone), ruby \u200b\u200band topaz.

Rubin will bring Polina an ardent love, dignity and willpower. Rubin heals mental wounds and diseases of the nervous system, and also help to avoid problems with the spine, joints and digestive organs.

Rubin also gives Polina absolute power, and subjugate people. It is especially good if Polina chooses the sphere of activity - politics.

Talisman stone to the name of Polina
Talisman stone to the name of Polina

The lunar stone gives modesty and purity, such necessary for women, especially those who are so critical to themselves.

Topaz gives Pauline hope and prudence. It helps to avoid conflicts and SRS, opens Polina to people and makes it possible to make friends. Topaz also protects against the evil eye.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Polina

The plant world favors Pauline, especially affects Polina poplar, poppy and lotus.

The talisman from the poplar symbolizes passion, youth and beauty. It also absorbs the negative, which absorbs and repels from Poli.

Lotus gives beauty, spiritual improvement and happiness. It also helps to spiritually degenerate after the hardships and suffering. In the event that Polina has difficult times - contemplation for lotus will help to stay in balance.

But lotus oils help to start and hold a love novel, which can develop into a passionate marriage at any moment.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Polina
Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Polina

Mack is useful to a young family. He will give Pauline children, will help maintain charm and youth. The poppy also protects Pauline from the witchcraft spell.

Totem animal named after Polina

The Totem named after Polina in the animal world is a swan and a whale. The swan symbolizes eternal love, purity, revival and wisdom of the old man in a young body. But the whale is a symbol of power and incredible power. And also acts as a symbol of new life, beauty and fresh ideas.

Totem animal named after Polina
Totem animal named after Polina

Numerology named after Polina

  • The number of the body 9
  • The number of hidden spirit 9
  • The number of souls 9

Three nine forms the perfect combination of romance, impulsivity, cheerfulness and wide love. But do not forget that the "nine" are very selfish and demanding of people. Parents who decided to name the girl with the name of Polina should know how to correctly educate her daughter, pay special attention to humanity and the ability to control themselves.

Pseudonym to the name of Polina

The appropriate pseudonyms should be applied to the noble French name Polina. Choose pseudonyms with a French bias, such as: Zhffroe, Orizinal Zaz (ZAZ), Algarvio, etc.

Famous people, celebrities named Polina

Famous singers and actresses:

  • Polina Lunetova
  • Polina Gagarina
  • Polina Strepetova
  • Polina Kumanchenko
  • Polina Viardo-Garcia
  • Polina Kutepova

Famous writers: Polina Porizkova and Polina Dashkova.

Athlete: Polina Astakhova.

Top model: Polina Kuklin.

Video: ° Polina. Meaning and interpretation of the name


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Comments K. article

  1. Apollinaria.
    As you say) then the name came from the Greek god Apollo, he has two “l” in him, then in the full name of Polina there will be two “l” - Apollinaria.

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  4. We need a description of the name Polina

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