Feminine name Maria - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Maria: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Feminine name Maria - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Maria: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Name Maria: meaning, characteristics, totems, compatibility with male names, history and origin.


Merlin, the name known to the whole world thanks to the talented actress of the last century. But few know that this is the American version of the Slavic name Maria. In this article, we will talk about all the secrets and secrets that keeps this popular name, as well as what Mary should surround itself so that life brings success and happiness.

What does the name Maria in the church calendar mean?

The roots of the name Maria are branches and lead deeper into centuries. With the origin of Christianity, the name Maria was already quite common and had many synonyms and modifications. But the girls in Christianity were baptized just with the name of Maria, not analogues. In order to understand what the name of Maria according to the church calendar needs to look at the first Bibles recorded to the present day. They are recorded on Greek and the name Maria is written as μαρια, which means "sad." Indeed, the Christian Mari in life had a lot of reasons to sadden, be sad. But even in such a life, they found faith in God and the righteous path that brought them in the holy appearance.

The patron saint of the name Maria
The patron saint of the name Maria

The patron saint of the name Maria

Maria Egyptian living in the 4th century is considered the patroness of all repenting women, as well as the patron saint of girls and women named Maria and his analogues.

The secret of the name is Maria

Given the ancient origin of the name, it is quite difficult to determine its origin. One or another it is displayed in almost every religion and large national branches. It is generally considered the name Maria is primordially Russian, Slavic as it is, since this name was worn by women at the beginning of the history of the Slavs, but do not forget about other directions and versions of the origin of the name.

For example, one of the versions says that the name is Maria is Hebrew. Since it is mentioned in the canonical text of the Bible and the outcome is also found in the book. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the life of men was described at that time, and the woman was granted for men and did not even mention them. Accordingly, the mention of the female name means that this person was very influential and wore great weight with that society.

The secret of the name is Maria
The secret of the name is Maria

Also, the name Maria is mentioned in the most ancient sources in Hebrew - מרים, which means "rejected." Again, I would like to draw attention to the fact that, on the one hand, the name is sad in the description of the ancient representatives of the name, and on the other hand, mention itself means special significance in this society.

Another mention in Hebrew is מר, which means "bitterness." In the Islamic tradition, it is customary to call Mariam or Maryam.

Surprisingly, almost every people in the most ancient saved records contain the mention of this name. The same strong energy has this name that its owner changes life so much?

But in the Orthodox version, the name Maria means nothing more than a lady. Most likely, this name was often called girls of noble origin. Surprisingly, along with the post of lady, the mother of Jesus bears such a name. What causes hot disputes regarding the origin of the parents of Jesus. Perhaps they were of noble origin, but due to belief they had to abandon the authorities, run and lead a modest lifestyle. This version is not confirmed, but it has a logical explanation of why the biased attitude of the government and the love of the people have always been to them.

What is the nationality of the name Maria?

It is generally accepted that the name Mary is national, but the most zealous skeptics are still trying to justify that the name Maria brings roots from their nationality. The main directions: Russian, Jewish, Jewish, Orthodox and Catholic.

Name Maria, Masha: origin and meaning, popularity

Despite the fact that the actual origin of the name is unknown, it was always popular. In ancient records, various variations of this name were preserved, for example, the Jewish prophetess, the sister of Moses and Aaron was named Mariam or, as in some sources, Mariam was mentioned. From the first royal persons to today, among the kings and close awesome, the name Maria was honorable, and many princesses (later queens), duchess, countess, etc. were named.

For example, when the heiress of the throne Maria Stewart was born in Scotland, she also called the close to nobility the daughters born together with Maria. Subsequently, when Maria was sent to France, she arrived with the maids of honor Maria.

In Catholicism, the name Maria and its analogues are quite common. Many miraculous icons and statues have survived to this day: consuello, Dolores, Montserrat, Regina, Karmela, Mercedes.

Maria: meaning, character, secret, fate, interpretation
Maria: meaning, character, secret, fate, interpretation

In England, when disconnecting from Catholicism, the name Maria accepted the original English style - Mary (in the English. Mary). After that, the detailed version of the name Maria was practically not used. But the mayor’s option was very popular in Africa and Asia, but gained worldwide fame thanks to the singer of the same name Mayor Kerie at the end of the last century. Also, Polly, Molly are quite common in England and America.

In Europe, in addition to the name of Maria, diminutive names are used: Marie, Mary. In Germany: Marika, Miceel, Marichen. In France: Maryan, Manon, Mariett, Marion, Mariel. In Spain: Maryda, Marika. In Italy: Maryun, Mariolla, Mariella. Romania: Maritsa and Marioara. The Greeks call Mari: Marietta and Marigula. Poles and Belarusians - Marusi. Czechs: Mariki MARZHENKS. In the Netherlands: Mathieu and Mike, and the neighbors in Sweden are Mian and Maya. Norwegians call Mia and Mariken. Irish - Mora and Moira. Georgians are lamirs.

Maria - Deciphering the name from Greek

Translated from Greek, Maria means “sad”, also bears the meaning of “sad”.

The name is Maria, Masha in English, Latin, different languages

Translation of the name Maria into different languages:

Language Writing a name
Belorussian Mary
Ukrainian Maria
Tatar Mruyy
Azerbaijani Məryəm
Armenian Մ (read as Mariam)
Hungarian Mária
Bulgarian Maria
Latvian Marija
Croatian Marija
Czech Marie, Marika
Greek Μαρια
Latin Maria
Spanish María
French and German Marie
Finnish Maria, Mari
Arab مريم‎‎
Hebrew מירים
Chinese traditional 馬利亞
Korean 마리아
Japanese マリア
English Mary

How is the name Maria written in the passport?

According to the latest international transliteization of names in passports that is spelled out in the standards of the municipal civil aviation organization (ICAO) (document No. 9303) dated 05.06.2017, the name Maria in the passport should be recorded as Mariia.

Maria: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

In addition to the subsequent diminutive and affectionate forms of the name Maria are the following:

  • Mariel
  • Mariola
  • Merilin
  • Maraki
  • Masha
  • Marisha
  • Lamara
  • Michen
  • Marilyn
  • Mashun
  • Marika
  • Marya
  • Marion
  • Marichka
  • Maroussia
  • Mara
  • Manya
  • Mariya
  • Mayr
  • Riya
  • Marie
  • Mura
  • Mariam
  • Miriam
  • Moira
  • Mirim
  • Molly
  • May
  • Marigo
  • Manyash
  • Musya
  • Masya
  • Minnie
  • Mora
  • Mia
  • Meria
  • Mayan
  • Mariami
  • Mariett
  • Maryam
  • Manon
  • Mary

Maria: The meaning of the name is character and fate

The energy of Maria allows you to grow a calm, balanced, smart girl. Mary is very emotional, but from an early age they are very closed even from loved ones. What creates the appearance of calm, a certain detachment. Parents should know, the more suspended it looks, the big a storm of feelings boils inside Mary. On the one hand, it is sensitive and emotional, on the other, it does not like to show emotions. This makes it from an early age persistent and accustoms it to self -control. Girls grow up for power -loving, confident and knowing what they want to achieve in life.

Maria is suitable for the formation of Mary, learn well and seek to get an excellent education. Mary careerists, at home they are withering and neurosis forms in them.

Name Maria: Sexuality, Marriage

Maria is married to a good mistress, a devoted wife, a kind and loving mother. But only if it is implemented in a career. Otherwise, everything is crumbling. Also, her husband needs to constantly care for his wife, maintain a romantic relationship. Otherwise, Mary is bored and her sexuality will fade off her husband, but when a fan the fan appears, she inflams with all the passion to him. At the same time, she will not leave the family, and will hide the connection on the side for a long time.

Name Maria: Sexuality, Marriage
Name Maria: Sexuality, Marriage

Maria perceives sex just as good food or fitness. If he is not with a loved one, she will manage a “temporary decision” without any problems.

Name Maria: Health and psyche

Mary is distinguished by excellent health, but with the psyche everything is much more complicated. Due to closedness, there may be nervous breakdowns, and with an unhappy fate, even getting into treatment in psychiatric hospitals. The most important thing for Maria is to be able to do what love to be about, without it, problems with nerves cannot be avoided.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Maria: compatibility with male names

Maria is easily pronounced with a vowel at the end. 98% of male names, and accordingly patronymics, are approached by this name. But before you call the girl this name, be sure to "try" on the patronymic.

When is the name day, Mary's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?




Maria Laktionova, Rev. Martyr

New Martyr, 2001?


Maria Danilova, martyr

New Martyr, 2000?

31 Maria Radonezh, Schimomonachin
8 Maria Constantinople, Palestinian, Rev.
19 Maria Asian, martyr, Virgin
25 Maria Vifinskaya, Rev.
2 Mariamna (Maria)

Maria Grosheva, nun, reverend martyr

New Martyr, 2000?

2 Maria, martyr
14 Maria Egyptian, reverend
17 Maria Llyanova, Nonoka, Rev. Martyr
25 Maria Vifanskaya
10 Maria Nosova, novice, reverend martyr
17 Mary Magdalene, Equal -to -Apostles (Mirrosyan)

Maria Kleopova (gaining relics)

Maria Kleopova, Jacobva, Iosieva (Mirrosyan)


Maria Ustyuzhskaya

Maria, Virgo

15 Maria, martyr
17 Maria Vifanskaya
20 Maria Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr
22 Maria Persian, martyr
24 Maria Pergama, Martyr
2 Maria, Mother Iosieva
17 Maria Romanova, Grand Duchess, Passion
25 Ginddukha (in the baptism of Maria) Persian, confessor
Mary Magdalene, Equal -to -Apostles (Mirrosyan)
18 Maria, martyr
22 Maria Constantinople, martyr, patrician
24 Maria Sinclitics
28 Blessed Virgin Mary, Theotokos (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
8 Maria Diveevskaya (Fedina), Christ for the sake
Blessed Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary (Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Maria Rykova, Rev. Martyr, Nonoka

Maria Egis, Rev.

2 Maria Mamontova-Shashina, Rev. Martyr
11 Maria Radonezh, Shimonakhin
21 Maria Volnukhina, Martyr
11 Maria Hidanskaya, Rev.

Maria Zhuravleva, Rev. Martyr

New Martyr, 2005?

Maria Zeitlin, Rev. Martyr

New Martyr, 2004?

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Maria short in verses and prose

Maria! We sincerely congratulate you on the names! On the day of the Angel, we wish you to always remain at the height invisible to us. Let your every new day be better than he was in front of him! Do not stop dreaming, creating and striving for the new! Your desires will certainly come true!

Video: Congratulations on the Day of Angel Maria

Song named Maria, Masha

And of course, on birthdays and name days, it is impossible to do without songs!

Video: Song about Masha

Video: Masha, Maria

Video: Mikhail Shufutinsky - Masha

Tattoo named Maria, Masha

Tattoo named Maria, Masha
Tattoo named Maria, Masha
Tattoo named Maria, Masha
Tattoo named Maria, Masha

Suspension with the name Maria from gold: photo

Suspension with the name Maria from gold: photo
Suspension with the name Maria from gold: photo

Name Maria: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Despite the fact that Maria has very developed intuition, she rarely resorts to her, making the main emphasis on intellect and knowledge. Maria pays special attention to morality. Even if she wishes this more life, even if she knows that her undertaking will be successful, she still will not allow if she considers the action to be immoral.

Name Maria: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Maria will succeed both in creativity and in the humanities, both in science and in business. In fact, Maria is a very versatile person and for which he will not undertake - everything will be crowned with success. But here it is worth focusing on what is more lying to the soul of Mary. After all, if she is under pressure from loved ones, she will choose the field of activity not the one she wished, even dizzying success will not save the situation - nervousness and breakdowns are guaranteed to her.

Characterization of the name Maria

Maria collected severity and tenderness, emotionality and external alienation. She is a desperate careerist and a loving mother, an independent woman and a loyal wife.

  • Winter Maria. Born in the cold season are also cold and restrained. Very silent and does not like to throw words into the wind. In marriage, she gives a leading role to her husband and will not try to pull her even if her spouse has difficulties in being the head of the family;
  • Spring Maria. These girls are cheerful and optimistic, but their openness of their Achilles heel. They are more sociable than the rest of Mary, and therefore are most often criticized and condemned, and therefore it is much easier to injure their feelings. It is calm in marriage, it compromises, but does not allow you to encroach on its space;
  • Summer Maria. Very nervous, vulnerable and too sensitive. She does not like conflicts and leaves carefully from them, but if she comes in, she loses due to the fact that she does not like debate. The marriage is restrained, agrees to obey her husband in order to avoid conflict;
  • Autumn Maria. Born in the fall, they are suspicious, calm and nervous inside. He does not know how to experience breaks, failures and refusals. Each problem is the tragedy that needs to be rebuilt. The husband’s choice is very serious and usually happy in marriage.

What sign of the zodiac is the name Maria?

The most holistic and happy Mary born in the sign of the Zodiac Virgo. But the rest of the signs, in principle, are suitable for this name, there is no incompatibility.

What sign of the zodiac is the name Maria?
What sign of the zodiac is the name Maria?

Talisman stone to the name of Maria

The name Maria has several stones of talismans at once:

  • Pomegranate symbolizes passionate and eternal love, but in addition to this, it helps Mary to keep her face before difficulties, causes courage and courage. Helps to pass tests;
  • Carslee will help you find happy love and take away from the deceivers. Also in difficult times will give the mood and help to concentrate. During public speaking, he will give eloquence;
Talisman stone to the name of Maria
Talisman stone to the name of Maria
  • Filled sapphire with modesty, fidelity, wisdom and at the same time power. In Europe, it was customary to give sapfirs decoration with sapphires for the coronation;
  • Diamond will help to find an internal rod, strength, hardness and at the same time look sophisticated and brilliant. Sales from diseases.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Maria

Maria's tree is a delicate birch.

Maria flower - cornflower. He gives Maria constancy, tenderness, femininity and simplicity. It will also help preserve youth and remain beautiful in the advanced years.

Totem animal named after Maria

Maria is tied to pigeons, symbolizing the world and fertility. In difficult times, when Maria does not know where to follow her even intuitively goes to pigeons, whether it is her own bird or feeding pigeons in parks. They help her find the right solution.

Totem animal named after Maria
Totem animal named after Maria

Numerology named after Maria

The number of the body is 5

The number of hidden spirit 7

The number of the soul of Maria 3

This set of numbers gives Mary creativity, as well as the ability to independently choose a direction in life. At the same time, it is worth considering that Mary is very close to criticism and are not always able to transfer it with dignity without falling into depression.

Pseudonym to the name of Maria

Bright elevated pseudonyms come to the name of Maria. This is Maria Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven) and Maria Stella (star of the seas) and many other truly royal pseudonyms.

Element named after Maria

The elements of Maria are air, thereby presenting all the possibilities of her signs.

Planet Patron Mary

Proserpin is a delightful planet symbolizing self -improvement, transformation and self -education skills. Thanks to this, Mary constantly move forward throughout life.

Planet Patron Mary
Planet Patron Mary

The color of the name of Maria

The color palette of Mary can be all the colors of the rainbow, but heavenly blue prevails. He will help Mary concentrate, as well as drive away bad thoughts.

Famous people, celebrities named Maria: Photo

Maria 1 (Tudor) - Queen of England
Maria 1 (Tudor) - Queen of England
Maria Antoinette - Queen of France
Maria Antoinette - Queen of France
Maria Stuard - Queen of Scotland, France and applicant for English throne
Maria Stuard - Queen of Scotland, France and applicant for English throne


Maria Pushkin (Gartung) - the eldest daughter of the poet
Maria Pushkin (Gartung) - the eldest daughter of the poet
Maria Sklodovskaya -Kuri - Scientist
Maria Sklodovskaya-Kuri-scientist
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe

Video: Maria - the meaning of the name. Character, quality, analysis of the name of Maria

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  1. Thank you, I learned a lot about my name.

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