Why do men grow a nail on a little finger? What does a long nail mean in men in men?

Why do men grow a nail on a little finger? What does a long nail mean in men in men?
The reasons for wearing long nails on little finger by men of different nationalities.
Each person looks individual and tries to emphasize his best sides externally. Some people thus pay tribute to fashion and the rules of etiquette in a particular society.

So there are standards for the length of the hair, the neatness of clothing, its style and combination with other accessories. You can argue that these rules are not an axiom for execution. Yes, this is true, but if a person wants to be accepted in the society in which he lives, he will subconsciously follow him.

There are a lot of legends, fictions and real explanations for such an unusual phenomenon as a long nail on the little finger of a male hand.

Let's look into history and consider in more detail the reasons that influenced it.

What does a long nail mean in men in men?

The hand of a dark -skinned man with open nails on a little finger and thumb
the hand of a dark -skinned man with open nails on a little finger and thumb
  • Historical data says that growing a nail on a little finger in men originates in the 17th century
  • Then the representatives of the strong half of humanity conducted active correspondence and so communicated with the world. And for the quick opening of the letters, they found a way out - the nail of the little finger of the left hand, because the right one was involved in writing and shooting from weapons
However, with a change in the features of mocking the postal envelopes, the necessity in nails of different lengths on male hands also disappeared.
  • At the same time, in France there was a rule of good tone when the guest did not knock on the door with his fist, but the scraper with her finger. Agree, this is easier and faster to make an with a tender fingernail
  • The past century was turbulent on events and changes in the appearance of a person. So in the 70s of the United States, a wave of youth addiction to drugs swept a wave of youth. Cocaine was particularly popular
Young guys began to grow a nail on the little finger, to make it easier to measure one dose of the drug. In their world, their own measure of weight of white powder appeared - a nail.
The man just began to grow a nail on the little finger of his left hand
the man just began to grow a nail on the little finger of his left hand
  • In Soviet times, at the end of the last century, criminal authorities grew a nail on the little finger in order to stand out among other prisoners. Since the former enjoyed the special conditions for serving the sentence and did not work physically, they could afford to take care of their own hands and nails
  • Card shilers caught a wave of a fashionable hand with a long fingernail to perform exchange tricks. They laid it between the cards in the deck and performed a cunning removal, which was called "volt"
  • Continuing the topic of those who do not honor the laws, we recall the thieves-pockets. Among them there are representatives with an abdicated nail on a little finger, with the help of which they carefully cut bags and pockets of their victims
  • The real need to have a long nail on the little finger was accompanied by the work of the assistant driver. This man twisted the tape with information about the speed of movement, route stops, and brake track. And this tape was akin to a black box on modern aircraft
  • Among the pilots there are also many representatives wearing a long nail on the little finger. The history of tradition originates from the Second World War. The pilots then did not have time to sleep, not to look at their appearance. And the nails were embarrassed to cut off the spinning propeller. But once Meresiev did not manage to cut them completely, he was left alone on the little finger of his left hand. This is the pilot saved. He was able to get food, cut the parachute cables, build stilts for himself and get to his own. Since then, the elongated nail on the little finger of the pilot has become the personification of faith, resourcefulness and invincibility of the Soviet warrior
  • Employees of jewelry workshops have such a distinctive sign as a long nail on the little finger. With it, they capture small precious stones and links of chains during repair
  • Many guitarists to this day leave elongated nails on the arm, which make it easier for them to play the guitar without a mediator
Although there are other explanations for wearing this phenomenon. For example, A.S. Pushkin had a long nail on the little finger, as he was a member of the Masonic society.
Portrait of A.S. Pushkin, who also wore a long nail on the little finger
portrait of A.S. Pushkin, who also wore a long nail on the little finger

Several explanations from the field of unconfirmed:

  • superpowers. In ancient times, sorcerers, magicians and wizards had nails of different lengths, which distinguished them among other people. Perhaps this tradition has firmly strengthened in the family and now the descendants just follow it
  • palmistry. The little finger symbolizes human oratory abilities and his tendency to science. If the nail is laid on it, then the owner wants to strengthen these features in his character. Therefore, among teachers, you can often meet men with a long fingernail on a little finger and make sure that you are pleased and interesting to talk with them
  • talisman, that is, the owner of a non -standard length of the nail on the finger, this attracts good luck and success in his life
Little -minded, but having the right to be arguments in favor of the presence of different lengths of nails on the hands of men - this is:
  • to attract women
  • show your involvement in the Satanists, vampire movement
  • be identified among sexual minorities
Nowadays, it is far from uncommon to be male manicure and the difference between the length of the nail plates on the hands. So representatives of the strong half of humanity manifest themselves in order to simply stand out and follow a specific style. A striking example of this is the Chinese. They tend to rarely cut the nails and wear them very long.

Why do Asians, Armenians, Muslims grow a nail on the little finger on the little finger?

The young Asian wears a very long nail on the little finger
the young Asian wears a very long nail on the little finger
  • The male population of the Middle Kingdom everywhere loves to wear long nails in their arms, especially on the little finger

If you go to China, you will encounter this feature of appearance on the streets and in transport. Masters, builders, janitors, sellers in the markets, ads of ads, workers' factories and factories, taxi drivers wear long nails.

There are several explanations for such a manifestation:
  • historical.
    During the reign of emperors and the court nobility, the entire poor population worked hard in the fields, growing Fig. And to know and the ruler were freed from this, because they wore long nails in their arms. They served as a kind of symbol of difference and involvement in blue blood. To psychologically compensate for such injustice, in our time Chinese men of all classes began to grow nails
  • religious.
    It is believed that if the little finger is longer than the index finger, then the owner of such a hand has a good fate and karma. And since such a natural structure of the hand is extremely rare, the Chinese compensate for the situation with a tender fingernail on the smallest finger
  • for the convenience of performing specific actions, for example, twisting screws, care for the appearance, scratching the itching place, a set of text on a button phone
  • esoteric.
    The Chinese believe that a long nail on the little finger of the left hand is a magnet for money and the personification of their kind of their kind. Therefore, he is cherished and protected by breaking. Otherwise, money will bypass their house, and relatives will get seriously and dies
  • the attribute of a man who testifies to the well -developed qualities of a representative of the strong half of humanity and attracts beautiful ladies
Among the Armenians, an elongated nail on the little finger is also not uncommon. This people have a tradition when the youngest son in the family acquire such a feature of appearance.
Muslim with a long nail on a little finger
muslim with a long nail on a little finger

Other examples:

  • household need.
    For example, for market workers, the nail comes to the rescue to cut tape, glee and unscrew something
  • a tribute to fashion, when a person is surrounded by men with long nails and he likes it, he will pick up this trend
  • imitation of a person who is respect, for example, criminal authority
Muslim countries are sure that a long nail on a little finger is their protection against evil spirits and destructive influence.
No matter what explanation to the wearing of a long nail on a little finger for men you have responded with its rationality, this phenomenon exists. Therefore, it is easier to accept and estimate it, and not to impose on your point of view and the requirements to cut off.

We all tend to make mistakes, look for the truth, find it and change. The main thing is comfortable peaceful communication and recognition of the right of another to maintain their individuality.

Video: Why do men grow a nail on a little finger?

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Comments K. article

  1. Not “many guitarists”, but guitarists playing a classic guitar with nylon strings. Nails play the role of a mediator, and when playing on nylon strings are not damaged (unlike the game on metal strings, where it is more appropriate to use the mediator).

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