Healthy relationships - what are they? How to understand that the relationship is healthy?

Healthy relationships - what are they? How to understand that the relationship is healthy?

Everyone wants normal relations without scandals and reproaches. In our article we will tell you how to recognize a healthy relationship and what rules you need to adhere to, so that they remain like that.

Any human communication, including healthy family relationships, is a complex job that requires a lot of attention and strength. She should go continuously and never stop.

Until a certain point, relations develop by themselves, and for this it is not even required to make efforts. But after creating the family, everything changes. Very often in pairs there is a passive way of building relationships and this always ends sadly.

Before you start living together, getting married and having children, people take a lot of little steps towards each other and only then they decide on large ones. It is precisely all sorts of little things that allow you to create a strong and healthy family.

What should be a healthy relationship: Rules

Healthy relationships
Healthy relationships

There are several basic rules to keep relationships within the right framework. If you try them in practice, you will notice that everything is changing for the better, and the family will become stronger.

1. Follow the distance

Of course, families are created by people to become one. Yes, this is called real feelings that everyone dreams of. But not everyone knows how to love, but loved to be all. When a family is created, all the lightness and novelty are gradually passing. Instead, life appears.

Spouses to some extent control each other - ask how things are, how the day went and so on. But when a person begins to impose total control on a relationship, this indicates his self -doubt and inner fear. But instead of trying to control, it is better to leave a small space.

It is not necessary to know absolutely everything so that communication is in pleasure. Each spouse should have its own personal space. Leisure is not necessary to carry out always separately, although this is useful, there must simply be freedom. That is, everyone decides where to go and what to do. And there should not be any prohibitions and permits.

2. Be yourself and develop


A healthy family is the one where both can remain as it is. It should not be complete disputes and scandals, where everyone forces us to accept their own point of view.

If you want to remain yourself, then you must accept your spouse. You should not have a single opinion on any reason. For success in relations, compromises and concessions are needed. No, you do not need to adapt to the spouse, just at least there should be any concessions.

Each family can develop spiritually. This happens in two different directions - everyone develops himself, and both develop together. And it is not even necessary to compare yourself with other families and do the same. Your views may be different and differ. Each family is unique and therefore cannot be equal to someone.

3. Enjoy the process

Family relations are not a race, at the end of which some prize awaits you. In fact, this is just a process that must always enjoy. As a reward, you will receive many pleasant moments and sensations that are created naturally.

One of the secrets of good relationships is that you should not think that your spouse is completely yours and will not go anywhere. This is not property or given. He is also a man with his thoughts.

Fight for your happiness and win a person every day with the help of love and support. Add interesting communication and original pastime. In other words, if you want to maintain interest, then it must be supported.

How to determine a healthy relationship or not: signs

Signs of healthy relationships
Signs of healthy relationships

Are you sure that in front of you is the one you need? After all, often you have to waste time on a useless relationship, in which there is nothing good. Of course, the rules in healthy relationships should be respected, but how to understand that the relationship is exactly what? Let's find out.

  • You are an addition to each other

Do you know how the work of the team? Each in it does certain things, and they lead to the result. But this must be done together and then the team reaches great heights. Approximately the same principle is applicable for healthy relationships.

If one does not like to wash the dishes, then the second can do it for it. This is called support. And when one is the addition of the second, it is perfect.

  • You argue

But infrequently and kindly. You both have your own opinion and can defend it. It is very good. But if one constantly agrees with the second, then this is already strange, because no one is able to think exactly the same.

Some may think that the lack of disputes is the opposite is good. But this is not at all good, as it might seem. After all, it means that someone sacrificed their beliefs.

  • You always support each other

The relationship does not have a weekend and, especially, leave. Either they are, or they are not. If the relationship is healthy, then both people will be happy to be together. If difficulties arise, they will solve them together.

  • You do not hide your shortcomings

We are all not perfect and there are absolutely disadvantages. The only question is - are you ready to accept all this? If you can adhere to ordinary behavior in a relationship, and all the shortcomings are known to the partner, and he did not run away from you, then you can congratulate you - your relationship is perfect.

  • You are not afraid to talk about sex
Happy couple
Happy couple

Frankness is always important for a healthy relationship. Partners should learn to talk on any topic, even sex. You should never be shy in front of your beloved, and you can tell about your innermost fantasies. This is a sign of trust.

  • You can be silent together

Everyone had such a friend with whom it was pleasant to even shut up. Relations are also impossible without this. It is not necessary to constantly chat incessantly. Sometimes you can stop a little and just enjoy the moment.

  • You feel like a person

You must always remain a personality and not dissolve in your chosen one. If you constantly adapt, you will lose yourself. Over time, an understanding will come that you are a victim and are losing yourself.

  • You respect personal space

Yes, you are a couple, but everyone should have personal space. Everyone has the right to this and you are no exception.

This means that you should not constantly view the things and the phone of your beloved. Normal people do not do that. There should be freedom and compliance with personal boundaries in everything.

  • You completely trust each other
Absolute trust
Absolute trust

Trust is extremely important. Without it, relations cannot exist. If your pair is missing, then one of the partners will always be nervous and express their suspicions of treason. Often nervousness manifests itself even when going to work and it is sad. Even if not immediately, but the relationship in the end collapses. And all because there is no trust.

  • You have no forbidden topics

In every pair there are topics that I do not want to discuss. If you constantly be silent, then a misunderstanding will gradually come. And this, again, provoke scandals and unnecessary suspicions. So, if something bothers you, then it is better to discuss it, even if it is very unpleasant.

Communication is extremely important, because if it is not, then how to build a relationship. You should not have any prohibitions on conversations. Moreover, this will preserve peace and tranquility.

  • You accept each other with the whole past

We all have a certain past. Of course, it can be difficult to accept that a loved one had someone except you, but it needs to be done. Otherwise, you cannot move further.

Do not be afraid to discuss the past, because it cannot be changed. If you do not even want to hear that your loved one already had a relationship, then you just cut off part of his life.

As we have already said, in a healthy relationship there should not be forbidden topics, no causeless jealousy, especially to the past.

  • You actively support each other

Loving people always support each other because they are confident in their power. Thus, when your half has outlined the goal, you will not create obstacles, but do everything to achieve it. Of course, help should also be reasonable.

  • You do not stop working on relationships

The peak is in any relationship. You can get to it quickly, or you can crawl there for years in small steps. That's just despite a long ascent, the fall will be very fast. To linger at the top, you must definitely work on relationships and not let them wag them. If you just got married and calmed down on this, then you should not be surprised, if in a few months you are constantly scandalous and moved away from each other.

  • You are honest with each other

Honesty is important for relationships. If they line up in deception, then there is nothing to say here. Of course, sometimes you can go to a small deception, but only if he is good.

  • They are not trying to change you

Everyone in a relationship should not pretend. If you have to do this or change something in yourself, then this is already bad. The essence of a healthy relationship is to accept a person as he is and not try to change anything. Yes, you can change some points, but not with someone else's presentation. You must also want this.

Video: What is a healthy relationship?

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