The female name is Natalia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Natalya: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name is Natalia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Natalya: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Name Natalia: origin, meaning, characteristics and other information of the name.

Natalia is a feminine name that was widely used in Russian prose and poetry. Natalya Rostova alone is worth it, because she was worshiped, worshiped, and I will continue to worship thousands of creative people around the world, theatrical stages with enviable regularity present the audience “War and Peace”, the producers do not tire of filming new adaptations, in which the image of Natasha is violently every time It is discussed by critics and the public.

In this article we will talk about the origin and secrets of the named after Natalya, as well as why it is so loved by the Slavs for centuries.

What does the name Natalia mean by the church calendar?

Natalia in the Orthodox faith means “native”, “clean”, “innocent”. That is how the famous Leo Tolstoy portrayed Natalia. Giving girls in the name of Natalia, religious parents hope that they will grow a chaste, calm and kind girl.

Patron saint named after Natalya

The great patroness named after Natalya is the Monk Natalia Nicomedian who was awarded the holy martyr. During his lifetime, she was a believer and kind woman, the wife of the martyr Adrian Nicomedia. Natalia went with her husband a long path of torment, comforted and supported her husband, who was long and unbearably tortured for the faith of Christ. After the burial of her husband, Natalia herself left, from this world, in order to find holiness and peace.

Natalia Nikomidian can be asked for help in difficult times, as well as a strong marriage and a large family of full children.

Patron saint named after Natalya
Patron saint named after Natalya

Secret named after Natalya

The secret of the name Natalya is excessive resentment and fear of comments. She really needs support and praise. Natalia is ready to fulfill a double plan for the sake of bonuses, but for the sake of a pleasant word spoken about it by the authorities in the presence of all employees. In a family without praise, Natalia is getting sick and may even fall in love with another man, why a divorce will follow.

Secret named after Natalya
Secret named after Natalya

Another secret of the named after Natalia is vindictiveness. She experiences resentment for a long time, painfully, and seems to forgive. But no - a long memory follows her. And if Natalia is the opportunity to take revenge, then she will not miss her. In the family, she can forgive her husband or relatives, but with an enviable regularity of this forgiveness will be reminded.

What is the nationality of the name Natalia?

The origin of the name is late Nalatinskoye, but the real recognition was in Russia. Therefore, it is considered to be the nationality of the name Natalya, nevertheless, Russian lands.

Name Natalia: origin and meaning, popularity

The origin of the name Natalya has a direct connection with such an important event as Christmas is more Lord. No one still knows what role in Jesus was played by a woman or a girl who was christened Natalya, but it is reliably known that Natalis Domini (this is the name of Natalya came from this phrase) means “Christmas than the Lord” or “Christmas”, “relating to By Christmas. "

In one version, which is categorically denied both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the first Natalia was the wife of Jesus, just at a time when his life on earth was not recorded. That is, Natalya was the wife and mother of Jesus children. But what happened to her and her children, since they did not accompany Jesus until the last day is unknown. And since these are only legends transmitted from mouth to mouth, and have never been found on paper, the theory remains the other version.

There is also another opinion about the origin of the name from the ancient Jews. According to this version, Nathan (husband. Rod) and Natalia (female genus) are originating from βָתָן, which means “given/given by God”, “donated”, “gift of fate”.

Name Natalia: origin and meaning, popularity
Name Natalia: origin and meaning, popularity

But it is unambiguously known that before coming to Russia, the name was rare and not popular. In Russia, on the contrary, they often chose the name of Natalia for their daughters at baptism, and after the lyrics and prose writers began to praise girls and women with such a singing name in their works in the XVII - XVIII centuries, the rich and successful began to include the name of the name even more .

After the book “War and Peace” was published and gained popularity in the Russian Empire began the first wave of fashion in this name. Almost in every yard Natasha grew. And now the name Natalya is one of the 20 popular names of Russia.

Natalia - decoding a name from Latin

The name Natalya has Latin origin and comes from Natalis, which means "native." There are also versions of the meaning “sent by God” and “Christmas”.

Name Natalia in English, Latin, different languages

Language Writing a name
English Natalia
Latin Natalis
Arab ناتاليا
Belorussian Netal
Hungarian Natália
Greek Ναταλία
Danish Natalie
Hebrew נטליה‎
Spanish Natalia
Italian Natalia
Chinese traditional 娜 塔 莉 娅
Latvian Natālija
Deutsch Natalie
Norwegian Natalie
Polish Natalia
Serbian Nataliya
French Nathalie
Czech Natálie
Estonian Natalie
Japanese ナタリア

How is the name Natalya written in the passport?

According to the latest international transliteization of the name Natalya adopted in 2017, in a passport as Natalia.

Natalia: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

During the existence of the name Natalya, he has modified and came up with dozens of affectionate and diminutive forms many times:

  • Natasha
  • Natal
  • Natuna
  • Natalia
  • Nutusya
  • Nathana
  • Natula
  • Natalia
  • Talya
  • Tasha
  • Natalie
  • Nana
  • Our
  • Nataliya
  • Talusha
  • Nat
  • Natakh
  • Tala
  • NET
  • Leah
  • Natalia
  • Natka
  • Natal
  • Tusya
  • Tatusya
  • Nala
  • Nalya
  • Tata
  • Nataloka

Natalia: The meaning of the name is character and fate

Studying the meaning of the name, we can see that Natasha is growing quiet, obedient girls. Cheerful crumbs, bothering their small nose absolutely everywhere! In the house where Natasha grows, from morning to night a children's rolling laugh is heard, in the yard she is a favorite of girlfriends, and also makes friendship with the guys. From a young age, he absorbs tact, mannerism, knows how to behave and favorably present his virtues. The scenes and a large number of people are not shy.

Of the children's shortcomings - a great desire to "teach good" everyone around them. As soon as she finds out about the manners at the table - she will definitely correct, and teach all family members. But it is worth at the table to sit an outsider, and she will in every way show the skills of her family. Natalia will never put relatives in a bad light.

Natalia Oreiro is a bright representative of the name
Natalia Oreiro is a bright representative of the name

Natasha study well, but only when she is praised and shown as an example. Natasha will learn the book in advance, only highlight it among the team. Surprisingly - but she is well given both humanitarian and accurate sciences. The mindset is analytical, but at the same time it is well developed by the humanitarian side, it is successful in literature and likes to visit dance, acting and sports circles.

Growing Natalia, they are fond of everyone: career, relationships, hobbies. They are trying to have time to live ten lives in one and therefore often break down and fall from fatigue. In this case, you need a vacation and good rest, otherwise you can’t pass the diseases.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Natalia: compatibility with male names

Natalia is a singing name with a vowel letter at the end. Many patronymics of Russian, Greek and Latin names, such as: Ivanovna, Petrovna, Dmitrievna, Konstantinovna and so on, are approaching him. Before making the final decision, say aloud the name and patronymic of your long -awaited daughter.

When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Natalia on the Orthodox calendar?

In the Orthodoxy of martyrs with the name of Natalia, five are recorded in the Christmas time. The day of the Angel is considered the day that is closest after the birthday of Natalia.

the date The name of the holy martyr
January 11 Holy Martyr Natalia Vasilieva
March 22 Holy Martyr Natalia Ulyanova
March 31 Holy Martyr Natalia Baklanova
8 September Holy Martyr Natalia Nicomedia
September 14th Holy Martyr Natalia Kozlova

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel of Natalia: short in verses and prose

We wish you, Natalia - happiness,
So that all the bad weather ran away,
So that the sea of \u200b\u200broses surrounds you,
So that your heart does not suffer!

So that you are happier than everyone
Always so that only success awaits you,
So that you are always beautiful,
Successful, sensual and passionate!

Video: Song with the name Natalya

Tattoo named Natalia

Tattoo named Natalia
Tattoo named Natalia

Suspension named Natalia from gold: photo

Suspension named Natalia from gold
Suspension named Natalia from gold

Name Natalia: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Natasha has excellently developed intuition, she makes decisions with lightning speed, and surprisingly many are surprisingly. At first, this surprises unfamiliar people, but then, having convinced that they were right, they hurry in difficult situations to Natasha for advice.

Natalia also has a practical mindset, she is pragmatic and prudent. Purposefulness and perseverance help to achieve such heights that she could not even dream of at the beginning of the journey.

Morality for Natalia is something. Something closely located with the meaning of life. She is true and will never betray neither relations or friendship. But this also has the opposite side of the coin-if someone is convicted of unsightly business, a long and problematic conversation awaits him. And sometimes re -education under the sensitive control of Natalia.

Name Natalia: hobbies, activities, business

Natalia is a multifaceted personality: she is talented in creativity, and an unsurpassed cook, and a traveler who dreams of seeing the whole world with his own eyes.

Natalia is active, responsible, conscientious and decisive. With such characteristics, girls can choose any profession and be sure that they will achieve great heights in any business.

At the same time, Natalia rarely occupy leading positions, because she is interested in the work itself, and not the position of manager. But if she is put on a leading position, she makes every effort to live up to the expectations of a higher authorities.

Natasha knows how to make money from all over
Natasha knows how to make money from all over

The characteristics of Natalia allow first to reach the heights in a particular profession, and then open a business in the same direction. Thanks to her analytical mind, Natalia keeps everything under control and reaches a successful prosperous business.

Name Natalia: Health and psyche

Natalia has good health, both physical and mental. Nerves, hysteria, depression are not about her. But throughout life with a crazy lifestyle, Natalya lives in a lot of professional and age -related diseases.

Natalya Kind, in his youth naive and trusting, because of this she is often deceived, and as a result, this brings many showers. As already mentioned, this does not bring to depression, but accumulating, it affects the work of the heart.

Therefore, it is important for parents to teach Natasha in childhood to release problems and resentment.

Name Natalia: Sexuality, marriage

For Natasha, sex without love simply does not happen. She does not even understand how it can be, what you can enjoy if the soul does not tremble from one glance at the man. Natasha does not have a relationship for one day, as well as enchanting short novels. But finding the only and unique, Natalia opens to him completely.

In marriage, Natalya is a faithful and loving spouse, even in cases where she was not married for love. Surprisingly, but the fact! Realizing that this is her husband and father of children Natalya examines in him positive qualities and discards everything negative. The result is the perfect man!

Name Natalia: Strong marriage
Name Natalia: Strong marriage

A divorce for Natalia is worse than war, it does not solve it even after betrayal and treason. But trust is undermined, and never recover again. Most often, she moves to another bedroom, and the marriage continues as in a communal apartment. At the same time, in society, she will continue to behave as if she has a strong loving family.

Natalia does not always seek to realize themselves in a career and agree to devote their lives to the family. But in her free time, she necessarily forms a hobby, and thanks to this, income. Natalia is simply generators of small business, but the financial side of the issue is most often taken by the husband or the closest relative.

What sign of the zodiac is the name of Natalia?

The perfect combination of the name Natalya with the zodiac maid. Born Natalia under this constellation are the most daring, decisive and open. Which allows you to achieve certain heights in life.

Stone Talisman to the name Natalya

Natalia's talismans are rare bloodships, luxurious sapphires and delicate turquoise.

Blood gives Natasha an energy shield that protects her from any evil, as well as wisdom, courage and courage.

Stone Talisman to the name Natalya
Stone Talisman to the name Natalya

For young Natalia, the bloods is simply vital, as he reveals sexuality, helps to turn from a girl into a luxurious woman. Blood in silver is a powerful amulet beaten offices, damage and slander.

Sapphires are symbols of purity, tenderness, femininity and immaculate. They add to Natalia modesty, nobility and help to maintain loyalty in any situations. It also helps to leave thinking clear and bright in any situation.

Sapphires - talismans named after Natalya
Sapphires - talismans named after Natalya

The turquoise will bring good luck, health and prosperity to the world of Natalia. Also, with turquoise, women gain fertile ground for continuing the genus, a strong and happy family. If the spouses quarreled, then a husband who wants to reconcile with Natalia can give turquoise, thereby helping Natalia forget resentment and facilitate the moral burden of the family.

Turquoise - Talisman named after Natalya
Turquoise - Talisman named after Natalya

If Natalia is worried about nightmares and insomnia, she is recommended to make a dream catcher with turquoise.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Natalya

Talismans-growers named after Natalia are Valerian and Azalea. Valerian will give Natalia health and longevity. It is recommended to grow this plant at home in a pot so that it all the time gives Natasha her energy.

Valerian - Talisman named after Natalia
Valerian - Talisman named after Natalia

But Azalia will give Natasha the long -awaited faithful friendship, and in his youth helps to develop femininity, modesty and openness.

Azalia - Talisman flower named after Natalya
Azalia is a talisman flower named after Natalya

If Natalya cannot meet her narrowed, she needs to plant Azalia, and with how she will grow and bloom, happiness will come to the life of Natalia. In marriage, it is also worth continuing to grow this plant so that the family is strong and friendly.

Totem animal named after Natalia

The animal-tootom for the name of Natalia is a hedgehog and a beetle. Hedgehogs are symbols of wisdom of defenselessness and friendliness. Hedgehogs also give joy and laughter.

In addition, the hedgehog personifies gluttony, rage and stinginess. Therefore, for Natalia, these are weaknesses that you need to be able to hold in your hands. Hedgehogs are able to drive away witches and evil spirits. Therefore, the Slavs specially fed the hedgehogs with milk (after all, everyone remembers the legend of the brownie and feeding it with milk).

Hedgehog - Totem animal named after Natalia
Hedgehog - Totem animal named after Natalya

The beetle-cone symbol is both positive and negative. On the one hand, a symbol of assertiveness and perseverance, on the other side of annoyance and distrust. Such is Natalia, on the one hand, an example to follow, on the other, a very peculiar person.

Numerology named after Natalya

Body number: 4

The number of hidden spirit: 7

Number of soul: 2

Such a combination gives self -doubt, the desire to have support and praise, as well as constant anxiety regarding the opinions of other people. The doubles have some fatalism and sacrifice, but it is insignificant, since the planets affecting the name of Natalia are somehow compensated for this feature. Natasha carefully avoid open confrontations, but if necessary, they can stand up for themselves.

Without good support, Natasha rushes from side to side, and calm down only when they really find support.

Metal Talisman named after Natalya

Metal-Metalisman named after Natalya is silver. The stones are inlaid in silver become real amulets and protect the owner from troubles and problems.

Metal Talisman named after Natalya
Metal Talisman named after Natalya

Favorable day named after Natalia

If Natalia has a new, important and responsible business, it is worth starting on Wednesday.

Top of the year named after Natalia

In the summer, Natasha is waiting for many happy periods, because this is the time of the year that is the most favorable.

Top of the year named after Natalia
Top of the year named after Natalia

Color named after Natalia

Natasha has several happy flowers at once: red, scarlet and heavenly blue. Gathering for an important event of her life, Natalia should choose clothes in these tones, or at least accessories.

Planet Patron named after Natalya

Planets Mercury and Mars patronize this singing female name.

Pseudonym to the name Natalya

Natasha is open and rarely resort to pseudonym. But if they choose, then something is primordially Russian, during the pronunciation of which the delightful nature of the mother of Russia is felt at the tip of the tongue. As an example: Natalya Siberian, Natalya Volkova, etc.

Famous people, celebrities named Natalia

Creative people who glorified the name Natalia:

  • Natalia Krachkovskaya;
  • Natalia Ionova (glucose).
  • Natalia Varley;
  • Natalia Root;
  • Natalia Druzhinina;
  • Natalia Fateeva;
  • Natalia Pallin;
  • Natalia Bondarchuk;
  • Natalie (Natalia Rudina);
  • Natalia Koroleva;
  • Natalia Gundareva;
  • Natalia Vetlitskaya;
  • Natalia Vlasova;
  • Natalia Yunnikova;
  • Natalia Zhitkova;
  • Natalia Grebenkina;
  • Natalia Sturm;
  • Natalia Arinbasarova;
  • Natalia Oreiro;
  • Natalya Drozdova;
  • Natalie Portman;
  • Natalia Andreichenko;
  • Natalia Bondarchuk.

World -famous athletes, famous Natalia

  • Natalya Murinovich (athletics-sprinter);
  • Natalia Lavrova (gymnast);
  • Natalia Petruseva (skating);
  • Natalia Mishutenok (skater);
  • Natalia Snytina (biathlonist);
  • Natalia Linichuk (skater).

Video: The meaning of the name. Natalia

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