Conspiracies, prayers and rituals on the growing moon for coins, bills, wallet, candle, water, salt: white magic. What are the conspiracies and prayers to the growing moon to read on Wednesday, Thursday, the first day?

Conspiracies, prayers and rituals on the growing moon for coins, bills, wallet, candle, water, salt: white magic. What are the conspiracies and prayers to the growing moon to read on Wednesday, Thursday, the first day?

Our article will introduce you to conspiracies that can be read on a growing moon. You will also learn how to properly conduct rites to attract wealth, love and health.

If we consider the moon from the point of view of esotericism, then we can say that it is a sufficiently powerful energy body, which, regardless of our desires, every day affects our behavior and thoughts. It has the greatest influence on us precisely in the period when it grows intensively.

Therefore, if you want to attract wealth, restore health or simply radically change your life, then try to conduct a rite of white magic precisely in this time period.

What conspiracies and prayers to read on a candle, water, salt on the growing moon?

Rites on the moon

Esotericists argue that the growing moon carries a fairly strong energy of pleasant changes. Therefore, all the time while it increases in size, you can try to attract good luck, love and wealth. As practice shows, absolutely all conspiracies associated with the growth of something during this period give a positive result very quickly. But remember, the energy of the night queen can only be used in the rites of white magic.

If you try to do physical or non-pecuniary damage to someone with it, then with a high probability the problem will not begin with the one to whom you wanted them, but with you. To enhance the energy of the Moon, all rituals are carried out with certain attributes. For example, conspiracies for attracting love are most often read to a candle, luck is attracted to salt, and money and wealth for water.

Since these things are more material than the heavenly luminary that you turn to, with their help you can fill the space around yourself with the necessary energy even after the full moon comes.

What conspiracies and prayers to read on the first day of the growing moon, on Wednesday on the growing moon and Thursday?

Conspiracies for the growing moon

As you probably already understood the period of the growth of the moon is a special time, so if you want your life to change at least a little for the better, then right on the first day of the new moon, begin to conduct rites to attract good luck. In addition, on the first day of the growth of the moon, it is best to read conspiracies to attract money and wealth.

It is believed that as it grows, your financial condition will improve. True, by conducting the desired ceremony, you must clearly understand that the heavenly luminary helps only those who treat it with respect and, most importantly, believes in its strength. Therefore, if you read a conspiracy without faith that the white strip will soon begin in your life, then positive changes are unlikely to come.

As for the environment, it is considered a female day. On this day, you can conduct rituals for love, marriage and pregnancy. Thursday, on the contrary, is considered a masculine day, so at this time it is best to read prayers for reconciliation, attracting wealth or conspiracies from enemies.

Strong money conspiracy and rite of wealth money, for bills, coins for the growing moon: white magic

Conspiracy for money

Remember, cash ceremonies do not like fuss and noise, so they need to be carried out in secluded places. Ideally, you should find a place where you are almost always quiet and, most importantly, strangers never go there. The best option in this case may be the bedroom. After you conduct the rite, you will have to mentally imagine how the number of bills in your wallet increases.

Yes, and it will be better if before conducting the ritual you buy yourself a new wallet green color and put a couple of large bills in it. He will also strengthen the energy of the conspiracy, thereby helping the moon to improve your financial condition. If you want to attract money and wealth as quickly as possible, then conduct the next rite. Take 12 identical coins or bills, carefully fold them, wrap them in green fabric and tie everything on 7 strong nodes.

Then place the resulting workpiece on the window so that the moonlight falls on it all the time, and every evening before bedtime read the conspiracy over it (you can see the words of the conspiracy a little higher). When the full moon comes, the spoke coins and the bills will need to be transferred to the wallet. They will play the role of a magnet attracting wealth to you.

A strong conspiracy for the love of a man, husband, guy on the growing moon

Conspiracy for husband's love

A conspiracy on the growing moon is an excellent alternative to the rituals of black magic, which simply put the chosen one. In this case, a sufficiently soft effect will have a sufficiently soft effect on the object of your adoration, which in no case will suppress its psyche. And although this means that you still have to fight for your love, if you behave correctly, you will get it, then what you strive for.

It is better to start reading such a conspiracy literally from the first days of the growth of the moon. If you can give the correct energy message, then the heavenly luminary will grow, the sympathy of your chosen one to you will grow. Rights to keep in mind that it is undesirable to conduct such a rite in the evening. Since we are talking about bright feelings, it will be better if you read the prayer at the time of sunrise or in an extreme case at noon.

In addition, keep in mind that there are periods in which women and girls cannot attract a man's love. Read conspiracies for love categorically cannot be during menstruation. Therefore, if critical days have fallen for the period of the growth of the moon, then postpone the ritual until next month.

Strong conspiracy for luck, on the growing moon

Conspiracy for good luck

If you want to attract good luck, you will have to read the conspiracy correctly and make a strong energy amulet with it, which will direct you in the right direction. As an amulet, you can use any thing that you carry with you all the time. It can be a ring, a chain and even an ordinary button.

In order for your chosen thing to have the right energy, it will be necessary to conduct a certain ritual above it. So, take a church candle, light it at midnight, and holding a ring or button above it, begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy. Repeat it three times, put out the flame and go to bed. Continue to speak your amulet all the time while the moon will grow.

On the day of the full moon, put the amulet on yourself. Yes, and remember, telling someone, even the closest relatives, is undesirable about the rite. The most minimal negative can destroy the positive energy of the conspiracy and then you will not get exactly the result as you expected.

Conspiracy of a wallet on a growing moon: Prayer

A conspiracy for a wallet

I immediately want to say that it is a new wallet to speak. The old one, of course, can also be spoke, but as practice shows, as a result, the ritual does not give the desired result. Therefore, it will be better if you go to a store or shopping center and purchase a wallet of green or red.

Yes, and do not save on this purchase. If you want money to be called, what is called the Lipple, then spend money on a good leather purse. After you bring it home, light three church candles and put a wallet, a magnet and a pack of dry yeast between them. Concentrate very well and begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy as accurately as possible.

After you read it three times, you can pick up your wallet and lay money in it. Also, do not forget to put a magnet and a pack of yeast in one of the departments. The magnet will attract everything that you spent, and the yeast will contribute to make your finances quickly increase.

Conspiracy on the growing moon for longing and the return of the beloved

Conspiracy to return a loved one

If you feel that passion in your relationship began to fade away and your loved one is a little move away from you, then you can try to refresh your feelings with a conspiracy for longing. But keep in mind if you do not want to suppress the will of your loved one, then do not use blood or his personal belongings for this. In this case, after the ceremony, you risk getting a jealous, who will control you in everything.

In view of this, it will be better if you conduct a rite that simply warms up the emotions of a man. To conduct it, you will need a sheet of paper, a handle and three red candles. Put a sheet of paper on the table, put your joint photo on top of it, and put the candles on top of it and light them. Then focus and start reading the conspiracy.

It will be necessary to pronounce it seven times, and then you will have to wait until the candle is completely burned out. After that, you will need to carefully wrap the photo in the paper (try so that the wax that gets on it does not crack) and put everything in the bedside table or on the shelf in the closet.

Losing weight on the growing moon

Slimming conspiracy

On the first day of the new moon, go to the market or to the store and buy a wooden crest there. Bringing the purchase home, sprinkle it with holy water and read our prayer over it. Do not eat anything all day, but drink only water. Wait when the moon appears in the sky and all the households settle down to sleep, and begin to conduct the rite.

To do this, stand by the window (the moonlight should fall on you) and begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy as clearly as possible. You need to do this so that a wooden comb is always in your field of vision. Read the conspiracy three times, cross yourself and go to bed. Starting from the next day, you can start combing excess fat.

This must be done precisely at a time when a night queen will appear in the sky. Carry out the ceremony until the full moon, and then take a break. You can continue weight loss only when the moon begins to grow again.

Conspiracies for beauty and hair growth on the growing moon

Conspiracy for beauty

Beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of every woman. But unfortunately, only units of modern beauties manage to grow long curls. If you can’t do this with care products, then try to strengthen the growth of your hair with a special conspiracy.

You can read it just by looking at the young moon or you can try to speak the same comb or, for example, herbal Otar. In order for these objects to charge the necessary energy, you will need to place them on the windowsill every evening and read magic words above them. Getting up in the morning, you just have to use the spoke things during hygiene procedures.

If you want positive energy to influence your curls for a day, then wear a conspurated comb with you and periodically comb the hair with it throughout the day.

Conspiracy for good trade and profit on the growing moon

Trading conspiracy

It is best to read conspiracies for good trade in the place where you sell your product and in those days when there is a very large number of buyers in your outlet. Therefore, if you want a profit conspiracy to help you improve your financial condition, then read it on a weekend. If you can’t do this, then conduct the rite on Wednesday if it, of course, does not fall on the 13th.

It is also worth avoiding cash ceremonies on the 23rd and 27th. These lunar days are also considered unsuitable for speaking amulets as they carry negative energy. To conduct this rite, you will need salt and coins. Make a circle from salt, put the coins in it, and then start talking. Read a conspiracy for profit over them, and then put the salt in a red bag, and the money is green.

Put the salt as close as possible at the entrance, and put the coins at the cash desk. The green bag will do everything so that people do not come out of you with money, and red will help you always have money at your box office.

Conspiracy on the growing moon for a good job

Conspiracy for a good job

As you already, probably, understood in order to get what you want, you always need to wear a correctly conspiracy item with you. Therefore, in this case, you will need to choose a thing that will help you find the work of your dreams. As an amulet to attract work, it is best to use stationery or, for example, an ordinary scarf.

They will have to be spoke with a conspiracy that you can see a little higher, and always carry with you. But keep in mind, even after you get into a good company, continue to carry the spoke things with you. They will protect you from the envy of your colleagues and will certainly help you move the career ladder as quickly as possible.

Conspiracy for health and from diseases on the growing moon

Conspiracy from diseases

Health conspiracies are most popular among people. But few of them know that they are effective only if they are read over holy water. In view of this, if you want to get a positive result, then stock up on such a liquid and read the conspiracy on it. It is best to recruit water for such a rite on great church holidays and preferably after confession and communion.

Having brought the water home, you will need to ask God for blessings and only after that start reading a conspiracy for health. After you utter the necessary words, put the water on the window and give the moon the opportunity to nourish it with your energy. Do such a ritual for 7 days, and then begin to use water a little every day, morning and evening.

Watch for winning a lottery on the growing moon

Win plot in the lottery

The rite of winning in the lottery, as a rule, is carried out over the money for which it will be bought. For such a ritual, large bills are used. After you buy a lottery and you will be given back, you will need to put it in a wallet and wear it there until you get a win. She will play the role of a magnet that will attract a lot of money to you.

So, take any large bill, place it on the windowsill or just as close as possible by the window, and read conspiracy over it for seven consecutive days. Then, on the 9th lunar day, take the money spoke and buy a lottery for them. Put it to the delivery received during the purchase, and keep them together all the time.

Conspiracy to fulfill desire for a growing moon

Conspiracy for the fulfillment of desire

The ritual for the fulfillment of desires, as a rule, begins to be carried out on the third day of the new moon. It is believed that it is at this time that the energy of our planet is as aimed at fulfilling the cherished desires. To conduct this rite, you will need a red, green and yellow satin ribbon. They will need to be stuck together with a strong knot, and then weave a bracelet from them in 36 movements.

The end of the pigtail will also need to be fixed with a strong knot. During weaving, you will have to pronounce a conspiracy and mentally think about your desire all the time. After the ribbons are woven, you just have to make a bracelet out of the workpiece and wear it on your right hand all the time.

Conspiracy on the growing moon so that the desired person calls

Conspiracy to the call

Mages and esoterics advise reading the conspiracies for the right call, clearly imagining the one you want to talk at that moment. As they say, only the most clear visualization of the interlocutor can help create the right energy message.

As for the spoke things, they can be used in the rite in this case, though they will play a secondary role. If you can’t imagine the features of the person from whom you want to get a call, then get his photo and look at him during the pronunciation of the conspiracy all the time.

After the necessary words are spoken, put the phone with a photo on the window and let them spend the night under the moonlight. If the next day you will not receive a call from the right person, then repeat the ritual again.

Drill conspiracy on the growing moon

Conspiracy from drunkenness

Conspiracies from drunkenness most often begin to read on the first day of the new moon. As a rule, magical words are pronounced over holy water and salt. After the rite, these products are gradually added to food and drinking an addictive person, and also used as a protective amulet.

You can put the spoke in the clothes of the drinking and when he leaves the house, she will protect him from the temptation to drink alcohol. With conspired water, it will be possible to clean the space in the house. To do this, it will be necessary to add 15-20 drops of magic fluid to the water and wipe it with it all the surfaces in the room in which a person with alcohol addiction lives.

Conspiracy for marriage on the growing moon

Conspiracy for marriage

The conspiracy of marriage is quite strongly affected by a person’s subconscious, so if you are not sure that your second half experiences the same feelings for you as you, then it is better not to spend it. The beloved will eventually make an offer, but since this will not happen by his will, your marriage may be short -lived.

A conspiracy for a successful marriage must be read over indoor plants bought on the first day of the New Moon. Therefore, plan your time so that you have the opportunity to make such a purchase on this day and preferably in the first half of the day. Try to find two constantly flowering flower red and white.

Bring them home and put them on the window, having previously tied together with a red ribbon. Every day before going to bed, read a conspiracy over them, with which we introduced you a little higher. After the new moon comes, remove the flowers from the windowsill and without untie the tape, put as close as possible by your bed. It is believed that the more often you see these indoor plants, the faster you can get married.

Pregnancy conspiracy on the growing moon

Conspiracy for conception

Asking the night queen of the baby you must understand that the child is a gift of God, therefore, in this case, you must combine both white magic and Christian prayers. The totality of these two components will help you close the child as quickly as possible. Therefore, before reading conspiracies over a marital bed, first go to church with your husband and take communion.

Be sure to give alms to three asking people. It is necessary to do this, it is believed that a person can get a gift only if he sincerely repents of his earthly sins and does not spare his condition for those in need. After the third visit to the church, you can begin to speak a marital bed. This will have to be done 12 days in a row.

So, before you go to bed, open the curtains on the window and let the moonlight nourish your bed with positive energy. Then, dressing in a clean shirt, begin to slowly pronounce the words of the conspiracy. After reading it 3 times in a row, you can call your husband and go to bed. If you want the conspiracy to act faster, you can read it with your spouse.

Conspiracy on the growing moon: consequences

The consequences of conspiracies

Know, any even the most harmless conspiracy has a great influence on the fate of a person. Therefore, you must always remember that if you do something wrong, then not only do not change your life for the better, but, on the contrary, make it even more difficult. In view of this, it will be better if you conduct all the rites with the maximum concentration and the belief that the moon can help you in solving your problems.

You should also be very careful about the amulets that you will speak on the growing moon. You will have to protect them even after you get everything that you asked for a night luminary. The conspired items should never be thrown away or given. People with poor energy can destroy the protection they gave you, and then the old problems will return to you again.

Video: a strong conspiracy from debts. How to get rid of debts. The conspiracy is strong for money for the growing moon

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