The female name Esenia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Esenia: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Esenia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Esenia: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Esenia: All about the beautiful female name.

The meaning of the name is also important as the genetics that parents laid in a person. The name affects all spheres of human life, directs and opens up special opportunities to a person. Of course, in order to take advantage of this type of energy, you need to know what name means. This is useful for both future parents and the bearer of the name itself. This article is devoted to the significance of the beautiful name of Echenia.

With only the sound of this name, a beautiful image of the green foliage of birches arises before the eyes, a delightful rapidly pouring stream and a charming feminine figure. And it’s not in vain, because the origin of the Slavic name, echenia arose among Russian steppes, mountains, winds and today, like many years ago, future parents often choose such a name for their daughter.

What does the name of Yesenia mean a church calendar?

Our country is Orthodox, and a natural question arises - what does the name of Yesenia on the church calendar mean? Here you may be disappointed - the name is not Orthodox and is absent in Christmas time. But this is not important, since there is a belief that only the person who has two names lives a non -disabilities - for God given at baptism, and for life that will be called in life.

For baptism, it is best to choose a name for Christmas time according to a month and birthday. This name should be known exclusively to a narrow circle of people: the birthday person, parents and godmother.

What does the name of Yesenia mean
What does the name of Yesenia mean

Social patron of the name Ecrania

As already mentioned, there is no name in the Christmas time, because Ksenia and Esenia are considered the patrons of the name. Also, the second patron is the saint, in honor of which the child was named at baptism.

Social patron of the name Ecrania
Social patron of the name Ecrania

The mystery of the name Esenia

Girls, who were called excellent Yeseniya, become tender, feminine forces. Their sensuality and sensitivity was repeatedly sung in ballads and novels. Legends are composed of their unique energy. The name is inherently incurred, femininity, the desire for knowledge of the world and a slight perception to life.

We will also further tell the origin of the name, as well as about the eminent owners of this truly Russian name.

What is the nationality of the name of Yesenia?

In the 70s, the romantic film of Esenia appeared on the TV screens, named after the main character. A luxurious girl who grew up in a gypsy family. The film was so loved by the viewer that the rare name of Esenia “grown” to the actress, and the people made an erroneous decision that the origin of the Gypsy name. This people have many beautiful names, but Esenia is not one of them.

The name is primordially Slavic and appeared in the vastness of multifaceted Russia. Also, the name has a male form - isolate.

Enterprise and meaning, popularity

The meaning of the name is very controversial. V. Dahl interpreted the name as “Autumn-Sen” and believed that the name is excellent for those born in golden autumn. But other scientists of philologists claim that on the contrary, the name is associated with spring.

The name was of high popularity among the Slavs in the 18-19th century, and then for a short while sunk into oblivion. But after the release of the film of the same name, they again began to register girls with that name. And again she was forgotten until recently.

The popularity of the name Ecrania by year
The popularity of the name Ecrania by year

Today, many young parents choose a rare, and at the same time the harmonious name of their daughter, so that it is combined with the surname and patronymic. The name Esenia excellently meets these characteristics.

Esenia - a decoding of a name from the Greek

A delightful, gentle name could not stay in the same territory and gained some popularity around the world. For example, from Greek to be translated as a “stranger” and “distant” (it is not surprising, because the Slavs really arrived from the far), as well as thanks to the beauty of the representatives of the named, the “jasmine flower” and “clear sky” gained.

The name of Yesenia in English, Latin, different languages

We are not sitting on the spot today. In addition to traveling, we are still going to live, study and work in different countries. It is not surprising that the question arises - how the name sounds in one language or another.

  • In English - Yesenia
  • On Latin - Autumni
  • On the Frenchman - Yesenia
  • In German - Yesenia
  • In Chinese -葉塞尼亞

How is the name of Echenia written in the passport?

According to the latest international transliteization of names in passports that is spelled out in the standards of the municipal civil aviation organization (ICAO) (document No. 9303) dated 05.06.2017, the name Esenia should be recorded as Eseniia.

Esenia: What is the reduced short name, diminutively affectionate?

When they choose a rare name, the most common objection - how will we affectionately call the child? How to reduce the name? Esenia has many affectionate forms and many owners of common names can envy such a list.

  • Yasya
  • Yasenka
  • Yasechka
  • Senya
  • Senka
  • Senechka
  • Asya (the famous poetic Turgenev Asechka)
  • Asechka
  • Esenyushka
  • Yesya
  • Yesusha
  • Yesenka

Please note that the abbreviated name can be completely modified, but remains the same tender and singer.

Esenia: The meaning of the name is character and fate

Depending on the season in which the characteristic of the name is born, it varies. We give a description of all seasons:

  • Winter. Girls born in the winter months are usually quick -tempered, impulsive, emotional, self -confident and selfish. Winter Yesenia will always defend its point of view and will be a frequent guest on the debate, and she will love to raise disputes and debate. At the same time, external issues are always ready to discuss Yesenia that do not concern its personal space. It develops well in the professional field. At the same time, winter Yesenia has a huge heart, its sincerity, love of truth and justice creates a special opinion of others as a kind and fair person. Due to such contradictions, many will not agree with her, but at the same time respect her point of view. Also often Yesenia, born in winter, become philanthropists;
  • Spring. Born in the spring, girls grow up purposeful, independent and holistic natures. Openness and friendliness from an early age help to surround themselves with a lot of friends and friends. In adolescence, he realizes that she does not need empty fun and seeks the only satellite for life. It is not surprising that the biggest blow in life that can experience is the betrayal of a loved one. And often she never recovers from him, and remaining lonely. For parents, it is important to convey to the daughter to the parents that she is independent and, regardless of the sympathy of people, can be happy, as well as how to correctly understand people;
  • Summer. Yesenia born in the summer period of time airy, sophisticated, fragile, also dreamy and vulnerable. Esenia has been striving to improve the world around themselves all their lives. During their lives, they surround themselves with beautiful and kind people, choose a creative profession, loves collecting and beautiful things. Summer Yesenia is a bright carefree life, and not a “fumper butterfly”, but a wise woman who knows how to go around sharp corners, get up after falling and moving forward, to meet a dream;
  • Autumn. But autumn Yesenia are distinguished by high morality, demand, fundamental and punctuality. Excuses, lies, weakness she does not tolerate since childhood. In addition, the delicate name and visual airiness have a rod, thanks to which Yesenia always remains unshakable. The slightest encouragement in a lie and that's it - you will never be in a circle of confidence in this person. Also, the autumn Yesenia are insanely attached to the past, the knowledge of oneself and the surrounding world. They often make up the heraldic tree of their ancestors and remember their roots.

What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name Echenia: compatibility with male names

The name of Esania, despite the fact that it Slavyanskoye coexists with the patronymics of other nationalities. Pay attention to how concise and beautiful it sounds that Esenia Ivanovna, that Esenia Adolfovna, that Esenia Robertovna. But still you should not, and forget about the surname. In any case, if you select a name for the future daughter, be sure to “try on” the name for the surname and patronymic.

What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name Echenia: compatibility with male names
What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name Echenia: compatibility with male names

When is the name day, the day of the Angel has Esenia on the Orthodox calendar?

In the Orthodox calendar, there is no name of Yesenia, therefore it is recommended to celebrate the name of the name that is given at baptism.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Yesenia: short in verses and prose

Esenia is a wonderful name that is delightful as spring rain, tender as morning dew, sophisticated as a Russian birch girl. So we wish to stay as beautiful, kind and gentle for many years!

Also often, at the baptism of the Esenia, they give the name Ksenia, and therefore congratulations in her honor.

Happy Angel Ksenia Day
Beautiful girl!
Congratulations to the shower
Let dreams come true
Let the gardens bloom in the shower
Let love come for you
Happiness, joy will bring.
Let your favorite girlfriends
They will be happy for you.
Let your ears hear
Secrets of the happiness of being!

Video: Song named Esenia

Video: Song of Esania

Tattoo named Esenia

Tattoo named Esenia
Tattoo named Esenia

Suspension with the name Esenia from gold: photo

Jewelry workshops are offered by designers, thanks to which you can create a unique gold suspension with the name Esenia and not only. Below we give a photo of such a layout.

Suspension with the name Esenia from gold: photo
Suspension with the name Esenia from gold: photo

Name of Echenia: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Esania from childhood is curious, observant and they have an analytical mindset. Thanks to this, they have widely developed intuition and the possibility of implementing their plans.

Elubications: Hobbies, Activities, Business

By nature, creative and airy on the one hand and purposeful and pedantic on the other hand. They can well build a career, business, on the other hand, they do not concentrate on this completely and actively build personal life. But Esenia, which was disappointed in family happiness, should seem to completely go into business or career, but no. In this case, she chooses charity and philanthropy.

Ecunius's name: Health and psyche

Thanks to activity and determination in life, Esenia most often chooses proper nutrition and sports lifestyle. This helps not only to follow the figure, but also to maintain good health condition until old age.

Ecunius Name: Sexuality, Marriage

Esania gets married once and for all, even if this is not the first marriage. Absurd? Several! Since Yesenia relate to the choice of spouse as a choice of a particle of himself. Once and for all, in grief and joy, in happiness and difficulties. If subsequently family life does not go along, Esenia will not ruin the marriage of divorce, but will build relationships for an infinitely long time. But not in the case of treason and betrayal. Here, Esenia is categorical, forgiveness can not be expected.

Another feature of Yesenia - in the choice of her husband, she focuses on the character, reliability, prospects and attitude to herself and the surrounding world of a potential partner. Passion? No, Esenia does not have her in choosing a partner in life. It would seem that Esenia has a cold calculation in the choice of her husband. Maybe so, but as practice shows in most cases these marriages are happy and durable.

Esenia by nature is mysterious and cold, alluring and repulsive. Such an essence attracts many fans, but their presence or absence does not bother. Sometimes only vanity is amused. But temperament, passion, sparkles, a stream of feelings can only wake up in it a loving man and only when her brain decides that this is an ideal partner for life.

What sign of the zodiac is the name of Yesenia?

The most optimally revealed energy of the named after girls born under the zoidal signs of twins and Virgo. But with other signs, the name coexists well. No sign has negative indicators, so Yesenia can be called all year round.

Talisman stone to the name of Echenia

Esani to give agats and emeralds to be tired.

For Yesenia, an emerald is a door that reveals a secret, unknown, helping to analyze and look into the future with intuition. The emerald also drives away bad dreams, does not allow depression, resolving difficulties at the initial level, drives insomnia. It also expels evil spirits and does not allow the evil eye and bad slander.

Important: Emerald is a stone of amazing purity and radiance. He does not allow lies and insincerity. Therefore, if the donor betrays Yesenia, most often the stone cracks, signaling Yesenia about betrayal. But a loving heart, giving an emerald, will help to become Yesenia successful and happy.

Agat for Yesenia will bring longevity, prosperity and long health. He will also protect from adversity, lead away from disasters, will help to achieve victory in sports and love. Agate also eliminates insomnia, nightmares, adds courage during public performances, helps to achieve heights in material terms, gives a special charm and nobility of the body and thought.

Talisman stone to the name of Echenia
Talisman stone to the name of Echenia

But it is important to remember that agate must be washed with the owner in order to save the stone from the heavy energy from which he protects the ecunity.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Echenia

The name of Esenia Talisman Plant is celery. Esenia should be surrounded by both alive and adding to food. Thanks to celery, Esenia has the opportunity to avoid many barriers and problems. Give a happy long life.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Echenia
Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Echenia

The talisman flower bears the same name-Esania. Small, snow -white and such vulnerable fully reflect the essence of the carriers of this name.

Totemic animal named after Yesenia

Totemic animals named after Yesenia is a smart, cunning and interesting monkey. This animal has a special energy, and after contacting Yesenia with the monkeys, it opens inspiration. It is not necessary to have a pet, but it is recommended to contact these animals in difficult moments of life.

Totemic animal named after Yesenia
Totemic animal named after Yesenia

Totem bird named after Esenia

But the bird is a well -known lark. In France, the larks are a symbol of a good omen, news, changes. If the lark is on the shoulder or hand of Yesenia in life - this is a special sign, a sign of a great change and unforgettable height of which can achieve Yesenia if you take a chance to take a step.

Totem bird named after Esenia
Totem bird named after Esenia

Numerology named after Yesenia

Body number - 7

The number of hidden spirit is 9

The number of souls is 7

The owners of the name Echenia according to numerology are presented by an analytical mind, good intuition and the ability to process a huge amount of information, so to predict the future. In the Middle Ages, such a gift was called prophetic, and Christianity fought with it calling witchcraft. But in fact, it was a good mindset.

Esenia is good in philosophy, art, religion. Their ability to convince, justify their thoughts and desires provide great opportunities. But there are also disadvantages. Cash issues are not easy to do, because it can conduct business successfully, but with a good financial director.

The color of Yesenia

Real aristocratic names belong to Esenia: juicy red and dark as a black night.

The colors of Yesenia
The colors of Yesenia

Element and planets named after Yesenia

The patrons of Yesenia are planets of Mercury and Saturn. They have no less, or even more influence on women with this name. But the element of Yesenia is air.

Metal Totem Yesenia

Esenia simply must have a talisman made of iron. It can be either a body jewelry, or a keychain, a figure, etc. He will give Yesenia masculinity, the strength of the spirit and the desire for victory.

A favorable day for Yesenia

According to the location of zoidal signs and numerology, Tuesday acts with a favorable day.

Pseudonym to the name of Esenia

Choosing a pseudonym, you need to know not only the name of a person, but also his hobbies, age, interests and direction. We give only a few options for the general direction:

  • Flor
  • Jammie
  • Manson
  • Jamison
  • Zea

Famous people, celebrities named Esenia

The name of Esania has many famous and talented people, such as:

  • Esenia Volzhankina - the champion of Latvia in all -around, a promising athlete;
  • Esenia Butorina is a charming gymnast that gives great hopes despite young age (born in 2003);
  • Singer Yesenia;
  • Esenia Shlyapnikov is a young, but active athlete. Her achievements are stunning.

Video: The meaning of the name Esenia

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