The female name Alla - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Alla: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Alla - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Alla: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

What does the name Alla mean.

The name Alla was very popular in the 80s-90s, because now you can meet many women named Alla, over 30 years old. However, today the name is becoming popular again, despite the fact that ancient Russian names are returning to fashion, and there are also many options for modern names for girls. What is the fate of a girl named Alla?

Read the article if you want to know the secret of the name Alla, its origin, meaning, compatibility with other names.

What does the name Alla according to the church calendar mean?

  • The patron saint of the name is the holy martyr Alla, who, among other Christians of Gotius, burned the Gentiles. This happened in the walls of the temple during the church service (IV century).
  • If during the celebration of the Day of Angel Alla the Sun becomes scarlet, then it will be like that on October 8.
  • The name Alla is as strong and bright in sound and pronunciation, which is a “scarlet” color. Alla's girls and women show assertiveness and firmness, can stand up for themselves, they have expressive character traits.
  • Thanks to numerous fans, Alla manages to achieve life goods. The career of the husband of Alla sometimes depends on her own capabilities and dating.
The secret of the name Alla
The secret of the name Alla
  • In childhood, Alla loves when she is paid attention to. To do this, she uses either a new dress, then a doll, then behaves somehow original or unusual. Pranks and children's tricks are not very interested in her, because she tries to be a little away from noisy children. The girl Alla always knows how she should look and what she needs, what often brings her parents to tears. Then the girl demands that she was bandaged a bow, then insists that a pencil is sweated correctly.
  • Among their peers, Alla is separate, because she is disliked. The young men are not trying to get closer to Alla, who shows with all their appearance how indifferent to her. It is very important for little Alla to be next to her mother and feel her friendly support.
  • Those who fall into the circle of her communication, Alla tries to subjugate to herself, makes him admire. However, if failures happen in her life, Alla accuses only herself. She devotes a lot of time to constant self -improvement.
  • Alla has good health in his youth and mature years. She has a lot of energy, and in vain she does not waste time and effort. In dreams, Alla does not cross the boundaries of reality, because she counts only on herself.
Among their peers, Alla is separate, because she is disliked
  • Alla can in the circle of his loved ones, friends to earn a reputation as a good cook. Therefore, many men dream of such a wife. Alla is not enough to be an ideal partner, a bad sense of humor and prudence.

If Alla was born in winter:

  • shows despotism
  • the mood can change quickly
  • ambitions and the desire to subjugate others prevail

If Alla was born in the fall:

  • it shows prudence
  • sunday

If Alla was born in the summer:

  • risky and excitement
  • sexual
  • attractive

If Alla was born in the spring:

  • such a woman can show greed
  • she may have psyche disturbances
  • feels good in a men's team

A planet that influences the fate of a woman named Alla is the Sun.

Video: The meaning of the name Alla - The Secret of the Name

What is the nationality of the name Alla?

Translated from the Greek, the name means "another, different."

There are several versions of the origin of the name Alla.

  • First version: Alla is a Gothic name meaning "bright", "invincible", "able to do everything."
  • The second version: The name is ancient Greek and means resurrection.
  • The third version: The name is ancient Arabic. So pronounced one of the letters.
  • The fourth version: The name is German, but its meaning is unknown.
  • The fifth version: The name has a Hebrew origin. Only in this case, the word has two meanings: the first one is “goddess”, echoing with the Arabic word, changing the word for the word, acquired another meaning - “pistachio”.

Video: The meaning of the name. Alla

Name Alla: origin and meaning, popularity

The ancient Arabs called the pre -Islamic goddess of heaven and rain Allat. In the name of Alla, one way or another, they called the female parallel of Allah: she was considered his wife, the mother of the gods, daughter. Among the Arabs, according to the testimony of the philosopher Herodotus, the gods Alla and Dionysus were most revered.

The ancient Arabs called the pre -Islamic goddess of heaven and rain Allat

Alla - decoding a name from Greek

  • The word was used in the ancient Greek language "Alla"meaning "other, different." So called not a specific woman, but one of them, without an indication of the name.
  • There is a version that a scribbler or translator, when translating ancient sources, made an error. This error laid the foundation for the wrong interpretation of the word "Alla", As a result, the word was transformed into the female name.

Name Alla in English, Latin, different languages

Options of the name Alla in English:

  • Alla
  • Alle

How is the name Alla written in the passport?

Upon receipt of the passport, Alla will not be surprised by a change in her name. It will be recorded as follows: Alla.

How the name Alla is written in the passport

Alla: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Derivatives on behalf of:

  • Alya
  • Alyona
  • Alunya
  • Alusya
  • Allochka


Alla: what a short -shorted short name, diminutively affectionate

Alla: The meaning of the name is character and fate

  • Self -confidence, power, a tendency to solve their problems on your own - all this fully corresponds to the character of Alla.
  • Alla is not always able to restrain her strong -willed qualities. Sometimes the inability to control them leads to regular conflicts with colleagues or employees. If Alla smoothes her pride and authority a little, then it will be able to avoid such scenes.
  • Alla has a solid character. She is stubborn. Already in early childhood he begins to command those who are nearby. He loves when she is given signs of attention. Alla does not make a strong impression on the opposite sex, since the gentlemen feel her inner strength and coldness.
Alla is not always able to restrain her strong -willed qualities

Name Alla: Sexuality, Marriage

  • In the student years, Alla has a relationship with the opposite sex. A girl can easily fall in love with a foreigner, or a young man from a semi -angle environment. In such guys, Alla is attracted to the fact that they are unlike others, they are extravagant and are distinguished by an exotic character.
  • The first marriage does not bring Alla a feeling of happy family life. She decides to start all after breaking up with her first spouse for a long time. All this time Alla comprehends the secrets of the household. She can perfectly equip her life, improve her appearance. She leaves headlong into the world of fashion magazines and experiences the beauty of professionals, often uses the services of beauty salons.
  • Blooming in appearance, Alla becomes less dependent on parents, and therefore relations with them worsen. The despotism inherent in alla acquires new forms, AM command notes become the main method of communication with others.
  • After several marriages, Alla may change character. She becomes stiff and straightforward or understanding, patient.
Name Alla: Sexuality, Marriage

A favorable alliance with men:

  • Akinfom
  • Valery
  • Gennady
  • Ermil

It is better to avoid alliance with such men:

  • Akakim
  • Artamon
  • Arthur
  • Varlam
  • Wilen
  • Elisei
  • Istrom
  • Moses
  • Trofim
  • Feodosia
  • Frol
  • Edward

Name Alla: Health and psyche

  • Alla has good health. However, the owner of this name often harms herself, since he is completely given to work, which is reflected in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Alla may bother migraines. Excessive nervousness is possible. Alla can be added to the use of alcoholic beverages or smoking due to the existing circumstances.

They can be disturbed:

  • spleen
  • the pancreas
  • lungs
  • kids

The use is recommended:

  • fish oil (omega-3)
  • oats from oats in milk
  • calcium

It also follows:

  • enter rice, oatmeal, corn in the menu more often
  • try to avoid stressful situations
Name Alla: Health and psyche

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Alla: compatibility with male names

Alla's compatibility with male names (patronymic):

  • Bogdanovna
  • Adamovna
  • Nathanovna
  • Filippovna
  • Rafailovna
  • Emilievna
  • Timurovna
  • Stoyanovna

When is the name day, Alla's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Angel of Alla is celebrated on April 8 (March 26).

Video: Alla - the meaning of the name and name

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alla short in verses and prose

I want to say a lot on this day
Alla - we will wish for a beauty,
So that the prince is certainly on a white horse,
To the fairy tale carried you first of all,
And the roses of the petals poured under your feet,
Let grief, anxiety, anxiety,
A boat of dreams to be afloat,
And so that he does not get into any trouble,
Eyes to shine by happiness forever,
And all the wealth of the world, dear man!
This day is so beautiful
Joyful and bright.
They know everything that is not in vain
We say all this.
We wish to success
The series has come.
And love, health, laughter.
Happy birthday, Alla!

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alla

Alla means resurrection.
Your name is grace!
Accept congratulations,
I want to wish so much!

Let them be performed in name
All your desires!
All good will be remembered.
Happiness, joy, love!

Video: Congratulations on the birthday of Alla!

Video: Happy Birthday, Alla!

Song named Alla


Author unknown

Contractor: Philip Kirkorov

A deer-Korol looked in the mirror of the soul,
The pain flashed a pure tear.
And your fugitive sings you and your hero,
His soul, Alla, calm down.

You write songs instead of letters and therefore always alone,
Your gaze has always been independent, you are in love.
You write songs instead of letters and this is all your fault,
Your gaze has always been independent, you are in love.
The hit plays a role in the irony of fate,
"Chao, dear!" - You sang many.
Who is an uninvited guest, who is an autumn kiss,
Who is the disturbing traveler your peace.


The head is in time, the lanterns are burning again,
Sorry, believe me, again leaf fall.
Where white snow, I will draw a track
Mal-put in my misfortune.

You write songs instead of letters and therefore always alone,
Your gaze has always been independent, you are in love.
You write songs instead of letters and this is all your fault,
Under the sea, the sailboat leaves, find me.

Video: Alla Pugacheva & Sergey Zverev - Alla

Suspension with the name Alla of gold: photo

Suspension with the name Alla of gold: photo
Suspension with the name Alla of gold: photo

Name Alla: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

  • At school, Alla is a good student. Shows perseverance, patience. The girl has a good memory. However, to differ in everyday life, in trifles from the rest,
  • Alla consumes too much effort and energy. Therefore, there is little time left for teaching and there are no stars from the sky.
  • Alla is characterized by the desire to dig to the truth. She is close to science, as well as a woman named Alla has a unique sophisticated taste.
  • She needs universal recognition, therefore she considers it his duty to engage in scientific research, writing, drawing.
Alla is characterized by the desire to dig to the truth

Name Alla: hobbies, activities, business

  • Outside the family, Alla can become a shark business and achieve good results in your favorite business. If in childhood Alla suffers from the lack of attention of parents, then, having matured, it compensates for this next to the attentive and gentle spouse.
  • And vice versa: being a favorite of the whole family, Alla risks becoming unhappy in adulthood.
Outside the family, Alla can become a shark business and achieve good results in your favorite business

What sign of the zodiac is the name Alla?

The name Alla is suitable for girls born under the sign of Aries.

Talisman stone to the name Alla

Rubin stone is considered a stone talisman for a girl and a woman named Alla.

Rubin - Stalisman stone for Alla's girlfriend
Rubin-Stalisman stone for Alla's girlfriend

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Alla

Plants-dalismans for Alla:

  • Rowan
  • Burnet
Close -making medicinal
Close -making medicinal

Totem animal named after Alla

In the name of Alla, there are many meanings that symbolize blood and everything that reminds of it. Alla has a despicable character. Its color is considered a scarlet color, and a totem animal is a mosquito.

Mosquito - totem animal
Mosquito - totem animal

Numerology named after Alla

Alla's energy is completely in the numerological description. Alla is under the control of the number “1” - a symbol of power, power and glory.

Pseudonym to the name Alla

  • Algol
  • Alchik
  • Alika

Famous people, celebrities named Alla: photo

Kuzmina Alla Vladimirovna - deputy of the State Duma
Kuzmina Alla Vladimirovna - deputy of the State Duma
Alla Sigalova-dancer, choreographer
Alla Borisovna Pugacheva- singer
Alla Borisovna Pugacheva- singer
Alla Borisovna Pokrovskaya - Theater and Cinema actress
Alla Borisovna Pokrovskaya - Theater and Cinema actress


Alla Sergeevna Demidova
Alla Sergeevna Demidova - Theater and Cinema actress

Video: Name of Alla

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