Svic embroidery for beginners: rules, features. The technology of embroidery with smooth stitch for beginners - where to start?

Svic embroidery for beginners: rules, features. The technology of embroidery with smooth stitch for beginners - where to start?

Embroidery with smooth stitch always attracts needlewomen, but not everyone knows where to start. Our article will help to understand this issue.

Many needlewomen pay attention to stitch embroidery after they try to embroidery with a cross. It is distinguished by simplicity, accessibility and diversity. But, although embroidery with a cross gives pleasure, it is limited by many rules, since you must always adhere to the scheme, and the final result is known in advance.

So the next interesting type of needlework for the craftswomen is the embroidery of the surface. It gives freedom for imagination and the result always comes out interesting and very beautiful. However, some are just due to freedom, because it is not clear where to start, what to do first and so on. As a result, having tested the equipment a couple of times and having received something tight and incomprehensible, the needlewomen abandon this business and believe that they will not succeed.

In our article, we will try to tell what is required to embroide the surface and which you need to adhere to the rules so that you like the result.

How to prepare for stitch embroidery?

Strong embroidery
Strong embroidery

If you have already embroidered a cross earlier, then you have the necessary material. The main tool in this case is the needle. If you still do not know, then embroidery needles are of two types - with a sharp end and dumb. For the embroidery under consideration, an acute needle is required, and its size will depend on the fabric used:

  • For silk and x/b fabric, the needle 1-3 is suitable
  • For medium fabrics, Ideal-4-8
  • And for cloth or drape you need to choose 9-12

If we talk about threads, then for beginners it is quite suitable for the muline, which is used for embroidery with a cross. If you are completely new, then contact any textile store and a consultant will help you with a choice.

It is important to note that you should not buy expensive threads, because the result will not be better from this. In any case, to learn, such threads are definitely not needed.

The correct selection of fabric is still important. If you want to sew on a finished product, then choose one that does not stretch. Beginners cannot cope with such a fabric. It is easiest to learn embroidery on cotton or dense linen.

Pieces can be used simple, but keep in mind that the fabric must be pulled very well. If a cross is allowed to sew even on the hands, then this will not pass with the smooths. The slightest sags can ruin your drawing.

Figures for embroidery with stitch: Schemes

Embroidery of the surface does not have any specific schemes, because absolutely any drawings can be embroidered in this way. To begin with, it is better to choose something simpler and not too much. If you choose a large drawing with a large number of details, then it will be very difficult for you to finish the work.

Schemes for beginners
Schemes for beginners
Schemes for beginners
Schemes for beginners

How to fix the thread at the beginning and at the end of embroidery?

For the beauty of embroidery, there should not be any nodules on it, and therefore you need to learn the technique of fixing the threads at the beginning and at the end of the embroidery.

Method 1. Make a stitch on the wrong side to remain a small tail, and then make the same across. Hide the end of the thread so that the working thread will tighten it well.

How to fix a thread?
How to fix a thread?

Method 2. If embroidery is carried out in two threads, then pass the thread into the needle ear and grab a little fabric, literally a couple of threads. Through them, stretch the thread and take the needle into the resulting loop.

Method 3. If the work is already ending, then the thread can be fixed through a small broach under the stitches from the wrong side. If the thread ends during operation, then fix it on the front side with a pair of stitches in a place, which then will be closed by embroidery.

Stitch embroidery - stitches: views

  • The simplest surface of all is the classic. These are bilateral stitches that look the same from any side. The threads in this case are pressed tightly to each other and no gaps between them are visible. The surface is straight or oblique, but the stitches always fit according to the pattern. For example, in the leaves, embroidery is carried out from the edge to the middle, and in the petals - from the edge to the center.
Types of stitches
Types of stitches
  • If you are afraid to get confused when working in which direction and how to sew, then you can indicate all directions in the figure.
  • The second technique is based on short and long stitches. With the help of the presented technology, you can make beautiful colors of flowers, the main thing is that the shades are selected correctly. So, for each row you need to take a new tone.
Different stitches
Different stitches
  • With the help of the surface with the flooring You can make beautiful and voluminous drawings. For such a technique, the upper layer is laid, for which it is not necessary to be continuous and dense, and then make a second, already denser layer on top.
The surface is flooring
The surface is flooring

By the way, many recommend before embroidery the main drawing, first process the contour. This allows you to get even edges and give the pattern volume. To pour the contours, they usually use the seam "in a split" or the vestibule.

Tambourine seam
Tambourine seam

Strong embroidery for beginners: basic errors

So, everything is ready for work, there are tools and materials, figured out the drawings, started work, but the result did not live up to expectations. Do not be upset, because the first time it doesn’t work out correctly by anyone. The point is not at all that your hands are growing out of the wrong place, there are simply some shortcomings of the equipment that needs to be corrected.

If you finished the drawing and the fabric turned out to be tightened, then there may be several reasons for this:

  • The fabric was not too well stretched
  • During operation, you pulled the threads too much. Yes, the stitches should be dense, but not too long
  • It can be in the fabric itself if, after ironing or washing, it is leveled
  • If the fabric is visible through the threads, then only one thing can be said - you are not very tightly laid the stitches. The surface requires a very close location so that there are no miscalculations.

All these problems are easily solved if they practice.

Strike embroidery for beginners: Ideas

If you are ready to practice, then try to fulfill the following two techniques, which we will talk about now.

  • Long and short stitches
Embroidery technique
Embroidery technique

With the help of this technique, you can master the transitions of colors. It looks more not even on embroidery, but on drawing. If you are going to seriously engage in such embroidery, then without such a technique you simply cannot do.

  • Petal pet
Embroidery petal
Embroidery petal

Now try a more complex figure. It must be done just according to the previous technique.

In fact, learning to embroider the surface is not very difficult, but be prepared for the fact that at the initial stages you will have problems. Do not be afraid of this, because everything comes with experience.

Video: Studies embroidery lessons for beginners

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  1. Embroidery with smoothness gives a flight for creativity. Now handmade jewelry is very fashionable. Jewelry with embroidery stitch in beautiful accessories in general fire.

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