Egg shell, as a source of calcium for adults and children: benefits and harm, how to cook for oral consumption, how to take?

Egg shell, as a source of calcium for adults and children: benefits and harm, how to cook for oral consumption, how to take?

Instructions for preparing and taking eggshell to replenish calcium deficiency.

Calcium deficiency is a common problem that women face after 50 years. However, this is not the only category that shows the intake of calcium. In this article we will tell you how to take calcium in the eggshell.

The benefits of eggshells for humans, how to take?

Indeed, now there are a lot of recipes for taking an egg shell, but they are a little forgotten. If we study the information that is presented in textbooks, as well as literature for healers and healers, you can find out that this product has been accepted since ancient times. Moreover, this was done not only to replenish the calcium deficiency, but also with pathologies of the stomach and even the respiratory system, dermatological problems.

The benefits of egg shells for humans, how to accept:

  • The shell contains the easiest option - this is a carbonate. Scientists have proven that the composition of the shell is very similar to the teeth and bone tissue. Therefore, the material is a natural source of calcium.
  • However, scientists have found that this type of calcium is absorbed much worse than organic options, such as citrate or acetate. Accordingly, in order for calcium from the egg shell to absorb well, some additives are needed for food.
  • It is worth noting that for the active operation of the product, it is necessary to add a little acid to it. Usually, lemon juice is administered, or a little apple cider vinegar. Acid during the reaction translates the carbonate into acetate or citrate. These forms are very well absorbed by the body and are not deposited in the kidneys in the form of stones. 

Eggshell: how to cook and accept?

How is it necessary to cook the egg shell? There is a lot of conflicting information that is opposed to each other. Most often, it is recommended to collect the egg shell, and when its amount is more than 10 eggs, you can proceed to processing.

Egg shell, how to cook and accept:

  • For this, the shell is thoroughly washed. In some sources, it is recommended to wash the egg shell even before you break the egg and put it into food. Thus, you will be able to completely scrap all the garbage, plaque, as well as the remains of excrement from the surface, preventing infection with salmonellosis, and some bacterial infections.
  • To do this, apply a little soap on the brush and rub the hard surface. After that, everything is thoroughly washed off with water, wiped dry. Next, the necessary drug is prepared. The surface of the shell, and its inner part is washed from the residues of organic impurities and dried.
  • In no case should you leave raw materials in the sun, because in this way it will lose part of the nutrients. Scientists have proved that some of the compounds that make up the egg shell are split under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Further, when the shell is dry, it must be disinfected. Indeed, really very often on the surface of the egg contains pathogens of salmonellosis. For these purposes, it is recommended to boil the egg shell in water for 3-5 minutes.
  • However, some sources argue that such a shell loses part of the useful calcium, which goes into boiling water. Therefore, sometimes it is recommended to dry the raw materials in the oven or in the microwave.
Grinding the shell
Grinding the shell

How to take eggshell to strengthen bones?

Some sources indicate that the processing of the egg shell for 2 minutes in a microwave kiln is killing pathogenic microorganisms. However, in fact, now there is no scientific evidence that processing in the microwave contributes to the disinfection of raw materials. Some sources indicate that it is better to dry the egg shell that was washed, for 10 minutes in the oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees. Thus, all pathogenic microorganisms will be destroyed under the influence of temperature.

How to take eggshell to strengthen bones:

  • Next, you need to grind raw materials. For these purposes, raw materials are poured into a regular plastic bag and simply wrinkled with their hands. Further, all this fraction from the fragments is spilled into a blender, crushed to a state of small grains.
  • At this stage, the powder is not yet suitable for oral administration, due to the large size of the pieces. Therefore, final processing is carried out in a coffee grinder.Some sources indicate that calcium, crushed in a coffee grinder, is not small enough for trace elements to be completely absorbed in the body.
  • The ideal option is to use a mortar and a pestle for final grinding. It is necessary to achieve a state of powder or powder. 

How to take eggshell with lemon juice?

In what quantity and how is it necessary to take a trace element from the egg shell? As indicated above, the use of carbonate, as well as calcium citrate, will be the ideal option.

How to take eggshell with lemon juice:

  • For these purposes, it is necessary to pour 20 g of lemon juice or apple ceremony into the powder from the shell. Sometimes it is recommended to be taken with acidic berries. Next, you need to wait until a violent chemical reaction passes.
  • During a chemical reaction, the carbonate interacts with acid, with the formation of citrate and acetates. It is this form that is perfectly absorbed in the body by almost 90 percent. However, it is worth considering that this calcium itself is useless, and will not learn if you do not additionally introduce vitamin D, as well as magnesium.
  • Therefore, during treatment, we recommend hiking for 15 minutes in the sun. Vitamin D is produced under the influence of sunlight in the skin. If these are the northern regions of Russia, where the sun is very small, then it is recommended to introduce vitamin D. A huge amount of it is contained in sea fish, fish oil.
  • You can additionally take omega-3 acids, which are a source of natural vitamin D. Magnesium in turn is contained in legumes, cabbage, and greens. Therefore, in large quantities, enter into salads, the first, second dishes of parsley, dill, celery, as well as salad leaves. 
Shell powder
Shell powder

How to take eggshell as a source of calcium?

In what quantity do you need to take the egg shell? For daily reception, 10 g of powder is recommended. It is usually recommended to receive early in the morning. It is best to do this with the reception of porridge or cottage cheese. Indeed, dairy products also contain calcium and vitamin D, which helps this trace element. 

How to take eggshell as a source of calcium:

  • Many experts argue that the carbonate of this trace element is perfectly dissolved in gastric juice under the influence of acid. However, the decay process may not occur completely. It is for this that it is necessary to transfer carbonate into citrate or acetate, using vinegar or citric acid. It is necessary to take such a drug for 2-3 weeks, and then take a break for several months. 
  • Such a medicine is taken for fractures. In such cases, it is necessary to divide a teaspoon into 2 doses, drink in the morning and evening. It is worth noting that it is best to combine the powder from the shell of the egg with a meal. This is due to the fact that it is during the food process that a large amount of gastric juice is released, which is necessary for the dissolution of the trace element. 

How to store egg shell powder?

  • The finished powder is recommended to be stored in a glass, tightly closed jar. It is best if it is made of glass. It is not advisable to store the shell in a plastic bag, as it can absorb odors.
  • As for admission in children, it is recommended to give babies aged 1 to 3 years to prevent rickets. To this end, they give a potion on the tip of the knife. Usually they sprinkle food for a child or introduced into milk mixtures.
  • However, in this case, you must be confidentthat the eggs do not contain any pathogens. Therefore, if the powder is prepared for children, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the raw materials, dry, and also disinfect, with exposure in the oven or boiling.
Blessed eggs
Blessed eggs

Eggshell: benefits and harm, how to take?

Some sources indicate that it is necessary to remove the film that is inside the egg. However, experts argue that there will be no harm, if you leave it. The film also contains some calcium, which will be useful for bones. 

The benefits of eggshell: 

  • Satisfies the body with calcium 
  • It will be useful for women who plan a child 
  • It is recommended to take those who suffer from osteoporosis, as well as during menopause 
  • Recommended for fractures, as well as with a lack of calcium 
  • Can be taken for children to prevent rickets 

However, despite this, there are some contraindications to the use of the egg shell. 

The harm of eggshells: 

  • High risk of infection with salmonellosis 
  • The possibility of infection with bacterial infections that cause diarrhea, as well as diseases of the stomach and intestines 
  • Contraindicated in cancer patients, and people who suffer from malignant neoplasms 

Despite the fact that the product is very useful, it is worthwhile to pay a lot of attention to preparation and use exclusively proven eggs.

Video: Calcium in the egg shell

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  1. Great thing, I sometimes rub the child with milk, but in general the main source of calcium, we have a Baby formula of the bears of calcium, thanks to which the teeth are in good condition and the bones, and we are not growing by the day but by the day)

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