The pickle of mushrooms of a row for the winter in banks: the best recipes. How to pick up and marin the mushrooms of rowers for the winter at home? Marinade for preserving mushrooms of rows: recipes

The pickle of mushrooms of a row for the winter in banks: the best recipes. How to pick up and marin the mushrooms of rowers for the winter at home? Marinade for preserving mushrooms of rows: recipes

Delicious recipes for pickling and salting mushrooms of a row.

A fruitful summer is a great opportunity to prepare natural gifts for the winter for the future. The range of mushrooms growing in our forests is huge. The most unpretentious and common of them are rows. Experienced fungi know where and how to find and collect them, but they do not always know how to properly and deliciously prepare them for long -term storage. Consider the most optimal options for recipes for preparing rides for the winter in this article.

Pickling of row mushrooms for the winter: recipes for cooking in banks

Forest gifts in hermetic packaging

The first way
The composition of the marinade:

  1. Water - 1 liter
  2. Vinegar 5% - 10 tbsp.
  3. Salt - 2 tbsp.
  4. Sugar - 2 tsp
  5. Fragrant pepper - 12 peas
  6. Citric acid - 6 g
  7. A little cloves and cinnamon

Processing process:

  • We boil the prepared mushrooms until cooked (the product should drop to the bottom of the pan), with the addition of 50 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid
  • After boiling, we face a colander
  • We fill out banks for 2/3
  • We prepare the marinade
  1. We bring all the components, without vinegar, to boiling
  2. Then pour in vinegar essence, once again let the solution boil
  3. Pour cans with mushrooms with hot marinade and send for sterilization
  4. Banks with a capacity of 0.5 liters with a sterilizing 20 minutes, 1 l - 25 min., 3 l - 30 minutes.
  5. Next, we roll up lacquered metal covers

The second method

2 kg of mushrooms will be needed:

      1. Water - 1 tbsp.
      2. Salt - 3 tbsp.
      3. Vinegar (5%) - 1 tbsp.
      4. Sugar - 2 tsp
      5. Bay leaf-4-6 pcs.
      6. Cloves - 4 pcs.
      7. Black pepper-10-12 peas

Process technology:

  • All components of the marinade are brought to a boil
  • We fall asleep prepared mushrooms
  • Boil stirring 20-25 minutes
  • The formed foam is periodically removed
  • After the liquid took a transparent appearance, we lay the mushrooms in jars
  • We sterilize depending on the container, the due time
  • Hermetically repulse with iron lids
  • Store in the refrigerator or cellar

Marinade for preserving mushrooms of rows: recipes

Methods of preparing mushroom marinades

Option 1

Composition of 3 kg of rows:

  1. Wine vinegar - 1 l.
  2. Water - 3 tbsp.
  3. Salt - 4 tsp
  4. Sugar - 2 tsp
  5. Onions - 1.5 pcs.
  6. Carrots - 1 pc.
  7. Bay leaf, pepper with peas - to taste
  8. Lemon zest - 1 pc.


  • Chop the onion in half rings, chop the carrots into cubes
  • Pour vinegar into a pan with cold water
  • Add prepared vegetables
  • Boil 10 minutes over low heat
  • Then add the remaining ingredients. Do not grind lemon, we put it entirely
  • We boil another 5 minutes
  • We remove the lemon zest
  • The rest of the marinade of the bay mushrooms

Option 2

  1. Water - 1 l.
  2. Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Pepper black peas - 12 pcs.
  5. Fragrant pepper - 5 pcs.
  6. Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  7. Sugar - 0.5 tsp.
  8. Muscular nut - on the tip of a knife
  9. Ground red pepper –1/4 tsp
  10. Vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.

Step -by -step technology:

  • Put in cold water: salt, black pepper and fragrant, laurel sheet, sugar
  • Boil for 5 minutes
  • Add nutmeg, red pepper, vegetable oil
  • We bring to a boil
  • Pour the mushrooms with a ready brine

How to salt rows hot in banks?

Hot method of pickles

This salting method allows you to quickly get rid of mushroom bitterness. In addition, proper heat treatment gives them additional elasticity.

  • Boil the prepared rows in slightly salted water

Important: you can’t cook mushrooms several times in a row in the same liquid, since they acquire an unsightly dark color, and the bitter taste does not completely pass.

  • Boil a quarter of an hour
  • Rinse in cold water
  • We put in a prepared container, sprinkling each layer:
  1. salt
  2. garlic cloves
  3. pieces of horseradish root
  4. currant leaves
  5. other seasonings to taste
  • If we salt in the banks, we press a cherry branch so that the mushrooms are covered with a brine on top
  • When salting in barrels, we put the load on top
  • The salting hotly makes it possible to eat mushrooms in food in a week

On kg of boiled rites, they usually take: 2 tbsp. salts, 4 laurel sheets, 5 peas of fragrant pepper, 3 cloves, 5 g of dill, 2 sheets of blackcurrant.

How to salt rows in a cold way in banks?

Cold preparation of rides

For 1 kg of mushroom harvest, we prepare:

      1. Garlic - 4 cloves
      2. Dill umbrellas - 3 pcs.
      3. Currant, cherry, bay leaves-2-4 pcs.
      4. Salt (large) - 50 g
      5. Pigles with peas - 4 pcs.

Stages of cooking:

  • Mushrooms are good and release from forest garbage
  • On the bottom of the selected container, lay out the greens and seasonings
  • We lay rows in several layers, each of which is sprinkled with salt, seasonings and leaves
  • We put wooden oppression on top
  • When mold appears on the brine, wash the load, remove the mold with a spoon
  • Mushrooms are ready after 30-40 days

Despite the fact that rows are very often found in the forest, they are little known for beginner mushroom pickers. Since this type of mushrooms is very tasty both in salty and pickled, experienced experts love to make winter blanks with their own hands.

We hope that this article will help make stocks for long -term storage without much difficulty.

Video: pickled mushrooms for the winter. A good recipe for pickled mushrooms from Chambacutv

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