Feminine name Diana - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Diana: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristic, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Feminine name Diana - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Diana: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristic, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The meaning of the female name Diana: meaning, history, details of fate, talismans and totems.

It is believed that the first bearer of the name Diana was the goddess of the moon and hunting in ancient Roman mythology. Diana are cheerful, but superficial and only occasionally think about the consequences of their actions. They often change the direction until they find their own.

What does the name Diana in the church calendar mean?

In the Orthodox and Catholic list, the name Diana is absent and considered pagan (pre -Christian). The meaning of the name in the church calendar is absent. It is customary to watch the meaning of the name who is dubbed a girl in the world bearing the name Diana.

Diana is a delightful name
Diana is a delightful name

Patron saint

The name Diana does not have a Christian patron, but the goddess Diana is in a pagan culture - the patron saint of everything that is living in this world.

Secret named after Diana

Diana combines many positive qualities, such as sensuality, kindness, emotionality, smoothness and leisurely. At the same time, she holds herself well in her hands and knows how to beautifully come out even from the most difficult situations. Due to the more free education of the all over the world, Diana is currently growing liberated and are not shy about their emotions. But because of their natural emotionality, there is too much attention from them and because of this there is an opinion that they are unbalanced personalities. If parents from childhood teach their daughter to behave culturally in society, such difficulties will not arise.

The goddess Diana
The goddess Diana

The negative aspects of the name Diana include dislike of quick changes in activity, distrust of everything new, whether it be a new phone or a new person in life. In someone else's environment, Diana grazes and clogs into a corner. Diana is not recommended leading positions. She eats both herself and subordinates.

What nationality is the name Diana?

The origin of the name Diana is ancient Roman. For the first time, this name was named the goddess of hunting and the moon of Artemis, delightful beauty and skills. In a translation from Latin, Diana means divine, beautiful.

Name Diana: origin and meaning, popularity

Over time and the spread of Roman culture, the name Diana began to gain popularity and recorded in a wide variety of places in Asia, Europe and Africa. In Persian, Diana means "the messenger of health and good deeds."

The goddess Diana is the patroness of the moon
The goddess Diana is the patroness of the moon

In the 19th century, the name gained considerable popularity and is currently part of the 200 most popular names in the world. The name gained particular popularity during the life of Princess Diana, a delightful woman, philanthropist and beautiful mother. Due to her impulsiveness and unwillingness to put up with the infidelity of her husband in marriage, Diana decided to leave, which caused an unprecedented storm of emotions in the royal house. But her nobility, love for the world around us, characteristic of all carriers of this estate, helped to gain the love of the whole world!

Diana - decoding a name from Greek

In Greek, the name is written νταϊάνα and means divine. In ancient times, this name was called exclusively chosen girls born in noble families. For the ordinary population, the name was not available.

Name Diana in English, Latin, different languages

Depending on the country, the name Diana changes not only spelling, but also the name.

Language Writing
English Diana or Diane
Arab ديانا‎‎
Belorussian DZIAN
Hungarian Diána
Greek Ντιάνα
Danish Diana
Spanish Diana
Italian Diana
Chinese traditional 戴安娜
Latin Diana
Deutsch Diana
Norwegian Diana
Polish Diana
Romanian DIDI
French Dianne

How is the name Diana written in the passport?

According to the latest international transliteration of names in passports that is spelled out in the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (document No. 9303) dated 05.06.2017 the name Diana in the passport should be recorded as Diana.

Diana: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

The tender name itself leads to the fact that parents do not consider it necessary to reduce or reduce such a sonorous name. But there are abbreviations and affectionate names that will find the ears:

  • Dina
  • Didi
  • Dianka
  • Diyana
  • Dianne
  • Dia
  • Diana
  • Dianna
  • Diana
  • Dean
  • Dayana
  • Dian

Diana: The meaning of the name is character and fate

Diana grow cheerful, energetic, and going ahead of purpose. Moreover, it is worth noting that if Diana sees the goal, obstacles do not scare her. But of the disadvantages, it is that Diana is infrequent to reach the finish line. Most often, she goes back to another direction after a while. And as already mentioned - if the goal, then with the head in the pool.

From the positive in Diana - the endless mass of energy. Waking up in the morning, she immediately gets out of the bed of peppy and ready to live the day at full power. Diana has an analytical mindset and good memory. Considering that it rushes from one idea to another during her life, it is overgrown with many skills. Someone, and Diana will not be lost in life!

Diana: The meaning of the name is character and fate
Diana: The meaning of the name is character and fate

Diana is a very passionate person and having met a guy in a bar, it may well in the morning to fly to a vacation to another country. Its superficiality and dissimilarity to others captivates men, but in marriage she has to “break” her habits and stereotypes if her choice did not fall on an extravagant man who meets every day in a new way and continues to fall in love with her again and again.

The life of Diana is like a swing. Here she gives herself the opportunity to relax and nothing to think about, but here she shows a lot of complaints and eats herself with self -criticism. But it does not come in for a long time, since its changes are its essence.

Diana is treated as burdensome, but duties. If it depends on this work whether she will have bread for dinner, then she will work carefully, as it values \u200b\u200ba place. But if Diana has money for life, she will never go to work. She can’t become a careerist, except if she is a director, but a loved one by the owner. In this case, she will quickly fulfill her duties and with pleasure to leave her workplace.

Diana, on which pressure occurs in childhood, grow up by actresses, wonderful actresses and open only to the elect. And for the rest, they have a mask of happy carefree. But then there is a breakdown with the most unpredictable consequences. Remember the same Princess Diana. She suffered for years, but then, waving her hand, she rushed off from Prince Charles to conquer the world.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Diana: compatibility with male names

The name Diana is sonorous, smooth with the ending on the vowel. It goes well both with popular Slavic and foreign names. Poor compatibility with sharp male names, as it combines the gravity of the name and sharpness of the middle name. It is recommended, before you call my daughter the name Diana "try on" to him a middle name and surname.

When is the name day, Diana's Angel's Day is an Orthodox and Catholic calendar?

In Orthodoxy there is no name Diana, but it goes well with Anna and Daria, and with baptism it is often recommended precisely by him.

The Catholic Church baptizes the girl with the same name Diana, unchanged, because The name Diana is Catholic. And the name day according to the Catholic calendar - June 9. This is the day of the memory of the patroness of all Diana Diana d’andalo.

Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate names of names accordingly, depending on what name is given at baptism and what religion a person belongs.

Happy birthday to Diana short in verses and prose

Diana is beautiful, Diana is wonderful! You illuminate our office as a ray of sun in the spring. We wish you on this bright holiday fun, happiness and good! The path of birth passes, and the holiday remains in your soul!

Smart, funny
Slender and sweet
Diana is happy
Happy birthday!

Song with the name Diana

There are many songs about Diana in all languages. We brought only three, which will definitely inspire you in even greater searches.

Video: Alexandros tsopozidis - Diana

Video: Song with the name Diana

Video: Chechen song Diana Kirara Dog Hystakhy New 2017

Tattoo named Diana

Diana is very emotional and can charm everyone around and infect with their emotions. It is not surprising that the love of Diana is comprehensive and quite often there is a desire to perpetuate the name of the beloved on the body in the form of a tattoo.

Tattoo named Diana
Tattoo named Diana

Suspension with the name Diana of gold: photo

Amazing registered gold jewelry can be presented to Diana for the anniversary, as well as in the form of recognition of love.

Suspension with the name Diana of gold: photo
Suspension with the name Diana of gold: photo

Name Diana: intuition, intelligence, morality

Diana has a cold, prudent mind, a good intuition, which she very often uses. Diana is moral, but if they know that difficulties can bypass, having forgotten a little about morality - they will not miss this. But there are principles that Diana will not violate.

Name Diana: hobbies, activities, business

Diana at work is either torture or all -consuming passion. Diana does not allow them to become secondary. They love to win, they can even try to make a career, but because of the changeability of character, most likely, they will quickly lose interest.

The activity in which Dian awaits success: medicine, politics, business, brokerage.

Name Diana: Health and psyche

Diana has good health and all -consuming energy. Thanks to liveliness and active lifestyle, Diana easily bypass even viruses and microbes. Weak places include genitals and liver.

Name Diana: sexuality, marriage

For Diana, sex is the highest pleasure and at the same time a taboo behind seven seals. Intervention in personal life is a blow below the belt. If the partner, having betrayed her, begins to spread about their contact and details of the relationship, she may never recover and remain lonely forever.

Name Diana: sexuality, marriage
Name Diana: sexuality, marriage

Diana is careless for marriage in their youth and can go down the aisle with a practically unfamiliar guy. But with age, and often divorces after marriage of youth, they gain wisdom and more carefully choose partners for life.

Which zodiac sign is Diana's name?

Lucky, dexterous and cunning dianes are born under the signs of Taurus and Pisces. Thanks to the combination of the name and the zodiac sign born during this period, they live the most happy and rich life.

Talisman stone to the name Diana

Selenites and diamonds are considered to be Talismans of Diana. Selenite (moonstone) brings Diana happiness, luck and prosperity. He also helps girls named Diana develop intuition, memory and acquire a cold head, especially in love matters. Thanks to the lunar stone, Diana becomes softer, more tender and feminine.

Diamas give Dianam self -improvement, strength and firmness of the spirit, purity and invincibility, the ability to come out pure from muddy water.

Selenites - Talismans Diana
Selenites - Talismans Diana

Two stones together turn into a magic talisman, which opens a creative nature in Diana, protects against evil and slander. By the way, Diana gossip about Diana in connection with their charisma and at the same time a desire to keep his life secret from the world.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Diana

Talisman's flower Diana is lilies of the valley.

Talisman tree is an oak and a pear.

Pear is a symbol of longevity and prosperity. She brings integrity and happiness to the life of Diana. It is also considered to avoid a pear in the family of a pear always must be divided into equal parts and is equally. Oak symbolizes courage, strength, courage, endurance and longevity. Also, the oak personifies the world axis and brings harmony to the soul of Diana.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Diana
Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Diana

The valley helps Diana to preserve the purity of the mind, soul and body. The environment of themselves with such plants gives a fresh look at things in any situation.

Totem animal named after Diana

Totemic animals at once are two beautiful representatives of the world of animals. This is a luxurious and representative leopard symbolizing rage, determination and courage. As well as courage, pride, speed of thought and movement, as well as aggressiveness and self -confidence.

Leopard - Totem animal named after Diana
Leopard is a Totem animal named after Diana

As well as the inimitable beauty deer. Deer symbolize accuracy, punctuality, acute vision and hearing, as well as creation and spirituality.

Deer - Totem animal named after Diana
Deer - Totem animal named after Diana

Numerology named after Diana

The number of the body — 2

The number of hidden spirit — 3

The number of souls — 5

In numerology, five either stand aside, or if they personify the soul of a person, this is an explosion, a breath of wind, adventure and a thrill. These are Diana! It is not boring with them, because they are a symbol of changes and a long path of the traveler.

Color named after Diana

Diana is a light yellow color, and he also calms down and makes her nature more harmonious.

Planet-patron named after Diana

The name of Diana Luna patronizes the name, because according to the myths of Ancient Rome, it was she who commanded this planet, and she, in turn, protects delightful girls and women with this name.

Pseudonym to the name Diana

Diana's bright and assertive name will be suitable for dynamic pseudonyms that promise new feelings, emotions, phenomena. Also, do not forget about the "divine" origin of the name and it is worth fantasizing on this topic.

Famous people, celebrities named Diana

The most famous representative of this name is Diana Spencer. Princess Diana Wales, the legal wife of Prince Charles, who was the most popular woman in the end of the last century due to her openness, love for people, as well as the power of the spirit, thanks to which she was able to break out of the unpleasant shackles of the crowned ammunition husband.

Diana Spencer
Diana Spencer

Diana Vishneva-Prima Ballerina Mariinsky Theater located in St. Petersburg.

Diana Arbenina is a creative person, vocalist of "night snipers". A very extravagant and peculiar person who cannot but cause respect.

Diana Dwayne is the famous writer of a science fiction writer, whose vivid image helped to become famous first in America, and then all over the world in the 1950s.

Video: The meaning of the name. Diana

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Comments K. article

  1. To begin with, understand that Dina, Anya and ANA are completely different names that cannot be used to reduce in principle. To make it more clear to you if you, say, Sveta, let me call you Tanya or Lyuda, well, or Sonya. Beautiful. And Sonya, in general, begins with the same letter. And, saying, that Diana does not have a guardian angel before writing such a heresy, refer to the lists of Catholic names, where Diana’s name day is once a year in the summer, but they are!

  2. Almost everything that is written here. Thank you very much !!!!! 😘

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