All breeds of dogs with photographs and names: photo, brief description of character

All breeds of dogs with photographs and names: photo, brief description of character

In this article, we will consider breeds of all dogs, as well as consider their main characteristics and photos.

A dog is such an animal that is in almost every house. These pets can truly be called human friends, because they are fidelity and devotion.

Today in the world there are a huge number of different breeds of dogs, many of which we do not even know. All of them are distinguished by appearance, character and, of course, behavior.

Dogs on the letter A: the name of the breed, description of character, photo

  • Akita Inu. These dogs are characterized by a calm character, which is why they are very often taken to families in which there are children. It should also be noted that Akita Inu, this breed of dogs, which is particularly cleaned. With all this, such animals can be owners, so they do not always get along with other pets. It is necessary to accustom them to communicating with other animals from birth.
  • Alabay. These dogs are distinguished by power and endurance. By nature, they are leaders and defenders. As a rule, they get along well with children and other animals, but with strangers they can behave inadequately. Alabai breed dogs need special training, otherwise the animal can grow absolutely uncontrolled.
Strength and endurance
Strength and endurance
  • Alaskan malamute. Such animals are very kind and flexible, training is very easily, but, despite this, it should be professional. As a rule, the malamuts are very friendly and calmly treat young children, but other pets do not always like these jealous dogs. It should be noted that such dogs are very energetic and active, so they are not suitable for maintenance in the aviary and apartment.
  • Afghan greyhound. Such dogs are great for a family without children, since they cannot stand the noise and screams of babies, and they need care and love in large numbers. Pets are quite shy, often precisely because of fear these animals can have problems with behavior.
Afghan greyhound
Afghan greyhound
  • American Staffordshire Terrier. Dogs of this breed are excellent defenders and guards, but only if they are professionally trained in this. By nature, the Staffordshire terriers leaders, having felt that their owner or member of the family is in danger, they are rushing into battle without any thought and do not retreat until the enemy is neutralized. It is important to understand that without proper upbringing, such dogs can be dangerous even for their owners.
  • American Pit Bulturier. The pets of this breed gained not very good fame, however, in fact, they are very devoted and friendly. The whole problem lies in the correct and timely education of the pit -bolt terriers. As a rule, these animals love children and their owners and are always ready to protect them if necessary, but the pithaluerers do not have security qualities in principle.

Dogs on the letter b: the name of the breed, description of character, photo

  • Bernky Zennenhund. These dogs are very balanced, all their movements are clear and logical, since in their nature they are shepherds. These dogs are not jealous, they love children very much and calmly tolerate the presence in the house of other pets. It is also important to note that these dogs are characteristic - they love attention to their person and, in case of absence, always know how to remind themselves of themselves.
Loving dogs
Loving dogs
  • Basenji. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their minds and quick wit, love games and attention to their person. You should not wait for special troubles from the basenji, such dogs rarely bark and do not often hooligan. At the same time, it should be noted that such pets need constant communication with their master, because they do not like to sit idle and bored.
Smart dogs
Smart dogs
  • Belgian shepherd. These shepherds, like everyone else, are distinguished by their minds and their devotion. Such a dog can be brought into a house with young children and other animals. I must say that, unlike many other pets, the Belgian shepherd cannot be called playful, she does not like too noisy companies. With proper education from a dog of such a breed, an excellent friend, guard and defender will grow.
Devoted shepherd
Devoted shepherd
  • Basset Hound. These dogs are quite obedient, but training is extremely difficult. The breed itself is very slow, but at the same time curious. Basset Hounds differ in kindness to young children. Of the shortcomings of this breed, too loud barking can be called. These dogs love to bark, especially if there is at least one reason for this.
Slow breed
Slow breed
  • Bigl. Bigl refers to very smart and obedient dogs, however, only if the dog is trained from an early age. The dogs of this breed do not like loneliness, so when starting them, immediately think about the company for the pet. Bigglled very active, love to search, sniff, know the unknown. The deficiency of the breed in loud barking, which often does not stop for a long time.
  • Bladhaund. Dogs of this breed are unusually friendly, very fond of children and often act as their nannies. Such a dog needs professional training, with which the animal will learn the necessary commands. By nature, these pets are shy and vulnerable.
  • Boxer. By nature, these dogs are smart and loyal hooligans. An untrained boxer will definitely give you a lot of trouble. As a rule, these dogs get along well with other pets, but they do not perceive strangers. It is important to note that the boxers are very playful and if you, as the owner, will not take part in their games, then, most likely, the pet will begin to hooligate.
  • Bishon Frieze. These cute dogs are more like toys than living creatures. In general, such a dog can be described as a playful, energetic and funny companion who loves and requires attention to himself.
  • Bobtail. The dogs of this breed need constant physical activity, since they are very active and mobile. It is also important to note that bobtails must be trained in teams without fail, otherwise they will begin to feel like the owners in the house and educate all those around them, including children and other people living houses. In general, these dogs are friendly and not particularly aggressive.
It is important to teach teams
It is important to teach teams
  • Border Collie. These pets can be described as extremely active and emotional. Without proper load, such animals simply get bored and begin to entertain themselves in ways, which people often do not like. Collles need training and attention. In essence, these pets are very friendly and playful.
Very active
Very active
  • Boseron. Dogs of this breed are born leaders, are distinguished by guard and protective qualities. It is impossible to call the Boserons evil dogs, but in case of disrespectful attitude to them they can afford to themselves. The behavior of these pets directly depends on whether they are trained whether they respect their master.
  • Bulgarian shepherd. This breed of dogs belongs to the guard. Dogs differ in an independent character, sometimes they are aggressive both to people and other animals, especially dogs. Such pets are not suitable for maintaining in the house, since they are “working” dogs whose duties include the protection of the house, the owner and the family. Despite such a characteristic, it must be said that the Bulgarian shepherds are very devoted animals who are always ready to protect their owners.
Guard dog
Guard dog
  • Boston Terrier. Dogs of this breed are great for keeping in a house or apartment. By the nature of Boston, the terriers are very active, inquisitive and playful. Such pets often become real family members and therefore, of course, are waiting for a good and respectful attitude towards themselves.
Playing breed
Playing breed
  • BRAR. Great security dogs that need to study from early childhood. Briars are quite wayward, do not always find a common language with children and other pets. Despite this, with good education, the dogs are distinguished by obedience and devotion.
  • Bordeaux dog. This breed can be described as wrestling, security and guard. Dogs are distinguished by force, endurance and the ability to protect their family, themselves and even other animals. Despite the formidable appearance, the Bordeaux dog is a fairly calm dog that does not bark and does not rush at people just like that. Such pets get along well with children, but it is better to introduce them from childhood, these animals need training.
  • Bulldog French. French bulldogs are quite wayward dogs, love attention to themselves, do not tolerate loneliness and tend to be jealous of the owners to other pets. Sometimes, due to the harmfulness of character, these pets can hooligate, for example, to bite shoes or tear bedding. In general, dogs are great for keeping in the house, but they do not always get along with children.
  • Bulldog English. These dogs are good friends and companions, they love their owners and serve them correctly. By their nature, the dogs of this breed are very calm and balanced, but sometimes they can show aggression due to the lack of proper attention to them. With young children, English bulldogs behave like nannies, but at the same time they do not take excessive attention from noisy children.
  • BULTERYER. The glory of this breed, of course, is not good. But, despite this, the bull terriers are good dogs that need early training and socialization. With the correct education of a dog of such a breed, a good defender and a faithful friend will be obtained. It is important to know that with other animals, the bullyers can be aggressive, the same applies to cats and other small pets.
  • Brussels Griffon. Such pets are very similar to young children, they need constant care, attention and care. Even a minute parting with the owner for the Brussels griffin is already a problem. Often, these dogs are spoiled, moodiness. They do not always get along with young children. It is best to start a pet of such a breed by already consistent people without young children.
Bearded man
Bearded man
  • Bulldog American. These are very kind and loyal dogs with a well -developed hunting, protective and security instinct. Such pets need serious education and training. You can only start such a dog with an experienced and knowledgeable person who knows how to behave with dominant and powerful dogs. American bulldogs love and protect children, but other animals, all the more small ones, often take for prey.
  • Bulmastif. These are quite strong -willed and loyal dogs, they quickly get used to the house and family members and are always ready to protect the owners if necessary. You need to understand that such dogs must take vocational training, otherwise they can become uncontrollable. It is also worth noting that bullets are good as defenders for people, but not for objects, houses, etc. The dogs of this breed protect only what is of value to them, while prefer not to attack the enemy, but “beat him off” hit.

Dogs on the letter B-and: the name of the breed, description of character, photo

  • Weimaraner. These dogs, as a rule, getting into the house, immediately choose the owner for themselves and most of all love this particular person. Dogs are very active, inquisitive and smart. It is important for them to have a lot of space, so for maintenance in the apartment they are definitely not suitable. Socialization and teaching Weimaraners must be from childhood, otherwise the animal will grow up with a real bully. Of the shortcomings, excessive and sometimes unreasonable barking can be called.
  • Velsh Korgi Pembrock. This breed of dogs is a shepherd, so since childhood, puppies have been trying to control everything that moves and walks, including people. In this regard, such dogs should be trained and learned. In general, the character of Velsh Corgi is very soft, these pets love their owners and normally belong to children.
Shepherd's breed
Shepherd's breed
  • Velsterer. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their curiosity and playfulness. It is very difficult to sit still for them, they simply get along with children, but older. It is important to understand that these dogs need daily physical activity, otherwise they can begin to hooligate from idleness. The Welshester is a faithful and devoted comrade.
Devoted breed
Devoted breed
  • West Heyland White Terrier. These cute pets are very quickly attached to the house and their owners, but do not get along with young children. Dogs are smart, playful, but jealous, so getting along with other pets for them is often difficult. It must also be said that the dogs of this breed are very active, so such an animal is not recommended to have homebody.
Dear dog
Dear dog
  • Doberman. Such pets are great as watchmen. Dobermans are strong, smart and fearless dogs, if necessary, they will always protect themselves, their owners and their property. It is important to note that dogs of this breed need professional training, otherwise they can become aggressive and uncontrolled. Dobermans do not love small children and other animals, but being with them since childhood, they can calmly treat them.
  • Jack Russell Terrier. These dogs are real friends of man and, of course, companions. The pets of this breed is incredibly curious, active and funny, they easily get along with people, but do not really like small animals. When starting such a dog, you need to understand that without proper attention and constant physical activity, it can bring many problems - barking, digging, destruction of shoes, furniture, etc.
A great friend
A great friend
  • Drassyar. The drathairs are excellent hunters, defenders and watchmen. These dogs are unusually smart and obedient, but only if they train and teach them since childhood. Dogs of this breed are extremely difficult, so such pets are suitable only for experienced owners. Drasthara is quite characteristic dogs, but they show their character extremely rarely - alone, when they are bored when they are jealous of their master to another animal. In general, these dogs are very devoted and faithful to their family.
  • Golden retriever. A dog-dog, a little dog-this is how you can characterize these pets. The golden retriever is not suitable for protection and protection, since it does not have the necessary qualities for such activities. But to be a devoted comrade is easily. The golden retriever loves children, treats them extremely tenderly and shows patience on all their antics.
Golden breed
Golden breed
  • Irish Terrier. These graceful dogs are distinguished by a peculiar character. They are very devoted to their family, smart and decisive. At the same time, sometimes Irish terriers can afford rash pranks. This breed is great for protection and protection. Due to the fact that such terriers have a very developed hunting instinct, they cannot be kept in a house with smaller animals.
  • Irish setter. This breed of dogs can be called family. The dogs are completely calm, love people, animals and everything that surrounds them. Such pets are very company and do not tolerate loneliness, so having started such a dog you need to be prepared to be constantly with it. It must also be said that the Irish setter needs constant physical activity, so it is impossible to keep it in the apartment.
  • Irish wolfhound. Despite their frightening name, these dogs are one of the most calm and harmless. They normally treat children, other animals and get along well with them. As a defender and watchman, you should not start such a dog, since Irish wolfhounds do not have the right qualities, they are kind and flexible.
Irish wolfhound
Irish wolfhound
  • Italian leftist. These dogs are very educated by nature, they do not need special training and training. Dogs do not show aggression at all, with the exception of cases when there is some threat to them. Levgles love peace and stability, love tenderness and affection.
Intelligent dog
Intelligent dog
  • Yorkshire Terrier. This breed found its fans around the world. Yorkshire Terriers born in fun, devoted companions. They love fun and games, cannot sit in one place for a long time and cannot stand separation from their owners. The disadvantages of such dogs are their harmfulness, they quite often spoil shoes, furniture, can bark loudly and for no reason and make a mess in the house.

Dogs on the letter K: the name of the breed, description of character, photo

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog. These dogs are great as guards, their strong -willed character, just suitable for such activities. It should be noted right away that only an experienced person should start such a dog who understands how to behave with such animals. Caucasian shepherds, of course, should study and be trained, otherwise their aggression and anger will find the way out in the wrong place and at the wrong time. The dogs of this breed are not bad for children, but such a dog cannot be trusted with your baby.
  • Dwarf Pincher. These cute creatures are well suited for keeping in the apartment, they love to have fun and play, so they get along well with young children. As for training, in it such dogs need to be engaged in their upbringing from early childhood. It is important to know that the dogs of such a breed cannot be pampering too much and accustomed only to praise, since they will very quickly get used to such behavior in relation to them and cease to respond to their master and his team.
Dwarf breed
Dwarf breed
  • Cane Corso. Kanya Corso is a born hunter who always acts reasonably and logical. One important feature of the character of these dogs should be noted - they are extremely characteristic and wayward, therefore, only bringing the dog to the house, the owner should immediately show that he is more important and more important than the dog, otherwise there will be no talk of any obedience. In general, Kane Corso is quite friendly pets, who, if necessary, protect their territory.
A born hunter
A born hunter
  • Keeshond. Keeshond or as the German Spitz is also called, is a very active dog that needs constant physical activity. These pets adore children, they show tenderness and care for them. For maintaining in the house, such a breed is not very good, since it needs a space for pranks. Alone, German Spitz can do many things, for example, to break someone's shoes or sheets.
  • Kern Terrier. Like many other terriers, these dogs are very sociable, love people, their society and affection. Dogs are loving to other animals, which is important. They also find a common language with young children, especially if we talk about active games. You need to understand that Kern Terrier has a guard instinct, so this small dog will protect yourself, your family and even family property. It is very important to accustom dogs of such a breed that there are many different people and animals around them, otherwise they will be aggressive and gloomy.
  • Kerry Blue Terrier. This breed of dogs is also suitable for guard activity. Kerry Blue Terriers are quite sociable, but do not like when they pay too much attention to them, especially children. These pets also do not really like other animals and sometimes can show aggression for them. Only experienced people are recommended to start such dogs, who can make it clear to the pet who is the master in the house.
Great watchman
Great watchman
  • Coker Spaniel American. These are the kindest dogs that do not show aggression for other animals, young children and obsessive people. The American cocker spaniels love attention to their person, but it is important not to overdo it, so that the pet does not become too picky. They study dogs of such a breed easily and even without training, as a rule, obedient and not shy.
  • Coker Spaniel English. Dogs of such a breed are loyal animals with hunting instinct. Such pets get along with other dogs, but it is better not to keep small animals with them. It is also important to note that the English cocker spaniels are very playful and patient animals.
  • King Charles Spaniel. Such a pet is perfect for family and calm people. Dogs of this breed do not like vanity and noise, so in such situations they, as a rule, are quiet or completely hide. Such spaniels are very tender and kind, most often choose one owner, they still consider it authority, so they obey and love most of all.
Dog with a quiet disposition
Dog with a quiet disposition
  • Collie. It is unlikely that anyone does not know about such a breed of dogs as Collie. These are good -natured, incredibly smart, responsive and understanding pets. They are fully focused on their master, their family and their needs. Collles are very easy to study, love children and are very rarely aggressive. You can start such a dog even when there is a newborn child in the house, since the collie can be a great nanny for the baby.
Good collie
Good collie
  • Ksolittskuyntli. In the simple way, this breed is called Ksolo. These are easily trained, wise and balanced dogs. Ksolo does not really like the presence of some other pets in their house, they also do not really like noisy companies and strangers. Such pets are very fond of their owners and try to spend as much time as possible with them, so they literally follow them on the heels.
  • Chinese crested dog. These little cute dogs are considered one of the most devoted companions, they are easy to study and love their owners madly. Without proper upbringing, the dogs of this breed become shy and constantly barking.
  • Kurzhaar. Such dogs are distinguished by energy, activity, mind and ingenuity. As a rule, such dogs immediately choose one owner and most often they show all their feelings only to him. Kurzhaars are very good hunters and watchmen, such a dog learns quite quickly and easily, but it necessarily needs training. It is improper upbringing that sometimes makes this smart dog an ill -educated and not socialized animal.

Dogs with the letter lm: the name of the breed, description of character, photo

  • Laika Russian-European. Such a dog should be kept exclusively in a private house with a large territory, since it needs a place for physical activity. These likes are very kind and obedient, they love children, but aggressively behave with other animals, because by nature they are leaders.
  • Laika East Siberian. Dogs of this breed are also distinguished by kindness to their family, and children in particular. East Siberian likes need daily physical exertion, so lazy people and homebody can not be started by such pets.
  • Laika West Siberian. These pets are very devoted and smart, but completely independent. The training of such dogs is quite difficult, sometimes they do not want to execute the necessary commands. From such a likes, with proper training, a good watchman and hunter will be obtained.
  • Leonberger. The dogs of such a breed are distinguished by restraint, the ability to show aggression only where it is necessary. Leonberger is an excellent companion and watchman.
  • Maltese. These dogs are distinguished by excessive activity, playfulness and devotion. Such a dog can be started as a faithful friend. Such dogs get along well with other pets, even if they sometimes cause them some inconvenience.
  • Mastiff English. Despite its frightening look, the English mastiff is a calm and balanced dog, which, with proper education, will never attack a person. Such dogs are not prone to active games, so they are difficult with young children, but mastiffs are good at older children, protect them.
  • Pug. Such pets are distinguished by devotion, the ability to support the owner. By nature, pugs are not hooligans, they do not need to devote too much time and they do not need great physical exertion. Such pets are ideal for keeping in the apartment.

Dogs for the letter n-r: the name of the breed, description of character, photo

  • German dog. Dogs of this breed are very characteristic and wayward, so they need an experienced owner with a solid character. German dogs are very strong dogs, but at the same time they know where it is appropriate to show this force. In a calm atmosphere, these are loving, gentle and playful creatures.
  • Newfoundland. Due to their impressive sizes, Newfoundlands are considered formidable dogs. In fact, the dogs of this breed are very affectionate, they never bark and they themselves prefer not to attack people. Pets are very easy to study and differ in their obedience.
Impressive dimensions
Impressive dimensions
  • German Shepherd. Perhaps everyone knows that German shepherds are one of the most intelligent and devoted dogs. By their nature, these pets are very kind, calm, but at the same time they are always ready to protect their family and the owner. German shepherds are trained quickly and easily.
The most devoted
The most devoted
  • Papillon. These little pets are distinguished by their curiosity and activity. It is almost impossible to force the papillon to sit in the arms of the owner, because he always needs to sniff, catch, look for something. It is necessary to teach such dogs since childhood, otherwise the bad manner and fear of strangers will make an aggressive and intimidated dog out of a sweet pet.
  • Pekingese. Dogs of this breed are quite demanding, need constantly attention and care. With children, as a rule, Beijes coexist well, but such animals do not love such dogs very much.
  • Poodle. Poodles are different, but they all have common qualities of character. These are extremely smart and easily trained dogs that always find time for entertainment. Such pets are very fond of their owners and, if possible, try to protect.
  • Rizenshnutuzer. These dogs are excellent guards and defenders, despite this, they love to play and need constant attention from their owners. If the dogs of such a breed are not trained or trained, then they are unlikely to treat children and other animals well.
  • Rottweiler. These are very strong, strong -willed, hardy dogs that need the same owners. Without vocational training, such dogs can be aggressive and evil and even attack people. In general, the nature of these dogs corresponds to the activity that they most often do - protection, protection. It is also worth noting that rottweilers need daily serious physical activity.
  • Russian that terrier. These dogs are very active, energetic, love to play. Russian TOI is distinguished by their devotion. They endure the separation with the owner extremely difficult, up to the deterioration of health. Of the negative qualities, you can call unreasonable barking, a constant desire to bite and dig something.
Russian that terrier
Russian that terrier

Dogs for the letter s-f: the name of the breed, description of character, photo

  • Salyuki. The pets of this breed are very calm, balanced and faithful, they always choose the same owner for themselves and love him much more than other family members. In training, Salyuki are naughty, they like to be distracted by pranks.
Calm breed
Calm breed
  • Senbernar. A nyanka dog, a rescue dog and a devoted friend-this is how you can briefly describe these large dogs. Very smart, gentle and educated, never attack people for no significant reasons. Senbernars are very quickly attached to their family and love children very much.
Has only positive characteristics
Has only positive characteristics
  • Dachshund. Such animals are very active, you can travel with them. Training and training of dachshunds are extremely difficult and sometimes can be strongly holigated.
  • Tibetan mastiff. The dogs of such a breed are very strong, hardy, proud and sometimes stubborn. Such a dog can be started by a person who had experience in communicating with similar dominant animals. Tibetan mastiff is a real defender who will never leave his family and master in danger.
  • Wippet. Such an animal must be started for the soul. Whipple is an incredibly good -natured, faithful and understanding dog. By nature, such pets are very quiet, calm, sometimes generally invisible. The family and the owner mean a lot to such dogs.
For the soul
For the soul
  • Pharaionov Dog. These are extremely wayward dogs, which often ignore the owner’s commands. The dog needs to be taught to Faralov from childhood, otherwise it will dominate, and give all the family members big troubles.

Dogs for the letter h-I: the name of the breed, description of character, photo

  • Chihuahua. These little cute creatures have an incredible mind, they understand the owner at a glance and know how to be grateful. They love affection very much, attention to themselves, to their family are tied very quickly, and the separation is transferred extremely painfully.
  • Sharpei. Sharpei is a fairly freedom -loving breed. Such dogs are jealous, do not really like children, and they can show aggression to strangers and other animals. With proper training, such pets are more restrained and loving.
  • Shelty. These are very smart, active, devoted animals. They easily find a common language even with tiny children, not particularly aggressive to other pets. They love and protect their master.
  • Shipperke. Despite the small size, the dogs of this breed are excellent defenders and watchmen. They love their family, but they are extremely wary of strangers. Sometimes such dogs do not like children, they get along well with other animals.
  • Shi-Tzu. These are companions. They love their owners and try to spend the maximum of time with them. It must also be said that the dogs of this breed have a cheerful and playful character.
Great companions
Great companions
  • South African Burbul. The dogs of this breed are distinguished by extraordinary strength, power and devotion. This dog is perfectly suited as a watchman and a guard - if its owner will be in danger, she will never retreat without eliminating her. Despite such qualities, such a pet also loves affection and attention, loves to play and indulge. It is important to note that with children these dogs do not always find a common language.
  • Japanese Khin. These dogs differ in their love of love, they do not bark at passers -by, normally perceive the presence of other animals. If the owner does not pay the right amount of attention to them, Hino can be ugly

As you can see, there are a huge number of different breeds of dogs, and they all differ from each other. When starting a pet, remember, his behavior is the result of your upbringing and attitude to it.

Video: What is the dog’s breed for you? Test

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