Feminine name Anastasia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Anastasia: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Feminine name Anastasia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Anastasia: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The meaning of the female name Anastasia. What is suitable for the name Anastasia?

The name Anastasia is quite popular in our country. In almost all people, it is associated with a delicate and fragile girl, and almost no one suspects that it is another form of the male name Anastas.

Perhaps that is why, in the character of Anastasia, it would seem, it would seem, opposite character traits that make it a fairly interesting and extraordinary personality almost always.

What does the name Anastasia in the church calendar mean?

The meaning of the name Anastasia

As already mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the name Anastasia is nothing more than a derivative on behalf of Anastas, meaning risen, rebellious, returning to life. In ancient times, the girls who had health problems from birth called with this name. Our ancestors believed, if God knows her with just that name, then she can overcome all difficulties and live a happy and long life.

Saint patron named after Anastasia

The patron saint of Anastasia, depending on the month of her birth, may be Anastasia Patriotican, Rev. Martyr Anastasia Roman, righteous Anastasia. You can find out which of these saints will protect you from all adversity in any temple, or find the necessary information in the holy. In this church book, you can find the exact dates of veneration of these women and it is precisely these days to go to church and ask for blessings for yourself or the one who bears the name Anastasia.

The secret of the named after Anastasia

The secret of the named after Anastasia

Most sources associate the appearance of this name with the legend of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia. This woman lived in ancient Rome, but at the same time very much sympathized with Christians. If she met a man of another faith, she tried to help him in every way. Moreover, contrary to all the prohibitions, she went to prisons for Christians and treated sick people.

After some time, the Roman emperor learned about her sympathy and ordered his soldiers to plant her in the basement. There she spent the rest of her life, and died, without going into the light from torture and illness. After her death, people, remembering her spiritual kindness, ranked her to the face of the saints and began to ask for healing from illness and mild births.

What is the nationality of the name Anastasia?

It is believed that the name Anastasia has Greek roots and translated into Russian means resurrected. And to say more accurately, it is a female form of the male name Anastas, which translates as sunday.

In ancient Greece, this name was called exclusively men as it was believed that only a strong and brave person is able to revive after his body and soul were wounded. Most often, they were called warriors who protected the territory belonging to Greece.

Name Anastasia, Nastya: Popularity

Name Anastasia, Nastya: Popularity

Although modern parents prefer to call their children to Diances, Lisami or Alice, to say that the name Anastasia is not very popular at the moment. If you look at the statistics, you can see that more and more people prefer old Russian names that are most often associated with something good and beautiful.

That is why recently the name Anastasia or Nastya began to meet more and more often. And the most interesting thing is that the tendency to return the old names is most visible in large cities. But in villages and villages, people continue to call their children more exotic names.

The name Anastasia, Nastya in English, German in different languages

Such a familiar and beautiful name Anastasia (Nastya) in other languages \u200b\u200bsounds more exotic and original. In view of this, if you want your child to have a unique name, then name him in English, French or American manner.


  • English - Ensestheisha, Staci
  • Deutsch - Stazi, Stasi
  • French - Anastazi, Nazi, Nadine
  • Spanish - Tachi, Tachu
  • Portuguese - Anastasya, Namtasinya, Nasignya, Nana
  • Italian - Anastasia, Anastasio
  • Romanian - Anastasia, Nose, Tesia, Nakasika
  • Greek - Anastasios, Tasia, Sula
  • Belorussian - Steasya, Anastasya, Nose, Nassyuha
  • Polish - Nasya, Anastasia, Nastya

How is the name Anastasia written in the passport?

Correct spelling of a name in a passport

According to generally accepted rules, all Russian names when entering the passport are prescribed by Latin transcription. This is done so that the name of a person can easily read in any country in the world.

True, you must consider that the Latin alphabet is slightly different from the usual Cyrillic alphabet. As such I They don't have, so the end of the name will consist of two signs IA. Russian name Anastasia in the passport it will be written as Anastasiia.

Anastasia: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive affectionate?

You will probably agree that Anastasia sounds somehow too officially and strictly. That is why the affectionate forms of this word were invented that helped to more warmly call a person.

Abbreviated and affectionate forms of the name:

  • Anastasiyushka
  • Nastya
  • Nastyusha
  • Nastya
  • Nastya
  • Nastenka

Anastasia: The meaning of the name is character and fate

Anastasia: The meaning of the name is character and fate

More often, all Anastasia has a rather restrained character, although at the same time she can rather vigorously express her opinion. The main distinguishing feature of everyone is a highly developed intuition. They understand at a subconscious level whether they should take up some kind of business or better, in general, not spend their time and effort on it. In addition, women and girls bearing this name are prone to adventurism. They can literally change their opinion in a matter of minutes and do what no one expects from them.

But this does not mean that Anastasia is not able to bring what has begun to the end. If something is very interested in something, then they will be painstakingly engaged in one thing for hours, and they will try to do everything as perfect as possible. As practice shows, the fate of Anastasius develops quite well. Due to their openness, perseverance and disability, they achieve a certain status in life and, as a rule, live in abundance.

Name Anastasia: Sexuality, Marriage

Anastasia: sexuality, marriage

At first glance, Anastasia seems to everyone a very modest and calm girl. But in fact, a real hurricane lies behind external calm. Everything regarding the relationship with the opposite sex appears in such ladies a storm of different emotions. They know how to conquer men, and they do it so unobtrusively that representatives of the stronger sex do not even notice how they begin to fulfill all the whims of their chosen one.

But such tearing sexuality does not make the owners of this name of fatal women who change men like gloves. If they choose a man, then they are given to him both with their souls and in the body. As practice shows, faithful and loving wives who can give pleasure to a man are obtained from Anastasia.

Name Anastasia: Health and psyche

Name Anastasia: Health and psyche

As for health, Nastya has problems with him from childhood. The weakness of the owner of this name is the throat, nose and ears. For this reason, she does not part with sore throats, pharyngitis, runny nose and sinusitis all year round. In childhood, such excessive soreness prevents her from regularly attending kindergarten and school. But as soon as she crosses the teenage line, her health improves slightly and she begins to lead a normal lifestyle.

Another weak spot of such girls is the nervous system. As a rule, they are very phlegmatic, so the slightest stressful situation leads them out. Most often after that, they cannot suppress a sense of anxiety for several days, which pushes them to not quite correct actions. But at a conscious age, they cope with this problem, and begin to react more calmly to stress and troubles.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name

In principle, Anastasia can wear any middle name, but as practice shows, there are combinations that significantly enhance the energy of the owners of this name. For example, if a girl has a patronymic of Vladimirovna, then confidence and assertiveness will be more pronounced in her character. In the event that she has a patronymic of Aleksandrovna, then it will make it softer, flexible and friendly.

The following patronymics will strengthen the energy of the name:

  • Vasilevna
  • Valentinovna
  • Evgenievna
  • Dmitrievna
  • Stanislavovna
  • Romanovna

Anastasia: compatibility with male names

Compatibility with male names

If Anastasia wants to have a faithful and reliable companion near him, then she should take his choice as seriously as possible. Indeed, in this case, there are names that are better than the rest of the owners of this name. The most ideal pair for Nastya is Bogdan.

A man with such a name has a similar energy, but unlike it knows how to keep everything under control and does not be upset if obstacles appear in his way. Most of the owners of this name are not suitable for Alexandra. Men bearing this name are very freedom -loving and prone to betrayal. And since Nastya does not accept such relations, then almost always such a alliance breaks up.

Suitable names:

  • Dmitry
  • Andrew
  • Sergey
  • Alexei
  • Evgeniy
  • Vladislav
  • Paul
  • Vladimir

When is the name day, Anastasia’s Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

As already mentioned a little higher, the name Anastasia in ancient times was very popular. That is why during the year the holy women are called by this name are revered quite many times.


  • Winter Nastya - December 17 and 26, January 4
  • Spring Nastya - March 23, April 5 and 28, May 10 and 28
  • Summer Nastya - July 4 and 9, June 1 and 17, August 10
  • Autumn Nastya - November 11 and 12

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Anastasia

Congratulations No. 1
Congratulations No. 2
Congratulations No. 3

When choosing a congratulation for Nastya, remember that she has a very thin and vulnerable nature, so you need to congratulate it as cute, beautifully sounding words. If you try to joke over it or add vulgar words to the congratulation, then with a high probability you can say that she will not like it.

Tattoo named Anastasia, Nastya

Idea for tattoo # 1
Idea for tattoo # 2
Idea for tattoo # 3

The simplest tattoo for Anastasia is a beautifully applied, for example, a name made by letters with curls. Depending on the size, it can be placed either on the wrist or slightly higher, the main thing is that it is made on the inside of the hand. In general, it is believed that such tattoos are best placed in such a way that they are not put on public display.

If you wish, you can supplement this inscription with small butterflies, roses, peonies or asterisks. Such figures will distract attention to themselves, not allowing strangers to take the positive energy of the name.

Suspension named Anastasia from gold: photo

Suspension named Anastasia from gold No. 1
Suspension named Anastasia from gold No. 2
Suspension named Anastasia from gold No. 3

As for the registered pendants, in this case it is best to give preference to simple laconic products of small or medium size. As practice shows, too massive pendants are muffled on anastasia alien and this makes them slightly vulgar. In the photo posted above, you can see examples of ideal jewelry made of gold suitable for Nastya.

Name Anastasia: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

As already mentioned a little higher, intuition among owners of this name is very well developed. They always feel subtly when they need to agree to a particular proposal, and when it is better to wait for the next. It is intuition that allows Anastasia to always find themselves in the right places and avoid major troubles.

Speaking of morality, then with it these representatives of the fair sex are all right. They never allow themselves to be superfluous in public and try to behave correctly even when they want to do something bad. I would like to pay special attention to the intellect of girls with that name.

From the outside it may seem that they are too slow and inexpensive. But most often it is precisely this leisurely that develops perseverance and the ability to analyze, which allows them to achieve good results in the scientific field.

Name Anastasia: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Name Anastasia: Hobbies

As a child, Little Nastya cannot decide what she wants to do. For this reason, she can simultaneously engage in dancing, needlework and cooking. But growing up, it is still determined and, as a rule, chooses hobbies of a calm nature, for example, devotes a lot of time to reading poems or tries to meet the computer as carefully as possible.

Growing up, Anastasia becomes doctors, computer scientists, teachers or translators. It becomes difficult for some owners of this name to work within a certain framework, so they decide to do their own business, and most often they try to open their own food points or sew their clothes to order.

The truth is to say that good businessmen make them. Since they are not particularly attracted to wealth and money, they do not try to increase their finances and, as a result, after some time their small business inevitably ceases to exist.

What zodiac sign is the name of Anastasia?

Compatibility with zodiac signs

As you know, the signs of the zodiac have a great influence on the fate of man. It is they who show the positive and negative features of the human nature and guide our actions. The correct name can help a little to adjust the negative sides of the zodiac sign. Since it also carries encoded energy, it can gently negate all unpleasant manifestations.

The most ideal of all, Anastasia is suitable for Aquarius and Sagittarius. As a rule, such a combination helps a person steadfastly withstand all the blows of fate and suffer enough to move to his goal. Anastasia is also good with scales and calves. In this case, the union helps to more well develop intelligence and move up the career ladder.

Talisman stone to the name Anastasia

Magic malachite

Malachite is considered an ideal stone for Nastya. If the representative of the fair sex, bearing this name, will always carry it with him, then he will be nullified all the negativity that surrounds her. It is believed that it is malachite that is able to remove energy traffic jams that prevent a person from interacting with the environment as correctly as possible.

True, you must remember that the talisman is not easy to decorate, so wearing it is undesirable to expel it. If you really want him to protect you, then hang it onto the chain and wear it on the neck hiding under the clothes.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Anastasia

You probably already know that in addition to stones of talismans, there are trees and plants that can help a person reduce the negative impact of the environment. The most suitable flower for Anastasia is a white or pink orchid.

If you put such a flower in the room where the owner of this name lives, then he will do all the problems and troubles bypass it. Jasmine has the same energy. If this tree -like bush will grow near Nastya’s housing, then it will feel its powerful protection even at a great distance from it.

Totem animal named after Anastasia

Siamese cat

The totem animal, like the rest of the talismans, can absorb the negative, which inevitably appears in the life of every person. Knowledgeable people claim that it is it that can take away damage and evil eye from their owner and restore calm to a person. If Anastasia wants her life to be more calm, she must have a purebred Siamese cat.

Numerology named after Anastasia

The numerological number of this name is considered a deuce. Since it is a peacekeeper, people of this name almost always have a diplomatic character, which helps them find a common language with individuals who have a completely opposite character.

Pseudonym to the name Anastasia

Coming up with a pseudonym for Nastya, remember that it is very fragile and delicate, so the most light and cute nicknames are suitable for it.


  • Cutie
  • Angel
  • Small miracle
  • Beautiful flower
  • Pineapple

Famous people, celebrities named Anastasia: Photo

Anastasia Volochkova
Nastya Zadorozhny
Anastasia Stotskaya
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk
Anastasia Shcheglova

Video: Anastasia (Nastya). Meaning interpretation of the name

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Comments K. article

  1. The name is terribly tired, every second responds. It’s good that she changed in the name of Olga-Rolenka, Olgushka. It makes it much better!

  2. I decided to read about my name and was surprised. Nastya is tender and sweet ... well, ok, I'm just fighting boys here ... Okay ... Okay ...

  3. thank you, I really liked the excitement

  4. As for me, the article does not suit me, since I had only 1 time in my life, and I have an allergy to cats! I don’t consider the orchid the most beautiful, just like the most not beautiful, because I more like phlox, violets, roses. I do not think that the sweetest on earth, and I had no love connections with the names that are listed there! I just hate Volochkova !!! And I am not defenseless, I can stand up for myself, but I won’t just beat it, I have normal independence, I can eat and cook too, sometimes I’m not positive, I don’t really like the scene! My memory is normal, but in my opinion, it happens better.

  5. Yes, cool, I'm 25, it’s a pity that you are a dog, and where do you live?

  6. Cognitive 🙂

  7. According to numerology, the name Anastasia corresponds to the sun and lion. Its number 33. By the way, this confirms your mention of the totem of this name - the Siamese cat! Squeezing-mall Nastya also refers to the fiery element-Sagittarius. Its number 13. Scorpio and Pluto, as they write on most sites, has nothing to do with it! By the way, the name Nastya contains a feeling of God.

  8. Not everything converges, but the overall picture is suitable for this name. In many ways, I agree with the author of the article. Nastyusha for me: a delicate, fragile and very decent girl. Inborn principles of morality and correctness. I love my Tusya- grandmother.

  9. Not everything converges, but the overall picture is suitable for this name. In many ways, I agree with the author of the article. Nastyusha for me: a delicate, fragile and very decent girl. Inborn principles of morality and correctness. I love my Tusya- grandmother. This name does not fit Volochkova, it is too free behavior.

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  13. Interested in a description of the name Anastasia

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  18. Need a description of the name Anastasia

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