The female name Alena - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Alyona: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Alena - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Alyona: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The meaning of the name Alena. A detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the owners of this name.

Alyona - A feminine, sophisticated and attractive woman, who even in old age remains a young soul. The owners of this name are very cheerful, energetic, sociable and friendly. They easily make contact with strangers and, most interestingly, sometimes even turn their enemies into faithful friends.

What does the name of Alena according to the church calendar mean?

Alena by church calendar

Although some sources consider Alena Slavic, it is absent in the church calendar. This is due to the fact that he was worn by a woman who practiced magic. And since in the XVIII century it was strictly prohibited, it was simply excommunicated from the church and deleted a name from the calendar. That is why if you decide to name your daughter with this beautiful name, then Elena will call her at baptism.

This name will be translated as Bright or radiant. If you do not want your child to give this name, then if you wish, you can choose something else in the holy. True, you must remember that in order for your child to really receive heavenly protection to give preference to those holy women who are revered either on the girl’s birthday or on extreme cases the next day.

Patron saint of Alena

Holy Queen Elena

Although it was mentioned above that Alena was not in the church shrines, a holy woman who has this name once existed. Some sources claim that she was brutally tortured, and then killed by her own father only because she did not worship pagan gods, but sacredly believed in the Almighty.

At first, the father tried to persuade his daughter to obey the same God's laws as he, and when he realized that it was useless, he took sin to his soul and deprived his own child of life. He later realized that he had created, adopted Christianity and built a chapel in honor of his murdered daughter. There is still an icon in this chapel, which depicts Elena Brussels.

The patrons of Alain according to the church calendar are considered:

  • Holy Equal -to -the -Apostles Queen Elena
  • Elena Diveevskaya
  • Elena Martyr, daughter of the Apostle Alfeya
  • Elena Equal -to -Apostles Princess Russian
  • The Monk Elena Serbskaya

The secret of the name Alena

The secret of the name Alena

Little Alens are always very kind girls who always obey the elders in everything. At preschool age, they are ideal children. They are very smart, reinforced, hardworking and sociable. As a rule, the owners of this name, even before entering school, begin to read and count, and some even study foreign languages.

For this reason, parents lead them to first grade with great confidence that their child will delight them with exceptionally good marks. But as practice shows, at school Alena ceases to study and all this period simply forces themselves to do what is supposed to. But still, such an attitude to study does not prevent them from choosing a prestigious profession and getting a good job.

In this case, their natural charisma, living mind and sociability helps them. If you have the impression that the girl bearing this name is a fluffy bunny, then you are deeply mistaken. If she understands that she is at least the slightest danger, she almost instantly turns into a cunning and dodgy tigress, which can hurt anyone who will try to encroach on her calm.

What nationality is Alena's name?

Nationality of the name Alena

There are many different versions of the appearance of this beautiful and sonorous name. Some sources claim that it has Slavic roots and originated in those days when tribes wandered around the world. One of them was called Alena. Since it was very belligerent, powerful and bold, the name that happened from him was deciphered as winning or conquering.

There is also a version that Alena's name has Jewish roots and originated from the word of Alon. It also designated power and translated as a strong oak. In addition, some sources argue that this name has the Old Russian roots. During paganism, people worshiped the goddess Alena, who was considered the lord of the morning dawn. And in order to please her, they began to call their daughters in her honor, thereby contributing to the spread of this name throughout the Earth.

Alena name: meaning and popularity

I immediately want to say that the name Alena is not particularly popular among young parents. Some of them consider him too uninteresting, while others are frightened by the fact that he is not in the modern church calendar. In view of all this, this name is not even included in the 50 most popular names in our country. As practice shows, most of all were called girls from 1970 to 2000.

Meaning of the name:

  • BUT - Helps the girl to fulfill all her dreams
  • L - reveals artistic talents
  • E - Helps the girl more correctly express her thoughts
  • N - enhances the internal energy of the owner of the name
  • BUT - Repeat

Alena - decoding a name from Greek

Above, we have already told you about the Slavic and Jewish origin of the name. And no matter how strange it may sound, some historical sources confirm that it was very popular in ancient Greece. In this country he was associated with flame or heat, so most often he was translated as Torch or light.


Alena's name in English, in different languages

  • English - Helena, Nell, Nella, Lenny
  • Deutsch - Helenchen, Helika, Lenel
  • French - Helen, Nelly
  • Spanish - Elena, Elenita, Elya
  • Portuguese - Lenin, laziness
  • Italian - Ellen, Elline
  • Belorussian - Lena, Lenachka, Alenka, Alzya
  • Polish - Gelena, Helya
  • Scottish - Eilin, Ayla
  • Finnish - Ella, Helya

How is the name Alena written in the passport?

Many travelers who for the first time in their lives make a passport for traveling abroad fully rely on passportists, and do not check how correctly their name is in the official document. Unfortunately, even these experts make mistakes, and as a result, a person is not allowed into the country.

So that you also do not have a similar problem, be sure to make sure that your Russian name is inscribed in the official document precisely Latin. Alena's name in a passport should be inscribed as Alena.

Alena: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive affectionate?

Abbreviated forms of the name:

  • Alya
  • Elya
  • Lena

Affectionate forms of the name:

  • Alenchik
  • Alyonushka
  • Alenka
  • Alenusya
  • Lenushka
  • Lela

Alena: The meaning of the name is character and fate

Adult Alena is very different about what she was in childhood. From a quiet and calm child, she turns into a young girl, ready to go to her goal no matter what. It becomes as purposeful and able -bodied as possible and does everything to achieve what is desired.

Moreover, her internal forces are enough that she can quite calmly deal with several things at once. A small disadvantage of the nature of adult Alain is their impulsiveness and excessive emotionality. It is they who prevent the girls from soberly watching what is happening around them and make the right decisions. And it is for this reason that sometimes they agree to not very good offers and fall into situations that land them for a while.

But even such sudden steps of fate do not break Alena. It belongs to the type of people who know how to pull themselves together and start doing everything again. Typically, owners of this name achieve a certain status in life, though on the path to independence and wealth they often lose almost all their friends.

Name Alena: Sexuality, marriage

Young Alena is very amorous and unstable. Today it seems to her that she loves her boyfriend, and tomorrow, in general, she does not feel any feelings for him. But all this does not mean that this girl cannot love one man. It’s just so overdue that if something annoys her in the behavior of a partner, then it is easier for her to delete him from life than to waste her time and rebuild for herself.

But when Alena really falls in love, she does everything so that her chosen one is surrounded by care and attention. The owners of this name are laid down at a subconscious level. Therefore, if they have a loved one, then they do not spare either the effort or the time to prepare something tasty or just get out in his apartment.

Alena goes to intimate relationships with men quickly, but still does everything that others do not know how close she is with her chosen one. Girls with this name come into marriage very early, but if they come across a patient and kind man, then they will safely live with him all their lives.

Alena name: Health and psyche

Most often, the owners of this name, in general, do not know what doctors are. Since adults are very mobile, they walk a lot in fresh air or engage in any sport. And this is what allows their body to more effectively cut off pathogens of various diseases.

The only vulnerable place of girls with this name is the back. But still, if the representative of the fair sex literally immediately tries to eliminate the cause of the pathology, he will be able to forget about her once and for all. As for the psyche of Alena, she has everything in order with her.

The nervous system of this girl quite calmly tolerates the most powerful shakes and the most pleasant, literally in a matter of days her moral state returns to normal. This is because Alena simply does not hide on something bad. If she falls into an unpleasant situation, he tries to quickly figure it out and rejoices in fullness again.

What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Alena?

In principle, almost all patronics are ideal for Alens. The only exception is the middle name of Andreevna. It has a negative effect on the owner of this name and, as a result, the most bad qualities begin to prevail in her character.

As a rule, Alena Andreevna is a rather lazy and mercantile person who thinks only that she was good. She is consumerly referring to the one who cares about her, not giving this person in return neither warmth nor respect.

Alena: Compatibility with male names

In order for Alena to feel happy, a strong spirit should be near her, a man who can sometimes calm her down. Such energy is possessed by Oleg, Boris and Sergei.

These men, despite their slightly tough character, are very tender to the one who was chosen in their partners. As a rule, they always manage to cool the fervor of their chosen one and show her in which direction you need to move on.

In addition, Alena is suitable:

  • Evgeniy
  • Valery
  • Borislav
  • Alexander
  • a lion

When is the name day, Alena's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

At the very beginning of our article, we already mentioned that there was no such name as Alena in church holy saints. That is why the day of the Angel of the owner of this name celebrates in the days of veneration of holy women named Elena.


  • March 19
  • June 3
  • July 24
  • August 10
  • September 17
  • November 12

Congratulations on the Angel Day for Alena: short in verses and prose

Happy Angel Day for Alena
  • Honey Alena! You are for me like a bright sun that warms my soul. On the day of your name day, I want to wish you that you will continue to exude light and spiritual warmth, and always remains as kind and beautiful.
  • Happy Angel Alyonushka! I would like to wish you good health, good financial well -being and, of course, simple female happiness. Be happy my most dear and close person.

Song named Alena

Alena tattoo: photo

Tattoo for Alena

Suspension with the name Alena from gold: photo

Suspension No. 1
Suspension No. 2

Name Alena: Intuition, Intelligence

Although Alena does not really like to read, she is intellectually developed quite normally. Due to the fact that the modern owners of this name with a computer to you, they will learn all the necessary information from the Internet, simply communicating with people in various forums. It is easier for such girls to know the world in this way. Therefore, instead of learning English in courses, they start online dating with the Englishman, and begin to communicate intensively with him.

The most interesting thing is that thanks to their intuition, even in the world web, they find the right people who help them in their endeavors. But do not think that Alena spends all her time at the computer monitor. She communicates a lot with living people and does it with great pleasure.

Alena name: hobbies, activities, business

All the Alens, without exception, categorically do not accept heavy physical labor, so they usually choose professions where they need exclusively mental load. Most often they work as economists, teachers, psychiatrists, historians or social workers. If the selected profession involves a consolidated schedule, then the owner of this name feels completely satisfied and happy.

But Alens are best not to do business. As practice shows, they very quickly get tired of frequent business trips and business meetings and cease to invest in their brainchild and their strength and new finances. Alain's business flourishes only if it is all the time by someone gently pushes it to further action.

What zodiac sign is the name of Alena?

Zodiac signs suitable Alens

Probably, you should not even talk about how much the stars affect our lives. That is why if you want to smooth out the negative that they can provide on a person, then try to correctly combine the signs of the zodiac and name.

Zodiac signs suitable for Alens:

  • Twins. They will help the owner of this name be as witty, energetic and optimistic as possible. All these character traits will contribute to the fact that Alena will go through life very easily.
  • Scales. They will contribute to the fact that the girl who bears this name will be able to correctly show the surrounding her inner world and, as a result, only the right people will reach for her.
  • Fish. They will make from Alena a sensitive and tender woman who will strive to help all those who surround her.

Talisman stone to the name of Alena

Alens, like all other extraordinary personalities, is suitable for Aventurine stone. It helps the owners of this name more soberly look at their environment, thereby giving them the opportunity to understand what they need to do next. In addition, this pebble is able to pull her real half to the fair sex.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Alena

Garden rose

It is believed that an ordinary garden rose affects the best of everyone else. This flower acts on them soothingly and as a result, they commit much less rash acts.

The tree talisman has a cherry talisman. She energetically sets them up for a strong marriage and respect for her partner.

Totem animal named after Alena

The totem animals of all Alain are the king of animals - the lion. Since he embodies the strength, beauty and invincibility of the spirit, he energetically charges the owner of this name for perseverance, fearlessness and vitality.

Numerology named after Alena

Numerology named after Alena

Alena’s life is controlled by a unit. It is she who makes her move forward and try to achieve good results in the most difficult things. She makes good partners from Alen who are ready to sacrifice their well -being in order to make a loved one good.

Pseudonym to the name of Alena

  • Miss Caprizul
  • Shining star
  • Proud wolf
  • Girl with a complex character
  • A cunning angel
  • Charming nymph

Famous people, celebrities named Alena: photo

Alena Babenko
Alena Apina
Alena Khmelnitskaya

Video: Alyona. Meaning and interpretation of the name

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Comments K. article

  1. I have not heard this in my life yet - “this is due to the fact that it was worn by a woman who practiced magic. And since in the XVIII century it was strictly prohibited, it was simply excommunicated from the church and deleted a name from the calendar. »The name came from the Ukrainian Olen (Elena), Olenka

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