Feminine name Adeline - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Adeline: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Feminine name Adeline - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Adeline: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The article will answer the question: what gifts will the name Adelin bring its owner?

What does the name Adeline mean by the church calendar?

The name Adeline belongs to the Catholic namer.

According to one version, it has ancient German roots. Translated from ancient German means "fragrant."

The second version of the origin of the name is from the ancient German word Adal - noble.

Saint patron named after Adelin

In this case, we are talking about local saints, which are revered by the temples of the Russian Orthodox Church in Germany.

  • Blessed Adelind; Hong Day - August 28.
  • Holy Adele, in worldly life - Countess of Flanders; Hong Day - September 8th.
  • Saint Adeline, Abbatis; Hong Day - October 20.
  • Holy Adeleheid, in worldly life - the empress of the Holy Roman Empire; Reading Day - December 16th.

When is the name day, Angel's Day has Adelina on the Orthodox calendar?

Unfortunately, the name Adelin is not in Russian Orthodox shrines. At the baptism of the girl, the namesake of the traditions of the naming of the Russian Orthodox Church are changed. This means that the girl will have two names: the first - given at baptism, and the second - worldly - Adeline.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adeline: short, in verses and prose

Regardless of whether the name Adelin is in the Russian shrines, congratulations on the names of the name is a rule of good tone, which no one canceled. A few congratulatory cards below will help you choose the right words for the birthday girl.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina #1
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina #2
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina #2
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina #3
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina #3
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina #4
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina #4
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina #5
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Adelina #5

The secret of the name Adelin

In this part of the review, we will try to reveal the mystery of the name Adelin using a semantic-phonetic analysis of the name.

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name Adelin
Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name Adelin

What is the nationality of the name Adeline?

Etymology indicates the German origin of the name.

Adeline name: origin and meaning, popularity

Reference information about the origin and value of the name is given at the beginning of the review.

In addition to basic information:

  • On one of the African dialects, Adeline means "eldest daughter."
  • In the Tatar language, the name Adelin has the meaning of "honest."

In addition to Germany, where every fifth newborn becomes Adeline, the name is popular in the following countries:

  • scandinavian countries,
  • Italy,
  • Spain,
  • Great Britain.

The name Adeline takes 41th place in the worldwide rating compiled by the Baby Name Wizard site in 2016.

Adeline - Deciphering the name from Greek

The name Adeline does not have Greek roots, respectively, the decoding of the name with Greek is absent. See the etymology above in the text.

Adeline name in English, Latin, different languages

Adeline and other forms of this name are quite popular in Western Europe. The tables below contain the most popular options for the name Adelin in English and German.

Adeline name in different languages
Adeline name in different languages

The name in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, etc. sounds gently and original.

Adeline name in different languages
Adeline name in different languages

How is the name Adeline written in the passport?

Adelin transliteration for registration of a passport: ADELINA.

Adeline: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

The name is so self -sufficient that it practically does not require abbreviations for daily communication. However, if you still like short home names, try to choose one of the proposed options:

Adel, Adele, Adele, ADIN, Adochka, Adesha, Delhi, Delive, Ida, Lina, Eli.

Adeline: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Adeline is a maximalist and idealist. This is a combination: gift and punishment.

Adeline does not seek to make ideal exclusively her small world. No. She needs to make everyone happy! Less - not for adeline.

What are such impulses lead to? To the endless pursuit of the crane in the sky, to the misunderstanding between her and the close environment, to the feeling of underestimation and to constant need to sacrifice something. As a rule, it is necessary to sacrifice your personal time, family and "earthly" joys.

In pursuit of the great good for everyone around Adelin, he is mistaken a lot, and loses much, but does not understand his mistakes, and does not realize losses.

If the idea-fixeen to become a savior of mankind bypassed Adeline, then she will love: frantically and recklessly. To love who or what? There is no unambiguous answer. Adeline can love her children or spouse, but her love is so strong that it makes the opposite side the desire to break free. Or maybe love God. So much that he will not notice how it becomes an ardent adept of some sect.

Adelina has a developed sense of dignity and at the same time, she constantly lends itself to flattery of others who manipulate her for their benefit.

Adeline quickly adapts to any life situation. By and large, she is an adventurer who needs constant movement. Only in this case, Adeline feels alive and necessary. This thirst for movement makes Adeline a kind of perpetuum mobile, capable of reviving any, even the most hopeless, enterprise.

An innate sense of justice pushes the carrier of the name to the rebellious escapades. However, her charm, optimism and good nature soften the consequences of riots.

From time to time, Adeline needs a pause. That is why she loves traveling. In her wanderings, she draws strength and inspiration, fills herself with new emotions and experience. If there are no such pauses in the life of Adeline, this will lead to breakdowns, riots and ruptures.

A sharp mind and a healthy sense of humor make Adeline an excellent interlocutor. In addition, Adeline is a wonderful negotiator capable of finding a compromise in any, even very sensitive situation.

Name Adeline: sexuality, marriage

Analysis of the name Adeline
Analysis of the name Adeline

Bright and sparkling - men see such a man. And they fly to her light, like moths. But admiring the sun and living next to it are completely different things and not all Adeline fans are ready for this.

You must admit that not every man will agree to the three of us: a man, a woman and the world in need of help. A marvelous combination that practically does not leave a place for the “man-female” relationship. For some time, the partner holds the relaxedness and ingenuity of Adeline in intimate relationships. However, good sex is not everything that a man in family life is required. And the man leaves, and Adeline, busy with the salvation of everyone around, does not even have time to notice that he was left alone.

If the partner shows enough wisdom and patience, Adeline can become a wonderful spouse and mother, because we all become wiser and restrained with age.

Unfortunately, Adelina’s old age is most often lonely, but she comforts herself that this is her own choice.

Adeline name: Health and psyche

Adeline is prone to bursts of anger and irritability. Cannot deny himself a little weakness: a tendency to self -love. Self -confident, especially in the young years. Always has its own point of view on everything around. It has an unbending will, which makes it an illustration of the expression "the character is persistent, Nordic."

Vindictive. Having a huge number of internal moral and intelligent taboos in stock, does not forgive meanness and dishonesty.

Emotional bursts and constant efforts to save the universe leave fatigue and frequent headaches. In addition, Adeline often suffers from insomnia, but tolerates it very poorly. In addition, she should also save her lungs.

Adeline name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Intuition is well developed and Adelina should listen to Adelina's advice. In the carriers of this name, psychic abilities are often observed.

It has an analytical mindset.

Open for love and prone to sacrifice. It has a certain number of internal moral and such taboos and strictly follows.

Adeline name: hobbies, activities, business

Poem for Adeline
Poem for Adeline

Adeline is a creative nature. In addition, creativity is the safest way to improve the world around.

Adeline never strives for leading posts, as she is scared by daily routine and affection for the office. Although in the team it becomes an informal leader.

Monotonous work is categorically not suitable for the carrier of this name. Adeline needs something that will make her heart freeze in anticipation of the result and then Adeline will turn the mountain in order to achieve the goal.

Adeline will be a good organizer of the holidays, the administrator of the art gallery, etc.

By and large, she is a very executive worker and a good team player. The only thing Adeline will not tolerate in relation to himself and others is injustice.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Adeline: compatibility with male names

Male names that will strengthen the energy of the name Adelin are presented in the table below.

What middle name is suitable for girl Adeline
What middle name is suitable for a girl named Adeline

Song named Adeline

Of course, Adeline belongs to those women who cannot but appreciate the song donated to them. Even if it is not a chosen one of Adeline at all. A small list below will help to make the right playlist.

  • Sweet Adeline; Contractor: The Fortunars Barbershop Quartet.
  • Sweet Adeline; Contractor: Elliot Smith.
  • Ruby Adeline; Contractor: Minnie Driver.
  • Lost in Adeline; Contractor: Junction 18.
  • Adeline; Contractor: Army of Freshmen.
  • Adeline, out of tune; Contractor: The New Amsterdams.
  • Adeline; Contractor: Soul.

And this is only a small list of musical compositions dedicated to Adeline.

Tattoo named Adeline

Several sketches offered below will help with the choice.

Tattoo sketch named Adeline #1
Tattoo sketch named Adeline #1
Tattoo sketch named Adeline #2
Tattoo sketch named Adeline #2
Tattoo sketch named Adeline #3
Tattoo sketch named Adeline #3
Tattoo sketch named Adeline #4
Tattoo sketch named Adeline #4
Tattoo sketch named Adeline #5
Tattoo sketch named Adeline #5

What sign of the zodiac is the name of Adeline?

Adeline patronizes the 12th house of fish. This house enhances Adeline's psychic abilities, helps in creativity and spiritual classes. Together with the positive features, negative features can also enhance: for example, the lack of concreteness in desires (I myself do not know what) and isolation from reality (I will save the whole world and be what happens).

Calisman stone to the name Adelin

  • Aquamarine will help his owner cope with attacks of anger and irritability, relieve stress and help to defeat night fears. In addition, this is a stone of travelers and people of creative professions. Esotericists associate aquamarine with anahat thoracic chakra. In addition, the stone has a positive effect on the general condition of the human immune system.
  • Pearls are considered a fanatical and self -confident talisman. Why? Because it is the pearl that returns the ability to think soberly, clearly and objectively.
  • Amber earrings will protect Adeline from headaches. In addition, amber helps to realize his mistakes and gives the strength and wisdom to correct them.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Adelin

  • Lily flower is a truly female symbol. Mages believe that Lilia has the ability to cleanse, give peace of mind. Lilia also helps to see prophetic dreams. In Christianity, White Lilia symbolizes purity and immaculate, nobility and kingdom. Very often Lily can be seen next to Virgin Mary.
  • Len, or rather the flax seed, will help Adeline withstand nightmares and “induced” dreams.
  • Willow is another living talisman for the bearer named after Adelin. In the Western European culture, the willow was considered a female tree giving perseverance, wisdom and patience. In addition, Iva attributed the ability to protect a person from evil spirits and a bad eye.

Totem animal named after Adeline

Stavride, which is also a symbol of the female divine principle. It can bestow a person with both sensuality and fertility, as well as greed and vanity.

Suspension with the name Adeline from gold: photo

In addition to the registered pendants of Adeline, pendants in the form of heraldic lilies or fishing fish are suitable.

Suspension with the name Adeline from gold #1
Suspension with the name Adeline from gold #1
Suspension with the name Adeline from gold #2
Suspension with the name Adeline from gold #2

Numerology named after Adeline

Using the table below, assign your number to each letter:

A - 1

D - 5

E - 6

L - 4

And - 1

N - 6

A - 1

Table for calculating a digital name code
Table for calculating a digital name code

Summarize the received numbers: 1+5+6+4+1+6+1 \u003d 24 → 2+4 \u003d 6

The characteristic of the name of the name is given below.

Numerology named after Adeline
Numerology named after Adeline

Important: for compiling a complete numerological portrait of a person, not only the name is taken into account, but also the middle name, surname, date of birth. More about the rules for drawing up psychomatics can be read here.

Pseudonym to the name Adelin

Above the text are tables with various options for the name Adelin, which will help to decide on the choice of pseudonym or nickname for social networks.

Famous people, celebrities named Adeline: photo

Among the famous Adeline there are many bright and talented personalities.

Adelina Patti - Opera Prima
Adelina Patti - Opera Prima
Adelina Jury is a choreographer
Adelina Jury is a choreographer
Adelina Sotnikova - skater, Olympic champion
Adelina Sotnikova - skater, Olympic champion

Video: Richard ClayDerman - Ballade Pour Adeline

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