Female names for the letter "A": List. Female names for the letter "a" of Slavic, Greek, Latin, Jewish origin

Female names for the letter

In this article, we will talk a little about female names that begin on the letter “A”.

Choosing a name - what could be a more responsible step for future parents? You can believe in the meaning of the name, or you can, of course, rely only on the aesthetics of sound. But it is well known that as a ship you call, so it will swim. We’ll talk about female names today, which begin on the letter “A”.

Female names for the letter "a" of Slavic origin: list, meaning

Purely Slavic can be called the following female names with the letter "A":

  • Alyona - This name was considered earlier elena's vernacular option. Despite the fact that such girls are considered people mood, for the most part they they carry positive. Environmental and revenge are not features of representatives of this name. They are simple, open.

Important: despite the positive attitude, Alena is extremely touchy and vulnerable.

Alenushka name was often used in Slavic culture
Alenushka name was often used in Slavic culture
  • Alina - This name is derived from "Scarlet", "beautiful." But not only external beauty captivates - these girls smirting And they are promptly studying anything. Of the negative features can be called scraping, intolerance to criticism.
  • Assol - A purely Russian name, the merit in the appearance of which belongs to the pen of Alexander Green. His carrier Dreamy, thoughtful, good, feminine. This sincere and tender girl trusts people and always remains faithful to others. This name can already be safely considered synonymous romance and sacrifice.
Assol's name is associated with femininity and romance
Assol's name is associated with femininity and romance

Female names for the letter "a" of Greek origin: list, interpretation

The Greeks provided us with a real palette of amazing female names. Since it is precisely of them that the baptismal ones most often chose, there is nothing surprising in such a widespread distribution across Russia.

So, this is what female names on the letter “A” future parents can opt for:

  • Avdotya - The translation of this name is very good. It literally means "Field", "favor". Naturally, many parents sought to call their daughters so. Moreover, the character of Dunyash reasonable. These are real diplomats who will always take into account the interests of everyone around them before making decisions.

Important: Avdotes optimists do not keep evil for a long time, and are always ready to start reconciliation.

  • Agatha, Agafya - The name is translated as “Good”, “kind”. The girl really knows how to make home comfort. However, relatives may be difficult to put up with her character. Which, however, can very much help out in working moments. Agatha logical, However, often emotionality Clushes. Besides Fidelity and kindness Girls often fade in front of excessive Resulting. In general, this nature is extremely contradictory.
The name Agatha rewards its owner contradiction
The name Agatha rewards its owner contradiction
  • Aglaya - extremely successful female name, since it translates as “Beauty”, “brilliance”, “joy”. That was the name, by the way, one of the ancient Greek goddesses! Her namesakes are unusual purposefulhave a breakdown character. The main goal of Glasov is study, and then a career. However, this does not prevent them from being dreamy, refined. Aglai always knows the price that some people sometimes take for swagger.
  • Agnia - Literally means "The lamb", "immaculate." Real incarnation femininity: creative personality, fighter for justice, good spouse and mother. However, one should recall that the name Agnia is related to Agni - the name of the Aryan ancestor of Fire. That is, for such girls perseverance, firmness, emotional fire - Not empty sounds.

Important: Despite the fact that Agniya is open, they trust only themselves only to themselves. This interferes and helps in achieving goals.

A girl with the name Agnia knows how to achieve goals
A girl with the name Agnia knows how to achieve goals
  • Adelaide (Adeline) - the name is translated literally as "Fragrant", "noble." These girls are considered the embodiment modesty, hard work. Ady is always ready make concessions Which helps a lot in both career and in personal life. To achieve heights helps and great memory, as well as Sharp mind. Also, Adelaids are extremely loved to take care of themselves, always preferred sophisticated images.
  • Aksinya - interprets mainly as "Hospitable" And sometimes how "Foreigner". The main features of such a girl - justice And at the same time with that strictness. She will easily bring her thoughts to others, but at the same time it is extremely difficult to influence it. Axini is obtained great leaders, which are loved and appreciated. In addition, the adoption of suspended decisions is definitely their strength.
  • Akulina (Akilina) - Beautiful translation "Orlitsa" Predicts character. Nature passionate, hard, straightforward, energetic and accustomed to achieve goals. Such a girl will always protect her interests. True, it is extremely easy to offend due to developed pride.

Important: however, born openness helps to smooth out corners and find a common language with other people.

The image of a modern business woman is an image in which a woman named Akulina will feel at ease
The image of a modern business woman is an image in which a woman named Akulina will feel at ease
  • Alevtina - means a name "The one who is alien to all bad", "Using incense." A woman with this name really tries to be aloof from the negative manifestations of human nature - for example, from gossip. She, in principle, tries to stay with others to several detached, not everyone letting everyone close. Is well aware of the fact that it stands out, due to which it increases pride. Leader by nature, smart and insightful, Rarely lends itself to deception.
  • Alexandra - “Defender of people”, “reliable”, “courageous”. Nature is completely predetermined in name - Sasha purposeful, ambitious, love to command. The pliable can only be next to the nature, which is stronger than her. Moreover, such girls friendlyand Sensual. They rush into the relationship with their heads, but, by the way, they can also forget about them with lightning speed.
  • Alice - Few people know, but also this name is pronounced as a “kallista”. Means “Representative of the noble family”, “Truth”, “having wings”. Extremely Romantic nature that is inherent in violent fantasy. She is good and cheerful Due to which it attracts a large number of people. Optimism in Alice persists until the advanced years.

Important: but the Alice often does not have enough persistence to achieve goals.

Girls with the name Alice are charged with positive
Girls with the name Alice are charged with positive
  • Alla - phrases "goddess" and "Able to do everything" are quite attractive translations. As if trying to match it, Allochka is perfectionist. A solid, assertive, penetrating and appreciative nature. She is trusts only to himself And, moreover, tries to subordinate others. Which often leads to conflicts. Stubbornness Also, it does not add sympathy. However, Alla’s opposite sex act magically. From which they do not forget to benefit.
  • Anastasia - means "Risen", "rebel." Corresponding to the characteristic, Nastya is always ready to use almost limitless willpower. They overcome such obstacles to which some surrender. At the same time, Nastya amaze others spontaneity, mind, external attractive and dreaminess. Study and work obey her, and a lot in the development of new directions helps intuition. Unfortunately, often dreamy and romantic Anastasia defenseless They are easy to offend.
The disposal of the wife of Ivan the Terrible named Anastasia helped her to become one of the few people who are sincerely close to the king
The disposal of the wife of Ivan the Terrible named Anastasia helped her to become one of the few people who are sincerely close to the king
  • Angelina - interpretation "angel" It is clear even without translators. These girls try to concentrate on love, harmony, devotion. Injustice and pressure from the outside are extremely upset Angelin. Therefore, they are enough restless And somewhat fatalistic. They do not differ in particular activity.

Important: the nervous system is a weak point of the bearers of this name.

  • Angela (sometimes found in the form Angel) - translated as "Messenger", "angelic". These girls Smart, beautiful And a few Mysterious. They know how to create a trusting relationship. However, he clearly does not get patients and firmness of character. In addition, they are sometimes so carried away by the imaginary world that they begin to lose touch with reality.
  • Angelica - Another name formed from the word "Angel"but a separate one. Although it is often perceived as a synonym for the previous ones. Angelica since childhood Passured by art and devoted to the family. Career - perhaps the last thing they are interested in. If only a career is not related to art. In spite of bright temperamentAngelica prefer calm down And solve problems already in this state.
Representative of the name - artist Angelica Kaufman
Representative of the name - artist Angelica Kaufman
  • Anisia - means "Executive", "beneficial". Fully complies with its characteristic: has friendliness, hard work, is different devotion. Everyone around them unanimously declare that next to this person is comfortable. Prefers to be guided by his feelings, showing hardness. For example, there will never be married without strong feelings. Reasonable He knows how to curb sometimes waking conceit.

Important: it is trying to help each person not only verbally, but also with deeds.

  • Anfisa - translates as "Blooming." A girl with that name is very beautiful in youth, but at the same time excessively proud, ambitious And often great. True, over time, the character is softened. The girl becomes more deep emotionally, witty. She is mobile and has such energy, which anyone can envy.
  • Ariana - means "Holy", "immaculate", "devoted". Such a girl is different quiet disposition, modesty, prefers to devote himself to the family. She knows how to influence others. But, rather, this is not authority, but a desire to a little adjusting loved ones for the better. Hardworking and very persistent human. But this is not striking, as the Arians do not like excess noise.
Ariana is one of the most domestic women's names
Ariana is one of the most domestic women's names
  • Asya - translated as "Risen", "immortal." Some consider this name a derivative of Anastasia, while others distinguish it as a separate one. In any case, Asi is the same romantic, They prefer a lot dream and idealize of people. In a favorable atmosphere, they seem to bloom, starting to show their many talents. Asya's devoted person is ready to sacrifice anything.

Important: because of their tendency to embellish events and people, they often expect disappointments.

  • Athanasius - Another name, interpreted as "Immortal". Girls who wear it, real housing. They not only prefer a vacation in the family circle to parties, but also choose the work as remote as possible. Extremely calm and sacrificial nature. Modest, but if you like something, he is fond of with all his might.
  • Aelita - "Air". The girl is very serious - she Intellectual, prone to deep introspection. Sometimes she is considered cold nature, although often in fact the liters are simply they are thoughtful. Responsive and obligatory People who can definitely rely on. It can defend his opinion with zeal even when it is incorrect. However, this drawback is easily eradicated if desired.
Girls named Aelita Real Intellectuals
Girls named Aelita Real Intellectuals

Female names for the letter "a" of Latin origin: list, description

Female names for the letter "A" of Latin origin were also loved in Russia. For example:

  • Aurora - “Morning Dawn”, “Dawn”. The carrier of the name is very modest and even anxious. A large number of people and sincere conversations often scare her. Her mental balance is very easy to break. However, people who will enter the circle of loved ones are lucky to get in response devotion and sincerity.

Important: Aurors will not be mistaken if they select a family of activities related to work with children, animals, nature.

  • Agrippina - The interpretation of this name is very unusual. It translates as "Burning forward." Marvelous hardworking a person who is sometimes a lot of effort to restrain his energetic disposition. Supervisor From this woman it turns out just perfect!

Important: at the same time, she amazingly manages to successfully combine her career with family life.

Representative of the name - actress Agrippina Steklova
Representative of the name - actress Agrippina Steklova
  • Albina - "Snow" The girl fully corresponds to the meaning of her name. She is very calm, balanced. Conflicts are not her favorite pastime. The girl expects the same delicacy from others, and therefore it is difficult to get into the circle of her friends. He will always choose a family, putting a career in the background. In spite of softness, Albina is decisive man.
  • Antonina - "The one that is from the Anthony of the Anthony." Can also be interpreted as "A worthy rival." Tonya will really give a head start to anyone: she perfectly copes with her responsibilities both at work and in family life. Quiet, chooses home hobbies like knitting and cooking. Benefits He will never miss his own, however it won't work on the heads.
A girl named Antonina will prefer home hobbies
A girl named Antonina will prefer home hobbies

Female names for the letter "a" of Jewish origin: list, interpretation

Also, we cannot but bring the list of female names to the letter “A” having Jewish roots:

  • Adele (hell) - translated as "Decoration of life." Calm and several slow A girl who hates everything at the last moment. She will thoroughly think about the problem, in her addictions Constant. But the feelings of humor and imagination Ade are sometimes very missing.

Important: Adeli needs to learn more easily to life, otherwise experiences adversely affect its nervous system.

  • Amalia - "hardworking". The owner of the name he knows how to value time. The setting of tasks and their execution within the necessary terms is what it can boast of. In this case, the girl is different flexible character and femininewhich attracts many representatives of the stronger sex. Volitional qualities She has strong i understand people perfect.
Girls named Amalia - Territory Treants
Girls named Amalia - Territory Treants
  • Anna - means this name "favor". Ani excellent In all areas - study, work, hobbies, family life. Such girls are always ready to help and support. But if they only feel that they are abused by their location, they will break communication without regret. Intuition Ani is wonderful, which helps a lot in studies and in communication with others.

Surprisingly, the names that are considered Russian in our time go into a variety of cultures. And, admittedly, all these names significantly enriched our culture.

We suggest watching a video about the names with the letter "A":

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