Lip diseases - Heit: symptoms and causes. Heilite treatment in children and adults. Ointments and folk remedies from Heilite

Lip diseases - Heit: symptoms and causes. Heilite treatment in children and adults. Ointments and folk remedies from Heilite

The article provides recommendations on how to treat exfoliative heit. The characteristics of other heilites are given.

Diseases in the field of dentistry are not limited to diseases of the teeth and gums. Dentists treat various lips. Such lesions include Heilit (Heilosis) or in a folk "seizures".

Types of Heilites (inflammations on the lips)

The term Haylit is indicated by diseases with different symptoms, causes of appearance. One thing remains unchanged - the localization of inflammation.

Heilite treatment in adults differs from treatment in children. The disease is diagnosed as an independent disease or as one external sign of one of the ailments, for example, metabolic disorders

  • Heit is manifested as a pathological condition that affects the mucous membrane and border of the lips. The labial folds turn pale, grooves and cracks appear on the inflamed skin of the lips. The lip close line becomes bright red
  • The lack of heilite provokes the lack of B vitamins, the adverse effects of the microclimate. It can be windy weather, severe frost, other temperature changes, thermal or chemical burn, injury
  • Peeling lips, wrinkles, cracks, pallor - all these are signs of the presence of infection. Harmful substances may also affect the lips. For example, glands are clogged with cosmetic products for the lips

Types of Heilite: exfoliative, candidiasis, tall, atopic, angular, actan

  • Exfoliative heit It has a chronic etiology and is manifested by inflammation of the red border of the lips. Exfoliative defeat of lips, as a rule, are subject to women
  • Persons who have various disorders of mental health are also sick. The inflammatory process develops against the background of hysteria, depression, neurotic conditions
  • Between the hipperfunction of the thyroid gland, genetic and immunological factors and exfoliative lip defeat, close communication is also traced
  • If you ignore the inflammation and not start the fight against it, then unpleasant symptoms can bother for years. Sometimes the disease transforms into chronic forms

Exfoliative heit

Self -recovery does not occur. Treatment exclusively with grandmother's methods only exacerbates the course of the disease. If the lips are swollen and there are abundant crusts that interfere with talking and even eating, then this is an exudative form.

Atopic heit It manifests itself against the background of atopic dermatitis. Painful symptoms affects the skin around the lips. The affected areas blush, cause itching, burning, combing.

Atopic Heilite occurs after the use of poor -quality cosmetics, some drugs, food products, and when interacting with allergens

This type of the disease is manifested by pouring the epithelium, its keratinization, reddening the red border, damage to the corners of the mouth. Cracks can form, and also becomes dry and peeling the skin of the face.

Atopic heit

  • For glandular Heilite The inflammation of the added salivary glands, which manifests itself by growth, is characteristic. The disease can be either congenital (anomaly of the small salivary glands) and acquired. Older people suffer more often
  • The presence of a sore tooth, other diseases of the oral cavity provokes lip inflammation. The disease spreads through the output ducts of the salivary glands. Progressing, the disease is manifested by erosion and cracks, lips lose their elasticity
  • Candidiasis (fungal) HeilitAs the name implies, they cause fungi from the genus Candida. The fungal heit is provoked by some antibiotics, reduced immunity
  • Candidiasis cheilitis is characterized by seizures in the corners of the mouth, and the lips are covered with a white film. If you try to remove the film, then inflamed tissue is exposed, which can begin to bleed. Without treatment, candidiasis heit goes into a chronic form
  • In the pathogenesis actinical Heilite A allergic reaction to ultraviolet, low air temperature, wind lies. The process is characterized by burning, itching, the occurrence of erosion, crust. Opening small bubbles causes pain
  • Angular heit - These are painful radial cracks in the corners of the mouth. More susceptible to the disease of women over 50 or in those who wear dental prostheses
  • The infection occurs in places of frequent wetting of the corners of the mouth with saliva, which contains pathogenic pathogens S. albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. The tightening of the resulting grooves is prevented by the subconscious desire to reduce pain with frequent lips of the lips

Angular heit

Symptoms of exfoliative heilite

  • Two types of diseases are distinguished by pathology: dry and exudative
  • The clinical signs of the disease are manifested by inflammation of the red border of the upper or lower lip, or both at the same time
  • The process spreads in the form of a tape of inflammation from the corners of the mouth. The defeat does not pass to the skin around the lips

The reasons for the exfoliative heilite

Factors that contribute to diseases:

  • stressful condition, depression
  • thyroid problems
  • heredity, violation of the activity of the immune system

What is a dry form of exfoliative Heilite?

The pathology is diagnosed with dry lips, the presence of peeling, burning. The lips are covered with scales with raised edges.

There is no erosion in the place of remote crusts, but redness remains. Scales hacked after a while appear again.

It provokes the occurrence of the disease of the rash of the simplest herpes, the presence of a chronic infection in the oral cavity.

A dry clinical form of exfoliative heilite is manifested at a young age. Although there is no severe inflammation, it is difficult to treat the disease.

Fucks on the lips

What is an escort exfoliative heit?

  • Middle and elderly people are susceptible to diseases. The disease proceeds with obvious inflammation and is accompanied by pain. Can develop from a dry form, or a strong inflammation may immediately appear
  • The disease proceeds with swelling of the lips on which large scales appear. Solvements are formed from scales, sometimes they hang in the form of a apron, but do not spread to the skin and mucous membranes
  • The color of scales depends on the composition of the microflora. Remote scales expose a bright red smooth surface of the lips. Patients suffer from burning and painful sensations intensifying with the closing of the lips

Diagnosis of exfoliative heilite

  • The disease is diagnosed when peeling occurs, which does not pass to the skin and mucous membrane. The occurrence and course of the disease is affected by the neurological state of the patient
  • If the patient has once been diagnosed with Heit, then he can be inherited as a change in the immune system
  • The main feature is that the patient's lips are dry, covered with massive scales with a raised red border
  • Scales without pain are removed and without leaving erosion. Within a week, new mica -shaped formations appear in areas with remote scales
  • If the patient has an exudative form of heilite, then pain and swelling are added to the listed symptoms. Crings are large, making it difficult to speech
  • A bright red surface with an exudate of milk color is exposed at the site of the remote scales

Treatment of exfoliative heilite

  • Treatment is prescribed depending on the form
  • The patient’s mental state is also necessary. This is one of the important components of a successful cure
  • Various psycho -emotional executions are eliminated by medication. As a rule, dentists prescribe psychotropic drugs to their patients (sibazon, phenazepam, thioridase)
  • In a depressive condition, the patient is prescribed antidepressants

The patient should undergo treatment of pathologies of the endocrine system. To do this, you need to hand over the appropriate tests

Stop the disease with therapy with the use of border rays or “radiation of barking”.

The session is held after removal of the crusts and scales. For this, the affected area is lubricated with a solution of boric acid.

Heilite treatmentIt takes 7-8 months for a full cure, and the number of courses is 3 or more. Patients are recommended by radiotherapy and acupuncture.

Acupuncture for cheilitis

Laser therapy, ultrasound are used to treat exfoliative heilite, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

The creams “spermacetov”, “delight” are applied to the lips affected by Heilite. Hygienic lipstick will also help to soften dry lips.

Ointments for the treatment of exfoliative heilite

The areas affected by exfoliative heilite are lubricated with ointments with corticosteroids:

  • 0.5% prednisone
  • Oxicort
  • 1% hydrocortisone
  • Dexamethason

If the disease has moved to the chronic stage, then treatment is carried out 10% of naphthalan, 2% sulfur-delater ointments.

Heilite treatment

How to treat exfoliative heit with folk remedies?

Folk remedies are effective if they are combined with basic therapy. Before using any product or tincture, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the most appropriate folk methods of treatment.

Camomile tincture recipe for the treatment of heilite

How to cook: Two b/l chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Drink tincture up to 6 times a day.

Recipe for tincture for treating chemical and oak bark


  • 2 st/l St.
  • 2 st/l oak bark

How to cook: Pour St. John's wort and bark of oak water and boil for half an hour over low heat. Cool the infusion, strain and use for lotions.

Sage tincture recipe and calendula for the treatment of heilite

40 grams of a mixture of herbs sage and calendula

How to cook:
A mixture of herbs is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. The tincture is cooled, filtered and used for lotions.

Treatment of exfoliative heilite: tips and reviews

Margarita, 16 years old: “My lips dry out. There was a feeling that they were being pulled. I bite small crusts, because it did not cause pain. At the reception, the doctor said that it was Hilit, a dry form. I was sent to a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. Only after passing all the tests, I was prescribed treatment "

Tatyana, 47 years old: ""I was prescribed for the treatment of Heilite Triacutan ointment and vitamins. For some time the disease did not bother me, but then everything was repeated: the red inflamed border, dryness and tightness of the lips. Ointment helps only for two to three days. I turned to the dentist and he advised to refuse for a while from lipstick and treated with ointment “Magic” zinc ”

Arkady Nikolaevich, dentist: “If you came to an appointment with a doctor and found out that you have a chelit, do not hope for self -healing. You have to take tests, after which you will be prescribed treatment. To exclude candidiasis, you also need a smear of pharynx and nose to flora and sensitivity. "

Video: Exfoliative Heit

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