All about bees and beekeeping for beginners - where to start, how to care for bees, feed and process bees: description, video. Federal Law on Beekeeping: Content. Products for beekeeping from China - how to order on Aliexpress: links to the catalog

All about bees and beekeeping for beginners - where to start, how to care for bees, feed and process bees: description, video. Federal Law on Beekeeping: Content. Products for beekeeping from China - how to order on Aliexpress: links to the catalog

In the article you will find out where to start beekeeping, what to pay attention to, what knowledge the beginner beekeeper should have.


Beekeeping for beginners from scratch: where to start?

Bee care secrets are often passed down from generation to generation. However, many want to master the science of beekeeping from scratch. For this, first of all, you need to learn more about beekeeping. It is advisable to make an acquaintance with experienced beekeepers who can share their experience.

If you decide to connect your life with beekeeping, find out if this lesson suits you:

  • You should not have an allergy to bee poison. It can be very dangerous for your health and life.
  • You must be physically strong. The beekeeping involves a lot of physical exertion.
  • The apiary requires considerable financial investments.

Veterinary and sanitary rules and the rules for maintaining bees in settlements: Description

Important: the content of the bees should be approached responsibly, especially if the hives are located in the village. It is required to create the most correct conditions for the calm life of neighbors and bees. Sometimes unpleasant situations happen when bees bite people reaching the trial.

There are veterinary and sanitary rules for all beekeepers. Consider the main points:

  1. The distance from the hives to the neighboring plot should be at least 3 m, provided that the flyers will be directed to the side of the neighboring site.
  2. The site should be fenced in a height of at least 2 m.
  3. If there is a public institution nearby, the required distance is at least 100 m.
  4. The distance to confectionery, chemical enterprises - at least 5 km.
  5. In settlements, the peaceful breeds of bees - Karnik, Carpathian, gray mountain Caucasian should contain.
  6. Before the work, the beekeeper must warn the neighbors.
  7. On the site, a first -aid kit is required to provide medical care with antihistamines.
  8. Work should be carried out with the presence of a smoke - a special device for pacifying bees.
  9. The beekeeper must have a veterinary and sanitary passport.
  10. Before placing nomadic apiaries, it is necessary to obtain permission from the state veterinary institution.
Pashek Requirements: Norms and Rules

How many bees should be in the hive?

Important: bees do not work alone, a whole bee family lives in the hive. The number of family members reaches dozens, or even hundreds of thousands of individuals.

The number of bees in the hive hesitates, it depends on the time of the year:

  1. In the spring, the weak family is about 25 thousand individuals, strong-35-45 thousand.
  2. In summer, a weak family has about 50 thousand individuals, a strong colony can reach 130 thousand individuals.

There is no chaos in the bee family. Each individual knows its place and business, there is a hierarchical staircase:

  • Uterus - The most important in the hive. She is one for the whole family. Its task is to deposit eggs. Good uterus per season lays up to 200,000 eggs. The uterus is larger than working bees. She, as expected, has her own retinue that feeds and removes. Without uterus, the Bee Family is not able to exist.
  • Working bees - The main mass of the swarm. They are divided into flight and hive. Flight bees collect nectar and pollen, hive - work in the hive.
  • Drown They only exist for mating with the uterus. Drown is much smaller than working bees (1-2 thousand individuals). At the end of the season, bees drive out drones from the hive and destroy the remaining drum larvae.

The strength of the bee family lies in young individuals born at the end of summer. This makes it possible to safely survive the wintering and work at full force in the spring. Weak families lose a lot of effort during the winter.

Small part of the bee family

When is it necessary to expose bees from the winter house?

The hot season at the beekeeper begins at the end of winter - early spring. At this time, bees from the winter road have to be taken out.

The exact date of removal of bees does not exist from the winter road, this procedure depends on many factors:

  • Air temperature. By the time of the bees removal, the air temperature should be at least 8 ° C.
  • Do not postpone a removal if the bees are very noisy in the wintering room, and also when the food was scarce in winter.
  • The removal of hives is most appropriate when the hazel, willow, vine bloom.

Paski is prepared in advance:

  1. Install stages for the hives so that they are tilted forward.
  2. Sprinkle or straw is sprinkled in front of the hives. This enables bees not to freeze on unheated land.
  3. If the removal of the hives is needed, and the snow still has not disappeared, it is necessary to rake it and populate the earth with a tarp or cardboard. Sprinkle with straw or sawdust on top.

It is necessary to complete the removal of the hives by noon, you should start in the morning. If the apiary is large, some begin to take the hives in the evening.

How is the end of the bees:

  1. Previously, the flyers are closed.
  2. When the flyers are closed, the door to the winter road can be left open so that the spring air penetrates the hive.
  3. For the removal of the hives, two people will need the participation.
  4. It is important to work calmly, quietly, without too much noise. Take the hives with the flyers back.
  5. After all the hives are in the field, wait for the moment when the bees calm down, stop buzzing.
  6. Now you can open notes. If the hives stand in old places or far from each other, you can open all the flyers at once.
  7. If the hives are located close to each other, the flyers open through one. This is done so that the families do not interfere and do not get confused.
  8. Within an hour after the opening of the summer, the bees make a cleansing flying. The task of the beekeeper at this moment is to carefully monitor families in order to assess the state of health of families.
Ulev's removal from Zimovnik

When to process the bees in the spring: Dates

Important: the behavior of bees during a cleansing switch gives the leadership of the beekeeper for further measures. At this time, the first work is carried out.

What problems can arise and how to solve them:

  1. If there is no coherence in the bee of Roy, the bees seem to be looking for someone, this means that the family was left without uterus. In this case, the orphan family must be united with another family who has a uterus.
  2. If the bees do not fly out of the hive, you should open the 8th ties, then knock on the hive. Perhaps the bees ate abundantly in the winter, and now they are lazy to fly. After knocking in the hive, several workers will appear out, at this time you can open the hive cover so that the spring air stir up the bees.
  3. But there is another reason for the non -bitch's failure is a meager feeding during wintering. Feeding is necessary sugar syrup, honey.
  4. First, they inspect and feed weak families, strong families are fed last.
  5. After the “spring walk”, the bees return to the hive. They can blame. Need to observe. If this happens, the dirty frames are replaced by new ones with honey. Dirty - clean and disinfect.

When the first works are completed, preparations are to be prepared for the main period of building families. For these works, the second half of spring is released.

Bee breeding for beginners: spring work with bees, inspection, top dressing, processing from ticks and diseases in March, April, May

The first work with bees is carried out on the day of removal, in March. It is important to establish existing problems in families to solve them as soon as possible:

  • If the bees have diarrhea after the first flying, this may indicate a disease such as nosematosis. To establish a diagnosis, Podor (a bee that died during wintering) should be submitted to the laboratory. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the bees will need treatment.
  • For prevention from ticks on the top of the framework, anticoic acid or special drugs are placed.
  • In each hive there is a drinker with water.

In April, the following work is carried out:

  1. Inspection of families and, in particular, uterus. Old queens (from 3 years old) and patients need to be replaced with new ones.
  2. Cleaning of the buildings in multi -case hives.
  3. The selection of individuals in strong families for growing young uterus and the formation of layering.
  4. Feeding and adding wax to families.

In May:

  1. The room of the uterus in the insulator. Three days later, the formulation of layers with the uterus is formed in the insulator.
  2. Identification of fistulas, destruction of them.
  3. Preparation, inspection of vaccination frames.
Spring work on the apiary

Formation of bees of bees in early spring: Description

The formation of layers is done with the following goals:

  • Replenishment of bee families.
  • Prevention of growth.
  • Building labor in front of the main bribe.

When, after the winter, it will be possible to observe and identify stronger young broods, 1-2 frames of brood without the uterus are selected from families. These frames are placed in a box and closed. When 6 frames with brood gather, they are placed in a pre -prepared hive. The layering is formed when heat was established, but there is still no strong honey collection.

Video: Formation of bees layers in the spring

Herbs sown specifically for bees: Names, List

Important: honey plants near the apiary is an important condition for the production of honey.

There are a lot of honey plants. These are trees, shrubs, herbs. It often happens that there are not enough honey plants near the site. To do this, beekeepers sow special herbs that will provide bees of bribes.

Such herbs include:

  • Melissa;
  • Donnik white;
  • Kotovnik;
  • Cucumber grass;
  • Fatselia;
  • Mordovian;
  • Bruise;
  • Clover white and red;
  • Cornflower.

Bees love agricultural plants:

  • Buckwheat;
  • Rape;
  • Sunflower;
  • Mustard.

Bee breeding for beginners: summer work with bees, inspection, top dressing, processing from ticks and diseases in June, July, August

Important: the summer time is the longest time for the beekeeper. At this time, you can collect honey. But in addition to the honey collection, the apiary has many important and compulsory works, without which the apiary simply will not exist.

The range of summer work in the apiary is as follows:

  1. Prevention of growth.
  2. Expansion of nests.
  3. The choice of a place for nomadic apiaries and the removal of bees on a honey collection.
  4. Pumping honey.
  5. Replacing old uterus.
  6. Bee families extensions.
  7. Therapeutic and preventive measures.

In the first month of summer, the active increase in bee families continues, the eggs reaches the maximum amount. To create favorable conditions, beekeepers expand the nests with wax, honeycombs or buildings, and store extensions are used. This process interferes with grief. But if the swarm still came out, it is necessary to transplant the bees into the hive. At this time, in front of a honey collection, it is advisable to replace the old uterus young.

July is the time of the main honey collection. By this time, you need to carefully prepare:

  • Choose a place and take out the bees to the honey collection and pollination of cultures;
  • Prepare equipment for pumping honey (honey plants, containers, etc.);
  • Create conditions for the work of bee uterus;

In late July - early August, the bee uterus produces less eggs. The number of members of the bee family is reduced by the end of the summer, so the nests need to be reduced. At the end of the honey collection of bees from a nomadic apiary, you need to transport home. At this time, the preparation of the wintering room should be engaged in the preparation.

Apassine in the summer

How bees fuel: bee grinding and measures to prevent it

IMPORTANT: RISIT is a natural process of dividing the bee family, which is characterized by leaving the hive of one part of the family.

Reding occurs on a warm calm day. You can see that a bee cloud rushes from the hive. They hang on a tree or shrub, waiting for reconnaissance bees. As soon as the scouts find suitable housing, the swarm flies there.


  1. Overpopulation. If you do not expand the nests, the active extension of the family leads to cramped.
  2. Too many uterine feeders. If the uterine has more than the right number of nursing, they build coffee motherlands from idleness. When the motherware seal, the old uterus flies out of the hive.
  3. Sunciates and stuffiness. It is believed that the growth in the hives located in the shade occurs less often.

Reding occurs in early summer. If the growth occurs in early spring, in the fall, this indicates the disadvantage of the family or unbearable conditions.

The readiness of bees for the Rena can be seen by the following signs:

  • The structure of honeycombs ceases.
  • Bees gnaw at the summer.
  • They stop feeding the uterus, which is why it becomes small and acquires the ability to fly.
  • There are many drones.
  • Bees do not fly behind the nectar, gather on the walls of the hive.
  • The buzz of the swarm of the swarm is enhanced.

The task of the beekeeper: to prevent grief, and if this happened, to catch the bees in an empty hive. Beekeepers also use the technique of artificial growth to increase the family.

Bee grumbling: What to do?

How to catch a swarm of bees in an empty hive?

Beekeepers use various methods to prevent the growth:

  • Cut the wings of the uterus.
  • Close the summer with a grill, complement the hive with honeycombs and frames with wax. This is how new construction occurs, and the growth process fades away.
  • Use multi -hives.
  • They move a new family in an empty hive.

How to catch bees in a new hive:

  1. For this, traps are made in the form of hives with 8 frames. The summer should be closed with a net for further transportation.
  2. The traps should be frames with wax and land.
  3. Traps are hung on trees at an altitude of 3-4 m.
  4. Then you need to check whether the Roy flew out. The probability is large that the bees choose a trap.
  5. As soon as the bees settled, they need to be quickly transported to a stationary apiary, until they are used to the new place.
  6. After a few days, the bees will become mastered, they can be placed in a permanent hive, which will stand in the same place.

Video: Fighting bees

Why are the bees gnawing wax?

Sometimes beekeepers notice that the bees gnaw wax near the wire. This is due to a number of reasons:

  1. Bees do not like the smell of oiled wire.
  2. Bees instinctively want to get rid of wire.
  3. Weak families gnaw at wax.

Why don't bees seal honey?

Important: honey is considered completely ripened and ready to use when the bees seal the honeycomb.

But it happens that the honeycomb is not 100%sealed. The process of sealing honeycombs occurs when the honeycombs are completely filled and excess moisture evaporated from honey. If excess moisture has not evaporated, then honey is not ready for sealing. It happens that the period of the bribe is over, and the honeycombs are not filled with honey. Then the bees will not seal honey, but this does not mean that honey has not ripened. After a while, honey will ripen.

It is unprofitable to expect a complete sealing of honeycombs for the work of the apiary. Having completed honeycombs, the bees work much more slowly.

Bee breeding for beginners: autumn work with bees, inspection, top dressing, processing from ticks and diseases in September, October, November

Autumn work in the apiary is the time of preparation for winter. And on how you prepare, it will depend whether a prosperous wintering or not.

Autumn work with bees consist in the following processes:

  1. Autumn revision of bees. After the main honey collection, at the end of August it is necessary to assess the condition of the hives, the amount of brood, the presence of the uterus, and determine the amount of honey and perga.
  2. Providing bees with food. The best food is honey, but sometimes the bees do not have time to collect the right amount of honey for feeding. Then the beekeepers feed sugar syrup. If a parade was discovered in honey, then such honey is not left to feed bees, it is replaced by sugar syrup. Otherwise, the family will get sick.
  3. Protection against bees-howls. When the bribe is no longer there, the bees are still active. Therefore, thiefs can penetrate your hives, they can significantly reduce honey reserves. And this means depriving your bees of food for the winter. To combat beeswear theft, it is necessary to take measures: to reduce the flyers to minimum sizes, to close the cracks and cracks in the hives, water the hives with water-this will scare away the bees, the lubrication of the walls of the hives with kerosene (helps only at the initial stages of theft).
  4. Until September, it is necessary to build a family from young bees. The old bees are no longer living until the next season, so it is necessary to build up a new strong family so that in the spring the bees fly to bribes. It is important that the young bees manage to fly around in the fall, then they will safely survive the winter.
  5. Assembly of the nest for the winter. It is produced after the main part of the young bees has already been withdrawn. The approximate date of assembly of the nest dates back to the beginning of October.
  6. Processing of bees from ticks with special preparations.
Autumn revision of bees

When is it necessary to reduce the bee nest?

The assembly of the nest is the final stage of work on the apiary. It is carried out in order to ensure comfortable conditions by bee families for wintering.

The date of formation of the nest depends on the climate. In the southern regions, you need to collect the nest before the beginning of October. In the middle lane - until the beginning of September.

There are several ways to assemble a nest, you can learn one of them by watching a video.

Video: Assembly of a bee nest for the winter

When are the bees gather in the club for the winter?

In the fall, when the temperature begins to drop to 8-13 ° C, the bees form a dense club around the brood. So they warm the larvae, maintaining the necessary temperature during the winter, and they are warming themselves.

When, after cloudy cold weather, the sun warms, the bees fly out onto the autumn flying. In the south of Russia, wings are even in November, in the middle lane - in October, in Siberia - the club does not appear out of 6 months.

Preparation of bees for wintering, Formation of the nest: Description

Preparation of bee families for wintering is a final inspection. After that, the bees are not touched until spring. During the last revision, you can fix something, improve. Check the presence of food: the excess full framework is put to weak families. The frame should have at least 2 kg of honey. The extra frames, not leaned with bees, are removed, because honey in them can mold. The lower summer is closed, the upper is reduced.

The hives are transferred to the winter road when stable cold weather has come (the beginning is mid -November). To transfer the hives, you need to close all the notes, then, when the bees stop buzzing, the flyers open.

Wintering bees in Omshanik, a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, on the street: conditions, temperature

Bees can winter in different conditions:

  • On the street;
  • In the winter house.

Wintering bees on the street implies the insulation of the hives with snow from the wind and cold. In some regions, the crowds are additionally wrapped. The flyers are left ajar.

Many beekeepers recommend cleaning the bees in wintering people. These can be specially built omskhniki, which are terrestrial, underground and semi -underground. The requirements for maintaining temperature depend on the type of wintering room:

  • Closed type-0-3 ° C;
  • Open type-4-6 ° C.

If the bees are hot, they will buzz. Then the temperature should be reduced in the wintering room. There should be no noise, light, vibration in the hives and near the hives. It is recommended to purchase red lamps to go around winterers.

Omshannik for wintering bees
Hives in the Omshannik

Winter work with bees, top dressing in December, January, February: Recommendations

Winter work with bees is minimized:

  1. In December, hives are insulated, which winter on the street;
  2. In January, there are no submissions. If there is, collect and send to the laboratory for analysis.
  3. In February, the bees feed Kandy.

In winter, it is important to do examinations to check if everything is in order with the bees. Identification of problems at an early stage helps to solve them faster.

Necessary assistance to bees in winter: several important tips

  • The bees winter in the dark and silence, do not bother them. Excessive noise and light can lead to the departure of bees.
  • During the winter, the hives are cleaned a couple of times of dead bees, cleaning the flyers.
  • Hotes need to be protected from mice, which in winter activate and harm bees.
  • To make the bees easier to move the wintering, the hives with strong families are placed below, at the door, weak families are placed higher - in a warmer place.
  • If during wintering the family has lost the uterus, the bees begin to make noise, individual bees buzz louder than anyone. Such a family can be transferred to another place so that it does not disturb the rest.
Wintering bees on the street

How much the honey bee lives: the life expectancy of a bee

Important: the life span is short -lived. The long-life bee can live 180 days. The shortest life of the bee is 24 days.

Life expectancy depends on the intensity of the work of workers. Work in the hive, work during a bribe contributes to the wear of the body. The bees bred in the fall accumulate their strength during wintering, they live longer than their spring and summer brothers.

  • Summer and spring individuals of working bees live about 1-2 months.
  • September can live up to 6 months.
  • The uterus can live up to 5 years, but beekeepers change the uterus every 2 years.
  • Drouts live several days less than working bees, on average their life cycle is 22-29 days.

In the nest, new individuals are constantly hatched, so the process of natural replacement of old bees new is unnoticed.

Federal Law on Beekeeping: Contents

The essence of the bill “On Beekeeping”: to resolve in the legal field the relationship between the state, beekeepers and neighbors; bring the branch of beekeeping to a new level; Install product quality control.

Many beekeepers respond positively about the bill, they hope and expect that beekeeping will reach a new, more progressive level.

Products for beekeeping from China - how to order on Aliexpress: links to the catalog

On a popular site Aliexpress can be ordered:

  • beekeeping tools,
  • overalls,
  • bees care devices and
  • other useful things.

View the catalog of goods for beekeepers on Aliexpress you can here.

Beekeeping is a painstaking science, complex. If you decide to engage in beekeeping, you will have to fill a lot of cones, draw your conclusions and gain experience. Beekeeping does not forgive mistakes, but the reward of faithful works is a rich crop of delicious, high -quality and healthy honey.

Video: errors of novice beekeepers

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