Elvira female name: meaning, origin, description of the name, character, energy, is there a name in the holy?

Elvira female name: meaning, origin, description of the name, character, energy, is there a name in the holy?

In this article we will talk about the complete description of the name Elvira.

Many parents dream of a beautiful name for their equally beautiful daughters. One of the special and quite rare names in our country is elvira's name.And it is worth paying attention to him! If only because your daughter will become the owner of not only a beautiful rare name, but still strong and good health.

Elvira female name: origin and meaning

Elvira's name has several versions of its origin:

  • Most believe that it has German or ancient German roots. It is also translated in several versions: “everything is true”, “truth”, “fair”, “favorable”, “vigilant” and “friendly”;
  • Latin originelvira's name matters “white”, “bright”;
  • There is another third version - The Spanish origin of the name. The literal translation sounds like “the one that protects everyone”;
  • Muslim version The name speaks of her as a "patriote";
  • And some find in this name echo of the German-Scandinavian spirits of Alves, What were considered a symbol of fertility. That is, the origin is associated with elves and elvars. Therefore, Elvira is considered the "child of the elves", which means that it is blessed!

Elvira name: Energy and Karma

Highlight the main qualities with which Elvira's name endows its carrier:

  • reliability
  • hardness
  • practicality
  • hard work
  • diligence
  • conservative
  • courage
  • strength
  1. But due to the fact that a hiding soul with a serious contradictory character is concentrated in it, it is endowed with a large cunning, stubbornness and incredible ambitions. At the same time, Elvira often remains unhappy with what has.
  2. He owns a male character and the same determination. Including in making any decision! He does not like slowness and uncertainty. Often has congenital inclinations of aristocracy.
  3. Elvira is still large determination and assertiveness. It also hides a great pressure of power, self -confidence and notes of ambition!
  4. Parents that give the girl such a rare name should understand that The energy of the name is very strong. This is a real leader who does not know how to bend and fulfill other people's requirements. He does not tolerate leadership over himself, as well as disobedience!
  5. In addition, be prepared To violent discontent Elvira. And until she splashes her anger to the end, any conversations with her will be useless.

The name of the girl Elvira: character in childhood

Character in the early years

  • In childhood, Elvira is enough Disiently, inquisitive and energetic. Parents should think about visiting dance or other active circles so that the girl can throw out her energy. Studying is of interest in her, but boring objects are not for her, besides, she prefers outdoor games.
  • She is very sociable and sociable, But she has very few friends, especially friends. She is quite conflict, intractable and proud, can stand up for herself, but also likes to put up many requirements to his peers.
  • She has been fundamental and independent since childhood, acts only as he considers necessary! Sometimes he listens to his parents, but he always puts his opinion in the first place. In addition, it is quite touchy, capricious and even aggressive since childhood. Therefore, parents who like to control and teach will stumble on a big protest!
  • But then the name Elvira reveals a lot of talents in the girl. She is very interested in many. True, if interest fades, then the desire disappears. Perhaps that is why she often grabs everything at once. This black does not change with age.

Elvira name: character in youth

Youth and adolescence

  • With age, Elvira only begins to show her character even more strongly, and in adolescence can rebel. Often, without the knowledge of her parents, she experiments with hairstyles. It can even be decided on more cardinal changes. But parents should by no means scold the girl and try to put pressure on her - this will only cause a desire to go against it.
    • Having become a young girl, Elvira calms down and leads a normal lifestyle, but at the same time acts at the call of her heart. It should not be convinced, it is better to help her achieve the goal.
  • She becomes intractable and uncompromising. It has very few like -minded people, since it does not accept general rules, but relies purely on its principles. Likes to prove his case, argue and impose his opinion! But in most cases, it always reaches the plan.
  • She is insanely stubborn! But in this period of life, she sometimes lacks support, so as not to throw the work that has begun on half the journey. And to move forward, she needs to have a specific goal!
  • Very distrustful and hidden, In any tips, she sees a catch. At this age, she becomes very rude, can sharply answer or even insult, while not even asking for forgiveness. But behind this is also its excessive Rightness “She says she thinks, and considers it completely normal!”

Elvira name: The character of a woman

  • In adulthood, it changes dramatically and turns into a reasonable, persistent and core person, who knows exactly what he wants!
  • Being a strong -willed person, Elvira goes calmly, but decisively to her goals. Therefore, it can achieve great success in all its endeavors. This becomes a support for her in her future life.
  • Elvira's name gives its owner A practical, logical and analytical approach to life.
  • She prefers to make friendship with men more. In women, she is annoyed by indecision and confusion in the choice. He cannot stand cowardice and betrayal!
  • Despite the difficulty in character and small number of friends, Elvira is very faithful and devoted to a friend or satellite. She has very much A subtle sense of justice, Therefore, she often becomes defending others.
  • She is can become quick -tempered and even aggressive, Especially if the pressure is on her or the restriction of her freedom. In no case do not try to manipulate such a woman! She is Very smart and insightful, Therefore, any deceit or blackmail is immediately teaching.
  • Loves to be in the spotlight, more often has a sports physique and a fit figure. But at the same time Not enough femininity Not only in habits, but also in appearance.
  • Elvira is always She has her own opinion and she doesn’t care what others think about her. She can speak everything in person, regardless of who she says. At the same time, it remains balanced and cold -blooded outside.
  • But in fact, Elvira’s name gives his carrier enough emotionality. She just keeps a lot in herself, although she does not always know how to keep the secrets of other people!
Sometimes she lacks femininity
Sometimes she lacks femininity

Elvira name: Description depending on birth from the time of year

The name of Elvira interacts with seasons, so a little characteristics may differ.

Elvira was born in winter

  • Elvira, who was born in winter, will be a creative person. She has a good memory and an analytical mind, so she almost always makes the right decisions. In winter Elvira, it is great to influence people and achieve success in everything. Often it is from the winter Elvir that good athletes are obtained. They have a firm decision, they are not subject to anyone, but extremely unpredictable in the mood.

Elvira was born in the spring

  • SpringElvira Rectoline, self -centered, persistent and even arrogant. But at the same time, she has a relatively many friends, because she is friendly and very true. She always comes to the rescue, you can always count on the spring Elvira. It is very fair and the soul of the company. But she is merciless to the enemies! In addition, very vindictive.

Elvira was born in the summer

  • But summer Elviraare very stubborn. They strive to do everything in their own way, regardless of the opinion of others. Summer Elvir has a very strong character, they are persistent and ambitious. But Eli, born in the summer, is often mistaken in people. In addition, they are too distrustful, hidden and even slightly closed.

Elvira was born in the fall

  • Autumn Elvirsvery energetic and effective, never sit still. They always go to the end, never throw the case halfway. They have a high sense of justice! They do not like narcissistic men, but they have a good heart. Although it is the autumn representatives who are considered the best manipulators. Of the shortcomings - increased irritability and temper.

Elvira and career name

  • Elvira's name is directly related to a career. Therefore, this sphere has practically always on the top. When Elvira is interested in the project, she concentrates all her thoughts on him and does not like it when she is interrupted.
  • And in a mixture with ambition, pride and inability to obey, they Often occupying leadership positions. They are very practical and diplomatic, I have prudence and good intelligence.
  • Women with this name, most often, seek to build their lives On a solid foundation of order. They value the truth, justice and discipline. Therefore, they do not like to deal with those who do not adhere to this. By the way, this is the only way to find the approach to their subordinates.
  • Them persistent in nature Makes them good in managing and saving money, so they often choose professions that carp with finances. They also like to put things in order and manage. Ideal options will be professions lawyer, accountant, engineer, are often given to politics. But they often devote themselves to the variety.

Elvira name: Health

  • Elvira's name, in addition to strong will and determination, gives the carriers good health. Even in childhood, a girl rarely suffers from childhood diseases or a cold. Due to love for outdoor games at a young age, it has no problems with the musculoskeletal system. Although with age the situation may change.
  • Elvira has Good appetite and High immunity. But she loves heavy food, such as meat, potatoes, bread and pastries. And this not only leads to extra kilograms, but also to problems with the stomach and intestines.
  • But it is worth noting what does not change over the years - this stress resistance, moral and physical resistance, With which Elvira can work for days without exhausting.

Elvira name: Love, marriage and family

  • Elvirs are very popular among men, they Always in the spotlight. But for them this is just a game or a new experience. Even more is just an increase in their self -esteem. As a rule, the name of Elvira brings a lot of self -sufficiency, so the girls do not need feelings of falling in love and a little for love itself are indifferent.
  • Elvirs can live in a civil marriage. But for the sake of curiosity they can marry very early, however, they are in no hurry to start children. Therefore, the marriage often quickly ends on their own initiative. For love and awareness, most often Elvira Re -marry late, after 30 years.
  • But in marriage, cooking and ironing is not for her. Although for the sake of a beloved man, he can even change his priorities. Truth, In return, she will require the same dedication.
  • In marriage, it is quite demanding, often conflicts lead to the collapse of the family. Therefore, she should choose flexible men who could “smooth out” corners and reassure her disposition.
Confidence in the first place
Confidence in the first place

Elvira's name is like a mother

  • She is strict with children, but a good mother. It will never scold just like that or because of a bad mood. Since justice always takes up. Her natural energy is enough for sleepless nights without the help of a spouse and relatives. Besides I was not used to asking Elvira!
  • Although she Actively connects to the process and husband. Children do not occupy her main place. The name of Elvira is weakly connected with family ties, so its carriers should certainly realize themselves in any active spheres, even sitting on maternity leave.

Elvira's strongest marriages are with men named: Arthur, Mikhail, Emmanuel, Rostislav, Rustam, Cyril, Edward and Maximilian.

Elvira name: color, stone, happy season, successful day, element, planet, suitable zodiac sign, wood, plant, animal

Elvira's name has the following esoteric characteristics:

  • Color  elvira's name: steel, white, brown, blue
  • Successful colors: Orange, brown
  • Stone:beryl, jasper, agate, ruby \u200b\u200band amber
  • Happy season: autumn
  • Lucky day: Thursday
  • Element: Fire
  • Planet:The sun and Jupiter
  • Suitable zodiac sign: Virgo, Leo, Pisces and Aquarius
  • Wood:figs, grapes
  • Plant: violet, cinnamon, mint
  • Animal: Dolphin, peacock

Elvira name: forms, synonyms of the name

  • Synonyms of the name: Elvina, Elvera, Ilvira
  • Elvira’s name may sound in the abbreviated version as follows: Elva, Elvie, Vira, El, El, Ellie, Elvie
  • Sounds affectionately: Elvirochka, Elyusya, Elechka, Elyusha, Ellochka

Suitable patronymic to the name of Elvira

  • Middle name, Which is best suited to the name of Elvira: Ibragimovna, Konstantinovna, Danilovna, Sergeevna, Azarovna, Georgievna, Leonidovna, Eduardovna, Alexandrovna.

Is there the name of Elvira in the Saints?

Elvira is not in the Catholic or Orthodox Saints! At baptism, the name is most often given, the name of which is closest to the chosen day of baptism. Or you can choose as you wish - most often this choice falls on Elena and Vera.

Elvira name: famous people

The name of Elvira is quite popular in the movie industry, in novels and even in songs. In addition, this name has always aroused interest among many countries:

  • Elvira Castille, Queen of Sicily, wife Roger II
  • Elvira de Idalgo, Spanish singer, mentor of Maria Callas
  • Elvira Kurt, Canadian comedian
  • Elvira Madigan (nee Hedwig Antoinette Isabella Eleanor Jensen), Danish trunk and stunt rider, whose tragic death inspired the 1967 film of the same name
  • Elvira T (Elvira Tugusheva) - Russian singer and composer
  • Elvira notari, Italian director

If you like the female name ElviraBe sure to call them your daughter. This is a powerful name for a strong personality. Your daughter will be grateful to you for her rare name, because she will always be in the spotlight and in life will certainly achieve success.

Video: Elvira name and its meaning

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