Bagua protective mirror on Feng Shui: when and how to use it correctly? What should Bagua mirror look like? Where to buy a bagua mirror: tips, links to Aliexpress

Bagua protective mirror on Feng Shui: when and how to use it correctly? What should Bagua mirror look like? Where to buy a bagua mirror: tips, links to Aliexpress

This article will talk about the protective mirror of Bagua.

The ancient Feng Shui doctrine is in close interconnection with many other sciences such as psychology, medicine, ecology, architecture and design. No thing in our environment, according to Chinese sages, is neutral.

But in addition to positively or negatively charging objects, there are special amulets that can neutralize this energy. One of these items and the most popular talismans in the East is the Bagua mirror. And it is precisely about its proper use that we will talk in this material.

What is the Bagua protective mirror for?

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui, which originated more than three thousand years ago, considers a person and the world around him, consisting of objects, things, natural phenomena, as a single, inextricable and interconnected system in its individual elements.

The art of Feng Shui, which for many centuries has been stored by the masters and adherents of Chinese philosophy and was passed down from generation to generation, is to bring this system into harmony. And thus it normalizes life, health, spiritual and physical essence of man.

Bagua mirror
Bagua mirror
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, favorable energy is qi energy,which comes from purity and comfort in the house.And also it follows from Smooth interior lines and calm, beautiful landscapes outside the window.
  • It is considered unfavorable The energy of Sha (Sha-Ci),emanating from everything that violates general harmony. Such objects include straight lines and sharp corners,to change which in the surrounding interior is not always in our capabilities.
    • For example, a straight road leaving the door of our home, or the corner of the neighboring structure, visible from the window, are sources of negative energy. And she is able to negatively influence our lives.
  • Such straight lines are also called "arrows of Sha." There are different ways to neutralize this energy:
    • for example, a semicircular flowerbed with flowers in the life of a straight road to the house;
    • or a flower exhibited on the windowsill, growing in a pot with the ground.

Important: Earth, flowers and semicircular design forms, as well as asymmetry that confuses direct action, can significantly change the direction and influence of energy.

Especially dangerous forms of Shaw energy, when there are such unpleasant and even energetically evil places in front of you, like hospitals, landfills or the same clusters near garbage chips, cemeteries. In such cases, it is worth using a more serious gun. And the most effective amulet for its neutralization is Bagua mirror.

With trigrams
With trigrams

What is the Bagua mirror: how should it look like?

Bagua mirror (“BA” means 8, “gua” - trigram) is not an ordinary mirror that we all used to use in everyday life. This is a special ritual item, made exclusively by masters of the East.

Important: and this is the exotic object that, in case of improper manufacture or use, may pose a serious danger to its owner and others.

  • Bagua mirror frame It is made of wood in the shape of an octagon, connecting nine planes. The appropriate hieroglyphs are applied to them that are responsible for one side of a person’s life:
    • Career
    • Family well -being
    • Luck
    • Creativity and children
    • Helpers
    • Knowledge
    • Health
    • Reputation
    • Wealth
  • At first they are applied by embossing on the flat surface of the sectors, and then painted over.
  • The edges are decorated with appropriate trigrams- a set of immortal symbols “yin” and “yang” in the form of different strips in a certain combination. That is, three horizontal inextricable or interrupted lines. They indicate the phenomena and the element of our nature.
    • According to legends, the first emperor of China Fu Si, who studied the drawings on the shell of the turtle, which is considered in China, a sacred animal.

Important: Do not confuse the Bagua mirror with a bagua net!

The sequence of trigrams
The sequence of trigrams of the former sky
  • In the center is the mirror itself, considered the health sector of its owner. It is it that plays the main role. But without an octagon and the correct combination of trigrams, the action will be wrong and even useless. It will be just a mirror.
    • But it is also worth touching that amulets without a mirror with trigrams and in the shape of an octagon Also, Bagua mirror does not have such power. But on the other hand, such symbols can be stored in your home to attract good luck in many areas of life, depending on the location in the right zone.

Important: when buying a mirror, pay attention to the sequence of trigrams - they should be in the original or pre -human sequence! You must also hang or put it with such a combination. Otherwise, the work of the mirror will be shot down. By the way, a small loop over three horizontal lines - Qian (sky) acts as a hint.

Attention to trigrams
Attention to trigrams

The mirror surface can be three types:

  • flat - neutralizes negative energy, like any mirror surface
  • concave - deprives evil and prevents him from entering the house
  • convex - completely destroys the evil trying to enter the house

Important: a convex mirror is considered the most powerful, but it is also the most dangerous, capable of causing serious harm to others at the slightest violation in its use.

  • The sizes of mirrors also have a certain value. A small plane poorly reflects negative energy, and people and objects on which the mirror will have a negative effect can fall into the field of action. The size of the mirror is considered optimal 10-14 cm in diameter.
Convex mirror - the strongest
Convex mirror - the strongest

How and where to place the Bagua mirror correctly?

  • Bagua mirror is a powerful tool that can send negative flows to the side, where it is directed. That is why in no case Do not place it in a living room!
    • It is also forbidden to close part of the entrance space, place the front door from the end so that in it People entering the house were reflecteddirect the mirror side On a neighboring house.So it can cause significant harm to you or people living nearby.

Important: but in China, a flat and concave talisman serves to attract money and good luck by depriving the negativity in your house. And it can be placed inside the house. But a convex mirror with trigrams is considered a talisman from evil spirits, which is strictly forbidden to hang in the house! After all, it concludes all the negative in itself. But its inhabitants try to avoid completely because of high power-only in extreme cases. Therefore, they give more to the first two types for external protection.

  • The mirror has the most harmful effect on all surrounding people if Opposite it, the same amulet is placed and their reflection intersect, forming a mirror corridor.
    • In this case, no one will be greeted. Famous in Hong Kong the War of Mirrors, when more and more similar amulets that had large size appeared on the houses, ended with a significant increase in accidents on the roads of the city. After this incident, a special decree was issued on limiting the size of the mirrors, which immediately sharply reduced the number of tragedies.
Do not direct the reflection towards the neighbors!
Do not direct the reflection towards the neighbors!
  • The best place for this mirror in the house will be a place high Above the front door from the outside.But at the same time, it is important that the door of the neighboring house does not reflect in it and people who entering the house could not see their reflection.
  • Or you place it from the other side of the house, Where does the negative energy come from.That is, the mirror should “look” at Sha, but at the same time not reflect people and residential buildings.
  • How More free spaceit will be reflected in the mirror, the more power will be, which means that less space in it will remain to preserve and accumulate negative energy.

In addition to the fact that the mirror is able to reflect all the negative energy, it is a good protection against enterprises with harmful industries located within visibility. Also in his power to protect against the evil eye, damage and the influence of black magic. In zones with increased seismic activity or potential threat of natural disasters, the Bagua mirror will also not be superfluous. After all, his strong energy can accumulate positive energy and protect from trouble.

Important: the main requirement of the Bagua mirror is not to harm! If you hang him incorrectly and bring trouble to other residents, then everything will return to you by a boomerang according to the law of nature.

Such a amulet is better to hang outside the house
Such a amulet is better to hang outside the house

Bagua mirror care

  • Bagua mirror is necessary periodically wash and wipe with a dry towel - So you will save him from the accumulation of negative energy. If this is not done, all the negative will accumulate and accumulate in the mirror, turning it into a source of negative energy.
  • And then he will be able to influence the mood and health of others. By the way, this applies to any mirror. In families where unwashed mirrors hang for months, conflicts, scandals and various troubles arise much more often, and living in the house have health problems.
  • It is believed that there is nothing more dangerous than to break the Bagua mirror. However, if this is not done intentionally, you should carefully collect its fragments and Put under running water.After an hour or two, they will become completely safe and they can be safely thrown away.
  • Also, you cannot use the cracked or dodged Bagua mirrors. By the way, any cracked or broken mirror should be thrown away.

Important: due to the absorption of negativity and double reflection, like any mirror, Bagua is considered a very strong energy battery. And it is negative, again, like any mirror. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to look at it. With its reflection, you get troubles and illnesses addressed to you.

In the mirror of Bagua, people should not be reflected
In the mirror of Bagua, people should not be reflected

Where to purchase a bagua mirror: tips, links to Aliexpress

  • Unfortunately, recently this fairly powerful ritual item has begun to be in high demand and is freely sold in many souvenir stores or esoteric Feng Shui shops.
  • And this cannot be called correct, because its manufacture for a wide network is by no means specialists. Well, if this is a purely decorative craft that does not have any magical effect. By the way, note that The trigram grid is not always in the correct order or completely confused.
  • Worse, when the Bagua mirror was the goal of creating a charm, that is, a magic ritual was used, but serious mistakes were made that could harm the health and karma of people.
  • It can also be freely bought for Aliexpress.And the abundance of souvenirs offers various variations of appearance. Again, on many pages of the BAGAU grid there is a passing direction. This is not a mistake, but still in China, the first combination (in the photo on the right) is merged with a classic version. Therefore, be careful!
  • If you decide to become the owner of the Bagua mirror, carefully study all its features. And even better - refer to the famous Eastern master. Its tips should be used before entering this item to the house and find a suitable place to accommodate it.
  • And understand that This is not the amulet that should be in your house "just in case."
  • And, of course, You should not even try to make a bagua mirror yourself Or order its manufacture to local craftsmen. Remember-without knowledge of the teachings of Feng Shui, the meanings of hieroglyphs and trigrams this can be too dangerous.

Video: Bagua Protective Mirror

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