Barley porridge - how to cook: tips and secrets of cooking, the best recipes. Barley porridge: recipes for cooking porridge on water, milk, mushrooms, chicken, in a slow cooker

Barley porridge - how to cook: tips and secrets of cooking, the best recipes. Barley porridge: recipes for cooking porridge on water, milk, mushrooms, chicken, in a slow cooker

The article refers to how to cook barley porridge at home. You will also learn all the subtleties of cooking cereals, learn to cook porridge according to various recipes.

Many believe that barley cereals are not as useful as pearl barley. And in vain - not only is delicious porridge, also healthy. In the crushed barley there is a whole storehouse of useful minerals, vitamins. In barley cereals there are magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, etc.

It is also saturated with vitamins A, PP, E, B, D. It contains fatty acids, starch, beneficial carbohydrates, protein and many other components that can not do without the human body. Next, we will find out how in different ways you can cook oatmeal porridge so that it turns out to be nutritious and tasty.

Barley porridge: tips and secrets of cooking

A dish from a yachk is cooked quickly and does not require any special skills. Any girl who has no experience in culinary art can easily cope with the preparation of a yachka. It will take only fifteen to twenty minutes of time and a delicious breakfast will be on the table.

Barley porridge with onions
Barley porridge with onions

Find out the secrets of cooking delicious barley porridge:

  • Experienced housewives noticed, the more time the cereals are spent, the tastier it is. They claim that it should be steamed for 35-40 minutes. However, if you cook the product in a slow cooker, microwave, then you need less time.
  • Fans of viscous barley porridge is better to cook it in milk, and whoever prefers a crumbly dish - let him cook cereal on the water.
  • To make the dish fragrant, pleasant to taste, it is enough to add butter at the end of cooking porridge. Thanks to this, it will also become crumbly.
  • In order for your porridge to be fed with liquid and its grains increase in size, you need to leave it after cooking on a table with a closed lid for 23-30 minutes.
  • The dish will turn out to be delicious and will not burn if it is cooked in a cast -iron Kazan over low heat.

How to cook barley porridge on water: a simple method of cooking cereals

Our distant ancestors have long been preparing barley porridge. And most often it was porridge on the same water. The cereal was cultivated even in the Neolithic era. This is now known many different recipes for this dish, and earlier most often peasants cooked cereal on the water.



  • Barley cereals - 225 g
  • Water - 495 ml
  • Butter - 24 g
  • Salt - 8 g
Natural product - barley porridge
Natural product - barley porridge

Cooking method:

  1. Put, boil the water over fast heat.
  2. Rinse the cereal several times under the tap, pour in boiling water.
  3. Salt, cook cereals on weak gas. Do not forget to stir.
  4. After eight to ten minutes, add the oil.
  5. When the porridge is boiled, let her stand a little more to swell the grains. And then you can try.

Barley porridge with mushrooms: how to cook?

In the season, when mushrooms grow, they are more often cooked separately and mushrooms are served to it. But there is a less popular recipe for cooking barley cereals - this is porridge cooked on mushroom broth.


  • Barley cereals - 495 g
  • Mushroom broth - 1 liter
  • Honey mushroom - 0.4 kg
  • Onions - 200 g
  • Lenten oil - 46 g
  • Butter - 75 g
  • Salt - 24 g, greens, spices.
Yachka with mushrooms
Yachka with mushrooms


  1. Boil the purified and washed mushrooms in an enameled or stainless container.
  2. Melt the butter in a pan, cut the mushrooms into neatly, identical parts.
  3. Then cut the onion in half rings and send it to the pan. When he is a little fried, send mushrooms there. Fry on slow gas.
  4. When the mixture is fried, pour 225 ml of mushroom decoction there. Then in a separate pan welded on the broth washed barley cereal.
  5. Add all other products to the porridge. Let the dish stew on low heat for about 22 minutes.
  6. At the end of cooking, mix mushrooms with onions and porridge. Set aside the porridge on the table, let it stand 23-30 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle the finished dish with greens and treat the household.

Based on this recipe, you can cook barley porridge with meat, beans, fish and other useful products.

Blind milk barley porridge: recipe

Porridge is designed for a healthy diet, on barley cereals you can even lose weight. After all, the calorie content of the product is very low in 100 g contains 320 kilocalories. When rice in 100 grams contain 350 kilocalories. Those who do not need diets can prepare porridge with milk and enjoy its taste.


  • Cereal barley cereal - 225 g
  • Milk - 225 ml
  • Water - 425 ml
  • Salt - 8 g
Yachka with milk
Yachka with milk

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the washed cereals in boiling salted water.
  2. When the cereal increases slightly in size, add milk to the pan. Cook the dish until cooked, do not forget to stir.
  3. After 17 minutes, set aside the finished porridge from the stove. Then let her stand a little.
  4. After 25 minutes, porridge is ready.

Dairy barley porridge can be consumed as a separate dish, or you can eat with sugar and other additives.

How is barley porridge with chicken in a slow cooker prepared?

For losing weight, barley cereal is an indispensable product. She is even more useful than buckwheat. Despite its calorie content, porridge contributes to weight loss. After all, it contains a lot of fiber, which appears as a result of special processing of grain on the crusher. To make barley porridge as useful as possible, it is better to cook in a slow cooker.


  • Barley cereals - 225 g
  • Water - 555 ml
  • Chicken ham - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 25 g
  • Carrot - 75 g
  • Lenten oil - 55 ml
  • Ground pepper, salt.
Porridge with vegetables, meat
Porridge with vegetables, meat

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the lean oil into the container on the multicooker panel - Frying.
  2. Wash the ham under running water, wipe it with a kitchen towel. Cut with a knife into two equal parts.
  3. Fry the meat on both sides.
  4. Clean the onion, cut into small parts. Grate the peeled carrots.
  5. Prepared vegetables add to the container to the meat, let them be fried. Do not forget to salt the mass.
  6. After 5 minutes, add pre -washed cereal to the meat and vegetables.
  7. Mix the mass well, pour hot water, pepper, salt.
  8. Turn on the multicooker mode Porridge, Cook for 35-40 minutes.
  9. When the porridge is ready, do not immediately open the slow cooker. Put it on the heating mode for another 20 minutes.

To make the dish even tastier, you can add spices, herbs, herbs, etc. You can make your own adjustments to any recipe. Then your porridge will not turn out like everyone else. Enjoy your meal!

Video: barley porridge, how to cook?

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